California’s K-12 students will be required to get vaccinated against COVID-19 to attend classes in person once federal regulators fully approve the available vaccines for younger age groups, Gov. Gavin Newsom announced Friday.
The vaccine requirement for students — the first of its kind issued by a state government, Newsom touted — would take effect at the beginning of the school term following full approval by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration, either Jan. 1 or July 1, 2022.
The requirement would first apply to students age 12 and older in grades seven through 12, according to Newsom, and would at a later date apply to the remaining students under age 12.
“We want to end this pandemic,” Newsom said Friday during a briefing at James Denman Middle School in San Francisco. “We are all exhausted by it, and the purpose of this is to continue to lead in that space. I believe we will be the first state in American to move forward with this mandate and requirement but I do not believe by any stretch of the imagination will be the last state.”
A handful of school districts have already issued their own vaccine mandates for students or are considering doing so, including the Los Angeles Unified, San Francisco Unified, San Jose Unified and West Contra Costa Unified school districts.
Newsom, who has often emphasized the importance of tailoring the state’s pandemic response to the wants and needs of local governments, argued that school districts will still have the flexibility to enact vaccination requirements ahead of the state’s deadline if they choose to do so.
“We recognize in a state that’s larger than 21 other states combined that one size cannot fit all — with one caveat, and that is baseline expectations,” he said. “And that’s what we’re providing here is a baseline expectation.”
To date, only the two-dose vaccine developed by Pfizer-BioNTech has been fully approved by the FDA, and only for people ages 16 and older.
However, it has been available under emergency use authorization since May to children as young as age 12. According to Newsom, roughly 63.5 percent of children age 12 to 17 have received at least one vaccine dose.
The vaccines developed by Moderna and Johnson & Johnson’s pharmaceutical subsidiary Janssen are expected to receive full approval as soon as November as federal health officials weigh clinical data on the vaccines’ safety and efficacy among children under 12.
Newsom argued that the vaccine requirement, in concept, is no different than the requirements the state has had for years for illnesses including measles, polio, chickenpox, diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis.
“In so many ways, it’s the most familiar conversation,” he said. “Because every parent has had this conversation since they brought their kids into school, public or private: they have to be vaccinated.”
Newsom added that the requirement will include the standard exemptions for people who cannot get vaccinated due to religious or medical reasons.
In a statement, California Teachers Association President E. Toby Boyd said the union supported requiring COVID-19 vaccines for students just as it supported the state’s requirement for teachers and school staff to get vaccinated or test for the virus regularly.
“Since the beginning, CTA has called for access to vaccines, testing and multi-layered safety measures in order to be reunited with our students in our classrooms,” Boyd said. “As the science advances and COVID vaccines are approved for younger students, this in the next step toward ensuring the health and safety of our schools and communities consistent with other vaccine requirements in schools.”
Absolute madness..
How is this any different than the existing (and longstanding) vaccination requirements for public education in CA?
50 states and DC require school children to be vaccinated for polio, diphtheria, tetanus, pertussis (whooping cough), and chickenpox. Forty nine require vaccination for measles, mumps, and rubella. Over 40 require vaccination for hepatitis. You clearly are uninformed or just plain foolish. Medical science has increased the human species’ ability to survive. Are you suicidal or one of those religious whackos who trusts only in something supernatural?
Let’s see how many kids end up in the ER with serious side effects, OR WORSE.
@The fat cat@Phil
All those required vaccines all prevented serious diseases that actually killed or made children sick. Not to mention those vaccines have been thoroughly tested. This “disease” does not affect children. We have never vaccinated children in order to protect adults. Especially with a vaccine that has no long term understanding of its potential side affects. Folks I lived in concord for 20 years and wife did since birth. Move to Texas if you want to live with sanity and where children aren’t guinea pigs.
@ todo sanchos man … agreed!
How can they compare this to our current vax requirements that even I had as a child before becoming a parent??? This is a brand new technology without ANY long term studies !!! Anyone that says that it’s the same are completely ignorant.
The other immunizations have a proven track record. The COVID shot does not.
Pay close attention to what “Former Californian” posted. And realize that you comparing the Covid vaccine to the Polio vaccine makes you look like a foolish supernatural religious whacko; which is just what you accused “Todos Santos Man” of being. Personally, I prefer lying dog-faced pony soldier.
This “vaccine” is very different as it modifies your MRNA to combat the virus…all other vaccines have either dead or less lethal protein from the actual virus
You can’t fix stupid. This virus is new, it caused a world wide pandemic. 700,000 have died in the US alone. The vaccine was authorized as an emergency measure. It works for most. All vaccines cause side effects, some of which can be problematic for some individuals. Given the unknown nature of this virus, the vaccine is worth the risk. If you don’t get it or allow your children to get it, that’s your decision, but I’ve seen a lot more stories about folks dying who wish they got it than folks who got sick and wished they hadn’t.
@Phil, 700K died and how many of them were in the age range of this mandate? I’ll answer that: 387. In the whole USA, to date.
We’re talking about mandating a new vaccine with known serious side effects for young males that occur in every few thousand. For a virus that has basically no chance of killing anyone this age and very low chance of harming them seriously at all.
Lots of these kids have already had Covid. They are getting no benefit from the vax (or very slight benefit) and all the risks, maybe even enhanced risk of side effects.
Once adults are vaccinated Covid is no longer a serious health threat, certainly not for children! It’s not right to jump straight to a mandate when the risk/benefit ratio is so weak for this age group, and the vax is so new.
Fine. Don’t vaccinate the young. Take the chance that a virus mutation won’t occur that attacks the most abundant unprotected humans. It won’t be my child. I no longer give a rats tail if other kids die. More for mine. Tired of preaching to the ignorant. Bye!
You’re the ignorant one here. Unvaxxed kids are less in danger of severe Covid than vaxxed adults. You can look that up.
As for variants, the most numerous unvaxxed population isn’t American kids, it’s the rest of the world! The virus is global, and it’s endemic. If you don’t grok that you aren’t dealing with reality at all.
Further, these vaxxes are not sterilizing. The virus will still circulate in vaxxed populations, so this isn’t going to keep it from reproducing and yes, mutating. So what? The vaccines can be updated if needed. So far they do a great job on all the variants in terms of severe outcomes.
Finally, it’s been clear everywhere that cases in kids follow the trend in adult cases, not the other way around. If the adult population has low spread then kids won’t drive a new wave of Covid – they will have low case rates as well.
Only tunnel vision, and focusing on adults at the expense of kids’ well-being, could make this seem like a good idea.
Like you said YOU made the decision to have your kid get this vaccine. Because you did not personally have a concern about it you don’t think anyone else should either. Or maybe you figure you want everyone else to possibly end up with god knows what long-term effects from this vaccine your child may experience down the road.
Regardless you showed your true colors by admitting that you do not care if unvaccinated kids die, it is “more for mine.” How repulsive are you?
Enjoy your future three-eyed grandchildren.
It’s funny how the replies to this supporting the rule have no mention of any science or medical principle. They just conflate arguments and spout what they think is virtue. They always offer passive aggressive attacks on people to create an assumption others are dumb or evil.
Covid has a CFR that is 0.01 where the flu is 1. That INCLUDES the deaths for those over 50yo. This CFR for people under the age of 50yo is closer to a lightening strikes risk. Certainly, deaths in people below 18yo are so minimal we cannot be sure that it isn’t a typo (literally, the number is so low it is listed as 0 on many countries rate data).
We do not mandate the flu vaccine and it is about as effective at preventing transmission as the Covid vaccine.
According to ccc Health not one kid under eighteen in the county has died of covid. Vaccinating them with something we are totally not sure about yet is unwarranted.
I agree, Ricardoh! According to California Department of Public Health we have had Covid-19 deaths <5yrs old: 11, 5-17yrs: 26…80+:25,889, 75-79yrs:8,085, 70-74yr:7,943 and 65-69yrs:7,363…look at the chart and percentage of population:
We are mitigating by vaccinating healthy children with the hopes that the desirable effects of disease prevention in those 65+ outweigh the potential harms like myocarditis/anaphylaxis/myopericarditis, These vaccines are still undergoing real-world vaccine effectiveness studies and post authorization vaccine safety monitoring.
This whole time children’s well-being has been sacrificed on the altar of adult fears. This is more of the same.
Why is anyone shocked or surprised about this? There’s quite a few other required shots for public schools. Now there’s one more. Adding required shots for California schools has been the life goal of Senator Richard Pan.
How many of the those vaccines are still classified as experimental?
Maybe you should ask yourself what is different here and actually look for an answer.
It’s ‘mainstream science’ now to recognize that the risk of heart inflammation after the second dose of Pfizer could be as high as one in a few thousand for young males. Their risk of serious Covid outcome is very low. Not a slam dunk, shouldn’t be mandated. Also, many of these kids have already got Covid. They benefit very slightly or not at all from the vax, and they get all the risks. Doesn’t make any sense for them. That’s not comparable to any of the existing mandated vaccines.
Newsom survived recall, which clearly indicates this is what almost all CA residents wanted.
Mandates, and it’s consequences, is what this state deserves.
If the recall had only include the non-coastal counties he would have been recalled. California’s political polarization continues to yield a tyranny of the elite metropolis’.
This makes me sicker than COVID
My kids will NEVER take the experimental RNA gene therapy drug aka the vaccine , which from the beginning, was NOT SAFE OR EFFECTIVE. As parents we need to come together now to form our own home schools
Bay slashers I am so glad to read this! Bc almost all my kid’s friends have been jabbed and I’ve been feeling like we are the only family saying NO to experimental science in our kids healthy young bodies.
Thank you!
Bayslashers, Puffandstuff: you are NOT alone!!
Not nearly as alone as you think.
We will be saying NO as well. Until mRNA treatment jabs have been around for at least a decade, it should be illegal to vaxx kids. How much you want to bet newscums kids will get some kind of waiver?
My young teen recently had covid. She had the sniffles and mild congestion. Yep, its so dangerous for kids. 🙄
And I know I keep repeating this, but if the current jabs work, why are the vaxxed so afraid of the unjabbed??? Truly, I’d love to hear a sensical answer.
They just want to keep the black children, who are less likely to receive the vaccine, out of school. Extremely evil move by Governor Newsom and the state.
Newsom said “the vaccine requirement, in concept, is no different than the requirements the state has had for years”….IN CONCEPT, but not in TRUTH or EFFICACY or NECESSITY!!!!
America is hurtling toward a complete totalitarian state, all control and power OVER the people using the virus is upon us. Face it, your inaction and willingness to concede your freedoms and liberties to the fear mongers have led to this. The new world order “one world government” will be forced on the world and nothing can stop it now. It’s too late. Fortunately for those of faith, Jesus will return soon and destroy the forces of evil and satan himself. Now is the time to come to Jesus, and receive forgiveness and be blessed with everlasting life in Heaven. Feel what is happening and see the truth and the wicked forces in place. Don’t be left behind.
@Resist, you better watch it…..Phil will call you a religious whacko. He may even call me one, too, as I agree with almost everything you wrote. I certainly believe Jesus will be returning, but in the meantime, I don’t believe it’s too late for America as you do. I believe that there is only so much that people will stand for and that those people are just about done standing.
Amen! My household is watching and waiting!
As for me and my house, we will serve the Lord.
I wonder how many families are going to say “this is the last straw”. I’m so desperate to not force this vaccine upon my children!!!
Sorry Gav we have a religious exemption. My family just joined the Church of the Non-vaccinated. We worship freedom. We are required by our God to resist tyranny. To comply with an order issued by tyrant would be a mortal sin.
We are members of the PUREBLOOD temple right down the street. We are also required by God to resist tyranny and worship freedom.
Some will say this is GREAT … but I think this is such a SAD day in the history of our once great state.
Only two CA districts have mandates in place now, others are thinking of it … Now, those other districts don’t even get a choice … we must bow to Newcum.
The only good thing is that the dates Newcum proposed are so far out there, we have a chance to fight this in court and have his aggressive stupidity overturned. Newscum stands there and says he wants to ‘lead in this space’ … well he is leading California farther and farther into the sewer.
Some will argue that we have other vaccine requirements; therefore it is okay to add one more. But the challenge there is that most of those are FEDERAL in nature. FEDERAL. Newscum is NOT the federal government (and I pray he will NEVER be). Those requirements are based off of years of research and trial.
Another challenge with this mandate of his (and others), is that this is still political in nature. Unfortunately, Newscum, Breed, Biden, Trump, Harris, Pence, Farantino, Cody and all of those fools made this political. And the media ate it up, and perpetuated the politicalness of this event. Nobody in leadership is being honest with us. So we will continue to be divided … Not one of those people is trying to unite us. Not one … I mean look at the comments on this site and you can see the division here.
You don’t want to wear masks. You don’t want to get the vaccine. No wonder we have 700,000 dead.
Ha, a BS number vis-a-vis “with” vs. “of”. It’s primarily elderly and the obese…per CDC’s own data, 95% have an average of 4.0, yes FOUR POINT ZERO comorbidities. And don’t forget within those numbers include >14,000 “COVID deaths” categorized as “Intentional and Unintentional injury, poisoning, and other adverse events”. 700K…Ha, what a crock, but enjoy your fear porn, wear 8 masks!
You’re wrong, Fred, and ignorant.
I got the vaccine. It makes sense for adults. But for kids, many of whom have had Covid already? My teens have had the virus. They have natural immunity, which is just as good or better as vaccinated immunity. They were never at significant risk in the first place, but now their risk is miniscule. The vax would provide almost no benefit, and 1 in every few thousand young males who gets two doses of Pfizer will get heart inflammation. That just doesn’t make sense. It’s a gray area for kids who haven’t had Covid. It is nonsensical for the many who have had it already.
Another thing: it’s also well established that cases in children follow the trends for cases in adults. If the adults are overwhelmingly vaxxed, there isn’t going to be runaway spread among kids.
How long are you going to hold onto your fear? Look at the vaccination stats for CCC! The huge majority of adults have been vaccinated already. Covid is not a mass casualty threat anymore, not here. If you believe in the vaccine, look at the stats and give up your fear addiction.
Read what’s in the vaccine, ugh
This just doesn’t sit well with me,…plus, I don’t have school age kids anymore.
I worry about a possible bad reactions to the vaccine for the children 12 years and under.
How do Parent feel about this?
Do I want my kid to be the guinea pig for a “vaccine” that means you still might get it or get mild symptoms? This is more like a flu shot than a vaccine. Do you get mild polio, Measles, Hepatitis B, Chickenpox or the full on symptoms after getting the vaccine?
Most of the other vaccines have been administered for 40+ years we know what the long term is like. If you read about the history of some of the other vaccines they don’t have the best track records early on, most of that may have to do with regulation but still. Children are not at risk they should stop saying that, if its to protect the rest of the population that is another thing but those people should be vaccinated and they’re already mandated to be!
Revenge of the Slick
“Newsom argued…no different than the requirements the state has had for years for illnesses including measles, polio, chickenpox, diphtheria, tetanus and pertussis.”
Not true. Immunity and eradication can not be achieved from the Covid-19 vaccination unlike small pox and polio. You can still contract and spread Covid-19, even if you’re fully vaccinated. You might FEEL more safe, and you MIGHT have less severe symptoms if you’re vaccinated, but whether or not the person next to you is or isn’t won’t have any affect.
I am pro-vaccination but will not be forced and bullied into vaccinating myself or my children, especially based on the agendas/narratives of the taking heads. This is a slippery slope. Say goodbye to the Claycord you once knew. Many of the people that made it great have already left and this is just one more reason for the rest of us to follow suit.
Yes, this time next year we will be house hunting in another state. We just have to wait for our daughter to finish tech school. Wish we could leave now but at least we live just a bridge away from Solano county which has all of our business now.
Now they’re just some fools in this world that would be happy to let the human race go extinct. I say follow the word it’s in the Bible follow it Let every person be subject to the governing authorities; for there is no authority except from God, and those authorities that exist have been instituted by God.
Clearly that was in reference to religious authorities. If you read on a bit, then apply a bit of critical thinking, it rapidly becomes obvious that this is not in reference to all of the various secular/atheistic governments of the world.
For example, the very next verse, Romans 13:3, “For rulers hold no terror for those who do right, but for those who do wrong. Do you want to be free from fear of the one in authority? Then do what is right and you will be commended.”
Try applying that to any government and it becomes immediately apparent that this is about religious authorities.
Not to mention your blatant fear mongering and deceit. There is zero risk of humanity going extinct from Covid.
Was not implying that covid was going to cause the extinction of humanity I was implying that the stupidity being applied to such a benign disease that has killed 700,000 Americans is also going to be applied to anything of any greater threat to us that is not hard to apply a little brain power to give that a go.
Romans 13:4
for he is God’s servant for your good. But if you do wrong, be afraid, for he does not bear the sword in vain. For he is the servant of God, an avenger who carries out God’s wrath on the wrongdoer.
Why hasn’t Newsom stated the metric for when the mask mandate can be lifted?
Good question!
Sad but true!
There are oral meds in clinical trials now(Merck and Pfizer) that interfere with an enzyme needed for the virus to replicate in the body. If proven effective they will keep symptoms mild, keep people out of the hospital and may be given prophylactically to members living in a household if someone in that home gets sick. There may be other answers beside forcing this vaccine on little kids.
Those results came out today and they were blockbuster.
So ivermectin????
@Never Enough
Shhhhhh. No one is supposed to talk about anything but vaccines.
Of course the “fact checkers” are already working furiously to debunk any notion that this new pill is “Pfizermectin”. Are they EXACTLY the same ingredient-wise? I don’t know, probably not, but they’re both protease inhibiting antivirals, and I do know IVM has a documented track record of success as prophylaxis and (early) treatment of covid.
I’m guessing enough of a “difference” so that it can’t be said to be technically “the same”, because obviously Pfizer can’t be all ghetto selling their pill for $1-$2 a pop as is the case with IVM.
Yes, I read about that also. While is sounds interesting, I distrust pfizer and the fda so much that it would take a lot to convince me of the safety and efficacy of this drug.
Good! The sooner everyone is vaccinated, the sooner this pandemic will end. Vaccinations have worked for EVERY other disease, it will work for COVID too.
Absurd…for starters let me know how the RSV vaccine turned out.
JazzMan, your post is beyond idiotic.
…then after RSV, tell me all about the AIDS vaccine.
How can it when the vaxxed can still get, transmit, and die of covid?
What we need is a vaxx that works. Ive been tracking the one coming out of Covavax…its based on traditional vaccine platform and so far has shown to actually work. We’ll see.
Why not just use Hydroxichloroquine, or Ivermectin. They work, are safe and cheap. Plus it is used on the sick rather than injecting DNA mutating and dangerous fake vaccines.
Vaxx mandates have destroyed trust in doctors world wide.
Is this repugnant to the constitution? If so, it’s null and void.
You should have recalled gavin. We gave you the opportunity to correct corse.
They think they have everything in place to become a complete dictatorship. Maybe they do. The time to stop this was decades ago. Just give them your children. That’s what they want. They want your kids. You gonna figure it out yet? The sick trolls are an illusion. Don’t let technology fool you into thinking your opinion is not the majority. Nobody wants this.
It’s time to have gavin arrested for “deprivation of rights” It can be done if the sheriff has the fortitude.
What happened to science and data? They are not even trying to follow data. Political science and political data is NOT acceptable.
Why are heart attacks up 25%?
“Don’t let technology fool you into thinking your opinion is not the majority.”
Now that’s a good sentence.
Very well said.
Politics has taken control of Healthcare and Science.
As such, truth is much more difficult to ascertain.
Soooo glad we finally left Commi Ca in August moved to southern plains and we are free as can be. Our 10 year old goes to school without a mask on and definitely won’t be forced to get the JAB good luck to all
Apparently it is not a problem to politicize science as long as you are harming children’s well being while doing so…
I was really sad a few years ago when I decided to move out of Cali… Now not so much. Change our motto of “Land of the Free” ASAP. Nothing free about forcing this down people’s throats
Best decision you could have made!
15 years ago, I helped a friend move his family out of state ~ they found a house with property… was the best thing he could have done for his children so they could have a NORMAL childhood.
I didn’t move because of job situation, I also fly under the radar in this State – it has become all contrary to my beliefs / way of life.
I’m not sure I’ll be able to fly under the radar 5 more years to early retirement date, so until then I’m just banking money and building up my 401k. House is paid off.
Since the Chinese virus started killing people in California 37 children under 18 have died of the Chinese Virus in California. In that age group around 200 have killed themselves in one year. It would probably be better to give them bullet proof vests because many of them have also been killed by gunfire.
Best decision you could have made!
15 years ago, I helped a friend move his family out of state ~ they found a house with property… was the best thing he could have done for his children so they could have a NORMAL childhood.
I didn’t move because of job situation, I also fly under the radar in this State – it has become all contrary to my beliefs / way of life.
I’m not sure I’ll be able to fly under the radar 5 more years to early retirement date, so until then I’m just banking money and building up my 401k. House is paid off.
Sounds like we are in the same boat, Anon. I’ve got about 5 years to go for early retirement as well…have family in Indiana and Alabama who would welcome me and help me get settled. It’s just a matter of paying of some debt and selling the house. Seriously considering it. My employer is requring proof of “vaccination” or a weekly test beginning this month. I understand that they are following county guidelines, but it is a total invasion of privacy.
I’m personally in favor of letting anyone who wants the jab getting the jab. We have all had 2 years to see the HOAX for what it is. That’s long enough to figure out what’s going on. Anyone still believing any of it is brain dead and deserves whatever is coming.
Looking forward to less traffic and an abundance of resources. Life has been made easy for genetically weak humans. Think about it, we save everyone, we support everyone. You have life long welfare recipients living into their 80s. If you’re not smart enough to take care of yourself, you don’t deserve to live. If you’re so easily tricked into this, you’re just dumb and we all live (or die) by our choices.
Ever notice, there are politicians who “`facilitate” consideration for their
highest bidderslargest campaign contributors. ? ? ?Gavin Newsom is the poster boy!
California, leading the nation in political corruption. He doesn’t give a tinkers cuss about individual citizens, minorities, or climate change.
Power is his currency, an addiction for which there is no rehab.
everyone making a big deal about this is still sore about trump not being your president, and newsom still the governor. If Trump were still here none of this vaccine stuff would be talked about. Stop being weird. None of you have lost a person to covid nor are working in healthcare that has to deal with the madness daily but complain about how this covid is a hoax and this vaccine is a gps tracker.
Why havent anyone made a racket about the other vaccines? Oh there were studies? Really? how do you know if anyone of them will give long term side effects? maybe cancer? Did they test them for hundreds of years already? Go talk to a person who actually lost a person to covid maybe you all will have some sense.
Pretty interesting that nobody has actually lost a person to COVID. Why not just wait until it’s full approved and the human trials are over? It’s really no big deal. Couple more years to make sure it’s safe. Trump said take the vaccine if you want to. It’s all about personal choice.
Anything or anyone talking about taking our freedoms is by definition UN-AMERICAN.
The risk of covid for kids is miniscule. My young teen tested positive recently and it was no more than a cold. Overall recovery rate is around 99%. Adults who want to chance taking the vaccine are free to do so. Those of us who have had covid or are not afraid or at risk don’t feel the need to get vaxxed. Vaccines normally take around ten years to develop and test. The current ones have had months. Why would any sane parent think the risks of a new treatment…which neither prevents contracting nor transmitting covid, be of any benefit to someone who is at a nearly zero risk of the virus? That poison will not be ijected into my kids. Period.
Please Note: Users who use multiple names will be deleted. Please choose ONE name so others can easily chat with you.
This wasn’t meant to be posted in reply to you – not sure what happened there.
I agree with you. Kids don’t need a vaccine against this bug, and mandating it for them is outrageous.