The Water Cooler is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.
The Water Cooler will be up Monday-Friday at noon.
As of today, if a person wants to go to the gym or go out to eat inside a restaurant in Contra Costa County, they must show proof they received the COVID-19 vaccine, even if they previously had COVID and have antibodies.
QUESTION: Do you think a person should be able to show proof of antibodies from a natural infection to COVID-19, or do you think a person who previously had COVID-19 should be required to get the COVID-19 vaccine?
Talk about it….
A person should be required to show NOTHING if they want to eat inside of a restaurant.
But if we did that, our health dictators wouldn’t know what to do with themselves … how are they ever going back to when they had no control? One of the (many) reasons I voted to kick Newscum out of office was that one the emergency order is ended in this state (supposedly has a 30 day limit …hmm), the health dictators can no longer make these mandates.
A majority of people support vaccine mandates. We did NOTHING and 700,000 Americans died (so far).
Mike – not true. A majority of Bay Area folks might…not the country. Its a massive violation of your liberty, and forcing medical decisions to be made for non medical reasons (If I don’t get the vaccine I will be fired from my job).
Mike, maybe a majority of the people YOU know support them … but the majority of the people I know prefer to allow people to have a choice.
How many links proving I’m right do you want? This is all very public knowledge but if you’re stuck in a right wing news bubble your handlers probably haven’t told you. Here’s one link to get you started: https://www.forbes.com/sites/andrewsolender/2021/09/13/poll-finds-bidens-vaccine-mandates-broadly-popular-despite-gop-outcry
You are right … 51% is the majority. Does anyone know how to make an emoji with rolling eyes or the sarcasm font?
@ Mike
Yes, 54% for workplaces, 55% for students …
What I find really interesting is this article is no word of the margin of error that is usually reported, espicaially considering only 1997 voters were polled. Seems a bit low, but then I am not an expert like you Mike. Seems like if I really wanted to sell my position, I would have more than 51-55% to make my argument and I would share my margin of error.
But yes, Mike, you are are correct, 51% is a majority.
/sarcasm off/
I think the “show proof of vaccination” is going to morph into the “I was just following orders” in the Wuhan trials. There has been so much misinformation from our government and the media/hollywood propaganda.
All of those celebrities who tweeted/vlogged about staying home, from their mansions and penthouses, only did so because they were paid. Who paid them?
The only immunity involved in taking the vaccine is from liability for the manufacturers.
You should listen to experts rather than buying into conspiracy theories.
Actually Mike, I’ll link a video to the former Golden State Warrior and Australian countryman, Andrew Bogut. He was asked to do a lockdown video, even offered money, and he turned it down.
Yes, one should be able to show proof of antibodies but how? The PCR test has proven to be junk. There have been more reliable tests but they aren’t being used.
There was even a UK company that developed an antegen test that said could be sold for a $1. They are the company that developed the $1 pregnancy tests. They got a runaround from the UK agency that is the like the FDA. Then back in July Gates and Soros bought the company. I haven’t heard much since then. Wouldn’t be surprised if those two monsters don’t want the test available because it would sure cut into their vaccine profits. 😉
No one should be required to get the “vaccine”. It’s a matter of personal choice and no one’s freedoms should be infringed upon if they don’t get the “vaccine”. Let’s not go the sad way of Australia which is now a full bore fascist police state!
A widely-available antigen test (which I would take today) would kill the entire Covid narrative if the unaltered numbers were ever made public.
From the ever-mobile goalposts (can anyone tell me what the current target is?), to the outright attacks against proven therapeutics, and the blackouts of anyone asking the wrong questions…..
This ain’t about a virus, folks……..
This reads like comedy. You guys have no idea what you’re talking about.
@Bebops the company you’re talking about is Mologic Ltd. and they are developing a low cost antibody test for Covid-19, not an antigen test (note the term is antigen and not antegen). Of course antibody tests will not show you that you have an active infection with the virus so they are not very useful to limit spreading of the virus. Also antibody tests are not very qualitative so you don’t know whether the antibodies you have would actually protect you from infection. They may or they may not. The gold standard for virus detection is the PCR test.
It is correct that there are some studies showing that people with antibodies from prior infection may be protected but the same study showed that people with prior infection and a single shot of vaccine were actually even better protected.
@Bob there are widely-available antigen tests. You can buy even self administered home tests at CVS or any other pharmacy for example a two pack of BinaxNOW COVID-19 from Abbott for $23.99. This test has been available for a long time, how did it kill the entire Covid narrative? Do you want to elaborate?
And tell me what are the proven therapeutics? Other than the antibody cocktails from Regeneron or Remdesivir? Are you taking about horse dewormer, hydroxychloroquine, zinc, beet-juice, betadine gargle and whatever else some guy on facebook pushes?
@JWB, Mologic’s test is an antigen test:
And previously they developed an antibody test.
Bebops you are correct they are also developing an antigen test. Obviously antigen tests will test for the antigen and not for any antibodies, that’s why I thought you were talking about the antibody test when you said “one should be able to show proof of antibodies but how”.
But at any rate there are antigen tests available such as the Abbott home test BinaxNOW.
BTW it is suggested that antigen tests should be more utilized. They are not as sensitive or reliable as the PCR test but the big advantage is that they provide a result very quickly and would identify persons with high amount of antigen very fast for isolation.
@JWB, BinaxNOW is not a $1 test though. And I read the company manufacturing it shut down months ago because the owner believed there would be no market for it once the vaccines rolled out. So now those kits are hard to find.
The Mologic test is a blood prick test. That might help with reliability. However I still have a hard time with the idea that the virus is anywhere “deadly”. The pandemic has more to do with coercive psychology amplifying it’s “deadliness” to induce fear in the public for mind control just as the PCR test over amplifies testing. Still a disease one has a 99%+ chance of recovering.
If the vaccines worked why boosters? Seems like they don’t know what they are doing.
Bebops if the Mologic test is a blood prick test then you’re referring to the antibody test. You will find antibodies in the blood, but you will not find coronavirus antigens in the blood.
Many vaccines require boosters as a matter of fact here is the recommended vaccination schedules for birth to 18 years of age
As you can see many of them require 3, 4 or even 5 doses.
Are you saying all these vaccines don’t work because they require boosters? Why do you think you’re more qualified and know more than the medical community? Because you read something on Facebook?
@JWB, why would Mologic develop a finger prick antigen test if it wasn’t going to work?
As for boosters it was supposed to be “two and done” now there are these boosters. There are medical professionals questioning this. Please take your blinders off. 😀
Bebops I have no idea that they are developing an antigen test based on a finger prick. If they did it would make no sense since the coronavirus is not a blood borne pathogen. Have you seen any evidence that recipients of blood transfusion became ill with Covid-19?
And no nobody said it was a “two and done” vaccine. Nobody even knew before the clinical testing was done whether it even would work and of course nobody knew how long the immunity would last. So if anybody said “two and done” that would have been stupid.
Furthermore reputable medical professionals do not question the vaccine.
Here is actually from Mologic’s website:
“Bedfordshire, UK, 06 April 2021: Mologic, a leading developer of lateral flow and rapid diagnostic technologies, today announced its rapid antigen self-test for COVID-19 has been selected by the Rapid Acceleration of Diagnostics (RADxSM) initiative launched by the U.S. National Institutes of Health (NIH). The initiative aims to speed innovation in the development, commercialisation, and implementation of technologies for COVID-19 testing. Mologic’s easy-to-use, nasal swab test is intended for use by non-health professionals at home and accurately indicates the presence of SARS-CoV-2 nucleoprotein in approximately 20 minutes.”
Do you see it doesn’t say “finger prick” it says “nasal swab test”?
@JWB, they have developed more than one kind of test. So it depends on which announcement you read.
Well Bebops feel free to post a link to what you think is a finger prick antigen test. The only announcement on their website regarding the antigen test I could find is the one I posted.
And again since this coronavirus is not a blood borne pathogen it would make no sense to check for antigen in blood.
JWB, the term is “lateral flow testing”. They have that and they have a swab tests (or tests).
Their new main page:
You can find news articles there which include there development of such.
Well the ‘settled-science’ seems to indicate that the answer is no, since immunity from having had Xi Corona Virus is superior to that of being vaccinated. But ‘settled-science’ is always viewed through a political lens when Democrats are in charge, so I’ll bet they will be required anyway.
700,000 Americans died in a preventable pandemic when Republicans were in charge.
@ Mike. Did I miss something? Gavin Newsome was a Republican in 2020?
Yeah, totally preventable. That’s why other countries with no Republican party had no Covid deaths. Oh wait…
There’s absolutely no scientific reason to deny that previous infection confers immunity. There’s never been a good reason to doubt it, and it is very well established now that natural immunity provides excellent protection. So coming back to the question of the post… absolutely, previous Covid infection should count for any mandate purposes. (Assuming there should be such mandates, which is a different question.)
I think he’s talking about the Republicans who were in charge in China, where the pandemic actually could have been prevented.
Jrocks, did you forget who was president in 2020? I wish I could!
What’s it matter? The End Game has Always been mandated vaccinations.
When all the legal routes are exhausted and “leaders” refuse to listen to the people….what do you expect is going to happen when people cannot feed their families.
I’ll remind you, that the Contra Costa DA said it’s All Good to steal if you’re using the loot to feed your family.
BTW, Nice studio set Joe Biden used to get his fake booster. Look it up, dying to hear your excuses.
A majority of people support vaccine mandates. Our leaders are listening to the people. It’s you who is out of touch, especially with these crazy conspiracy theories.
Which is why you have to continually use the slurs for your non-sequitur responses.
So it should just be what the majority wants, Mike? Really? Is that following the science?
The government has never proposed an “immunity passport” – they refuse to discuss natural immunity. The majority of the media continues to pooh-pooh it, since they see their job as supporting message control for the powers that be. Is it any surprise the public doesn’t show great support for a policy idea that is never brought up?
Ask your doctor is the correct answer.
Yes to your first question and no to the second question. According to the CoCo Health Department Data Dashboard 95,512 people have had confirmed cases of Covid-19 rendering them with natural immunity to this virus. Why on earth would I take, for example, a yearly flu shot when I’ve already had the flu this year? Unless… you listen to Dr. Farnitano, who said at the last Supervisors meeting that “there is no evidence of natural immunity lasts..vaccine is extra good protection!”
There are many strains of flu and you can get the flu more than once a year.
Is that all you have to quash my thoughts, Mike? I have never taken a flu shot in the course of my life and I’m still standing…
@Sancho Panza – the coronavirus that’s behind COVID-19 is very similar to the coronavirus that’s behind many forms of the common cold. The natural immunity you get from the coronavirus caused common colds generally last a few weeks to a couple of months at most.
Back when the vaccine for the SARS-CoV-2 virus that is behind COVID-19 was being developed it was hoped that the immunity the vaccine conferred would last more than the few weeks to a couple of months observed in the field for common colds.
The data is still being gathered on both natural immunity vs. vaccine triggered immunity for the SARS-CoV-2 virus. The good news for researchers is that we are in a pandemic meaning there are many cases of COVID-19 available. The bad news is that despite the pandemic status, there are not that many cases of COVID-19 out there where we can trace the chain of precisely how and when it’s transmitted from/to specific people. Thus, despite being over a year into the pandemic we still simply don’t know how long the immunity lasts.
There have been reports of people who caught COVID-19 more than once. Those were before the vaccine was available and so we know the natural immunity does not last forever. Those cases can be used to deduce the possible range of how long immunity lasts but we also need to factor in the age, medical condition, severity of the COVID-19 illness, the level of exposure to the virus that caused the bouts of COVID-19, etc. That’s not counting that every time the virus replicates inside a person with the illness (possibly asymptomatic) that the replicas are never identical to the parent virus. There are trillions of variants created by every person with COVID-19.
It’s just not as unknown as Mike and WCResident are claiming. The US health agencies may not be studying this, but other countries are. We have just as good evidence that natural immunity protects you, and that the protection lasts, as that the vax does.We could wish for better and longer-term data in both cases. But actually we have longer-term data on reinfection rates than we do on breakthrough infections. Naturally acquired immunity isn’t 100%. Neither is vaccine-induced immunity. And yet our leaders treat one as the golden ticket, and do not recognize the other at all.
One is treated as a passport to public accommodations. The other is not. There’s no scientific reason for that different treatment.
@Mike, lots of people who were health conscious including myself haven’t had a cold or flu in years. And we didn’t need the flu vaccines. We weren’t born yesterday and could spot the scam artists of big pharma. A long time friend who was a psychology professor told me years ago about how many doctors were quitting because all big pharma wanted them to do was be drug pushers. Welcome to the ‘brave new world’ which Huxley warned us about. Our world if run by criminals.
@Led – Health agencies worldwide are intensely studying all aspects of the virus and disease. Most of them are unwilling to jump to conclusions as they recognize that there is insufficient data to reliably support a conclusion.
If someone announces a conclusion, regardless on if they are foreign or in the USA, then regard it as an outlier until that conclusion is replicated and confirmed by many others.
Catching COVID-19 “naturally” results in a long list of unknowns as you can’t measure the duration and type of exposure. You also can’t measure the resulting immunity, if there was one at all.
The reason vaccination is treated as a “golden ticket” is that it is a quick, easy, and reliable way to induce immunity in a person.
Obtaining more reliable data is likely also a reason for why that if your first jab is a specific vaccine (Pfizer, Moderna, J&J, etc.) that subsequent jabs will always be the same vaccine. They don’t want to muddy the data by having people with a mix of vaccines.
@WC Resident~I feel privileged to receive such a robust response from you (always enjoyed your data posts). There is data available about natural Immunity (NIH January 26, 2021):
* The immune systems of more than 95% of people who recovered from COVID-19 had durable memories of the virus up to eight months after infection.
* The results provide hope that people receiving SARS-CoV-2 vaccines will develop similar lasting immune memories after vaccination.
Keep in mind that this was before the coercive, medically unethical vaccine mandates.
Yes! You have to follow the science! My Vaccine will only protect me if everyone around me is vaccinated. Herd immunity can only be achieved if we vaccinate 100% of the population. Listen to Joe! This is an ‘epidemic of the unvaccinated’!
Based on the science, since illegal aliens are actual aliens they do not need to be vaccinated. Also, you can not get or transmit covid if you attend a protest against systemic racism. Oh…. and wear a mask because that’s science too.
So glad I moved to another State. California residents have not protected their rights, and this is one of the results. Prep for many more people! Enjoy! 😁
I’m not far behind you. I’m NOT going to post where I’m moving…..because that is what is destroying those places.
People need to figure it out on their own.
I knew the writing was on the wall when they pulled this cower-in-place crap and then the fake jab crap.
My house is paid off, I can take an early retirement and get out of here. The majority of other locations are not bloated price wise the way California, so I won’t over buy and will have money left over.
Guacamole: I very much appreciate residents who move away later informing us of the positives and negatives both here and elsewhere. My family in one form or another has been here since the 1940s and I am potentially interested in getting away from California and it’s politics, taxes, overpopulation, homeless, Karens, wildfires, blackouts, property prices, illegals, poor school system, propaganda in the schools, Google programmer types, potholes, freeway shootings, BLM virtue signaling signs, BLM members, crime, visual pollution of all the new apartment buildings, BART, earthquakes, droughts, reverse race discrimination, Nancy Pelosi supporters, nitwits who think global warming is solved by not using gas stoves, voters who vote for their own entertainment instead of understanding their own citizenship negligence of putting a militant bicycle activist on a BART board, and so on.
Just a reminder: There is currently no FDA approved vaccine to that is available.
Cominraty is the only non EUA vaccine and it is not being given to the public.
A EUA drug is by definition experimental. And so yes the Nuremberg Code is relevant.
Why are these vax loons so desperate to force people to take these experimental gene therapies?
Thousands have died from them and many more injured
The COVID narrative is a bald faced mass hysteria for a condition similar to the common flu
The regime says we must protect some citizens from other citizens in an aggressive Nazi like tirade?
What the hell is going on?
Most logical answer is that a large scale conspiracy is in progress to destroy constitution and create a one party authoritarian state
This illegitimate regime and media is the enemy of the people
The vaccine isn’t a gene therapy. It’s also not experimental. Where are you getting this misinformation you’re spreading?
With an overall recovery rate of 99+%, Covid is not as dangerous as many would like you to believe, but it still can cause a small percentage to get sick and even die. However, how can anyone support vaccine mandates when there is not a vaxx available that stops covid? And dont bother spouting the nonsense that no vaccine is 100% effective, because thats just circular reasoning. If other vaccines failed at the rate of covid vaccines, they’d be pulled asap. The glaring truth is that the vaxxed can still can get and transmit covid, and we see that happening at an astonishing rate, thus explaining the mask mandates and keeping vaxxed separated from the away from unvaxxed in order to control the narrative. So while its true that covid is real, its nonsensical to push the current vaccines as a way out of this.
No one should be required to get the jabs, nor should anyone be required to show any type of proof of anything in order to enter a gym, bar or restaurant. Period, full stop.
We tried that and 700,000 Americans died in less than a year.
@Mike – learn the difference between “with” covid and “from” covid. Only 6% of the deaths were “from” covid as opposed to “with” covid and other comorbidities. This is directly from the CDC website. If you weren’t such a shill you might actually learn some facts.
Seat belts were required in all cars since 1965, People were advised to wear them but many didn’t because they wrinkled their clothes or it was against their freedom. So seat belt laws were passed to
“force” people to do the right thing.
We should not have to force people to get the shot or wear masks. They should do it because it is the smart thing to do. Doctors recommend getting the jab. After creating the polio, smallpox and other vaccines science knows how to create vaccines for COVID-19 and its variants. .
The fight against seat belts 1984
Absolutely not
From asking us to take two weeks to flatten the curve, to using the threat of government force to infringe on the rights of people who haven’t taken a pharmaceutical product.
That we’re now debating if those with the very best protection should be considered to be at least as safe as those with a subpar vaccine.
It’s all insane.
We tried 2 weeks but selfish people couldn’t even do that. So we developed a miracle vaccine, but the selfish people won’t take that either. We tried the carrot. Now let’s try the stick.
Mike, you’re living in a fantasy world where pandemics are not natural disasters but only happen because your enemies are so nefarious. A classic pattern of human psychology: turn natural evil into moral evil and find the scapegoat.
This is a global pandemic, and even the island nations that shut the virus out initially are *still* trying and failing to suppress it entirely, and are imposing martial law in order to do so. Two weeks wouldn’t have worked *no matter what*. Look outside your narrow political context. Lockdowns can delay if they are rigorous enough, but they can’t prevent the spread indefinitely.
Now there are thousands of people losing their jobs who served essential roles during the pandemic (including health care roles) and got Covid in the process. And the bosses who sat behind Zoom screens at home through it all are now firing them. Even though the natural immunity is arguably stronger. It would be hilarious if it weren’t so unjust.
As Mike mentioned, the problem is all the selfish people who couldn’t stay home for two weeks because they had to go to work every day delivering his groceries and Amazon packages, keeping all his utilities working, ensuring his safety, and providing all his other services so he could sit home on his butt and call them selfish. How dare they.
You must be a blast at parties!
Let’s try the stick … see sometimes when you raise a stick to someone, they fight back. And then some of those people that got the vaccine already will defend those that have not gotten the vaccine because they believe the unvaccinated have a right to choose … but you want the stick.
Now I will take on your ‘miracle vaccine’. A vaccine by definition PREVENTS a disease. PREVENTS as in, you cannot catch it except in rare caes. The medicine that they have for COVID is NOT a vaccine. It is a medication that reduces your ability to catch it but IF you do, you will not be as sick or even KNOW that you have it ….Again, this is not a miracle vaccine.
Many politicians own stock in the vaccine manufacturers. So don’t expect politicians or the CDC to come out and say if you have had the Chinese Virus you are now immuned. Not going to happen. Follow the money.
That must be why Black Lives Matter is protesting the vaccine mandate in NYC. Your theory is brilliant.
Recent research is showing that people who had a case of Covid-19 and later were vaccinated have developed “hybrid” immunity, also described as “superhuman” immunity. These people appear to be immune now to all known variants. It’s unclear if this effect works the same for a vaccinated person who gets a breakthrough infection.
It’s hard to see what the downside of getting vaccinated might be for a person with a previous Covid infection.
“A majority of people support vaccine mandates.
Our leaders are listening to the people.”
Personally, believe mandate question should be decided by The Supreme Court.
Quotes from last Century by an evil person,
“Propaganda works best when those who are being manipulated
are confident they are acting on their own free will.”
“Propaganda must facilitate the displacement of aggression by specifying the targets for hatred.”
“Think of the press as a great keyboard on which the government can play.”
“It is the absolute right of the State to supervise the formation of public opinion.”
Before you look up who person is,
Stop and consider . . . how easy these days it is to manipulate impressionable short attention span folk who have no interest in history and can’t be bothered to do their own research.
They have already been decided. Vaccine mandates have already been upheld by the Supreme Court as constitutional beginning with a 1905 case called Jacobson v Massachusetts. Fast forward to 2021, and the Supreme Court upheld an Indiana University vaccine mandate.
Thank You for info.
Is that Edward Bernays?
Joseph Goebbels.
For those of you who don’t know, he was the propagandist for Hitler. He was the guy who “sold” the virtue of the Nazi party to his people.
He was so good at his job at spinning Nazi atrocities that obedient Germans named Mike would get behind the ideas and say things like, “The majority of people support invading Poland or killing all of the Jews.”
To our American friend Mike: Just because the majority believe in something does not mean that it is true. The sun at the center of the universe, the Earth is flat, Salem women are witches…these are a few instances off the top of my head. My father used to say “Just because everyone says it is a good idea to jump off of the Golden Gate Bridge doesn’t make it true.”
To everyone else: Get the vaccine. It really does work. But I stand with you if you choose not to take it.
That’s not the era of the Supreme Court that had the most enlightened view of human rights as related to medicine. “Three generations of imbeciles are enough” – Buck v Bell, 1927.
But anyway, Jacobson v Mass. relies on the police power of the *state* of Massachusetts. The federal government doesn’t have a police power over US citizens, it has enumerated powers. So the Biden employer mandate is not justified in any way by that SCOTUS case.
The question is a leading question. Nobody “has” to get a vaccine. You can choose not to and face the consequences of not getting one.
As to whether or not you should get a vaccine after getting Covid, the answer is absolutely. Patients who develop Covid after having Covid have a far high potential of developing long-Covid symptoms than those who have been vaccinated. The immune response of people who have had covid is extremely variable and many people have no long term antibody response. Additionally, the length of protection is not known.
In contrast, those who have been vaccinated have a significantly reduced chance of developing severe disease and you develop a predictable, and probably more robust immune response.
The vaccine is not gene therapy. It is an mRNA vaccine which means that the mRNA is taken up by cells and produces spike protein antigens in high amounts by the cell. These proteins are presented on the cell surface and the body develops a robust antibody response. After the proteins are manufactured (just like every other protein in your body), the mRNA is broken down. Your DNA is not changed, in fact it is biochemically impossible for your DNA to be changed by this vaccine.
Hope that helps some people on the fence.
None of those supposed facts you mention in the second paragraph make the case. It’s not established that those who get reinfections have more long Covid than those who get breakthrough infections – it’s a joke that you think we could measure that. Reinfections are very very rare and long Covid doesn’t even have a clinical definition, so the studies on it (most of which lack a comparison group) are basically Rorsarch tests at this point. There is no established science distinguishing natural immunity from vaccine-induced: the best recent studies indicate the the former has longer-lasting protection against symptomatic infection.
The other things you say about natural immunity apply equally or even more to vaccine-induced immunity: we don’t know how long it lasts. Well, duh, it’s been around for a finite time. But actually we have *more* data on length of natural immunity because the virus was here before the vax.
It *might* be a good idea to get vaxxed after infection, just to be sure. But that isn’t grounds for a mandate!
Nope. Not me. If vaxxed can still get and transmit the virus, what good is it? Also, the claims you posted in the second paragraph is not what I have been reading in medical literature. The opposite, in fact.
As a side point, two of the four members of my family tested positive for covid late August. We thought it was just a cold. The other two of us in the family never got it even though we had been around them and sleeping together the entire time. Two elderly relatives had stayed with us during that time and they never got it either. My kids had friends over, and we hung out with some out friends. All were unvaxxed. No one other than the two in my family had it. From our experience, it doesnt seem like covid is highly transmissible.
You shouldn’t be required to show proof of Vaccination for Covid. If you don’t have to show proof of vaccination for Measles, Small Pox, ChickenPox, Tuberculosis, or your flu shot, why do you have to show proof of Covid vaccine? There are 333 MILLION people in America, of which less than 700 THOUSAND have died. Thousands versus Millions.
And if we’re going to start mandating vaccine passports, you should throw in AIDS tests in order to enter restaurants too. Oh wait, that’s a violation of privacy of your private health matters. It’s nobody’s business what your personal state of health affairs is. This is unethical and a violation of rights when you compare it to the other diseases, viruses, and vaccines.
You said it very well. Thank you!
If previously infected, then antibodies are present in the bloodstream
It’s following the science, right?
The gaslighting about natural immunity has been immense this whole time. Just incredible. The public health honchos don’t want to talk about it because they think it will encourage some to get COVID on purpose. Well, so what? Is that a reason not to tell the truth to the public? The message should be factual: it’s better (at least for adults) to get vaxxed than to risk the virus. But if you had the virus, you have good protection. We encourage you to get the vax anyway just in case, but *you have good protection.* Apparently it’s impossible to say that, even though it is 100% true.
But there’s only so long you can keep a lid on the reality when you don’t have a totalitarian grip on media – they try, with Facebook and Twitter and YouTube censoring actual, mainstream doctors and researchers who talk about natural immunity in a way removed from the party line. But they, thankfully, don’t control everything. The CDC and FDA may decide not to do sero-studies of the population or track reinfections vs breakthrough infections. But Israel has done that. The UK has done that. Thank goodness we don’t have a one-world government yet.
Not to mention: blacks and Hispanics are more likely to be unvaccinated. So we have a clear disparate impact, but the rich white progressives could care less. They just pretend it’s all white Trump voters, and we all know they deserve to lose jobs and die anyway…
Think about it: the nurses and health care workers getting fired in NY right now – many of them got COVID while their hospital bosses were sitting at home having Zoom meetings. Now they get fired by those bosses even though it’s very likely the workers have better immunity than the bosses do. Totally upside down.
I became very ill after an airplane trip in January of 2020.
I later learned that it was Covid.
I have the antibodies, blood tests proved that.
Natural immunity is far better than any vaccine.
But I’m still treated like a criminal for not getting the shot.
My Dr. told me I don’t need that shot.
That’s good enough for me.
All the rest of this baloney is about control.
700,000 deaths?
Phony diagnosis’s to lure imbeciles into the fantasy.
I read somewhere that you should be jabbed for 45 minutes
I stand with black lives matter. Less than 70% of black people have chosen to get vaxxed, so keeping them out of society and education and denying them medical care is de facto racism. Any liberal who is okay with denying 70% of black people university access deserve to hand in their democrat card and just pick up their Nazi uniform.
Of course not. Follow the science
Forced jabbing can be dangerous to those who have the immune antibodies. This nonsense about the vaxxed getting sick from the unjabbed is a conspracy not science. Big tech is fearmongering. They would just love it if everyone had to check in once a year for their “medicine”.
Joseph Goebbels.
For those of you who don’t know, he was the propagandist for Hitler. He was the guy who “sold” the virtue of the Nazi party to his people.
He was so good at his job at spinning Nazi atrocities that obedient Germans named Mike would get behind the ideas and say things like, “The majority of people support invading Poland or killing all of the Jews.”
To our American friend Mike: Just because the majority believe in something does not mean that it is true. The sun at the center of the universe, the Earth is flat, Salem women are witches…these are a few instances off the top of my head. My father used to say “Just because everyone says it is a good idea to jump off of the Golden Gate Bridge doesn’t make it true.”
To everyone else: Get the vaccine. It really does work. It is just a matter of time that every one of us will come into contact with this bug, considering how infectious it is. The question then is will you get the sniffles, will you die, or will it be somewhere in the middle? But I stand with you if you choose not to take it.