COVID-related hospitalizations are now under 100 in Contra Costa County.
Over a span of two weeks, the active number of COVID-19 cases in Contra Costa County is down 30%, and the number of people hospitalized is down 18%, according to the health department.
The county’s population is about 1.2-million.
Time to lift the mask mandate. I’m vaccinated and have been following local health orders, but I’m losing my patience. My only concern at this point is for the under 12 age group, but they can continue to mask.
That last bit makes no sense. Why punish children even more? They are less at risk of serious outcome than a vaccinated adult is: look it up. Once adults are protected, kids shouldn’t be further restricted.
Trading freedom for safety was your first mistake. Now that they have authority in the name of safety, they’ll never relinquish it. It’s going to get worse.
I know of three people in California (not Contra Costa) that have gotten COVID this last week. Two of them are having pretty severe symptoms and the other mild so far. All three have not had the vaccine and still don’t want it. I wish them the best.
Clearly you have not heard of the delta+4 omega variant
Wait wait. Covid needs to be eradicated?! I’m still wondering what happened to the fact this was all about not overwhelming the hospitals. Btw. Look up Harvard business school. 95% vaccinated and they had to go to on line only bc of an outbreak. Guess it doesn’t work that great. And 10 months ago it was never get the Vax so you won’t get as sick. It was get the shot so you don’t get it. Then there were break through cases and they changed it to you won’t get as sick. Take your third shot and keep wearing masks. Unless your part of the ruling elite. See Gavin. London. Pelosi. Carry on peasants.
For over a year nurses and doctors worked taking care of covid patience without a vaccine for their own protection. Risking their lives daily to help the sick. How are these nurses and doctors who do not want the vaccine being paid back you ask? They are being fired by the hundreds. It was OK that they risked their lives when there wasn’t a vaccine but now they are getting fired. That is Joe Biden’s gratitude. That is the madness of today’s democrat party.
OH MAN!!! Hurry up and impose further vaccine, mask and social distancing mandates! The numbers are falling!!! Wait, hang on..
Maybe they open up the county instead of going mandate-galore?
Crimes against humanity coming into full focus now boys and girls.
Planned genocide is very clear when you look at the charts of the “vaccine” introduction. This is what is called science and data. There in no other logical conclusion other than genocide on a global scale.
All because Trump was holding them accountable and wrote “mean“ twats
Our little health nazi will not eliminate masks until he is removed from office. He is not better than the little tyrant down in Santa Clara who said ‘masks will be here for a long time’ when pressed by a local politician.
Our little health nazi should remove the mask mandate and the mandate to for places to check .. but he wont …
2 weeks to slow the curve! I’m not wearing a mask or getting the clot shot! How do you like me know tyrants!
Great news. Probably we should impose a bunch of mandates and fire a bunch of people now – seems like great timing.
The Bay Area’s vax rates are comparable to European countries that are now removing all their Covid restrictions. Will people ever accept victory, or is it more important to keep punishing one’s perceived enemies?
Santa Cruz County lifted the indoor mask mandate today. Wake up you worthless health idiots.