Contra Costa Health Services is making COVID-19 booster vaccines available to all eligible residents.
People previously vaccinated with the Pfizer vaccine who can receive a booster, include:
- those who are 65 or older
- residents of long-term care facilities
- those who are 50 to 64 with underlying medical conditions or who are at increased risk of severe COVID-19 due to social inequities, including those from communities of color
People previously vaccinated with the Pfizer vaccine who may consider receiving a booster, based on their individual benefits and risks, include:
- those who are 18 to 49 with underlying medical conditions
- those who are 18 to 64 and at increased risk of exposure to COVID-19 due to their occupation or institutional setting
Booster doses of vaccine are not currently recommended for others, including people who received Moderna or Johnson & Johnson (Janssen) vaccine.
Its the same stuff.
Vaccine one, two and the booster are all the same ingredients.
Seems to me that they didn’t get it right the first two times so they’re trying for a third.
Or else the shots are pretty much worthless to begin with.
IF we still had freedom of choice, I’d go for the $2 pills.
Interesting that Claycord’s own self appointed “fact checker” Mike has graced us with their presence.
It’s not rocket science when people are being CANCELED online from giving their testimonials vaccine injury.
What did Harvard or Yale discover about VAERS??? That VAERS was only capturing 10% of the injuries.
The booster is a half dose (compared to the first two).
As time goes on, the antibodies we have against covid start to fade out
and if they are not refreshed (by being exposed or a booster), this is the point off the booster, to refresh them (without the need for exposure) and keep our natural immune systems actively looking for covid to kill.
Speaking of getting cancelled, Covid has completely cancelled over 700,000 Americans so far. America is having a 9/11 size death event every couple of days from this. Get outraged over than instead of a sore arm.
@ERas The Pfizer booster dose is the same 30 Micrograms as the first two shots. Moderna, however, is requesting approval of its booster shot at 50 micrograms, half the dose authorized for its first two shots. Even at a half dose, the Moderna booster would be significantly larger than any of the Pfizer shots. The difference in dosage between the two vaccines probably explains why the Moderna vaccinations retain much of their effectiveness after at least six months. Yes, I’m happy I lucked into getting the Moderna shots.
That’s how B.B. Biden plans to pay back the trillions he intends to spend….. saving all that money that would have been spent on Social Security.
@The Observer
Oops, my bad, I heard Moderna was a half dose and I thought I recalled that Pfizer was a half dose too, guess I just mixed the two up. Thanks!
Yeah, I got Pfizer, looks like I’m getting my booster shortly.
After the FDA Advisory Committee recommended against the additional booster, a Biden political appointee make it policy anyway. I’m trying to figure out how that is ‘settled science’. My undergrad degree was in science and I had lots of Chemistry, Biology, Botany…even Microbiology and this still makes no sense.
I got the vaccines but have a hard time with mandates, lockdowns and political science usurping actual science.
Stop spreading misinformation. The panel recommended against boosters for everyone but recommended boosters for old folks and those at higher risk.
How much money is Pfizer paying our corrupt officials to keep pushing their vaccine? Pfizer has been making billions off the public’s fear.
You should place some blame on Big Mortuary that has gotten rich from the 700,000 Americans that have died from not being vaccinated.
Place some blame on “Big Mortuary”? I will give you the benefit of the doubt that you are being sarcastic.
Last time I checked we will all eventually end up in one of those places pandemic or not.
PS… Pfizer’s data shows it made $3.5bn in revenue during the first three months of 2021. You read that correct over a Billion a month! So it’s clearly not about the money (sarcasm).
What’s to roll out ? Retail providers are setup, and with the County having a high vaccine rate, this is more about Window Dressing, Keeping people employed, and getting $$
400,000 Americans received booster shots this weekend. The county is preparing for increased demand.
Seems people will complain when our elected officials do the right thing and prepare, and they will surely complain when things don’t go so right because of poor planning. Whine, whine, whine
Triple vaxxed and quadruple masked, baby.
Got to save Grandma.
Triple vaxxed, quadruple vaxxed…where will it end?
Clearly the current vaxxes do not work.
The definition of insanity comes to mind…
No opposing thought allowed. OBEY
Why aren’t people being vaccinated at doctor’s offices instead of just showing up at any place that is giving the vaccine?, ex: getting vaccinated at the airport. This being a new vaccine would be nice having doctors or nurses making sure that patients don’t have a bad reaction.
The CDC has stated: “ Antibody testing should also not be used to decide if someone needs to be vaccinated” Why? If someone already has antibodies from having had Covid wouldn’t that mean that their bodies are already prepared to fight off Covid the next time much like what the vaccine is supposed to do?
Ask Mike, he seems to have all the answers.
Mostly because the doctors are busy with their usual rounds and wouldn’t be able to treat other patients if they had to spend the whole day giving shots. Also there are a lot more pharmacies around than doctors offices, making it easier to spread out the workload.
I got vaccinated at Kaiser along with tens of thousands of other people. It would have been easier to get vaccinated at Walgreens but it wasn’t available then.
As to why they are offering vaccinations at many places, it’s because we are in a pandemic and it is a public health issue to get as many people vaccinated as possible. The truth is pretty simple when you’re not constantly looking out for conspiracies.
And you miss the CDC being against antibody testing. If they cared about getting rid of this virus, they would want to know how those who recover from the virus did it and any short or long term effects. I don’t remember ever stating that this is a conspiracy but I don’t feel like people who have already developed antibodies because they had Covid should be pushed to get a vaccine. The people who died despite having the Covid vaccine may have died from having too much antibodies.
Finding out who has already had Covid through antibody testing can also help better determine how close we are to herd immunity.
Also, if Biden cared about getting rid of the virus, he never would have re-opened the borders.
And what gives with Contra Costa County’s over zealous public health officials? SF and Berkeley has a high population of left wing wackos, and so their edicts are not surprising, but we used to be fairly moderate.
@PEFSG Antibodies wear off. That’s why you need a covid vaccine, even if you’ve had it before. Here’s an example for you, which is a true story…
My friend’s parents live in a country where it’s difficult to find a covid vaccine. They both got COVID TWICE. Her dad’s ok with lingering brain fog, but her mother was very sick, and needed surgery. Since the second time she got sick (and recovered), she has been having a miserable time dealing with the after effects of covid. Luckily, they were able to fly back to the US to get vaccinated.
I got my booster yesterday at Walgreens along with my flu shot. No issues today except for a slightly sore arm.
Walgreen’s sez “Thanx fo shoplifting wif us today!”
So, no one under 65 gets the shot unless they’re a victim of “social inequities,” which includes all POCs.
The idea being all POCs are victims of “social inequities.”
LOL! Trust the science! There’s no science in their criteria for the third shot AT ALL.
CCC Health is using the booster shot to boost racial divisions.
Young working class white families suffer from “healthcare inequities” more than most with their high deductible health plans and Obama Care .., which discriminates against married couples.
Shame on CCCHS
Keep dosing up til you drop dead.
Love, Biden’s moth eaten brain