Home » UPDATE: Woman Killed During Vehicle -vs- Pedestrian Collision In Concord On Monday

UPDATE: Woman Killed During Vehicle -vs- Pedestrian Collision In Concord On Monday


A 73-year-old woman died after a vehicle hit her as she was walking Monday morning in Concord, police said.

The intersection of Concord Boulevard and Denkinger Road was closed at about 7:50 a.m. following the collision.

The driver remained at the scene, Concord police Lt. Tamra Roberts said, and police are investigating the collision.

No other information was released.


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Thinking of the woman who died and all involved. So heartbreaking.

Oh no. I hope both are okay.

No, both are not okay.

Sorry about that I read the first posting not realizing this was actually an update. So sad. RIP

I have always been surprised at how fast people drive on Concord Blvd.

I drive that road often and I mind my speed and alert to the other drivers. There are schools on that road so you should be careful.

Shes not ok…she passed away from the accident.

My mistake. I was reading the first post. Not realizing this was the updated one. RIP. Prayers to the driver.

That’s so heartbreaking may she rest in peace condolences to the family

I drove be there about 9:00 AM and police were investigating in the median in front the senior home there. Looked to me like the accident happened there instead of the crosswalk where there is a light.

I walked by this incident this morning on my way to work.
I had no idea what happened. Now i do.
Rest in peace.

The elderly lady died, so unfortunately no. Not ok

Why is the speed limit 35-40mph in front of a school?

The speed limit is 35mph with signage for 25mph when children are present.

For Pete’s sake, slowdown people!!
Yes, I’m well aware that it hasn’t been determined who was at fault BUT people are constantly speeding. If someone has an accident because they are trying to get somewhere fast, well, they won’t get to wherever they were going fast anymore.

The location was more in front of the Stonebrook shortterm and longterm healthcare facility, which does not have nearly enough parking spaces to serve its staff and visitors. I frequently have to stop along there for jaywalkers crossing to or from their vehicles on the other side of the four-lane boulevard. Frequently, their supply delivery trucks will park right in the middle of the boulevard and show flashing yellow lights while the driver uses carts to cross the lanes and make delivery.

I have always regretted that City of Concord approved the location of that facility and especially of the church/school facility (and its clogged driveway) right there at a major intersection. Area residents warned and were ignored!

What shocked sadness in so many families tonight.

I can definitely agree on inadequate parking at that healthcare facility, If you ever have to go there you know how bad the parking is. If she was from the healthcare facility they should partly to blame….

RE: Speeding/Running Red lights.
I have noticed that Drivers seem to think that a Red light is just “a suggestion.”
So many cars…..yes, CARS, going through lights ALREADY RED.
Also, re Parking lots. They are not a Freeway people! I can not believe how many drivers Fly through them.
I live in community with speed limit of 10/15 depending. It’s bad enough that some delivery drivers/guests speed as they might not care, even though speed limits are posted and are quite visual. But many residents fly through area too.

Applying “common sense” from the liberals, they would say vehicles should be banned.



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