Over a span of two weeks, the active number of COVID-19 cases in Contra Costa County is down 34%, and the number of people hospitalized is down 16%, according to the health department.
One of the most repulsive things about this hoax, is the continued moving of the end game. Capitalising on fear and trust of the ignorant masses. Some are even hysterical. First of all the jab is not a vaccination. If it were, we would not be required to take second jabs and “boosters”. Unless this is a bioweapon. Or worse.
I suggest you broaden your research to include the full range of data, including the research scientists involved with covid. The doctors and nurses working Covid wards, the people INJURED by the jab.
The current “experts” posting the official data are perpetuating The Fraud. As obvious as The Fraud occupying the WH.
September 27, 2021 - 6:26 PM 6:26 PM
Numbers keep going down??? That’s a head scratcher… So tell me again why we have the discrimination against the unjabbed, resulting in people being fired from jobs and unable to house or feed themselves or their families. I’m sure the Karens out there are high fiveing each other about that, along with their death wishes for unjabbed.
Why? Vaxxed can still get and transmit the virus, and still have to wear masks. Chewing gum is as effective as the “vaccine,” and has no short or ling term side effects.
“Experts say that vaccination makes it less likely that you’ll catch Covid-19 in the first place — but for those who do, this data suggests they could have a similar tendency to spread it as unvaccinated folks.”
The FDA states the following on their website in regards to the FDA approved (Pfizer) Comirnaty vax:
“Most vaccines that protect from viral illnesses also reduce transmission of the virus that causes the disease by those who are vaccinated. While it is hoped this will be the case, the scientific community does not yet know if Comirnaty will reduce such transmission.”
Tell me where in the Bill of Rights or the Constitution where it says you have the “right” to go to a gym.
Think of others instead of just yourself, if you can’t follow the rules you don’t get to just ignore them.
Bud E,
The Constitution was never meant to list every right of citizens. Rather, it’s purpose is to limit the government from infringing on our rights. That is why instead of having phrases like “citizens shall, or shall not do this” the Constitution has phrases like “shall not be infringed!”
I’m not sure why you don’t get it. The restrictions (which can be very frustrating, I agree) are reducing the number of new COVID cases – why would you abandon a tactic that is working?
September 27, 2021 - 7:43 PM 7:43 PM
I go everywhere without a mask. I eat at restaurants 2x a day sometimes. You DO have rights. I have never worn the mask and never been asked to. You people are doing this to yourselves. NOBODY has the right to ask you anything. Just do your thing and quit listening to stupid people. I have never worn a mask. Just do it already, nobody will dare tell you anything.
Do you live in Contra Costa County? Or do you live in Shasta, Modoc, or San Joaquin County? I have trouble believing no one has asked you to put on a mask in their business.
Can you imagine a world where a random minimum wage kid or some low class “security guard” tells you what to do?😆😆 You people are gullible. Again, nobody has the right to tell to what to do. I live in Concord. I’m sure someone has tried at some point but I don’t pay attention to crazy people. Do you? If I was ever discriminated against, I would simply sue immediately. biden is not a dictator, nobody including OSHA has any way to enforce his fake mandates. You do understand an old senile man barking orders that are repugnant to the constitution are meaningless, don’t you? They really did a number on some of your minds. I told all of you at the beginning of this you were giving them power by complying. You were manipulated with the most powerful weapon on earth, your own fear.
I can certainly imagine a world in which people think they are somehow better than a *checks notes* “random minimum wage kid or some low class ‘security guard.'”
So because they make less money than you, you don’t have to follow the rules of the businesses they work in? Typical.
That’s right chuq. I DO NOT have to follow directives from anyone. Do you have a problem with that? I am 100% a free man. Does that make you uncomfortable?
Just ignore them. They have said a number of things and 99% have turned into lies. It was actually a law to enter a building without a mask for about 6 months +. So saying they never put a mask on. You know right then and there it was not true.
You kind of just proved you lied in you statement. In the 1st part you said “I have never worn the mask and never been asked to” But then you just said “I’m sure someone has tried at some point but I don’t pay attention to crazy people” You just went back on what you said…
As for suing. You wouldn’t be able to sue since it was a law passed in CA. It was mandated so nothing you would have been able to do at all. A number of people were arrested and fined for breaking that rule. Even a number of businesses had to comply or they had to shut their doors. And yes, It did happen. Also, Just because someone makes minimum wage doesn’t mean you don’t have to listen to them. What gives you the right to walk into a business and not follow the rules they set? That’s like me walking into your home. Taking off my shirt and shoes and you telling me to put them back on and I say no, I don’t have to. You follow the rules or you won’t be allowed back in. It’s that simple. This is how I know you are troll. Absolutely no way any of this is true.
@Deb Shay
Yes right now you can do that. But during the start of this. You weren’t able to. As you would have been kicked out of the store.
“As for suing. You wouldn’t be able to sue since it was a law passed in CA. It was mandated so nothing you would have been able to do at all. A number of people were arrested and fined for breaking that rule. Even a number of businesses had to comply or they had to shut their doors. And yes, It did happen.”
There was never one single law passed in CA. Gavin ruling with usurped emergency powers is not LAWS. MANDATES ARE NOT LAWS. I already explained to you how LAWS are created. There you go with those lies again. NOBODY EVER PAID ANY FINES. Everything got thrown out as unlawful. YOU LITERALLY MAKE STUFF UP AS YOU GO.
What gives me the right? Anti-discrimination laws give me the right.
But you’re right I did lie. I’m paying attention to a crazy person right now. So I guess you got me.
@me…Wrong. Been doing it from the start. Not all the time, but there were, are, times I just get so sick of the nonsense, I have to rebel. Not once have I been confronted.
@ ME
How do you do it? Being wrong as much as you are?
A mandate is not a law. A law is not a mandate. A health order is neither. See a law is passed by a multiple people, a mandate is passed on by a dictator. A health order is made by someone on a power trip, at least in our county.
There is no law requiring folks to wear a mask. It was a mandate and then/now a health order. So please quit passing on misinformation, as you like to tell others.
People were not arrested for not wearing a mask .. that was not the charge filed against them. Charges included trespassing and assualt. So again, nice try, but very wrong. If you can find a case where someone was charged with not wearing mask, I would love to see that case. See that would show me a citation in the California Code that we could reference ….
There are also SEVERAL small stores along Contra Costa Blvd that are not enforcing the masks or vaccine/negative checks. I was in one yesterday in the Citibank plaza. So … it is quite possible to get into places without being checked or questioned. Maybe you are too easily following all the ‘mandates’ and ‘health orders’ and not opening your eyes to what is going on around you.
Actually people were arrested and fined. Business were to close. A simple look up and you find them. Look at what was actually done. A mandate is a temporary law. If broken you can be fined. I get you don’t understand stand that but that’s the truth. I know what all that means. Now if you’re talking about everything now. Then yes. All that is gone now. But during the start of the pandemic. Everything carried the weight of the laws/mandates put into place.
Me: I looked up your Calmatters website, and ;they describe themselves as a non-partisan group that explains issues, but then down the page they post an opinion piece strongly in favor of the Delta Tunnels project that drains the Northern California rivers so Los Angeles can have green lawns. And another opinion piece that the UC system should not give preference to California students. These weasels even say it makes the non-resident students “feel like pawns.” Perhaps Calmatters should fund apology cards for students in other states and in China and send them their leftover Stop the Recall t-shirts.
Are you delusional? Just cause Newscum says it is a law, does not make it so. A law is voted on. A law must be approved … just cause Newscum says h is mandates carry the weight of the law does not make it so. Do you not understand basic government? You might want to consider retaking the government classes …
As for arrested .. really? No one was arrested for not wearing a mask. No one. That was not the charge filed against them in a court of law.
Yep, some businesses were fined … but I did not say businesses were not fined, so not quite sure why you brought that into the conversation.
Don’t you hate it when you are wrong most of the time?
Exit 12A
September 27, 2021 - 7:44 PM 7:44 PM
Those figures are a numerical smoke screen. Percentages need to be provided in context.
Why the positivity rate metric no longer posted? Has it become irrelevant because of the current narrative?
What ever happened to “herd immunity”?
Such scary scary numbers … With these numbers we should all hide in our bunkers because the end of the world is here.
So on a serious note, with these numbers, why are we masked and showing proof? It was great being out of the county this past weekend. Walked in without a mask, ate inside without showing proof … It felt normal, because that is what normal SHOULD be. And those counties have less people vaccinated … yeah, our health department is a joke, just like Newscum.
September 27, 2021 - 8:38 PM 8:38 PM
Really a shame making children get vaccinated.
September 27, 2021 - 8:40 PM 8:40 PM
Is it just me, or is it more difficult to find Covid testing sites now? CVS and Walgreens websites always say “no available appointments” for any date I enter. No county testing sites listed anywhere….. Could this have something to do with decreased Covid cases recorded????
September 27, 2021 - 8:44 PM 8:44 PM
when will small businesses that are being threatened with fines going to stand up and refuse to cave to this only to go out of business…I don’t understand. they will go broke with less business..and they wont fight their own demise.
September 27, 2021 - 8:49 PM 8:49 PM
We should (wo)mandate everything!
September 27, 2021 - 9:02 PM 9:02 PM
Well, by your metric. Winter hasn’t set in yet, and Newsom wasn’t recalled. So, I’ll take science over your I’ll informed hunch. Thanks anyway.
September 27, 2021 - 11:39 PM 11:39 PM
I was in grocery store other day when 2 gals walked in without masks.
It wasn’t 30 seconds, when a Staff member gave them masks to put on –
they did and they Thanked him. There are a lot of us who are sick of the masks, But we do it.
So Sam, where are you eating?
Been shopping without a mask since they brought them back, nobody has said a thing about the mask, but the friendly clerk has said “It’s great to see your smiling face”
They are the real deal folks….. Let’s all go forward or we all fall.
September 28, 2021 - 12:16 AM 12:16 AM
Recall Newsom hmmm? If I am not mistaken. CA was one of the best states in fighting Covid as we had some of the best numbers. Metrics are down because of that. I love how people ask, Why are the mandates still up? The last 3x we lowered the mandates and also took them away. What happen? Things got worse and worse and things had to be shut down. You’re talking about ONLY 2 weeks.
Deb Shay
September 28, 2021 - 5:47 AM 5:47 AM
Winter hasn’t set in yet?
Wow, you are really afraid. Looks like you have zero confidence in the vaxx.
September 28, 2021 - 6:01 AM 6:01 AM
Hey goat .. when you find science leading the Covid protocols in California, let me know! Right now all I see is Newscum making mandates based on his whims …
September 28, 2021 - 6:06 AM 6:06 AM
The cognitive dissonance of “everyone needs to be vaccinated” and “the vaccine won’t protect you” is just….wow. The mask is not to protect you, it’s to protect “others” 🤣🤣 Humans ARE the virus if you don’t get it by now.
It’s very impressive how stupid people have become
Except its not my job to protect you or vice versa.
And masks do nothing but hide ugly faces. Totally useless against viruses.
September 28, 2021 - 6:22 AM 6:22 AM
“Two weeks to flatten the curve” and now we are at “You must have proof that we have injected you with this experimental vaccine”
Turn on your thinkers people.
Did I Say That Out Loud
September 28, 2021 - 6:40 AM 6:40 AM
We have low numbers because we are masked and following mandates. At this point, we need a vaccine against whining.
September 28, 2021 - 7:05 AM 7:05 AM
OMG…time to shelter in place and lock it down. Always a good idea to wear two face masks in doors and one when outside especially if you are exercising.
Sam Malone
September 28, 2021 - 8:10 AM 8:10 AM
Stop allowing people into the country who are not vaccinated, illegals, etc.,
Biden and his crew cannot be that stupid to figure this out. Stopping this will allow the numbers of cases to go down.
We cannot continue at this rate to have unvaccinated non citizens into the country.
chuckie the troll
September 28, 2021 - 8:25 AM 8:25 AM
Once you give away your civil/constitutional rights to the government, it is extremely difficult to get them back.
And so it is that no matter what the current state of infections, no matter how empty the hospitals, no matter how much harm is done to small business, no matter how much actual harm is done to the mental and physical health (many conditions left undiagnosed) of people, the Draconian State will continue to suck the life out of Californians.
Don’t forget to wear a mask!
The numbers will go back up once the booster is given.
One of the most repulsive things about this hoax, is the continued moving of the end game. Capitalising on fear and trust of the ignorant masses. Some are even hysterical. First of all the jab is not a vaccination. If it were, we would not be required to take second jabs and “boosters”. Unless this is a bioweapon. Or worse.
I suggest you broaden your research to include the full range of data, including the research scientists involved with covid. The doctors and nurses working Covid wards, the people INJURED by the jab.
The current “experts” posting the official data are perpetuating The Fraud. As obvious as The Fraud occupying the WH.
Numbers keep going down??? That’s a head scratcher… So tell me again why we have the discrimination against the unjabbed, resulting in people being fired from jobs and unable to house or feed themselves or their families. I’m sure the Karens out there are high fiveing each other about that, along with their death wishes for unjabbed.
I guess one way to avoid such a horrible outcome would be to just get the shots. Walk into just about any pharmacy. Hardly any waiting.
Why? Vaxxed can still get and transmit the virus, and still have to wear masks. Chewing gum is as effective as the “vaccine,” and has no short or ling term side effects.
@Deb Shay
Can you show me where that is true? Everything I am finding is dated almost a year ago with no proof.
Two thirds of Covid cases in Wales are in the vaccinated. Israel is having a record number of cases despite a very high vaccination rate.
From CNN:
“Experts say that vaccination makes it less likely that you’ll catch Covid-19 in the first place — but for those who do, this data suggests they could have a similar tendency to spread it as unvaccinated folks.”
The FDA states the following on their website in regards to the FDA approved (Pfizer) Comirnaty vax:
“Most vaccines that protect from viral illnesses also reduce transmission of the virus that causes the disease by those who are vaccinated. While it is hoped this will be the case, the scientific community does not yet know if Comirnaty will reduce such transmission.”
Then dump the damn masks and cards
I still don’t get, if the cases are so low and it’s decreasing why not allow unvaccinated into restraunts and gyms? People have rights!
People have rights!
Not anymore.
Power & Control!!! Power & Control!!!
You have rights ? That’s the old USA. It’s under new management now.
Tell me where in the Bill of Rights or the Constitution where it says you have the “right” to go to a gym.
Think of others instead of just yourself, if you can’t follow the rules you don’t get to just ignore them.
@Bud E Your right to refuse any medical treatment offered is protected by law.
Bud E
I believe it is implied in the preamble actually: Life, Liberty and the pursuit of happiness….
But but but if you are vaxxed then you are protected right? Where if the logic in segregating yourself?
This is not and never has been about health and safety. Power grab and control is the agenda.
Bud E
That falls under the freedom of choice.
Which is not a government law but a basic right of a human being.
Bud E,
The Constitution was never meant to list every right of citizens. Rather, it’s purpose is to limit the government from infringing on our rights. That is why instead of having phrases like “citizens shall, or shall not do this” the Constitution has phrases like “shall not be infringed!”
I’m not sure why you don’t get it. The restrictions (which can be very frustrating, I agree) are reducing the number of new COVID cases – why would you abandon a tactic that is working?
I go everywhere without a mask. I eat at restaurants 2x a day sometimes. You DO have rights. I have never worn the mask and never been asked to. You people are doing this to yourselves. NOBODY has the right to ask you anything. Just do your thing and quit listening to stupid people. I have never worn a mask. Just do it already, nobody will dare tell you anything.
Just in case you need to visit any friends or family in the hospital, there are pretty strict mask rules there. Just sayin.
Do you live in Contra Costa County? Or do you live in Shasta, Modoc, or San Joaquin County? I have trouble believing no one has asked you to put on a mask in their business.
Can you imagine a world where a random minimum wage kid or some low class “security guard” tells you what to do?😆😆 You people are gullible. Again, nobody has the right to tell to what to do. I live in Concord. I’m sure someone has tried at some point but I don’t pay attention to crazy people. Do you? If I was ever discriminated against, I would simply sue immediately. biden is not a dictator, nobody including OSHA has any way to enforce his fake mandates. You do understand an old senile man barking orders that are repugnant to the constitution are meaningless, don’t you? They really did a number on some of your minds. I told all of you at the beginning of this you were giving them power by complying. You were manipulated with the most powerful weapon on earth, your own fear.
He’s right. I don’t always wear a mask either and haven’t been kicked out of any store. Right here in commie contra costa.
I can certainly imagine a world in which people think they are somehow better than a *checks notes* “random minimum wage kid or some low class ‘security guard.'”
So because they make less money than you, you don’t have to follow the rules of the businesses they work in? Typical.
That’s right chuq. I DO NOT have to follow directives from anyone. Do you have a problem with that? I am 100% a free man. Does that make you uncomfortable?
Your mental illness is not my problem
Just ignore them. They have said a number of things and 99% have turned into lies. It was actually a law to enter a building without a mask for about 6 months +. So saying they never put a mask on. You know right then and there it was not true.
You kind of just proved you lied in you statement. In the 1st part you said “I have never worn the mask and never been asked to” But then you just said “I’m sure someone has tried at some point but I don’t pay attention to crazy people” You just went back on what you said…
As for suing. You wouldn’t be able to sue since it was a law passed in CA. It was mandated so nothing you would have been able to do at all. A number of people were arrested and fined for breaking that rule. Even a number of businesses had to comply or they had to shut their doors. And yes, It did happen. Also, Just because someone makes minimum wage doesn’t mean you don’t have to listen to them. What gives you the right to walk into a business and not follow the rules they set? That’s like me walking into your home. Taking off my shirt and shoes and you telling me to put them back on and I say no, I don’t have to. You follow the rules or you won’t be allowed back in. It’s that simple. This is how I know you are troll. Absolutely no way any of this is true.
@Deb Shay
Yes right now you can do that. But during the start of this. You weren’t able to. As you would have been kicked out of the store.
I have never worn a mask in my life.
“As for suing. You wouldn’t be able to sue since it was a law passed in CA. It was mandated so nothing you would have been able to do at all. A number of people were arrested and fined for breaking that rule. Even a number of businesses had to comply or they had to shut their doors. And yes, It did happen.”
There was never one single law passed in CA. Gavin ruling with usurped emergency powers is not LAWS. MANDATES ARE NOT LAWS. I already explained to you how LAWS are created. There you go with those lies again. NOBODY EVER PAID ANY FINES. Everything got thrown out as unlawful. YOU LITERALLY MAKE STUFF UP AS YOU GO.
What gives me the right? Anti-discrimination laws give me the right.
But you’re right I did lie. I’m paying attention to a crazy person right now. So I guess you got me.
@me…Wrong. Been doing it from the start. Not all the time, but there were, are, times I just get so sick of the nonsense, I have to rebel. Not once have I been confronted.
@ ME
How do you do it? Being wrong as much as you are?
A mandate is not a law. A law is not a mandate. A health order is neither. See a law is passed by a multiple people, a mandate is passed on by a dictator. A health order is made by someone on a power trip, at least in our county.
There is no law requiring folks to wear a mask. It was a mandate and then/now a health order. So please quit passing on misinformation, as you like to tell others.
People were not arrested for not wearing a mask .. that was not the charge filed against them. Charges included trespassing and assualt. So again, nice try, but very wrong. If you can find a case where someone was charged with not wearing mask, I would love to see that case. See that would show me a citation in the California Code that we could reference ….
There are also SEVERAL small stores along Contra Costa Blvd that are not enforcing the masks or vaccine/negative checks. I was in one yesterday in the Citibank plaza. So … it is quite possible to get into places without being checked or questioned. Maybe you are too easily following all the ‘mandates’ and ‘health orders’ and not opening your eyes to what is going on around you.
Don’t you hate when you’re wrong all the time..
https://www.google.com/ amp/s/calmatters.org/newsletters/ whatmatters/2020/06/gavin- newsom-face-masks-california/
It actually was a law for awhile.
Actually people were arrested and fined. Business were to close. A simple look up and you find them. Look at what was actually done. A mandate is a temporary law. If broken you can be fined. I get you don’t understand stand that but that’s the truth. I know what all that means. Now if you’re talking about everything now. Then yes. All that is gone now. But during the start of the pandemic. Everything carried the weight of the laws/mandates put into place.
Me: I looked up your Calmatters website, and ;they describe themselves as a non-partisan group that explains issues, but then down the page they post an opinion piece strongly in favor of the Delta Tunnels project that drains the Northern California rivers so Los Angeles can have green lawns. And another opinion piece that the UC system should not give preference to California students. These weasels even say it makes the non-resident students “feel like pawns.” Perhaps Calmatters should fund apology cards for students in other states and in China and send them their leftover Stop the Recall t-shirts.
Are you delusional? Just cause Newscum says it is a law, does not make it so. A law is voted on. A law must be approved … just cause Newscum says h is mandates carry the weight of the law does not make it so. Do you not understand basic government? You might want to consider retaking the government classes …
As for arrested .. really? No one was arrested for not wearing a mask. No one. That was not the charge filed against them in a court of law.
Yep, some businesses were fined … but I did not say businesses were not fined, so not quite sure why you brought that into the conversation.
Don’t you hate it when you are wrong most of the time?
Those figures are a numerical smoke screen. Percentages need to be provided in context.
Why the positivity rate metric no longer posted? Has it become irrelevant because of the current narrative?
What ever happened to “herd immunity”?
Biden says he wants 97% to 98% of Americans vaccinated.
I guess that’s his idea of herd immunity.
The test positivity rate is readily available on the County’s website. As of 9/13, it was 3.2%.
Such scary scary numbers … With these numbers we should all hide in our bunkers because the end of the world is here.
So on a serious note, with these numbers, why are we masked and showing proof? It was great being out of the county this past weekend. Walked in without a mask, ate inside without showing proof … It felt normal, because that is what normal SHOULD be. And those counties have less people vaccinated … yeah, our health department is a joke, just like Newscum.
Really a shame making children get vaccinated.
Is it just me, or is it more difficult to find Covid testing sites now? CVS and Walgreens websites always say “no available appointments” for any date I enter. No county testing sites listed anywhere….. Could this have something to do with decreased Covid cases recorded????
when will small businesses that are being threatened with fines going to stand up and refuse to cave to this only to go out of business…I don’t understand. they will go broke with less business..and they wont fight their own demise.
We should (wo)mandate everything!
Well, by your metric. Winter hasn’t set in yet, and Newsom wasn’t recalled. So, I’ll take science over your I’ll informed hunch. Thanks anyway.
I was in grocery store other day when 2 gals walked in without masks.
It wasn’t 30 seconds, when a Staff member gave them masks to put on –
they did and they Thanked him. There are a lot of us who are sick of the masks, But we do it.
So Sam, where are you eating?
Been shopping without a mask since they brought them back, nobody has said a thing about the mask, but the friendly clerk has said “It’s great to see your smiling face”
I eat at Nunya’s every single day.
They are the real deal folks….. Let’s all go forward or we all fall.
Recall Newsom hmmm? If I am not mistaken. CA was one of the best states in fighting Covid as we had some of the best numbers. Metrics are down because of that. I love how people ask, Why are the mandates still up? The last 3x we lowered the mandates and also took them away. What happen? Things got worse and worse and things had to be shut down. You’re talking about ONLY 2 weeks.
Winter hasn’t set in yet?
Wow, you are really afraid. Looks like you have zero confidence in the vaxx.
Hey goat .. when you find science leading the Covid protocols in California, let me know! Right now all I see is Newscum making mandates based on his whims …
The cognitive dissonance of “everyone needs to be vaccinated” and “the vaccine won’t protect you” is just….wow. The mask is not to protect you, it’s to protect “others” 🤣🤣 Humans ARE the virus if you don’t get it by now.
It’s very impressive how stupid people have become
Your mental illness is not my problem.
Except its not my job to protect you or vice versa.
And masks do nothing but hide ugly faces. Totally useless against viruses.
“Two weeks to flatten the curve” and now we are at “You must have proof that we have injected you with this experimental vaccine”
Turn on your thinkers people.
We have low numbers because we are masked and following mandates. At this point, we need a vaccine against whining.
OMG…time to shelter in place and lock it down. Always a good idea to wear two face masks in doors and one when outside especially if you are exercising.
Stop allowing people into the country who are not vaccinated, illegals, etc.,
Biden and his crew cannot be that stupid to figure this out. Stopping this will allow the numbers of cases to go down.
We cannot continue at this rate to have unvaccinated non citizens into the country.
Once you give away your civil/constitutional rights to the government, it is extremely difficult to get them back.
And so it is that no matter what the current state of infections, no matter how empty the hospitals, no matter how much harm is done to small business, no matter how much actual harm is done to the mental and physical health (many conditions left undiagnosed) of people, the Draconian State will continue to suck the life out of Californians.