Home » Second Bird, Another Group Of Mosquitoes Found With West Nile Virus In Contra Costa County

Second Bird, Another Group Of Mosquitoes Found With West Nile Virus In Contra Costa County


A second bird in Contra Costa County and another group of mosquitoes tested positive for West Nile Virus, county vector control officials said.

The bird was found in San Pablo and the mosquitoes were in a trap in Oakley. It’s the first dead bird this year in San Pablo to have West Nile Virus.

So far this year in the county, two dead birds have been found with West Nile Virus as well as eight groups of mosquitoes.

Vector control officials said certain birds carry West Nile Virus and mosquitoes can become infected when they bite an infected bird. Mosquitoes spread the virus by biting another bird or a person.


As long as the weather stays warm, West Nile Virus infections will likely peak, according to the Contra Costa Mosquito and Vector Control District.

Vector control officials suggest residents take precautions against the virus by dumping or draining any standing water around the home, wearing recommended mosquito repellant, and reporting dead birds.

Standing water allows mosquitoes to breed.

Repellant should be worn just before and just after sunrise and sunset when mosquitoes are present. Vector control officials suggest wearing EPA-registered products with either DEET, Picaridin or oil of lemon eucalyptus.


Since 2005, 74 people in the county have contracted West Nile Virus and two people died from the disease in 2006.

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So….When do the mandated West Nile vaccines start?

We’ll have to start wearing mosquito nets first. Baby steps.

I was wondering the exact same thing

In three weeks as soon as we shelter in place to flatten the curve.

WNV..it’s an every year announcement over and over again, it’s nothing new and honestly not anything I’ve ever worried about.
Move along folks nothing to see here..again.

When does the lock down begin?

Biden let it come across the border

More people died from domestic abuse in the past few years. Why are dumb media still reporting things like this…?

Decades ago, our primary physician suggested taking a Vitamin B-complex vitamin capsule an hour before we planned to go outside. It makes you “smell funny” to all insects, so they do not bite or sting.
(Human beings cannot detect the chemical difference.)

Thanks Antler—

I’m gonna give it a try. I always seem to be
the main course at The Mosquito Buffet 🦟

Vitamin BO? No thanx!
I’ll stick to garlic in my diet and my mosquito net hat when night fishing.

Antler, thanks for the B-complex tip!
I’ll give this a try.

“Wash your hands and wear your mask(s), we will flatten the curve in a couple of weeks.”…lather, rinse, repeat.

Yes. The possibilities are endless. Is there anyone left that doesn’t see this?

ANOTHER CRISIS!!!! Lockdowns, rationing, and more legislation to deny our rights. Must be global warming!!!!

Some of these commenters should go to open mic night at the local comedy club. They are so funny.
Funny, Like a cold sore on prom night…..

@Lovelace….”Like a cold sore on prom night”..…Funnier than a canker sore but not as bad as a chancre sore for sure.


How will we be taxed THIS time?
Middle finger extended.

Dont mosquitos know..
the government wants all our blood



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