Home » Gov. Newsom Removes Term “Alien” From State Legislation

Gov. Newsom Removes Term “Alien” From State Legislation


Immigrants and non-citizens will no longer be termed “aliens” in California State code, Governor Gavin Newsom signed on Friday.

AB 1096, written by Assemblymember Luz Rivas (D-Arleta), will replace the term “alien” in California law with “noncitizen” or “immigrant”.

“As the nation’s most diverse state, we are stronger and more vibrant because of our immigrant communities,” said Newsom in a statement. “This important legislation removes the word ‘alien,’ which is not only an offensive term for a human being, but for far too long has fueled a divisive and hurtful narrative. By changing this term, we are ensuring California’s laws reflect our state’s values.”

Along with AB 1096, Newsom also approved a series of legislation geared towards improving the lives of immigrants in California, including bills centered around detention facility safety standards, rights for unaccompanied, undocumented minors and hate crime protections for immigrants.


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As in “illegal immigrant” You can’t get rid if the illegal. Otherwise for sure they will be sending them ballots.

Ricardoh, you know darn well that removing the term “illegal” is next. They have been trying this Newspeak for at least a decade using “undocumented” instead, just not in most legislation. Sounds like “noncitizen” will be used for the next few cycles until some group starts to become offended by the term, then it too will be dropped.

A more appropriate term would be “undocumented Democrat.”

Accurate, Descriptive, Perfect!

However I would add one word to avoid any confusion at election time:

Undocumented Democrat Noncitizen

It is humorous to hear Newsom talk about divisive and hurtful narratives. Heck without them he would be out of a job.

If you’re really going to do it correctly, you need to preface noncitizen and immigrant with “illegal” or “legal” for an accurate disclosure.

Trying to change the way people talk and think about a subject by determining the words they use is very George Orwell 1984ish, but if you actually read AB1096 it only gets worse. Lots of woke is in there and it goes on for pages and pages.

I motion they remove the term pandemic from state legislation and stop torturing citizens.

Well then , what are they going to call real outer space aliens? Also, “undocumented Democrats?”

I see our “Lawmakers” in Sacramento are wasting time on frivolous BS again. How about working on something constructive, like water storage or bolstering the power grid! Maybe fixing our roads? Oh that’s right, Gavin spent the gas tax funds on his pet projects instead.

If gavin was so righteous and california has endless dollars, he would just buy Mexico. It would make more sense. But he won’t..He’d rather give away our state.

63% of Non-Citizen Households Access Welfare Programs
Compared to 35% of native households (cis.org)

Welfare Programs = Jobs (often union) for Democrats and guaranteed Democrat party membership/voting for those immigrants once they receive citizenship.

He also lowered the age for mediCal to 50 even for undocumented residents. He is a complete idiot set on destroying this state. And fools keep voting Democrat being complacent with it

Citing an anti immigrant think tank to prove a point that uses false data is not a way to prove a point…. Just saying…

Oh good, so you can refute the provided data? Only the smoothest of brains could possibly entertain the ridiculous notion that millions of low-skilled, under-educated people who illegally enter the country, many who don’t speak English and some who are even illiterate in their own language, would NOT be a massive burden and net economic drain on the “host” nation.

I keep hoping Mr. Resident or someone else trots out the old racist and demeaning chestnut that we need some kind of lower classes to use like pack animals to keep the price of lettuce and lawn mowing low, so I can mention yet again that according to UN economic data the price of a head of lettuce is cheaper in either Paris or Berlin than in San Francisco.

Soon, the progressives will demand that the NAACP change its name.

What about Intergalactic Aliens? Do they count too?

We can call them unlawful border crossing vagrants, or is that offensive to vagrants?

Breaking. News Alert: If you own a. ” single family hone’ you will want to check out SB 9 it. Is a single family zoning law. Senate Bill just resently signed by Gavin Newsom. SB 9 had passed in San Diego county. There is an article ” is it the dearh of San Diego suburbs.”

Nothing quite like corrupting the language to suit your narrative. Democrats are the ones who have given the word “alien” a negative connotation. No such connotation exists in the definition of the word. And, these idiots get paid for spending their time like this while the State burns.

Essential Meaning of alien:

1 : not familiar or like other things you have known, different from what you are used to; an alien environment

2 : from another country, FOREIGN; alien residents

I like aliens. I hope to meet up some day.

Newsence is an alien.

Not a problem……I started referring to Democrats as Morons years ago.

I was recently watching a video about Machu Picchu and couldn’t help to notice that foreign visitors are charged a higher price than Peru nationals for visiting the site and neither tourists or nationals complains about it nor label it discriminatory. Here illegal immigrants get free housing, education-including higher education, healthcare, food and free money yet they aren’t ever satisfied. Why would anyone try coming into the country LEGALLY when being illegal guarantees benefits without effort? There’s also no threat of deportation whatsoever. They are economic migrants and they keep wages low plus they are a financial burden on taxpayers. The State of California is constantly overriding Federal rules.

Will always be an illegal to me as they are illegally entering this country.

A rose by another name . . .

Is it okay to call them what they are? Criminal illegals?

… illegal immigrant? as another said… undocumented Democrat?

Whatever Newsom wants them to be called, they are still illegals. Maybe if all of our homeless AMERICAN CITIZENS go and camp on the border, they will get housed faster. Sure suspicious that all of those thousands who were there a couple of days ago are gone. And you can be guaranteed that a hefty portion of them are now somewhere in the US. The border patrol officers on horseback will be vilified to take the attention away from Biden’s miserable failure at protecting the border. Sadly, the only ones who will care will be those who end up with these illegals housed in their neighborhoods. And these neighborhoods will be nowhere near where our esteemed politicians live.

Your comments are spot on, Gremlin! So what is going to happen with the resident alien cards (green cards) that have no expiration date? Asking for a friend…

True, true, and true!

And they didn’t even require a vaccination…
aka “America Last”… Biden is “The Anti Trump”.

I wonder how many of California’s legal residents thought this was an important issue that needed to be addressed?

I can’t imagine members of either political party would be too concerned with a word which by definition shouldn’t be offensive to anybody.

Illegal, unlawful, undocumented, and anything else describing these boarder jumpers shows them as lawbreakers and they’re not welcome.

Supporting people who’s very first act in our Republic is breaking a law does not deserve a reward of free stuff.

Nada, nothing, send them home.

Immigrants need to come to America legally.


“Amnesty” coming right up!

It was good enough for Sting!


Well now “WE Must be PC”.

Wait, . . . DEMs will get around to “fixing” our founding documents.

An for short attention span liberal voters, this gem . . .
April 2020
“California Democratic Governor Gavin Newsom admitted during a coronavirus press conference on Wednesday that he wants to take advantage of the pandemic to implement a leftist political agenda.”

Isn’t it interesting, non citizens many of whom violating our immigration laws are given preferential treatment . . . just as it was under obama.

Ever wonder, . . . who paid tab for over 10,000 Haitians too travel over 2,000 miles to cross our open southern Border . . . . ?

Goal appears to be same as was with obama, overload and crash the system. Forcing another massive amnesty to gain millions of new DEM voters. Assuring their dream of future decades of majority control of executive and legislative branches of federal government.

Overwhelm the system
Break the system
Blame the system
Take control

We can all sleep easier now. Next he’ll remove criminal and replace it with “misunderstood.”

Love it 😂

That’s funny!!

Gabbin Nuisance

Three days ago Myorkis was at the border telling us and the Haitians they were not getting into the US. Today he said 12 thousand untested unvaccinated Haitians were allowed into the country. In a couple of weeks or sooner 30 thousand more of them will be at our border. They are already on their way. Where are these people going to find housing or food competing with the over a million who have already crossed the border this year?Nothing good will come from this stupidity. The very people in the US that the democrats champion for are the people who will be hurt but they will vote for a democrat anyway. We live in Never Never Land.

Yes, just keep the wages down and inflation keeps going up. Blue collar Americans will keep feeding the low wages driven be illegal aliens. Inflation will continue to go up, and Young people, raised by blue collar parents, if they even have both together, making it worse for them. Divorce is so hard for the young ones. No stability. Now the world lost stability. What now??
What’s next???
What’s to come isn’t going to be pretty

Newsom seems to be extremely proud of having zero loyalty to any Californians who have been here for decades, kind of like how cable tv, satellite, and phone companies act charging long time customers even more than the new ones.

There simply is no negative connotation to the word “alien” aside from that which Democrats have attached to it. You almost have to feel sorry for them. They are in a fierce, life and death struggle with none other than themselves. It must cloud any rational thought or productive actions they could take while they sort out their confusion. It’s like watching a rabid animal flailing about hoping it doesn’t attack. It would be funny if it weren’t such a drain on one’s energy.

At a demonstration by immigrants today one woman said, “We want a path to citizenship.” Well, here it is: Go to the nearest INS office (Immigration and Naturalization Services) and ask them, “How do I become a citizen?” Now, was that so hard?

Dementia Joe is again saying his $3.5 trillion dollar spending will not cost us anything because the wealthy will all pay for it. To read his minion’s reports there is either 400 wealthy individuals or about 26,000 wealthy families he is targeting. So, if his plan is the one to tax 400 people then he’s banking on getting $8.7 billion ($3.5 trillion divided by 400) dollars from each of these guys. Ha ha ha ha .. and this is really coming from Joe and not The Onion.

Well I will continue to call them alien. By webster definition that is what they are … So unless he is trying (I know, give him time) to change the webster definition, you are an alien (ie, a foreigner) to this country. You are either illegal or legal.

Deal with it.

How is alien an insult? Perhaps, space aliens should be offended. If I go to another state I’m an alien of that state. It feels like such a waste of time to have Government officials complain about stuff like this. Man holes are now maintenance holes not sure there was a problem, but thanks for fixing the non problem. Sororities and fraternities will now be called “collegiate Greek system residences”. Was someone seriously complaining about sororities and fraternities names? BTW not all fraternity and sorority member live in the “house”. Homeless is unhoused. Frankly, unhoused sounds worse to me. If I was Governor and somebody asked me I’d tell them “Sorry, I have real concerns to take care off !” Soon these new changes will somehow become offensive to one person and they will have to be changed, and possibly back to the previous name. The funny thing is Newsome probably doesn’t give an F, but he is such a panderer.



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