Wednesday, March 5, 2025
Home » Newsom Signs $15B Package Of Bills To Help State Cope With Climate Change

Newsom Signs $15B Package Of Bills To Help State Cope With Climate Change


California Governor Gavin Newsom signed a bevy of bills on Thursday that together authorize $15 billion in spending to combat climate change.

Newsom signed 24 bills intended to provide wildfire protection, drought response and protection from sea level rise and extreme heat.

The bills include $1.5 billion for wildfire and forest resilience, $5.2 billion over three years for short-term drought response and long-term investment in water supply expansion and drinking and wastewater systems, $3.7 billion over three years to cope with extreme heat and sea level rise, $1.1 billion over two years for sustainable agriculture investments and $3.9 billion to purchase thousands of zero-emission vehicles and to help “drive consumer adoption” of such vehicles.

“We’re deploying a comprehensive approach to meet the sobering challenges of the extreme weather patterns that imperil our way of life and the Golden State as we know it,” Newsom said in a news release.


The bills are intended to, in part, help communities better prepare for wildfires and fund fuel breaks and fuel reduction projects in fire-prone areas.

They also include money for emergency drought relief and to expand water supplies and for projects to support wildlife and habitat restoration efforts.

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Just call it a wildfire prevention bill, and say “In the great state of California we have failed to maintain the forests which has increased the frequency and intensity of wild fires, some started by PG&E. This bill will fund forest maintenance but I will not hold PG&E accountable as they are a major campaign contributor and also pay my wife for various projects.”

Don’t try to pin the blame on the state for maintaining national forests; that’s the responsibility of the US Forest Service.

Correct, by real leaders work with the Feds to get things done. See project room key.

Based on what J Kerry said (see included link) Newsom’s continual push to saddle Californians with high climate costing things (solar, electric cars, etc.) won’t really make any kind of dent at all. Not until other big polluting nations (such as China) get serious. Also, sea level rise? Why then did Obama purchase a 27 acre ocean front estate on Martha’s vineyard? So much garbled BS out there.


“Why then did Obama purchase a 27 acre ocean front estate on Martha’s vineyard?”

Because Martha’s Vineyard is on the Atlantic. That ocean won’t rise nearly as much as the Pacific. 🙂

What sea-level rise? Per NOAA:

At the Golden Gate Bridge, the relative sea-level trend is 1.97 mm/year with a 95% confidence interval of +/- 0.18 mm/year based on monthly mean sea level data from 1897 to 2020 which is equivalent to a change of 0.65 feet in 100 years.

1 year = .0065 feet.

Wow. Just wow.

Climate change is the new fake pandemic.

Ok I want my five hundred thousand for my mental health for living in California.Only problem I see with that is I’m white middle class and retired so I’m sure I won’t get it.

Old-timer: do one of those genetic tests maybe you have 1% native American or 1% some kind of color in you. I think that thing qualifies you as a ‘person of color’. (Just like Elizabeth Warren or Elizabeth Dolezar claimed) . I think though, now you could just declare what you are or feel like at the moment, both in race and in sex standing

Just think of all that energy it requires to mine and produce those lithium battery’s. And all the environmental damage that is left behind from mining. Poor Mother Earth.

“Blah blah blah. We here in California are setting the global example for blah blah blah.” You can bet there’s billions in liberal fluff money buried in those 24 bills.

How about investigating the billions lost to unemployment fraud? Crickets crickets crickets. Ain’t gonna happen, those are Gavin voters………

This BS can make a grown man cry. Fifteen billion dollars and nothing good will come from it. A bunch of liberals are going to get richer. In the mean time they will wait until 2026 before they get third graders to be able to read. How much more of this are the people of California going to take?

One Grease Ball with a pen cannot change the course of nature.

Nor can the aforementioned Grease Ball change how this or any other country deals with pollution.

This is all a grandstand play with your money for his 24 Presidential elections.

He gets to rule, we all get to pay.

Greaseball didn’t miss a lick. He was right back doing what he likes best, preening in front of the cameras and microphones. As a typically deluded Democrat, Greaseball took his recall as a vote of confidence!

I love how they wrap this expenditure around Climate Change, when it’s more about recognizing and funding good Forest and Fire mitigation management, I’m not saying Climate Change is fake, just saying the State has not done it’s job … Why don’t you see massive Fires in OR, WA, WY, CO, ID, UT. .. why only here ??

There are fires burning all over the West, not just California. The Bootleg Fire in Oregon was over 400,000 acres before it was fully contained in mid -August.

If they wanna fully subsidize an electric vehicle with more than 200 miles per charge for me I’ll take one! That’ll get a truck off the roadway for commuting. It’ll also help line the pockets of PGE and help put a gas station out of business.

Hmmm…Wonder if the huge volcanic eruption in Canary Islands adds to climate change? It’s been going on for days now. Maybe we can drop a big cap on it???

I think all the volcanic particles in the air are supposed to create a shield that reflects the sun and so reduces the temperature. I read a story that environmentalists are thinking about purposely on a global scale putting particles in the air (which you will breathe) to reduce global warming. If you didn’t like the forced vaccination, what are you going to do about not breathing their synthetic particles?

Would love to see how much of that money ends up getting funneled back to the dem party or Newsom through deals with companies favor them and launder it

Yes that money from our tax dollars goes to pg and sleezy
Who then funnels the kick back errrr donation to the newscum AND his aunt
There by laundering our tax dollars back to the dems
This is how they get rich with hundreds of millions and your clamoring for a 600 dollar check lol

Your enabling your own demise

Let me see who does that what type of country and policy does that to their people


Anyone answer that

If you did then your a party to fraud as well

Money laundering is illegal

Unless your a democrat politician

Grease ball. Oh man, that sums it up perfectly.

hmmm, just $15 billion? Why doesn’t he spend $100 billion, or even half a trillion? And just forego all formalities and cut checks for all his friends and organizations that will end up with their slice of this tax payer funded windfall?

Climate change shouldn’t matter much if the population is going to shrink 90% by 2025. That would leave California with a population of about 4 million. So far less pollution and plenty of water to go around. 🙂

Newsom is the king of pissing away money

Maybe we should simply plant more trees? Perhaps, 3 trees for every 1 tree cut down? Wait a minute, that won’t work; there’s no power to grab and no money to be made.



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