In the years 2020 and 2021 in the United States….
- 464 kids between the ages of 0-17 died due to COVID-19. (vaccine available to 12 and over since May 2021).
- 966 died due to pneumonia. (vaccine available to children under 2).
- 110 died due to COVID-19 & pneumonia combined.
- 188 died due to the flu. (vaccine available to all).
- 56,781 died from all causes. (accident, illness, overdose, homicide, obesity, etc.).
- 3,683 (ages 0-24) died of a drug overdose in 2019.
source: CDC –
Just about says it all.
An actuary would say deaths due to COVID are “Statistically insignificant”.
On 2/7/20 even Trump admitted, in private, that this is a highly contagious, airborne illness. Spreading garbage statistics and rumors from blogs does not help and it is not “doing your own research.”
The latest is from a former general. “Michael Flynn Spreads Bizarre Conspiracy Theory About Vaccines In Salad Dressing”
In 2017 there were 643 deaths from Influenza for 0-17. -
Lets add the flu and covid from these stats…
464+188 = 652
652-643= 9
“pandemic” lmao
Yes, that is the real ‘pandemic’ for this age group, yet little attention or action is given to it.
Now show us how many kids died from flu and pneumonia in 2017-2018
But anyway puts things in perspective don’t it?
Look at the overdose number
They took a year and a half of your kids life.
For nothing.
Half the number that dies from pneumonia and twice the number that dies from the flu.
How can you still think this is about safety for children?
Teachers unions. Gavin Newsome.
Worse than that, even, is the coming forced vaxx for kids. Totally unnecessary.
A little something for the bots…
NIH website Last Updated July 8, 2021
“table 2e characteristics of antiviral agents approved for the treatment of COVID-19” page two IVERMECTIN. “The dose most commonly used in clinical trials is IVM 0.2-0.6 mg/kg PO given as a single dose or as once-daily dose for up to 5 days. ITS 100% APPROVED FOR USE IN COVID.
Now go ahead and argue that the FDA is the only one who approves medications as you run off to get your unapproved boosters
I ALWAYS have the receipts. You are being lied to. Fauci pushed remdesivir because he’s invested. The American genocide.
Go to the NIH website, print off “table 2e” (including page 2 and 3) and keep it with you in case you or a loved one catches the COVID HOAX. Give it to the hospital or dr and stay away from remdesivir that has the absolute worst side effects, number one being DEATH.
Sam, for some reason you left out an important phrase from the title of Table 2e:
Table 2e. Characteristics of Antiviral Agents That Are Approved or Under Evaluation for the Treatment of COVID-19.
The approval is only for use in clinical trials. That’s the only approved use.
IVERMECTIN is NOT approved for humans.
A well tested vaccine is available and it helps.
How Ivermectin Became The New Focus Of The Anti-Vaccine Movement
Glad you asked why I did that.
The point being, Ivermectin is just as approved as remdesivir and the “vaccine”
So remdesivir is only approved in clinical trials as well. You do understand what you’re saying right? Now tell me why it’s such an important phrase to you.
Anyone can go to the NIH website and see for themselves. Your lies are useless here.
Sam thinks they know more then what scientist know and comes up with their own wording and. We all know it’s not approved. There’s a difference from being approved and people using it. Sam doesn’t know the difference. It’s ok
In humans, Ivermectin is approved to treat roundworms in the intestine as well as river blindness. Some topical forms of ivermectin are approved for treating head lice and skin conditions such as rosacea.
Yes Parker, it’s also approved to treat COVID-19. In fact they call it a “wonder drug”
As long as you’re Not transparent regarding this, YOU ARE the source for the so called “vaccine hesitancy”.
How many 0-17 in the US developed Myocarditis after getting the vaccine?
To many.
BLM protests vaccine passports. As many have pointed out recent restaurant vaccine requirements have a disparate impact on minorities – a group who is statistically less likely to be jabbed.
How many more would be dead or infected if we didn’t social distance, didn’t wear masks or didn’t have a vaccine?
That may be true, although know one really knows, but full disclosure, obfuscation of the facts, and outright lying by health officials has driven a spike into the confidence of many, including me. How can we trust ANYTHING they say or do at this point? I was done with them when we were told to wear masks outside…knew then it was all about control of the masses.
…meant to say without full disclosure…
More would be infected if they were subject to injection as the vaccinated mudbloods are super spreaders with 250x the viral load of purebloods.
Facemasks do nothing and are a talisman akin to a garlic necklace.
How many more would be alive if they didn’t kill themselves as a result of this torture?
How many more would be alive that died from vaccines?
How many more would be alive that died imposing and denying this tyranny?
And was it worth the collective human cost of those alive who have been tortured and mentally brutalized for the past two weeks of curbing the spread?
And did your permanent loss of freedom justify it?
It is kinda odd don’t you think, that peoples memories are the size of knats? How many people do you know who have no memory of the flu before 2020.
And I will put money on the 0-17yo group having a larger number of deaths of despair when the Covid hospitalization and death numbers are accurately clocked at 40-50% of originally reported numbers.
Is there a whole column left off your summary that includes deaths coded as influenza, covid, or pneumonia? Check out that right hand column and add it on if you want to present a clearer picture.
Fact check = misleading
If you’re arguing in favor of a vaccine, and your starting place is, that it has yet to kill any kids, that doesn’t speak very highly of it. It’s almost an argument against it.
Given the miniscule threat it poses to the youthful, it’s debatable that it’s even worth the time involved in getting it.
Then there are the merits of the vaccine itself. It’s no longer so effective, thanks to the wide spread variants. Obviously it does still offer some protection, but it’s certainly no miraculous remedy for the current situation.
On top of that, there’s the issue of longevity. IIRC it seems to majorly drop off in effectiveness about 6 months after you get it.
Let us not forget that it is for a virus that, for many of us who are less than a half century old, will be so tame (in terms of symptoms) that we may well not realize we ever got it in the first place. And natural immunity seems to be much more effective and longer lasting than the vaccine.
There are multiple vaccine deaths for children. A quick search…
@fact finder … you better research some facts bc “in fact” sadly there have been teens that have died from the covid 19 shot
Thank you for posting total numbers and drug overdose deaths to assist with comparison.
I’m so tired of the “1 is too many!!!!” argument. That type of hysteria results in poor decision making
Mask – minimal
Social distance – there would be an increase, but the “social distance” aspect is a vague term. If sick folks were responsible (similiarly responsible adults would “stay away” from others with a cold or flu) then I would say a decent amount more
Vaccine – That one depends on which age demographic you look at it. It seems to help the elderly, as they are more susceptible to the virus…but unsure how death rates would change by removing vaccine related deaths/issues and adding in more non vaccinated deaths/issues
The bigger crux of your question, is that data was not unbiasedly collected and reviewed on the subject. Some of that is nefarious, some was ignorance, and some is just how the system worked out (add COVID to a death certifcate, the hospital gets a little extra funding bump…how could that hurt?…Oh, we base policy off these numbers)
Hey … flu season is just around the corner. Eat healthy food and exercise.
@JoJo The Fauci Clown