Home » Injury Collision On Clayton Rd. At Marsh Creek In Downtown Clayton

Injury Collision On Clayton Rd. At Marsh Creek In Downtown Clayton


An injury collision on Clayton Rd. at Marsh Creek in downtown Clayton is being cleared from the road.

The road is currently blocked.


Use caution if you’re in the area.

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I drove right by there as the police were directing traffic and seemingly, one of the two drivers ran a red light….or, the truck experienced failed brakes. I hope injuries sustained are not serious.

Unless both lights were green….. I’d say you’re right.

Hold up your mouse if you have dash cams in your vehicles.
They can provide proof. In some counties dash cams are in wide spread use.
Here’s an example from a few years back, how many of you remember this from 2014?

At least one of those vehicles was not supposed to be in that intersection.

You can clearly see in the picture the Toyota is running the red light.

@The Reverend….Don’t quit your weekend job just yet Rev. Comedy may not be the right direction for you…just sayin’.

Raw rock trucks driving down Clayton Road from the quarries to the processing plant on Imhoff seem to have little regard for the safety of others, esp. the Foskett trucks. Speeding, abrupt lane changes, running lights and stop signs. I understand truckers often get paid by the load but they need to slow down and quit scaring the rest of us.

This morning I saw one of the semis run the light making a left from Kirker Pass onto eastbound Clayton. My first thought was, what if someone was in the cross walk? What if they had just taken the first step to start crossing the street?


I see the trucks from the quArry every day, some drive very aggressively and a serious accident will happen. There are 2 schools on pine hollow, the hours they are allowed to use our streets should be limited. This morning I was cut off by one of the trucks that dumped rocks all the way up Ygnacio

The quarries are grandfathered in as they were here before the suburbs came to Clayton Valley. If you want make things safer, call the Concord PD and let them know-only chance you have.


With the weight of that truck the driver of the Toyota is very lucky.
I drive a large work truck. I’m never in a hurry, I’ve had plenty of rest and I have a plan of where I’m going. My personal observations are there are plenty of poor drivers on the road

Yup. Those big trucks are an issue in our communities. Their speeding, riding bumpers, running red lights. How about our kids getting to and from school? The thousands of commuters. These truckers need road/life etiquette lessons.

Looks to me as if one driver did not heed the traffic signal.
Fair conclusion?

Well the trucks are big enough to easily stay clear of them. I don’t drive behind or beside them, nor do I walk across the street even in a crosswalk in front of them, I see thek coming I let em pass first.
Why should hours they drive be limited, that’s just stupid as they are doing their jobs.
Get over the big trucks people just keep your distance it’s not like they can’t be seen.



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