Home » West Contra Costa Unified Poised To Be First Northern California District To Mandate Student COVID-19 Vaccinations

West Contra Costa Unified Poised To Be First Northern California District To Mandate Student COVID-19 Vaccinations


By Ali Tadayon – EdSource

West Contra Costa Unified is slated to become the first school district in Northern California to require all eligible students to be vaccinated against Covid-19, along with teachers and staff.

School board members Demetrio Gonzalez-Hoy and Otheree Christian will bring a resolution to the board at a special meeting Tuesday calling for the mandate. It would give students ages 12 and older until Oct. 3 to get their first vaccine dose and until Oct. 31 to get their second. The resolution is expected to pass.

Without an exemption for religious or medical reasons, students will have to enroll in the district’s virtual academy if they don’t comply. Students who will turn 12 during the school year will have a month after their birthday to get vaccinated.


Gonzalez-Hoy, in an interview Wednesday, said requiring eligible students to get the vaccine in order to attend in-person classes is crucial to keeping classrooms open and preventing viral spread. He said the mandate is also a response to families and community members who have been calling for more stringent Covid safety measures.

“We’ve had a lot of outbreaks; we’ve had to send staff home and close classrooms,” Gonzalez-Hoy said. “I believe, through a vaccine mandate, that will decrease. Our priority is to keep kids in school, and I think this will help with that.”

Last week, the district had 49 Covid cases — eight staff members and 41 students. The district includes schools in Richmond and surrounding communities and enrolled about 27,000 students this year.

Gonzalez-Hoy said he hasn’t heard from any families within the district who are opposed to a vaccine mandate, though he expects to before or at Tuesday’s meeting.


“I think we have a very conscious community that does believe in the science,” Gonzalez-Hoy said. “I’m doing this because I’ve been hearing from parents, communities and staff that they really want this to happen, which brings me a lot of strength to move forward even though there might be some pushback.”

The district’s teachers union, United Teachers of Richmond, has also called for a vaccine mandate for eligible students. According to the district’s Covid dashboard, 93 percent of West Contra Costa Unified staff are already vaccinated.

In order to accommodate families who don’t comply with the mandate, the district will likely need to expand its virtual academy. As of the district’s most recent school board meeting on Sept. 8, 267 families remained on the waitlist for the virtual academy with only 102 available spots.

The day after West Contra Costa Unified’s special meeting, nearby Oakland Unified is also expected to consider a vaccine mandate for students, the online publication Oaklandside reported Wednesday. The majority of Oakland Unified’s seven board members support the mandate, but others have reservations about potentially pushing students out of the classroom, according to Oaklandside.


Gonzalez-Hoy said though West Contra Costa Unified would be the first Northern California district to pass a vaccine mandate, representatives from several other large urban districts, including San Francisco Unified and San Jose Unified, have been meeting to discuss the topic.

Culver City Unified in west Los Angeles County was likely the first California district to impose a vaccine mandate. Los Angeles Unified, the largest school district in the state, approved a vaccine mandate earlier this month requiring eligible students to be vaccinated by January.

Claycord Note: Superintendent Adam Clark with the Mount Diablo Unified School District released the following statement to Claycord.com when we asked him if the MDUSD will mandate student COVID-19 vaccinations. “At this time we do not have any concrete plans to implement a vaccine mandate for all students 12 and older. As always, we follow local health orders and guidance from the California Department of Public Health.”

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Newscum was not recalled …

1. So this is expected.
2. The rest of the county will soon adopt it.
3. Schools will be locked down again so teachers can ‘teach’ from the beach with their drinks in hand again.
4. The state will follow shortly …

Vote stupid, win stupid prizes.

Your kids will be better off not going to school. And I don’t mean covid. A lot of more sinister things lurk at schools.

Keep your kids at home. Home school them. Protect your kids from the indoctrination that is happening from K-12. Kindergarten transvestite story time? Seriously? BLM. Socialism. Communism.
Racism. Gender ludicrousness. All taught in schools. You’ve seen the news articles and the videos. And this is just what we find out about. Keep your kids safe. Love them. Cherish them. Deep down in your hearts, you know what is right and what is wrong. That ain’t it.

The dropout rate of students will rise substantially and switch over to homeschooling or virtual school. Public schools for all sorts of different reasons have become ridiculous in their teachings and beliefs.
Luckily my parents put me in De La Salle and I wasn’t brainwashed in a public school.

This is what I expect, too. Which means a loss of funding for each student that withdraws. A lot of parents will so be realizing that teaching from home can have similar or superior results!

“put me in De La Salle and I wasn’t brainwashed”…

@ERas, comment was rude and unnecessary

Sounds like someone went to Bezerkley schools..haha

Actually I went to Ygnacio Valley down the street from De La Salle. They were the PRIVATE Catholic school that somehow ended up in our league for football (and other sports)… guess who won every year cause they could recruit whoever they wanted…

Another idiotic claim that DLS recruits…they don’t need to, especially for football. The school itself and the sports programs are their own calling card, they sell themselves…kids come to summer sports camps on campus at DLS when they’re like 12-13 yrs old and they’re hooked, this is where they want to go. Okay, now claim how you knew this guy who his cousin’s best friend was “recruited”. And don’t forget, get stabbed with your leaky gene therapy booster, wear 8 masks.

Recruits, get volunteers, its all the same, they pulled the best players from other schools and always won. They should never have been in our division, they should have been moved up one.

well best part is when your children suffer the side effects

you cant sue

its the best part about a vaccine

its protected against suit

as its experimental

yes by getting it you are agreeing to all the side effects and or death

mandatory ….looks like the newcum is taking out the recall on the children

well at least american children

illegals are exempt lol …..oh did the politicians forget to mention that ….

too late the szar is reaping his revenge against your american children ..

remember when they said children are not a threat to spread

follow the dem science …you get screwed …unless your illegal or a fed employee then covid does not effect you

you dem voters sure are showing yourselves to do real good

come on man

Fantastic news and a brave decision considering the vitriol that they will undoubtedly recieve. Decisions like this are why California is now the safest state in the Union in terms of Covid transmission.

You win the dumbest comment of the thread award!!!

Can I have some of what you smoking?


This is great, I needed a laugh today.

How about schools mandate birth control shots? Every 3 months they could line up the girls (or ‘persons with uterus’ if you prefer) and just inject them with Depo Provera? We could PROTECT THEM from teenage pregnancy, stretch marks, etc.

Sarcasm or progressive logic? Hmmm…

@Fed UP

There is nothing ‘fantastic and brave’ about forcing perfectly healthy kids with strong immune systems to take an experimental treatment that could cause heart issues and god knows what else down the line in order to get their crappy CA public school education.

This is nothing like the ‘other’ vaccines that they need to get for school as those are not the mRNA and actually have years of research studies behind them.

According to CCC health department not one grammar school child has died from covid and only one under eighteen. Stop with the stupid vaccine for kids. Let them go to school without masks.

Agreed! Stop the insanity!

What it’s coming down to is the choice you getting.

Get the shot or suffer the consequences.

I don’t konw what those conseqeunes may be but I can see concentration camps and even death for those who refuse the shot.

For a man made bug that is .001% fatal, it’s the backbone of
moving the contry to totalinaianism.

I guess this is what we get for the evil many people have voted into office.

What is the death knell for America, our Republic?

Modern liberal progessiveism.

So what’s next ?
Are you not going to get your tax refund without proof of a coof shot ?
Are they going to deport you ?
Are they going to incarcerate you without due process ?
Do you have to fear being abducted by the coof cops and re-educated ?
Do you have to fear being tackled by the coof cops and injected at gun point ?


Looks like things are changing to what people actually want.

Sorry you are in the minority. Actually, I’m not sorry.

You seem upset. Maybe you’re the one who needs to move.

@Steward, do you think that people in 1930s Germany wanted the Nazis in control or did they just put up with it?


If everyone else is jumping off the bridge , are you following ?
I may very well be moving when I retire to get away from the SOCIALISTS \ COMMIES.
Our Grandfathers , Fathers , Uncles , and Brothers fought and died to protect our FREEDOM.
Why is it people are so ready to just give up their rights like they are nothing ?
At what point does the New World Order hit you below the belt ?
How did we go from the Greatest Generation this ?

I’d be moving here but I like the weather here. Why should let a group of wokies push us out?

no one to blame but the dem voters for taking away our freedom to be american

again illegals are exempt

how is that science ??? dem voter explain that

Don’t forget how Congress and the Senate are exempt too.
And USPS workers.

Exactly! Hundreds of thousands of immigrants are ILLEGALLY crossing our border EVERY MONTH. They are unvaccinated and many have Covid. And these are just the ones being caught. Its estimated the real numbers are double that or more.
Our children should not be the victims of this burden! Our freedoms should not be taken away because of horrific policy decisions. We have done our part, and it doesn’t make a bit of difference if we keep allowing mass illegal immigration. You can social distance, wear a mask, get vaccinated, and close schools, and guess what? The Covid is still going to be there.

Fed UP September 16, 2021 at 10:49 AM
Fantastic news and a brave decision considering the vitriol that they will undoubtedly recieve. Decisions like this are why California is now the safest state in the Union in terms of Covid transmission.

so you are saying masks work

then why a vaccine

also no matter masks or vaccine if you dont allow your body to be infected and learn the virus and how to defeat its symptoms

then you will be the statistic

the world is full of viruses and our bodies are designed specifically to fight them

“if you dont allow your body to be infected and learn the virus and how to defeat its symptoms then you will be the statistic”

What exactly do you think the vaccines are doing?
OH thats right… exactly what you just said… but without the sickness and damage.


Without the sickness and damage? Go check out the VAERS website. That is just the tip of the iceberg.

VAERS? Well good sir, it seems you didn’t get the memo that although VAERS has been a valuable tool for doctors and researchers to evaluate and identify vaccine reactions/side effects for 30+ years, starting about 8 months ago it has become completely unreliable, 100% misinformation, not even the many thousands of entries made by treating doctors and nurses are to be trusted.

Exactly like Pete V. said… VAERS under normal situations is an invaluable tool, but as this crap became political it has become apparent that ANY idiot can post whatever they want on there and it is not verified…
VAERS is now just another way for anti-vax idiots to “prove” that the vaccine causes problems (by posting bad made up cases themselves).

Uh, and VAERS is still invaluable, it’s soulless ghouls who perpetuate the BS narrative that after 30+ years now all of a sudden VAERS can’t be trusted.

Um @Pete V.
You ok? You seem to be arguing both sides here…

Pete V. September 16, 2021 at 6:32 PM
VAERS? Well good sir, it seems you didn’t get the memo that although VAERS has been a valuable tool for doctors and researchers to evaluate and identify vaccine reactions/side effects for 30+ years, starting about 8 months ago it has become completely unreliable, 100% misinformation, not even the many thousands of entries made by treating doctors and nurses are to be trusted.
Pete V. September 16, 2021 at 8:12 PM
Uh, and VAERS is still invaluable, it’s soulless ghouls who perpetuate the BS narrative that after 30+ years now all of a sudden VAERS can’t be trusted.

Most people with half a brain and lick of common sense can detect sarcasm.

@Pete V.
RIIIIIGHHT… Now that you noticed that you called yourself a “soulless ghoul” and can’t delete it its all of a sudden a joke and sarcasm…

Damn…first of all, I’ve only got like a few hundred posts on this forum in SUPPORT of VAERS, and secondly, give it another read and notice how I phrased it, i.e. no one had any problems with VAERS for 30+ years, but now, NOW over the past ~8 months it’s SUDDENLY become unreliable and a cauldron of misinformation…get it, this latter part is SATCASM. I underscored it by mentioning that not just “everyday civilians” who make entries in VAERS are being disingenuously castigated, but it’s also the case with doctors/nurses who do so on behalf of patients who suffer adverse effects.

So in summary, and I’ll go slow for the back of the classroom, I was using SARCASM to accentuate my thesis, my point, that VAERS data SHOULD be getting seriously studied instead of dismissed with contempt by SOULLESS GHOULS. That is of course unless one is stupid enough to actually think that HUNDREDS OF THOUSANDS of reported into VAERS are all fake.

@Pete V.
Wow, nice backpedaling and diversion…

A few hundred posts on here huh… well that must make it true.
I’m guessing you believe Nicki Minaj about the swollen testicle thing huh…

Football is literally more dangerous to people under 18 years old than Covid.

If it was about safety of the youth, they would ban football, and all the junkfood in the cafeteria.

What you have are “officials” who have no qualifications for making medical policy and are doing so only to cover their butts.

I believe it was RFK who said recently that experts figure that every child on the planet has been exposed to Covid-19. Most likely then that is true of every adult.

Sounds pretty discriminatory to me given the demographics of West Uni.

The the mandate is only temporarily blocked for those seeking religious exemptions.

Not for my kiddos ! They are healthy beautiful children with strong robust immune systems!

Flu kills more kids each year and yet the flu vax was never mandated
Makes you wonder how anyone really thinks this is about our health ???

Why does everyone think the only thing to fear is death from COVID 19?
Oh that’s how propaganda works, that’s right. I forgot …

You’re right, death isn’t the only thing to fear from covid, most people on here completely gloss over the long term damage and side effects from the disease.
I would hate to be one of the surviving kids that can no longer make it up a flight of stairs without passing out because my lungs are so damaged from covid.
But hey, they didn’t die…

Yeah, I’m sure these post-China virus kids who can’t make it up the stairs and DIDN’T already have some preexisting condition has gotta be a HUGE percentage of the kids who’ve contracted it, probably in the neighborhood of .000002%. More fear porn please, go get your leaky booster, wear 5 masks!

going way too far. they will simply lose many students. not needed as this age group shows a very small amount of covid symptoms and severe cases. If it happens to MDUSD I will pull my kids out. Im already vaxxed… they dont need to be.

Quick question, how does you being vaccinated protect them from covid?
Is that a new benefit of Pfizer/Moderna that I haven’t heard about?

Great point. How does me being vaccinated protect you from COVeeD? I would really like your answer.

Oh that one is easy… You being vaccinated means there is one less person to potentially mutate the virus into something that the vaccine no longer works on, (which would drop us into March 2020 all over again) thus keeping all of us safe.
So I’m vaccinated, you’re vaccinated (maybe ? maybe not) and cd is vaccinated, but cd’s kids are not, and that means they are not safe from covid, and that’s what this is about.

You think so huh? Sounds like malarkey. No, I will take it in a few years or not. It fully depends on safety. I’m ok with a 99.997% survival rate. To me that’s pretty decent odds. Practically anything on earth is more dangerous then a little COVID. I don’t care what anyone does with their life. Not my business. I would love to catch COVID and have tried several times but i guess I’m immune. I have been around so many sick people. It’s like the virus only exists in the media. Making out with a sick person should definitely do the trick. Sleeping next to a positive case should do it as well. It’s quite an amazing little “disease” the came up with. I should have caught it several times over but here I am COVID FREE.

Or maybe you were asymptomatic and infecting everyone else around you… That’s the problem here, sometimes you don’t get symptoms. Seems you don’t really care about anyone but yourself.

4.55 Million dead, yes, not dangerous at all… What is wrong with you?

Haha. asymptomatic isn’t even a word. I could only spread it if I was sick with enough virus to have symptoms. Who you think you’re talking to here? I’m not your average dummy. There is absolutely zero SCIENTIFIC EVIDENCE to prove your position. Give it up already.

Haha, oh brother here we go with the X-million dead…in the US we know it’s something like 80%-90% who died WITH China virus, not FROM. Don’t recall the more precise percentage offhand, with all the nonsense fear porn it’s difficult to keep track. Take your shots, wear 12 masks!

Hmmm… Seems it is actually a word… weird.

@Pete V.
Ah, the old “died with” conspiracy theory… thats a classic, wrong, but still a classic.


Get a real printed pre-COVID HOAX dictionary. You do understand the definitions of words are changed as needed in a communist system.

Died WITH or died OF is the most relevant topic as it relates to faulty and fraudulent use of the PCR test which should have already been discontinued but isn’t because they need to keep the show going. They can’t get a working accurate test for a fake virus. All they can do now is make a the flu test throw off a percentage of COVIDs every now and again. Or more accurately pack the COVID numbers to whatever city needs to get spanked for some reason. You’re not as smart as you think. Should have listened to me a long time ago and fought for your freedoms.

Holy cow the 5-mask freaks love their fear porn. It’s the comorbidities, aka UNDERLYING CONDITIONS and/or OLD AGE killing these people in the overwhelming number of cases.

From CDC, note that ~5% where China virus was only cause, while ~95% of deaths have AN AVERAGE OF 4.0 COMORBIDITIES.

Comorbidities and other conditions

Table 3 shows the types of health conditions and contributing causes mentioned in conjunction with deaths involving coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19). The number of deaths that mention one or more of the conditions indicated is shown for all deaths involving COVID-19 and by age groups. For over 5% of these deaths, COVID-19 was the only cause mentioned on the death certificate. For deaths with conditions or causes in addition to COVID-19, on average, there were 4.0 additional conditions or causes per death. For data on deaths involving COVID-19 by time-period, jurisdiction, and other health conditions,

And hey, ain’t this neat, “Intentional and unintentional injury, poisoning, and other adverse events” i.e. suicide, car wrecks, etc. being counted as “COVID-19 Deaths with contributing conditions”…so yeah, evidently the China virus can now cause someone to put a gun in their mouth and pull the trigger.

From CDC, a study of 540,667 hospitalized adults March 2020-March 2021:

In this cross-sectional study of 540,667 adult hospitalized patients with COVID-19, 94.9% had at least 1 underlying medical condition. Hypertension and disorders of lipid metabolism were the most frequent, whereas obesity, diabetes with complication, anxiety disorders, and the total number of conditions were the strongest risk factors for severe COVID-19 illness.

I’ll go look for my printed dictionary in a bit.

Until then: https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/asymptomatic
“First Known Use of asymptomatic
1856, in the meaning defined above”
Oooo… it originated in the 1800s… ouch.

As for the rest, you need to read up on Comorbidity. With and of are often the same thing when it come to Covid. Without the covid the person would likely not have died or even got sick.

I know you’re scared right now so you’re coping with it by denial and lashing out at strangers on the internet, but it will be ok, you’ll be ok.

Not. I’ve been ready to die my whole life. You have no idea what I’ve seen. You are on the scared team. Scared of your own shadow. Mass fear propaganda has you shaking in the corner. Keep pushing fear on the internet.

That sounds like a sad existence, I prefer to fight for life rather than give up and die…

Yes, I wear a mask, I got the vaccine, I give people space and I wash my hands, yup thats gotta be from fear and not just logical thinking…
I go to work, I go to the store, I go to church every Sunday, I hang out with my friends, I live my life, I just do it the smart way, and I also keep others in mind (hence the mask).

Finally, the one pushing real fear on the internet is you… Blaming some grand government conspiracy and yelling about every little thing… Time to grow up.

Wow you go to work and the store??… you are truly brave. Unbelievable how ignorant you are. Keep patting yourself on the back and telling yourself you’re helping others by wearing a mask. Bet you post selfies about how thoughtful you are too. 🤣🤣 Your self righteousness won’t save you here kid. Your smugness is typical for the bay area. You sure do pop up and post a lot when it comes to masks and vaccines. Is that a paid gig or just completely caught up in the fear?

I pop up here a lot? Look at yourself…

You can call it being self-righteous and smug all you want if that makes you feel better. I don’t post anything political on my Instagram or Facebook, and the fact you brought it up suggests thats where you typically go to whine about your life to people that barely know you…

Then there is the attempt at belittling me and trying to invalidate my opinion by calling me kid… Well kid, I’m probably older than you.

Grow up, stay safe, have a great day.

Look at you over here belittling everyone for not playing the fear game with you and now you want to play the victim… lol typical leftie. Wait so you do have a facebook and an instagram?? That’s hilarious. Do me a flavor, worry about yourself. You may not be in the best conditions after taking that jibb. Good luck with that. Over here lecturing people about medical choices.🤣🤣 Stay in your lane kid (that may be older than me)

This is insane. There is no way I’m letting the government or the school district force me to vaccinate my children with an experimental drug with unknown long term side effects. If MDUSD tries to pull this garbage my family will be packing up and leaving this dumpster fire of a state, and so will a lot of other good people.

Before all you pro-vaccine, pro-mandate people start cheering, you might want to think long and hard about how low enrollment rates are going to affect you. Less kids means less money, less teachers and schools closing. But, at least you got your way, right? 🙄

I’ll expand even further for those pro vaccine folks rolling their eyes.

To all what is one of the main drivers for home prices? You got it quality public schools. As your property value plummets due to school closures will you still be ok with vaccine mandates for school children?

My kid has Covid-19 and recovered from it. He has natural immunity. This is ridiculous.

The message is clearly “Comply or be punished”. Wow.

I don’t think killing children should be something we do enlarged heart is very common I know they say it’s rare but it’s actually more common than they want to let you believe it’s just wrong children are not prone to covid all of this has nothing to do with a virus wake up do your homework I would never subject my child or myself to such a horrendous action I don’t know how long it’s going to take but there will be trials for crimes against humanity look up the Nuremberg code these vaccines are not FDA approved they want you to believe that but it is not true

Um… Did you seriously type that whole thing out with NO punctuation? That hurts to look at…
Please, commas, periods, question marks, something… anything…

Coming soon to a district near you. Which district will mandate first? Will it be MDUSD, Martinez Unified, or Acalanes? The same people pushing this are the same people that wanted nothing to do with the vaccine when Trump was in office. Follow the money. If the schools were really concerned they would have smaller class sizes, especially at the high schools. Also, the schools would be cleaned daily, not happening. This is not needed for healthy children.

NEVER COMPLY. This is AMERICA, you are born with FREEDOM. Who do these fools think they are talking to?

ITS UNAMERICAN TO LISTEN TO A MANDATE. Besides man dates are two dudes having lunch.

Lots of bad news about vaccine side effects. Wonder what that’s about.



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