Home » Early Morning Shooting Reported In Concord

Early Morning Shooting Reported In Concord


Concord Police and CHP are investigating an early morning shooting that apparently occurred while the victim was driving on highway 242 near Franquette Ave. in Concord.

The shooting occurred around 7 a.m., according to sources.

The condition of the victim is unknown at this time.

No other information is currently available.


photo credit: Craig Cannon

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Little early in the morning for road rage.

I’m guessing you don’t commute in the mornings.

I did for fifty years.

There’s no Commute on Sundays, let alone at 7am, the freeways are almost ghost towns.

Maybe morning to you. But probably the end of a long night to victim

*north concord

But let’s blow our money on informing people about compostable products.

I understand at night time that stretch is dangerous …but what, now Sunday mornings going to church is dangerous too? Sad!
If it has to be, I hope this is some thug shooting another thug, and not an innocent motorist.

Road rage or gang related. Just because there isn’t traffic at that hour doesn’t mean there can’t be road rage. And 7:00 a.m. on Sunday could be the end of a long Sat. night for a gang banger.

7 AM on a Sunday?
It could have been an intense theological argument…
Might be the Mormons starting up again.

Or it could be someone rushing to church, and anxious to sit in their pew.

Could these freeway shootings (mostly in the 242/4 area) be gang initiations?

Just another day in the hood under liberal rule.

I wish we had Blackhawk helicopters with night vision flying around our skies. Ready to engage any of these criminals with No hesitation for high value targets.

@American Citizen
Be careful what you wish for.

@American Citizen: I second what you posted. California should become a santuary state for the second admenamend.

The Mad Max environment we’ve been tossed into is by design. Only in chaos and civil collapse can government ‘justify’ and expand their freedom-grabbing authority.

DEAD ON!!!!!

You are right . Just look at what the Democrats in charge have done and what they are trying to do . They don’t prosecute criminals They are releasing criminals early from prisons . The police arrest the same criminals over and over again because the liberal D A wont prosecute .There are so many convicted felons that have been released on parole early even with gun crime convictions . The democrat solution to crime they have created is gun control for law abiding citizens , and closing prisons . Protect your families yourself because things are going to get worse until we change the leadership in this state .

The shootings, looting, thievery is at an all time high. It needs to be turned around and the LE needs to get the support they need.

LIfe should not be lived having to look over your shoulders 24/7 to be sure you are safe.

But what more can you expect with the liberals and entitlement in charge.

Big homeless camp in the same area.

Several big homeless camps in that area. Concord PD did a sweep on Franquette recently. We drove down Franquette last night, it was party time. The ones that were swept recently were all back, and more! There were several dogs and pit bull puppies running around as well. It’s discouraging.



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