Home » Walnut Creek Police Department To Enhance Downtown Foot Patrols Tonight

Walnut Creek Police Department To Enhance Downtown Foot Patrols Tonight


Walnut Creek Police Department will have extra staffing on the street tonight, with expanded foot patrols providing an additional presence in the downtown area.

The extra staffing comes one week after two major incidents occurred in downtown Walnut Creek.

Last weekend, a man fired several gunshots after he and a companion tried to leave Modern China restaurant without paying for their dinner. No one was hurt, and investigators are continuing to review the information that can help identify the suspect.


Additionally, an altercation outside Dan’s Irish Sports Bar between a security guard and a patron who tried to force his way into the bar resulted in serious injuries to the patron. The security guard was arrested, and the patron is recovering from his injuries.

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Wait ….Why would you arrest the security guard doing his job if the guy wasn’t allowed in the establishment what right does he have to trespass?

Lol his job isnt necessarily to beat the hell out of the guy. I think it should slide but he certainly isnt immune to consequences.

thats funny because that normally would slide but he must have beat him up bad

Here I’m thinking good for Walnut Creek putting out 6 patrol police officers and then they arrest a security guard for doing his job.

I believe in equity.

If someone is behaving criminally or threatening someone, or committing a crime, they should all be treated equally without regard to their race or bank account.

And if convicted they should be treated harshly.

man i thought if any town could beat out the idiocy of
free for all crime
and bash the american citizen

it would be WC
the police were always no nonsense

now they are the biggest joke …i mean pitts and antioch have always been below average no go zones

and conturd with its bussing program ….and idiocy city council….
that that city
was just sanctuary order away from garbage town

PH is next with its city council obviously showing they are using the city for money gains just like conturd

mtz well they got rolled by blm in like one day …..

i mean since when did the american people become lowlife victims of their own ignorance …applauding crime and bums and illegals
over safety of their children and grand children as well as their education

i would say its sad but you wanted this obviosuly so now enjoy it
and participate …learn spanish and run amuck when stopped by police you no speak english and the DA will release you

if your white then have a antifia card clipped to your shirt like a security badge at the office …..youll be on your way

sounds funny
but yes we are here
and being used by politicians for profit is the game you invoked
for yourself and your captive audience children

Just curious Random . . . what town do you live in?

Law and Order
I’ve been wondering what planet Random lives on.

We don’t visit downtown WC after dark.
Too scary. 😱

Too scary? Yea you’re better off to stay home eating jello and watching Toon channel since it’s so scary out there in WC lol..
Wimps everywhere..m<===

WC is fine at night.

We’re the same. We now avoid Walnut Creek after dark too, because the crowd is a lot different than it used to be.(actually we’ve been avoiding Walnut Creek totally. Not the same nice town anymore) We prefer to go down to Danville where things really are nice still. Much nicer , uplifting public there .

….. I avoid downtown WC for a different reason – traffic and parking hassles

Sound like the patron has a ass kicking coming. He should have been arrested. In the old days the cops would take the patron for a drive in the country and kick his ass again.

why. Wc mayor has their dogs back down from criminals like they did when there was the blm roits.
random task is right. These cities arnt worth what they used to be.. and their will be a slow decline in quality.

The main problem in WC is a certain demographic coming from outside WC that is prone to violent outbursts following the most insignificant perceived slight.

This is yet another gift of feminism: the idea that single-motherhood is morally responsible and right.

No father; no one to teach boys how to temper their anger.


Further, gun dealers, slavery, racism, and climate change are not to blame. The “root cause” is as stated.

Letting them off the hook just makes the problem worse, and the violence will escalate.

Very few single mothers can raise sons. The prisons are full of men raised by single mothers. You can thank the welfare programs that reward people for negative behavior.

See if we pay them not to shoot each other and pay them to test drug free, all the problems go away! Just give these scum more of our hard earned tax money now!!!

We are not allowed to discuss the issues head on and try and find solutions. We are supposed to pretend that things really aren’t the way that we know they are…

If you do try and address things in a direct and honest fashion you’ll be labeled a racist, a misogynist, an elitist or some other “ist”

Nailed it, spot on.

Anonymous, So, what you’re saying is that women are to blame? Because not all single mothers are single by choice. Let’s not forget to blame the men who are dead-beat dads and don’t want to be tied down to a kid and wife. Or the women who are single because they have to escape some jerk beating her up, or the women who are single because they have enough on their plate supporting the kids without having to support some lazy bum of a dad too. Or the women who have had husbands die. Or the many other numerous reasons why a man might not be in the home.
Plus just because a child grows up in a home with only one parent it doesn’t mean that the child won’t be taught right from wrong. I know plenty of single moms who have very well-behaved children and who are raising their children just fine without a man being involved. If there is no father in the home maybe it’s because the father is to blame, not the mother. Feminism has nothing to do with women raising children alone. Feminism is about women being treated as equals.
What exactly would you have these women do anyway? It’s not as if they can force the loser to stick around and even if they could why subject a child to having a dad around who doesn’t want them? If their husband dies should they just look for the first guy who will marry them? How about we place the blame squarely on the people who deserve the blame – the people committing the crimes. I don’t care what someone’s childhood was like, by the time you reach a certain age you know right from wrong. Someone somewhere along the way has taught you right from wrong, whether it’s the parents, teachers, other family members, or friends. So when someone commits a crime, unless they were forced to by having a gun put to their head or some other way, they know at the time they are committing the crime that it is wrong. They, and they alone are to blame for their crime. How incredibly sexist of you to try and blame women.

The problems started in WC when the city caved to the Hall family and then did nothing during the looting of Broadway Plaza, it was a signal to certain elements of society.

It’s the Wild West, be prepared.


Unfortunately, this is so true, Jeff.
And what Darwin and Anonymous said above are so very true too!
The liberal progressive minds will deny it because they’re behind these trends. But we are truly seeing the bad results as were expected.

Totally agree Jeff, the limousine liberals in this town, pressured WCPD and the City Council with their childishly naive agenda of demonizing law enforcement, and glorifying criminal behavior. They weakened WCPD with their “defund the police” nonsense, and now WC is just a target and seen as an easy target for out of town bad guys. Sad state of affairs. WC citizens of all creeds and colors, are not safe in the downtown. Thanks “woke” Walnut Creek, only took you about a half year to ruin our once safe and peaceful town.

Instead of voting themselves raises and ordering luxurious new offices the “do nothing” county supervisors should have a meeting with Diana B and WC council and police to come up with a media outreach campaign to explain that WC is not going to be the go to place for violent crime or shoplifting
Many people have stopped shopping at BP because they see shoplifters running rampant and it is insulting to watch these people steal while you are in line to pay hundreds of dollars for your items
In fairness to the police and council the stores themselves have to rethink their coddling of shoplifters for fear of accusations of racism in press

Maybe they should close off hiway 24 after 6pm along with the WC BART station.

Still not a bad place to visit but I think the problem many of us “oldsters” have is we remember how nice it used to be. The downtown area just has a different vibe to it now, something I can’t put my finger on bu different. Not sure if the area’s actually changed or if I’m just getting older.
Both likely.

I thought thw new police chief was gonna make it all better.

Just curious; has there been an increase in “Affordable Housing” in the past couple of years in W.C.?

Yes there has been an increase in section housing in WC, And there is a direct correlation between section 8 housing and rising crime rates.

I agree with Jeff. I recall the Mayor supporting those who wanted to peacefully protest in WC. Also, long ago, word got out that employees were not allowed to physically stop thieves from stealing merchandise from stores.

Pure comedy, guy doesn’t pay his bill at modern china Café, than fires 9 shots at the restaurant, and there is no physical description of the suspect?? LOL! Well For anyone In Claycord living on mars when there is no physical description of a violent crime suspect given in any Claycord article that means the crime was committed by a black…But hush hush

I saw the description. Short fat Black dude with a red Dodgers Baseball cap with a fat White woman driving a small black car with no emblems. I didn’t notice any accounts that omitted details this time.

Kat If a woman choose a loser to have a baby with that’s on her. Stop blaming men for women’s poor decisions your exceptions don’t bar the generality that was mentioned and statistically they’re right. 70% or more of children from single mothers end up institutionalized it’s actually an epidemic that’s rarely talked about but you can choose to put your head in the sand and go off like a deranged feminist.

Maybe the police should stand or sit in their cars at the off ramps coming into the City or the Main Streets. Because the gun shooting individuals are NOT from within Walnut Creek. I say protecting our borders needs to also extend to our cities, because of the criminals who come in to rip off and commit crimes from other cities in the county or from the other side of hills



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