Home » Contra Costa Community College District (Diablo Valley College) Approves Vaccine Mandate For All Employees, Students

Contra Costa Community College District (Diablo Valley College) Approves Vaccine Mandate For All Employees, Students


The Contra Costa Community College District Governing Board has approved a COVID-19 vaccine requirement for all employees and any students who attend at least one in-person class or otherwise visits a facility or campus in the district.

The requirement becomes effective Nov. 1, and employees and students can apply for an exemption if they have a medical excuse, disability or religious objection, the board voted Wednesday.

The district includes Contra Costa College, Diablo Valley College, and Los Medanos College.

Vaccinations will also be strongly encouraged for all other visitors, such as vendors, who will be required to complete a health assessment before going to a facility, according to the district.


“In making this decision, 4CD reach ed out to its students, faculty, classified professionals, and managers and received overwhelming support to take this action,” Chancellor Bryan Reece said in a statement.

“COVID-19 and its many variants will be with us for a while, so we must take prudent steps like this one so we can continue providing face-to-face instruction and services for our students.”

The district said it is also evaluating technological solutions to track employees’ and students’ vaccination status in a secure system.

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This is Common Sense.

What kind of common sense are you referring to? What exactly is the logic here?

This is so far from common sense it’s scary. Israel is one of the most vaccinated countries in the world and they have more deaths per million than any other country currently. The vaccine is failing more and more everyday. It’s also never been effective at stopping spread. So why mandate it to people like students who aren’t at risk of death? Or to people who’ve had covid already and have 6-13 times more protection than any vaccinated person? Literally the opposite of common sense

There are more dangerous variants forming in Africa. It’s only a matter of time before they reach here. Be prepared to die unvaccinated.

Fred. This is the latest from a nurse with firsthand expirience. The delta variant is shed from those jabbed. it gets worse.So much mind boggling info from a nurse at the Covid ward. Worth a listen.


Well, Fred, you will surely be safe in Africa with your jab and endless boosters in place. Maybe you should move there. Also, only my God decides when I die, vaccinated or not. So stop making you morally superior vaccination judgements on others.

Wow Fred so accepting and unifying on your end…since you are vaccinated fully what do you care what someone else’s status is? How does this affect you being fully vaccinated and all?

: This video confirmed all the suspicions I’ve had about the scary side effects of this “Jab”. Thank you for sharing this. I’ve sent it around to lots of “doubting” friends. But, I really am hesitant to send it to the friends that have got the shots already. They would probably be severely frightened or uncomfortable since it’s too late to do anything about it. (?1?)

It is really irritating to watch local bureaucrats back this garbage.

From Townhall: Biden’s vaccine mandate speech should make ‘free people’ very uncomfortable: https://bit.ly/3A0HCwI

I guess the old “everyone deserves an education” wont hold water on this.

Just for comparison…Even Putin won’t mandate vaccines


And yet, Putin himself has been vaccinated with the Russian Sputnik V vaccine.

His body his choice but notice how the citizens have a choice…

wow unbelievable
a dem college pushing for the disintegration of peoples rights
mandating to the people

i bet if you asked these admins and teachers if masks work
they would say yes
just like they are saying the vaccines work

yet here we are forcing people instead of allowing the teachers and admins to wear their masks and work instead of pushing dem agendas and rhetoric

if the masks work then wear them and get on with your day

a vaccine rushed and we have no idea of ramifications from it in years to come and yet forcing us to take it as per china demands is not american or right or even common sense

you would think a college would have a better understanding of peoples rights

And yet, our pathetic ruler refuses to order any vax mandate for the thousands of border crossers that are being released all over our country in the middle of the night. I smell a mighty big rat!

Exactly, this admin has let thousands into our country COVID positive without any vetting but that is just fine? biden = Hitler unvaxxed = Jews

You are free to die from COVID-19. Why do you listen only to non-doctors about a medical problem. Stop spreading false information.

Just listening to Prof. Richard Wolfe, who specializes in Marxist economics on KPFA. He started out with the stop light law as an example of something we all follow. Then he began talking about vaccine mandates. Turns out he doesn’t think there should be mandates at all. As I’ve been saying all along he thinks companies should sit down and have a discussion about it and then he finishes off blasting the more jabs thing saying “it’s all about the money”.

The entire show’s history has been deleted,
check any date…

Economic Update – September 10, 2021

****this episode is no longer available****

09.10.21 – 10:00am


Most of the show’s history is available at https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLPJpiw1WYdTPtnI9V-LaYVR97rmcCcFCQ

(The youtube version is missing 2013 to May 2019)

Economic Update: The Rational & Irrational in Anti-Vaxxers

WC Resident:
you have the right guy, but the wrong show.

kpfa archives everything, except this show for some reason…


You ALL know that if Orange Man was still in office….all of those places would be burnt down with Full Media support of the “loving” left doing it.

Funny how “My body, My choice”……is no longer relevant.

The dementia mummy regime has run its course and has now lost any possibility of advancing legislation through congress
impeachment and removal from office will be coming in 2022 if resignation or death in office does not occur by then
The regime is anti American and serves its master European financial elites who are trying to destroy US and replace with Great Reset dictatorship
neither national or local COVID vaccination mandates have been tested in court and the new national mandate has finally launched the legal battle
where the SCOTUS will set precedent just like with the illegal CDC mandate and evictions

Except, Billdo Gates is Not a Doctor nor is he a scientist….yet You’ve NEVER said anything abut this.

Heard postal workers are exempt from mandate!🤔

The post office is an odd duck. It is an independent agency of the executive branch. It doesn’t have to follow Biden’s mandate and it has decided to allow the individual to decide what is in their best interests.

Congress, their staff and the judicial branch are exempt as well. Things that make you go hmmm…

The USPS has a big union that donates a lot of money to Democrats, so they earned their exemption.

@ Doh

Disagreeing with somebody is not spreading misinformation, you trying to shut down someone else’s opinion by labeling their opinion as misinformation is actually you just telling someone to sit down and shut up. That won’t happen Doh no matter how hard you try.

I’m pushing for fake vaccination cards for all those that don’t wanted to be forced against their will to function as a free person in this country.
The USA is becoming a Kommie run dictatorship.
I cannot believe how stupid pepe have become over letting their rights be trampled in like this.
Have your basic rights to an education, working and so on cut off cause you dont want a bs mandated vaccine.
Next we’ll see you can’t vote, drive a car or go out of your house without one.

The revolution is about to begin here..

BTW I did get the vaccine but I will never agree to prove to anyone I did to do or go wherever I want.

I personally have been vaccinated and will even take a third shot, if advised to by my doctor; however, I’m rather fond of having some modicum of freedom and these mandates are in direct conflict with the constitution. Biden even hinted that he would shred amendments IX and X, by saying that he would “get them out of the way” with regards to governors who defied said dictates.

Doh considering some of the whoopers you have posted it is funny you calling someone else out for false information.

I should have listened to my dad and went to law school.

What a great time to be a lawyer!

“Missed it by that much.”

“Should have … went?”

The mandate is too rigid.
1) Natural Immunity should count as vaccinated..
2) For younger ages, single dose since gives most of protection & heart inflammation is associate with 2nd dose.

Being more reasonable would help.


It’s crazy and outrageous how natural immunity is ignored and anybody who has it is gaslighted into thinking they aren’t protected. We always had good reason to think it would provide good protection. We now have excellent, compelling reason to think so – and yet it is not recognized in any of these mandates or measurements of how much of the population has protection.

I would be against mandates in general (with maybe an exception for certain health care workers), but it is crazy to mandate this on teenagers. Crazy. There wouldn’t even be a vaccine if Covid hit everybody the way it hits teenagers. We would hardly even have heard about Covid – only infectious disease experts would know or care about it.

On 1) I agree but we need reliable immunity tests. One I’ve mentioned here was developed by Mologic a company which developed the $1 pregnancy tests and was seeking FDA approval to sell their Covid test over the counter for a $1. Then Gates and Soros swooped in a bought the company. I wonder if they wanted that test kept off the market?

As ubiquitous as the virus was over the past year I figure unless to just stayed home the whole time you had pretty good chance of being infected and probably not having any symptoms.

Absolutely makes sense

Btw, it’s not a vaccine, it’s an experimental gene therapy at best!

They changed the definition of vaccine and vaccination to match their inefficacy.

I don’t understand how so many people can be oblivious to what is going on in the world. It is straight-up 1984. Big brother is watching. Turn in your friends, family, and neighbors (if they gather for Thanksgiving or Christmas); Do what you’re told (wear a mask); Do not question authority (listen to Gates and Fauci); War is peace (those were peaceful protests over the summer, you know the ones were people were killed, fires started, buildings burned, Freedom is slavery (when trump was president); Slavery is freedom (Biden President and Newsom Governor). The COVID-19 vaccines are 100% safe and 95% effective (500,000 people having adverse events and 13,000 dying, fully vaccinated people getting and transmitting COVID-19).

What are the odds of over 13,000 dying after the vaccine that they were all coincidences? More deaths were reported to VAERS in the last 9 months (only a couple of deaths were from other vaccines) than were reported in the last 34 years combined (including all vaccines).
There were more adverse events in the last 9 months from the covid vaccines than in the 34 years before COVID for all vaccines combined.

Have you or anyone you know had any adverse reactions after the shot and reported it to the doctor???
If so, what was their response?
Did they believe you or tell you it was not the vaccine?

@just me…Part of the problem, as I see it, is most people now have not read 1984, Animal Farm or Fahrenheit 451. Either they weren’t old enough for those to be required reading in school or they didn’t “catch the jist” of what they were reading. A lot of people, old and young, didn’t understand the metaphorical story of the first “Planet of the Apes” movie, to them it was just a sci-fi monkey movie. Not to mention a lot of songs from the 60s and 70s with warning lyrics of things to come….just my 2¢.

My neighbor who is a nurse and fully vaccinated just came down with Covid this week.

~Yeah, it still rings in my ears when Charlton Heston screams his first words in the movie, “take your stinking paws off me, you damned dirty ape!” This is so relevant to today and vaccine mandates…

HAHAHA. o man. theres absolutely NO way students this young should take the vaccine. That is insane. Id leave that school right away. Take a few semesters off till the people relax.



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