First PG&E than arsonists than lightening for starting them. Then the State and the Feds for not having the foresight for having fire lookouts or the equipment to fight the fire. It may be a good idea if the feds who control national forests in the west started their own fire fighting air force. Can’t do much about lightning but arsonist can be given life as a minimum. Governments, Feds, states, cities, and property owners should be responsible for keeping their trees out of power lines. If you plant a tree under a power line why should PG&E be responsible for that. PG&E should charge for tree removal and trimming.
On their travels on the power lines with acorns in their mouths, squirrels plant those trees under power lines, not homeowners. Good luck holding the squirrels responsible!
No mention of the Sierra Cub and everything they’ve done to block logging of national forests, which happens to be where most of the fires are located?
Mostly Shell Oil, Mobil, Exxon, Chevron, and all the coal companies companies that have known the detrimental environmental impacts of burning fossil fuels for decades and have refused to reveal their research finding. They, just like the tobacco companies, knew for many years their products were causing harm. The burning of gasoline, diesel fuel, and coal that we have relied on for so long have led to an ever-increasing rise in average global temperature and the resultant changes in local climates. The California fires are a direct result of these changes, as are the stronger, more frequent hurricanes on the East and South coasts. We were hooked on these products and the pushers didn’t care. They could have developed other energy sources but the money was too good. It’s going to get worse!
Give it a rest buddy. Your clearly a shill. We fixed the hole in the ozone layer and the sea levels haven’t risen in hundreds of years. Your theories are bunk. Oh and polar bears float so it’s not possible for them to drown. Take your propaganda elsewhere.
Hey phil, do you drive a car, ride a bus, travel by plane?
Well Folks
August 30, 2021 - 12:19 PM 12:19 PM
Humans are mainly to blame. Most recently arsonists & PG&E are the major culprits, but there are also fires started by careless capers and other human visitors
Also it doesn’t help that the Sierra Club has a string of endless lawsuits against the feds preventing responsible thinning. And then there have been federal budgets cuts to the forestry service over the past several years which depletes the ability of the agency to do its job.
Also nature has played its part with the years of ongoing drought. Lack of rain & snow pack along with diverting those waters to suburbia hasn’t helped
Spot On, . . . CA, FEDs, seemingly endless levels of unelected paper clip warriors and Courts have gotten way of wild lands management.
But a “special” award should go to newsom,
he gives such wonderful press conference . . . . .
October 27, 2019 ‘‘I Own This’: Gov. Newsom On California’s Wildfire Emergency, PG&E Power Shutoffs And More ‘
cap radio
‘Newsom Misled The Public About Wildfire Prevention Efforts Ahead Of Worst Fire Season On Record’ …
“Overall, the data show Cal Fire treated 64,000 acres in 2019,
but only 32,000 acres in 2020
and 24,000 acres through Memorial Day this year.”
Much more info in article.
As of end of March 2021 from 2018 Camp Fire roughly 90,000 hazardous trees still needed to be removed.
Responsible forestry and wild land management looks like this,
“Experts: Managing tribal forest helped stop Wallow Fire at reservation”
Cronkite News
‘FIRE Biggest wildfire in Arizona history couldn’t burn Fort Apache Reservation’
Already saw him as a mayor . . . . . .
Now this track record . . . .
And so on occasion in the dearest little ways I am told, HappyPappy.
August 30, 2021 - 1:09 PM 1:09 PM
Our pompous, narcissistic, arrogant, lying, governor, who on his first day in office said he was declaring war on wildfires. Newsom signed an executive order to revamp the state’s approach to wildfire prevention, vowing that firefighting fundamentally has to change. But here we are, two and a half years later and California is burning now, more than ever.
Newsom has, and continues to lie to the people of California. The feds and private landowners have contributed money towards fire prevention, but Newsom cut spending in wildfire prevention by $150 million, and discontinued using inmate volunteers to fight fires.
In 2020 4.3 million acres burned, the most ever in California’s recorded history. Wildfires are not on Newsom’s list of priorities, his priorities has and always will be to the criminal element. i.e, allowing illegal border crossings into California, and letting convicts out early.
Gavin Newsom never takes responsibility for any of his failures, he will blame climate change, COVID, or Trump. He does not care about the people of California, he only cares about himself and his power over people, and for the life of me, I cannot understand how or why anybody in their right mind would vote for him.
I also place blame on PG&E, if a fire isn’t started by lightning, or arson, then it’s started by PG&E’s equipment failure.
I blame ignorance and greed. Ignorance of not understanding how small fire prevent big ones. Greed of PG&E for not taking the funds necessary to protect their infrastructure from natural occurrences. Ignorance and greed of our society for not understanding that to continue to pollute the environment we live in will have devastating resultes. Ignorance of people to live in the middle of nature and demand that utilities come to them and their greed to demand that their property be protected from the small fires that make the forest safer. We are all to blame.
Cautiously Informed
August 30, 2021 - 1:17 PM 1:17 PM
Regarding the PG&E equipment caused fires, the California public utilities commission is at least partly to blame. The commission is just another feckless, worthless and corrupt government agency that bleeds taxpayers.
August 30, 2021 - 1:22 PM 1:22 PM
Gavin Newsome, and the people that continue to vote for Democrats.
August 30, 2021 - 1:24 PM 1:24 PM
Well, I’d like to blame the Republicans for global warming, both parties for failure to manage the federal forest lands where most of the fires start, and Dems for failing to implement more effort at small livestock grazing on land that’s not under federal control. The truth though is that a lot of the problems are homeowners that sued for decades to block prescribed burns that would’ve helped. There are pluses and minuses to allowing courts and lawsuits to dictate public policy, but this one is mostly a minus. The solution will have to be a bipartisan one, which means it’s unlikely to happen quickly.
China creates twice as much CO2 pollution than the US, so how do you blame Republicans for global warming.
Exit 12A
August 30, 2021 - 1:27 PM 1:27 PM
– Department of the Interior and the National Parks Service
– California State Parks Department
– State Building Codes for not requiring certain fire-resistive construction in designated areas.
– PGE for failing to manage and oversee their easements
– Local fire protection districts who are slow in requiring weed abatement.
– Property owners who don’t clear their property of weeds & underbrush and fail maintain safe zones around structures.
– Environmentalists like the Sierra Club, various “land conservancies”, and other groups who oppose wildland fire management and want nature to be “natural”.
I agree with all of your bullet points except for the one mentioning State Building Codes. The Building Standards Commission actually do modify the International Codes into the CA Building Codes to include WUI (Wildlife Urban Interface) and EWE (Exterior Wildfire Exposure) methods of construction, only for NEW CONSTRUCTION. Here are a couple of links (copy and paste) to the CA Building Code, chapter 7A…
… in no particular order… PG&E, homeless,arsonists, careless people – but last mother nature (lightning)
Kentucky Derby
August 30, 2021 - 1:46 PM 1:46 PM
Forest mismanagement.
August 30, 2021 - 1:54 PM 1:54 PM
Too many trees too close to homes. Sorry, you can’t live in the forest in the driest areas of California. It is easy to blame PG&E, but is it solely their job to do all of Northern California’s tree and brush management? Every time I see a massive fire in Nor Cal I see tons of trees. I’m saddend by it all. I’m also tired and worried having dirty air 150 miles away from the fires every year.
Rolling Wheels
August 30, 2021 - 2:03 PM 2:03 PM
Plenty of blame to go around, overpopulation of the forest area, Mother Nature with lightning strikes, the drought with lack of snowfall and the drying of the forest bed, not clearing the forest of the dead fuel on the forest floor along with the dead trees infested with bugs, and then there is the human fire bug, an last but not least PG&E. Everyone blames PG&E, because their the one with the money to help pay for the cost of fire fighting
Jim Jankowski
August 30, 2021 - 2:28 PM 2:28 PM
These fires are due to GeoEngineering! Period! These massive fires are due to/fueled by Government weather modification programs which involve the spraying of our skies, since at least 1997, with heavy metals/accelerants such as strontium, barium, aluminum and magnesium, the same metals used in flares. Peer reviewed reports from Stanford University and other institutions prove this through soil, water, plant and tree samples. Many of these reports show metal levels hundreds and even thousands times the norm thus the allowable percentages specified under EPA standards.
All anybody has to do is simply look up in the skies most days and they will see huge striations of man made clouds released by commercial airliners (not normal contrails that dissolve quickly) that spread out and, as a consequence, turn the skies milky white. These metals subsequently rain down on our forests, oceans, suburbs and cities causing numerous health issues along with fueling these massive fires.
Research GeoEngineering and learn the truth! The following web site will educate you as to why these fires are continually being described as unprecedented fire activity by Cal Fire and others:
@Jim Jankowski…Finally, someone who sees what’s really happening. Keep that foil hat on and don’t look directly at the Black Ops helicopters. I’ve preached this on here for years now, I’m happy to see someone with my insight speak up….what ever you do don’t fall asleep.
The funny thing is, some people don’t understand what geo engineering is or think it’s real. There is limitless information available that confirms it’s been going on for decades. Some people no matter what you show them can’t see truth and will fight and argue about absolute facts, if it disrupts their world view. Simply amazing.
Nobody is addressing the bear problem either!
An army of black bears displaced by the fires is being pushed into South Lake Tahoe.
They are frightened and ravenously hungry… it’s only a matter of time before thousands of them stampede along Stateline Avenue and ravage the buffet at Harvey’s… that won’t last long, Harrah’s American Cafe will be next… if the bears figure out how to use the elevator you can kiss Friday’s Station goodbye too… I doubt anyone will stop gambling tho.
I’ve supplied you and others the web site with links thoroughly proving that GeoEngineering programs are indeed in practice, yet you obviously have no courage or integrity to research it on your own. The documentaries on this web site show live interviews and presentations given by climatologists, military personnel, scientists, etc. in actual Government forums, but still you appear not to have the courage to look into GeoEngineering.
It is a shame that you choose to simply bury your head in the sand not wanting to know why our forests are burning at unprecedented temperatures and rates with no end in sight. If you truly give a damn, you will stop disparaging those who want to help others understand what is truly causing changes in our climate here and around the world.
Our native Americans knew how to take care of the land long before all us immigrants moved in and took over. We, of course, knew anything better than them. So here we are, California burning.
August 30, 2021 - 2:40 PM 2:40 PM
When the tree huggers and Eco-terrorist get away with lawsuits that hamper forest management, you will have issues like this! When these terrorist plant the equivalent of metal spikes in the trees that can take a loggers life or seriously injure(maim!) the technician. PG&E is an easy target but the legal system should weigh in heavily against these violators!
These Eco-terrorist are no better than the current crop of BLMs, Antifa, etc.
idiots everywhere
August 30, 2021 - 2:46 PM 2:46 PM
It’s us. People do dumb things. We put out all fires for too long. We allowed people to move into forest land after it was logged and then let the trees come back without defensible space. We have moved into the ag buffer zone that used to exist between natural land and houses (cows were good at providing fire breaks). We won’t allow utilities to adequately clear cut around power lines because we want to protect trees and views.
August 30, 2021 - 2:51 PM 2:51 PM
The lack of leadership at the state level.
If we had proper leadership they could explain to the tree huggers and animal rights activists why we need to cut down trees sometimes.
If we had proper leadership they could push PG&E to cut back some trees and update their aging lines. Of course, the tree huggers have to let us cut back trees first.
We have no leadership at the state level. It is evident today with the pandemic. It is evident with our raging fires, lack of water retention … and on and on and on.
Decades of fire suppression, along with a cessation of thinning of forests and not enough controlled burns have created this problem. Placing homes and even communities in the middle of these ovens creates a perfect storm, so to speak.
BTW- There are a lot of so-called environmental groups which actively work to thwart proper forest management and make everything more expensive. Too bad the media isn’t interested in pursuing that story.
August 30, 2021 - 3:44 PM 3:44 PM
1. The government for failing to manage the forests
2. PGE for equipment failures, equipment maintenance etc.
August 30, 2021 - 3:55 PM 3:55 PM
The self important EPA. They have no clue about forrest management. Even the American Indians burned brush out from underneath the trees in a controlled burn to prevent the mass amount of healthy live trees from burning. There was never this type of fires in the forrest’s prior to the EPA becoming a thing.
August 30, 2021 - 4:00 PM 4:00 PM
August 30, 2021 - 4:09 PM 4:09 PM
I read an article recently by an expert in forestry (honestly not sure if he was legit or a phony) that was written over 20 Years ago, that predicted fires like we are experiencing now. The articulate was well written, and articulate, and made no mention of politics which seemed to legitimize it all that much more. He claimed the culprit of the fires would be caused by poor management by the responsible agencies in the western states.
Lazy One
August 30, 2021 - 4:17 PM 4:17 PM
Environmentalists. When I was a child I was the same way, save the tress. As a young adult, working in a park, I came to understand the importance of thinning the tress out, controlled burns, and other forest mangagement. I remember someone telling me if this wasn’t done we would have massive fires. Well, it wasn’t done and now we have massive fires, along with other major problems. Bring back lumberjacks!
August 30, 2021 - 4:25 PM 4:25 PM
The misguided policy of fire suppression for the past hundred years. For thousands of years prior to that California’s native peoples carefully managed California’s natural predisposition to burn throughout the dry seasons. Fires were allowed, encouraged, and even set as soon as enough dry plant and tree matter was available. Most of these small fires did not even kill the trees as they whipped past and through, and they burned just enough to scour the lands of excess fuel and crack open native seeds (we have many native seeds that will not open without the presence of fire!). Then the native people were sent packing so to speak, and the newcomers decided it would be best not to let anything at all burn. After many years with this policy there are now tons upon tons of tinder dry fuel built up all over the whole state just waiting for that one spark that will finally set it off into a completely unstoppable inferno. These fires burn so hot and for so long they kill everything in their paths and completely sterilize the soil, leaving permanent scars behind. Erosion of mountains is inevitable and unstoppable, and clean river systems are permanently clogged, changed, and redirected. I’ve seen nobody throughout several administrations since the realization of this major erroneous policy came about who has figured out how to address the issue, which requires removing tons upon tons of tinder dry fuel all over the whole state, which would take MASSIVE amounts of time, labor, and resources. This is way to big a problem to lay at the feet of one person or a few hundred or even a thousand. It has been a disaster many, many years in the making.
When I lived in Clayton one of the neighbors tried the old fire management technique to clear some weeds and burned about 1/3 of his house down. I don’t think he was an Injun tho.
@Silva…We didn’t work out all the kinks either, as for proof any episode of F Troop will prove my point.
August 30, 2021 - 4:37 PM 4:37 PM
According to the experts, about 70% of wild land fires are human caused. Arson, poorly maintained defensible space, litter, and more likely along roads, discarded cigarettes and dragging tow chains causing sparks. Disabled vehicles with hot catalytic converts also another cause. Of course, sick and dead trees falling on power lines add to the mix.
August 30, 2021 - 4:56 PM 4:56 PM
The environmentals, corporations, and bureaucrats who pushed for, then enforced a hands-off policy towards integration of human development in forests. They diminished the necessity of protecting human life while living in the forests, and favored their theoretical “cause” instead. These people and the cause they’ve proposed, supported, and enforced have taken the lives of those choosing to live in the forests. Incomprehensible that they put the impact on forest development over human life.
Instead of “who,” I wish responsible bureaucrats/elected representatives would identify the main reasons for such a rapid spread (I mean, it is already known), and then what can be implemented to facilitate limiting the damage. I say this in part because if recent history has shown, in California, very few people (certainly not “we the people”) suffer any consequence of their misdeeds, so why waste energy on it. Also, because of the ever growing power of the government, we the people cannot go to improve the conditions/implement solutions to help with the situation; “we the people” would suffer the consequences, unfortunately.
August 30, 2021 - 7:02 PM 7:02 PM
Very poor forestry management at the state and federal levels.
Very poor utility management at the state and federals.
Lousy elected representatives of the people.
Common corruption and favoritism government at all levels.
August 30, 2021 - 7:59 PM 7:59 PM
I have just read one bunch of dumb remarks from how the Indians did it to the government is doing it on purpose. Probably the government doing it is the closest but not by controlling the weather but by not having the proper equipment to do the job. I give up, hire an Indian and clean the forest floor. I’m sure that will work.
August 30, 2021 - 9:39 PM 9:39 PM
Global warming.
Dr. Jellyfinger
August 30, 2021 - 10:14 PM 10:14 PM
“An investigation found the governor has misrepresented his accomplishments and even disinvested (stole money) in wildfire prevention.
The investigation found Newsom overstated (lied), by an astounding 690%, the number of acres treated with fuel breaks and prescribed burns in the very forestry projects he said needed to be prioritized to protect the state’s most vulnerable communities”
For a possible answer to this question, do a search for this……….
What was the cause of the ‘Dixie fire’ in N. Ca. ?
August 31, 2021 - 6:47 AM 6:47 AM
Some of the larger fires recently looks as if they just might be arson. Do a googgley search on the larger fires and ask ‘how did it start’ ?
Forest Circus
August 31, 2021 - 10:57 AM 10:57 AM
Fires are a natural occurrence, especially in a predominately arid climate such as California. Looking at the tree rings of the Giant Redwoods, you can see the fires that have happened over hundreds of years. That being said, I’m a former fire fighter with the Forest Service – spent 4 years on the Hot Shot crew out of eastern Oregon. For the past 30+ years the environmentalists have made it such that logging (not clear cutting, but selective logging) has been more or less banned in this state. This is poor management of our forests. When logging outfits sign contracts, they are required to perform more than just harvesting trees, part of their contract requires that they remove old debris (fuel) from the forest floors and create brush piles for prescribed burns later, they have to remove dead timber which also removes tinder dry fuels, and they cut in logging roads which act as natural fire breaks. We should allow grazing to resume on public lands to mitigate fast burning fuels (think dry grasses and brush). PG&E does have a responsibility to maintain their power lines, and they’ve been liable in the past (placing profits above safety, and the CPUC is culpable in that as well) for this. But it does boil down to proper forest management, which has been lacking for over 30+ years. California used to have 5 operating lumber mills in the state, now we don’t have any. As for climate change, yes there is climate change….we experience cycles of drought in California, and we are experiencing one right now. Couple the drought cycle with poor mismanagement of our forests and public lands, and we get what we are experiencing now.
“(placing profits above safety,….)” and health.
The sun has been up there for billions of years and we just now figured we could use it for power?
Who has been blocking out our sun?
First PG&E than arsonists than lightening for starting them. Then the State and the Feds for not having the foresight for having fire lookouts or the equipment to fight the fire. It may be a good idea if the feds who control national forests in the west started their own fire fighting air force. Can’t do much about lightning but arsonist can be given life as a minimum. Governments, Feds, states, cities, and property owners should be responsible for keeping their trees out of power lines. If you plant a tree under a power line why should PG&E be responsible for that. PG&E should charge for tree removal and trimming.
On their travels on the power lines with acorns in their mouths, squirrels plant those trees under power lines, not homeowners. Good luck holding the squirrels responsible!
No mention of the Sierra Cub and everything they’ve done to block logging of national forests, which happens to be where most of the fires are located?
Mostly Shell Oil, Mobil, Exxon, Chevron, and all the coal companies companies that have known the detrimental environmental impacts of burning fossil fuels for decades and have refused to reveal their research finding. They, just like the tobacco companies, knew for many years their products were causing harm. The burning of gasoline, diesel fuel, and coal that we have relied on for so long have led to an ever-increasing rise in average global temperature and the resultant changes in local climates. The California fires are a direct result of these changes, as are the stronger, more frequent hurricanes on the East and South coasts. We were hooked on these products and the pushers didn’t care. They could have developed other energy sources but the money was too good. It’s going to get worse!
Bottom right hand corner will tell you the date of that report.
Right the squirrels did it.
Are you really a homeowner that let a squirrel do your landscaping. Unbelievable !!
Dead trees don’t burn if the fire is put out. I have no objection to pulling out dead trees but I see live trees burning.
Give it a rest buddy. Your clearly a shill. We fixed the hole in the ozone layer and the sea levels haven’t risen in hundreds of years. Your theories are bunk. Oh and polar bears float so it’s not possible for them to drown. Take your propaganda elsewhere.
@Phil….What you claim is an opinion, not factual but an opinion and you know what is said about opinions.
Hey phil, do you drive a car, ride a bus, travel by plane?
Humans are mainly to blame. Most recently arsonists & PG&E are the major culprits, but there are also fires started by careless capers and other human visitors
Also it doesn’t help that the Sierra Club has a string of endless lawsuits against the feds preventing responsible thinning. And then there have been federal budgets cuts to the forestry service over the past several years which depletes the ability of the agency to do its job.
Also nature has played its part with the years of ongoing drought. Lack of rain & snow pack along with diverting those waters to suburbia hasn’t helped
I think this is the most thoughtful, rational claycord comment I’ve ever seen. Thank you!
Yes!!! Thank you for this comment!
Spot On, . . . CA, FEDs, seemingly endless levels of unelected paper clip warriors and Courts have gotten way of wild lands management.
But a “special” award should go to newsom,
he gives such wonderful press conference . . . . .
October 27, 2019 ‘‘I Own This’: Gov. Newsom On California’s Wildfire Emergency, PG&E Power Shutoffs And More ‘
cap radio
‘Newsom Misled The Public About Wildfire Prevention Efforts Ahead Of Worst Fire Season On Record’ …
“Overall, the data show Cal Fire treated 64,000 acres in 2019,
but only 32,000 acres in 2020
and 24,000 acres through Memorial Day this year.”
Much more info in article.
Extremely well done in depth piece on 2018 Camp Fire
As of end of March 2021 from 2018 Camp Fire roughly 90,000 hazardous trees still needed to be removed.
Responsible forestry and wild land management looks like this,
“Experts: Managing tribal forest helped stop Wallow Fire at reservation”
Cronkite News
‘FIRE Biggest wildfire in Arizona history couldn’t burn Fort Apache Reservation’
Already saw him as a mayor . . . . . .
Now this track record . . . .
The state government for not doing enough to manage the forests and our murderous utility company, PG&E, they cause nearly all of them.
Forest are federal lands and the feds are responsible for management. All the state does is supply firefighting
Most of our forests are managed by the federal government.
How about what? Your answers are here:
The natural California ecosystem. Fires are normal historically
Yes, it’s important to blame the trees. But let us not forget the bushes. I blame them as well. Especially George and Jeb.
The state and federal BLM for not managing their forests.
BLM?! How dare you blame Black Lives Matter! They have nothing to so with these fires!
I’m guessing Leeland meant the original BLM (Bureau of Land Management), or you just meant to get someone’s dander up, Martinezmike!!
Bureau of Land Management. haha
Silva, you have a keen grasp of the obvious.
And so on occasion in the dearest little ways I am told, HappyPappy.
Our pompous, narcissistic, arrogant, lying, governor, who on his first day in office said he was declaring war on wildfires. Newsom signed an executive order to revamp the state’s approach to wildfire prevention, vowing that firefighting fundamentally has to change. But here we are, two and a half years later and California is burning now, more than ever.
Newsom has, and continues to lie to the people of California. The feds and private landowners have contributed money towards fire prevention, but Newsom cut spending in wildfire prevention by $150 million, and discontinued using inmate volunteers to fight fires.
In 2020 4.3 million acres burned, the most ever in California’s recorded history. Wildfires are not on Newsom’s list of priorities, his priorities has and always will be to the criminal element. i.e, allowing illegal border crossings into California, and letting convicts out early.
Gavin Newsom never takes responsibility for any of his failures, he will blame climate change, COVID, or Trump. He does not care about the people of California, he only cares about himself and his power over people, and for the life of me, I cannot understand how or why anybody in their right mind would vote for him.
I also place blame on PG&E, if a fire isn’t started by lightning, or arson, then it’s started by PG&E’s equipment failure.
I blame ignorance and greed. Ignorance of not understanding how small fire prevent big ones. Greed of PG&E for not taking the funds necessary to protect their infrastructure from natural occurrences. Ignorance and greed of our society for not understanding that to continue to pollute the environment we live in will have devastating resultes. Ignorance of people to live in the middle of nature and demand that utilities come to them and their greed to demand that their property be protected from the small fires that make the forest safer. We are all to blame.
Regarding the PG&E equipment caused fires, the California public utilities commission is at least partly to blame. The commission is just another feckless, worthless and corrupt government agency that bleeds taxpayers.
Gavin Newsome, and the people that continue to vote for Democrats.
Well, I’d like to blame the Republicans for global warming, both parties for failure to manage the federal forest lands where most of the fires start, and Dems for failing to implement more effort at small livestock grazing on land that’s not under federal control. The truth though is that a lot of the problems are homeowners that sued for decades to block prescribed burns that would’ve helped. There are pluses and minuses to allowing courts and lawsuits to dictate public policy, but this one is mostly a minus. The solution will have to be a bipartisan one, which means it’s unlikely to happen quickly.
China creates twice as much CO2 pollution than the US, so how do you blame Republicans for global warming.
– Department of the Interior and the National Parks Service
– California State Parks Department
– State Building Codes for not requiring certain fire-resistive construction in designated areas.
– PGE for failing to manage and oversee their easements
– Local fire protection districts who are slow in requiring weed abatement.
– Property owners who don’t clear their property of weeds & underbrush and fail maintain safe zones around structures.
– Environmentalists like the Sierra Club, various “land conservancies”, and other groups who oppose wildland fire management and want nature to be “natural”.
I agree with all of your bullet points except for the one mentioning State Building Codes. The Building Standards Commission actually do modify the International Codes into the CA Building Codes to include WUI (Wildlife Urban Interface) and EWE (Exterior Wildfire Exposure) methods of construction, only for NEW CONSTRUCTION. Here are a couple of links (copy and paste) to the CA Building Code, chapter 7A…
And Residential Code Chapter 3, section R337…
correction on WUI… “Wildland” Urban Interface
… in no particular order… PG&E, homeless,arsonists, careless people – but last mother nature (lightning)
Forest mismanagement.
Too many trees too close to homes. Sorry, you can’t live in the forest in the driest areas of California. It is easy to blame PG&E, but is it solely their job to do all of Northern California’s tree and brush management? Every time I see a massive fire in Nor Cal I see tons of trees. I’m saddend by it all. I’m also tired and worried having dirty air 150 miles away from the fires every year.
Plenty of blame to go around, overpopulation of the forest area, Mother Nature with lightning strikes, the drought with lack of snowfall and the drying of the forest bed, not clearing the forest of the dead fuel on the forest floor along with the dead trees infested with bugs, and then there is the human fire bug, an last but not least PG&E. Everyone blames PG&E, because their the one with the money to help pay for the cost of fire fighting
These fires are due to GeoEngineering! Period! These massive fires are due to/fueled by Government weather modification programs which involve the spraying of our skies, since at least 1997, with heavy metals/accelerants such as strontium, barium, aluminum and magnesium, the same metals used in flares. Peer reviewed reports from Stanford University and other institutions prove this through soil, water, plant and tree samples. Many of these reports show metal levels hundreds and even thousands times the norm thus the allowable percentages specified under EPA standards.
All anybody has to do is simply look up in the skies most days and they will see huge striations of man made clouds released by commercial airliners (not normal contrails that dissolve quickly) that spread out and, as a consequence, turn the skies milky white. These metals subsequently rain down on our forests, oceans, suburbs and cities causing numerous health issues along with fueling these massive fires.
Research GeoEngineering and learn the truth! The following web site will educate you as to why these fires are continually being described as unprecedented fire activity by Cal Fire and others:
@Jim Jankowski…Finally, someone who sees what’s really happening. Keep that foil hat on and don’t look directly at the Black Ops helicopters. I’ve preached this on here for years now, I’m happy to see someone with my insight speak up….what ever you do don’t fall asleep.
The funny thing is, some people don’t understand what geo engineering is or think it’s real. There is limitless information available that confirms it’s been going on for decades. Some people no matter what you show them can’t see truth and will fight and argue about absolute facts, if it disrupts their world view. Simply amazing.
Nobody is addressing the bear problem either!
An army of black bears displaced by the fires is being pushed into South Lake Tahoe.
They are frightened and ravenously hungry… it’s only a matter of time before thousands of them stampede along Stateline Avenue and ravage the buffet at Harvey’s… that won’t last long, Harrah’s American Cafe will be next… if the bears figure out how to use the elevator you can kiss Friday’s Station goodbye too… I doubt anyone will stop gambling tho.
Hello nytemuvr,
I’ve supplied you and others the web site with links thoroughly proving that GeoEngineering programs are indeed in practice, yet you obviously have no courage or integrity to research it on your own. The documentaries on this web site show live interviews and presentations given by climatologists, military personnel, scientists, etc. in actual Government forums, but still you appear not to have the courage to look into GeoEngineering.
It is a shame that you choose to simply bury your head in the sand not wanting to know why our forests are burning at unprecedented temperatures and rates with no end in sight. If you truly give a damn, you will stop disparaging those who want to help others understand what is truly causing changes in our climate here and around the world.
Grow some cajones!
We grew cajones last year and had so many we were giving them away to the neighbors.
Can someone please explain why the government would do this
To control the weather and control the world. Why else? Use your head.
It’s the Rake Manufacturing Guild.
They hate Californians and refuse to provide sufficient tools to sufficiently rake our forests.
The Wrath of
Our native Americans knew how to take care of the land long before all us immigrants moved in and took over. We, of course, knew anything better than them. So here we are, California burning.
When the tree huggers and Eco-terrorist get away with lawsuits that hamper forest management, you will have issues like this! When these terrorist plant the equivalent of metal spikes in the trees that can take a loggers life or seriously injure(maim!) the technician. PG&E is an easy target but the legal system should weigh in heavily against these violators!
These Eco-terrorist are no better than the current crop of BLMs, Antifa, etc.
It’s us. People do dumb things. We put out all fires for too long. We allowed people to move into forest land after it was logged and then let the trees come back without defensible space. We have moved into the ag buffer zone that used to exist between natural land and houses (cows were good at providing fire breaks). We won’t allow utilities to adequately clear cut around power lines because we want to protect trees and views.
The lack of leadership at the state level.
If we had proper leadership they could explain to the tree huggers and animal rights activists why we need to cut down trees sometimes.
If we had proper leadership they could push PG&E to cut back some trees and update their aging lines. Of course, the tree huggers have to let us cut back trees first.
We have no leadership at the state level. It is evident today with the pandemic. It is evident with our raging fires, lack of water retention … and on and on and on.
Decades of fire suppression, along with a cessation of thinning of forests and not enough controlled burns have created this problem. Placing homes and even communities in the middle of these ovens creates a perfect storm, so to speak.
BTW- There are a lot of so-called environmental groups which actively work to thwart proper forest management and make everything more expensive. Too bad the media isn’t interested in pursuing that story.
1. The government for failing to manage the forests
2. PGE for equipment failures, equipment maintenance etc.
The self important EPA. They have no clue about forrest management. Even the American Indians burned brush out from underneath the trees in a controlled burn to prevent the mass amount of healthy live trees from burning. There was never this type of fires in the forrest’s prior to the EPA becoming a thing.
I read an article recently by an expert in forestry (honestly not sure if he was legit or a phony) that was written over 20 Years ago, that predicted fires like we are experiencing now. The articulate was well written, and articulate, and made no mention of politics which seemed to legitimize it all that much more. He claimed the culprit of the fires would be caused by poor management by the responsible agencies in the western states.
Environmentalists. When I was a child I was the same way, save the tress. As a young adult, working in a park, I came to understand the importance of thinning the tress out, controlled burns, and other forest mangagement. I remember someone telling me if this wasn’t done we would have massive fires. Well, it wasn’t done and now we have massive fires, along with other major problems. Bring back lumberjacks!
The misguided policy of fire suppression for the past hundred years. For thousands of years prior to that California’s native peoples carefully managed California’s natural predisposition to burn throughout the dry seasons. Fires were allowed, encouraged, and even set as soon as enough dry plant and tree matter was available. Most of these small fires did not even kill the trees as they whipped past and through, and they burned just enough to scour the lands of excess fuel and crack open native seeds (we have many native seeds that will not open without the presence of fire!). Then the native people were sent packing so to speak, and the newcomers decided it would be best not to let anything at all burn. After many years with this policy there are now tons upon tons of tinder dry fuel built up all over the whole state just waiting for that one spark that will finally set it off into a completely unstoppable inferno. These fires burn so hot and for so long they kill everything in their paths and completely sterilize the soil, leaving permanent scars behind. Erosion of mountains is inevitable and unstoppable, and clean river systems are permanently clogged, changed, and redirected. I’ve seen nobody throughout several administrations since the realization of this major erroneous policy came about who has figured out how to address the issue, which requires removing tons upon tons of tinder dry fuel all over the whole state, which would take MASSIVE amounts of time, labor, and resources. This is way to big a problem to lay at the feet of one person or a few hundred or even a thousand. It has been a disaster many, many years in the making.
When I lived in Clayton one of the neighbors tried the old fire management technique to clear some weeds and burned about 1/3 of his house down. I don’t think he was an Injun tho.
Well, Native Americans never quite worked out all the kinks either when they employed the strategy very near to permanent wooden structures.🙃
@Silva…We didn’t work out all the kinks either, as for proof any episode of F Troop will prove my point.
According to the experts, about 70% of wild land fires are human caused. Arson, poorly maintained defensible space, litter, and more likely along roads, discarded cigarettes and dragging tow chains causing sparks. Disabled vehicles with hot catalytic converts also another cause. Of course, sick and dead trees falling on power lines add to the mix.
The environmentals, corporations, and bureaucrats who pushed for, then enforced a hands-off policy towards integration of human development in forests. They diminished the necessity of protecting human life while living in the forests, and favored their theoretical “cause” instead. These people and the cause they’ve proposed, supported, and enforced have taken the lives of those choosing to live in the forests. Incomprehensible that they put the impact on forest development over human life.
Newsom, Recall him now !
Actually, Newsom blames Trump.
Trump: God’s gift to the left…………………
Instead of “who,” I wish responsible bureaucrats/elected representatives would identify the main reasons for such a rapid spread (I mean, it is already known), and then what can be implemented to facilitate limiting the damage. I say this in part because if recent history has shown, in California, very few people (certainly not “we the people”) suffer any consequence of their misdeeds, so why waste energy on it. Also, because of the ever growing power of the government, we the people cannot go to improve the conditions/implement solutions to help with the situation; “we the people” would suffer the consequences, unfortunately.
Very poor forestry management at the state and federal levels.
Very poor utility management at the state and federals.
Lousy elected representatives of the people.
Common corruption and favoritism government at all levels.
I have just read one bunch of dumb remarks from how the Indians did it to the government is doing it on purpose. Probably the government doing it is the closest but not by controlling the weather but by not having the proper equipment to do the job. I give up, hire an Indian and clean the forest floor. I’m sure that will work.
Global warming.
“An investigation found the governor has misrepresented his accomplishments and even disinvested (stole money) in wildfire prevention.
The investigation found Newsom overstated (lied), by an astounding 690%, the number of acres treated with fuel breaks and prescribed burns in the very forestry projects he said needed to be prioritized to protect the state’s most vulnerable communities”
Recall this AH
Newsom fault 100%
For a possible answer to this question, do a search for this……….
What was the cause of the ‘Dixie fire’ in N. Ca. ?
Some of the larger fires recently looks as if they just might be arson. Do a googgley search on the larger fires and ask ‘how did it start’ ?
Fires are a natural occurrence, especially in a predominately arid climate such as California. Looking at the tree rings of the Giant Redwoods, you can see the fires that have happened over hundreds of years. That being said, I’m a former fire fighter with the Forest Service – spent 4 years on the Hot Shot crew out of eastern Oregon. For the past 30+ years the environmentalists have made it such that logging (not clear cutting, but selective logging) has been more or less banned in this state. This is poor management of our forests. When logging outfits sign contracts, they are required to perform more than just harvesting trees, part of their contract requires that they remove old debris (fuel) from the forest floors and create brush piles for prescribed burns later, they have to remove dead timber which also removes tinder dry fuels, and they cut in logging roads which act as natural fire breaks. We should allow grazing to resume on public lands to mitigate fast burning fuels (think dry grasses and brush). PG&E does have a responsibility to maintain their power lines, and they’ve been liable in the past (placing profits above safety, and the CPUC is culpable in that as well) for this. But it does boil down to proper forest management, which has been lacking for over 30+ years. California used to have 5 operating lumber mills in the state, now we don’t have any. As for climate change, yes there is climate change….we experience cycles of drought in California, and we are experiencing one right now. Couple the drought cycle with poor mismanagement of our forests and public lands, and we get what we are experiencing now.
“(placing profits above safety,….)” and health.
The sun has been up there for billions of years and we just now figured we could use it for power?
Who has been blocking out our sun?
I blame Larry Elder.
P Jeeze & E.