Home » Nearly All California Counties Outpacing State’s Vaccination Rates

Nearly All California Counties Outpacing State’s Vaccination Rates


In the greater Bay Area, COVID-19 vaccination rates among people age 12 and up are outpacing the state’s vaccination rate in all but one county as of Monday.

Roughly 80 percent of the state’s vaccine-eligible residents have received at least one dose, according to data from the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, while 65.4 percent of those 12 and older are fully vaccinated.

As of Monday, Alameda, Contra Costa, Marin, Monterey, Napa, San Francisco, San Mateo, Santa Clara, Santa Cruz and Sonoma counties are all ahead of both statewide metrics, with local data showing many counties surpassing 80 and 90 percent of eligible residents receiving at least one dose.

Solano County is the only Bay Area county trailing the state’s numbers, with 74 percent of its eligible residents having received at least one dose and 61 percent fully vaccinated.


Marin and San Mateo counties are currently the gold standard in the Bay Area and are the only two counties in the region with more than 90 percent of their eligible populations having received at least one dose.

In Marin County, 95.8 percent of those age 12 and up have received at least one dose and 88.6 percent are fully vaccinated. Both figures are the highest among any Bay Area county.

San Mateo County sits slightly behind, with 91.4 percent of its eligible residents having received at least one vaccine dose and 81.6 percent now fully vaccinated.

Santa Clara County and San Francisco have also fully vaccinated at least 80 percent of their eligible populations, while Napa, Alameda and Contra Costa counties have all surpassed 75 percent of their eligible populations being fully vaccinated.


Nearly 370 million COVID-19 vaccine doses have been administered across the country, according to the CDC, with some 174 million Americans now fully vaccinated.

That includes 61.3 percent of those age 12 and up and 52.4 percent of the country’s population of roughly 330 million.

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Brainless idiots.

Since when did all the intellect folks move to Solano?

Well, I am officially a member of the “get vaccinated or submit to weekly testing” group. There has got to be some kind of legal workaround to this.

My Hubby is also officially a member of the “get vaccinated or submit to weekly testing” too, for his job. We’ll see if he has to deal with this for long, or he might just retire a year early.

TPC – Some key points: The Pfizer vaccine that is currently available is actually not FDA approved. Only the EUA Pfizer vaccine is available. Under the Nuremberg Code, people can’t be coerced into taking experimental drugs.

Secondly, many businesses (especially in the health care sector) are short staffed and may not actually follow through with their threats to fire.

Thirdly, they may offer a religious or medical objection, as does the county.

Fourthly, if there will soon be job employment sites for the non-vaccinated, if there are mass firings.

Stand your ground.

More on the Pfizer vaccine scam

the FDA acknowledged that while Pfizer has “insufficient stocks” of the newly licensed Comirnaty vaccine available, there is “a significant amount” of the Pfizer-BioNTech COVID vaccine — produced under Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) — still available for use.

“The FDA decreed that the Pfizer-BioNTech vaccine under the EUA should remain unlicensed — but that it can be used “interchangeably” (page 2, footnote 8) with the newly licensed Comirnaty product.

Second, the FDA said the licensed Pfizer Comirnaty vaccine and the existing EUA Pfizer vaccine are “legally distinct,” but said their differences do not “impact safety or effectiveness.”


Is the goal to reach 100%?

The way the goal posts keep getting moved, the eventual goal could be greater than 100%, if such a thing were mathematically possible. (I’m sure they’ll find a way, though.)

When voter returns can be a significant % above ballots sent, then I’m sure they’ll find a way to require over 100% vaccination.

Perhaps pet fish will be required to get a vaccination too.

I notice that the County’s Covid-19 dashboard is showing that the eight communities with the highest case rates are also the ones with the lowest vaccination rates. I wonder what that means?

It means the sky is falling. Don’t look up!

Right? It could be that this vaccine is proving effective at increasing our immunity. But I’m certain it’s something much more sinister and the nefarious Democrats are using their unspeakable 5G powers to give all those vaccine abstainers the virus.

First, I don’t believe any of the numbers.

Second, I hadn’t wanted to get the vaccine from the very beginning and I still won’t.

Now, with so many others fully vaccinated, (as Hillary would say) “What Difference At This Point Does It Make?”

I don’t believe the numbers either.
Think about it.
As a sanctuary city, county or state they really don’t have a count of how many people really reside here. It’s just a guess and who knows how good of a guess.
A person can get on BART for free and travel from one county to another and who knows how the count will change.
They have no idea.
Covid can pop up in a restaurant and a week later they will not really know why.
As long as we keep paying taxes they can keep faking it.
Newsome and the cities have money to burn.

@ Cellophane~
+1,… and I’m going to start using the Hillary quote about Covid.

Well it will never be 100% because I’m never taking this Clot Shot!!

And that is why we will never be back to normal cause of people like you.

What a peach you are. You are willing to give up your freedom, and inconvenience others so that you can go back to ‘normal’.

Do you not realize that once you give up your freedom it will NEVER be normal again?

Do you not realize that once they are allowed to force this vaccine, they will force other things?

You see some folks do think about others, and not just themselves ‘me’. You should try it sometimes.

A parent who is fully vaccinated by personal choice, and whose entire family is vaccinated by personal choice

Neither is my family!!!

Freedom? Really? Since when did we ever really have freedom. We have always had rules to go by in the US. And btw the way. This is not about freedom. You may look at it as non American but that is not how I see it. I see it as helping a neighbor, helping a friend, and helping my family who it could impact. If me wearing a mask CAN help them. Why not wear one for a few hours in the day?

You act like we won’t go back to normal because a lot of us still want/feel the need to wear a mask because it can save a life. I am fully vaccinated as well but just because I wear one and feel you should too. Does NOT mean I gave up my so called freedom. It means I am will to help out. Simple as that. I look at it as taking a step now and not having to worry about it later. Now if this was actually like a flu or something of that nature. Sure, I wouldn’t wear a mask because over the years. Our bodies have been able to fight it off. But this is different as we all know.

@ ME

Well, maybe we grew up in different worlds. The world I grew up in says the United States was based on Freedom, of religion, assembly, speech. Yes, there are rules to follow, and those rules are designed to help us with our freedom. Yes, there are rules that you cannot rape, pillage, murder because those actions are considered immoral and against humans.

Maybe you grew up somewhere else, outside of the US where you were not afforded those privileges.

I see myself helping a neighbor but at some point, the neighbor needs to help themselves. They need to take action – not you, not me. We need to quit catering to the few people that do not want to take it. They made their decision. Let them live with it, right or wrong, let them be.

This is most definitely about freedom.


I have lived in Cali East Bay my whole life. I am as white as can be. What I meant by “when did we ever have freedom” was that anything can change when certain things happen. Like this pandemic. Yes we have the freedom to choose how we live, what religion we want to follow and free speech. But at the same time. It’s been shown that can just about all of that can be taken away when things happen. But it doesn’t change what path we take as a person. That’s what makes us as American. But it also what kills the word American as well by the choices some people take

I had said this many time in past posts. If the person doesn’t not want to help the person next to them and want to complain about nonsense. That is their own right to do so. But 1 thing that should and needs to stop is the false info that is given by those people as it hurts others. I am all for your freedom of speech and beliefs. More power to you. “I mean this as saying it to the others”

The reason why I said this is not about our freedom is because there are times when we should put our hatred, beliefs and bigotry a side and come together to fight this so we can get back to our actual freedom. I understand it both ways though. Yes I get ” My freedom I do what I want” but at the same time. You live your life into your 70’s and 80s. For 1 of those years. We should give up all that to help the person next to us. This isn’t about Dems vs Repub. It’s about fighting a virus that has killed so many people and that has affected so many life’s “Including mine”

I will still do my part even if I have to wear a mask for another year to slow/stop this. And I am ok with that. Doesn’t affect me at all. And thank you Parent for being reasonable and understanding.


And yet they all walk around without another human in site masked up

Baa baa baa

Genetic Therapy (Vaccine) Side-effects:

Source: https://www.fda.gov/media/143557/download pg. 17/27

• Guillain-Barré syndrome (body’s immune system damages nerve cells)
• Acute disseminated encephalomyelitis (inflammation in the brain and spinal cord that damages protective covering of nerve fibers)
• Transverse myelitis (inflammation of spinal cord damages protective covering of nerve fibers)
• Encephalitis/myelitis/encephalomyelitis/meningoencephalitis/meningitis/encepholapathy (inflammation of the brain & spinal)
• Convulsions/seizures
• Stroke
• Narcolepsy (sudden drowsiness)
• Cataplexy (sudden muscle weakness)
• Anaphylaxis (severe, potentially life-threatening allergic reaction)
• Acute myocardial infarction (heart attack)
• Myocarditis/pericarditis (inflammation of heart)
• Autoimmune disease
• Deaths
• Pregnancy and birth outcomes
• Other acute demyelinating diseases (damage to nerve coverings)
• Non-anaphylactic allergic reactions
• Thrombocytopenia (low blood platelet count)
• Disseminated intravascular coagulation (blood clotting)
• Venous thromboembolism (blood clots)
• Arthritis and arthralgia/joint pain
• Kawasaki disease (heart disease in children)
• Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome
• Vaccine enhanced disease

Source: https://www.reuters.com/business/healthcare-pharmaceuticals/eu-drugs-regulator-looking-new-possible-side-effects-mrna-vaccines-2021-08-11/
• Erythema multiforme (allergic skin reaction)
• glomerulonephritis (kidney inflammation)
• and nephrotic syndrome (renal disorder characterized by heavy urinary protein losses)

Vaccinated individuals could have higher levels of virus and infect others

CDC says vaccinated people may transmit virus, recommends masks indoors:


Boaster shots every 5 months.

Human Cells Can Write RNA Sequences Into DNA.


And here we go lol

Do you know that most of what you put on here are WARNINGS? Just about ever medication out there has big side effects including ALL vaccines before this one. Most on this list have not even happen. And the others are so extremely rare.

“Vaccinated individuals could have higher levels of virus and infect others” I want you to read the 3rd word in that sentence. “COULD” but was already proven wrong by many experts. So that doesn’t stand as 99% of infects actually come from unvaccinated people. And unvaccinated people are the ones causing the mutation. That was already proven.

“CDC says vaccinated people may transmit virus, recommends masks indoors: Again, the word “MAY” Nothing that says does transmit. Everyone knows even if you’re vaccinated you carry a very low does of the virus if the vaccine doesn’t kill it off right away. But yes, You can still transmit it but no where close to what a unvaccinated person does.

The whole 5 month BOOSTER shots is in talks only. Doesn’t mean it’s actually going to happen. I am fully vax but if it is 5 months. I will most likely wait 8 months.

So I read that whole Human Cells can write RNA into DNA. I don’t think you understand what that paper meant. You should really re-read what it says and understand it better.

Side effects such as death and blood clots are well documented, you insult those who have died and those who suffer with your inane conspiracy theories claiming that they do not exist. It is evident you are blind to science and only wish to push a conspiracy theory that there are no side-effects. Perhaps you should trust science and educate yourself.

What are you even talking about with ‘WARNINGS’???



Never once did I say in any post that death or blood clots was not in there. You really need to pay attention to how people write and not spread misinformation. Yes we all know people most likely have died from vaccines. But, One thing you have to understand is the amount of people who have died from the vaccines as far far far less then the people who have died from Covid. Less people have gotten Covid yet over 4.5 million have died. That is more then all side effects combined from all vaccines. Not to mention over 5.3 billion people have been given at least 1 shot. There has been over 38 million cases of Covid reported. Now you tell me again, Where in ANYTHING have I ever disrespected anyone who has passed? It is sad to see people die from anything. But coming on here trying to turn what someone says around just goes to show what some people will do to try to prove a false point. You tell me who is the conspiracy theorist now? I gave you the facts.

Actually, I am laughing at you Anon, Your posts on here are just completely sad when you try to prove a false point. How does it make you feel when someone shows you the truth and you have to find any such way to back up your claims with more false data?

Dying from a vaccine would be the preferred option. Living with some of the “warnings” would be a lifetime of living hell.

We need Trump back in office these Democrats are in bed with China they’re trying to take over America it’s the most disgusting thing I’ve ever seen and half of America is going along with it I want to breathe free I don’t need a mask that does nothing for you or me your personal health is your business not mine and my personal is not your business it is mine this is the communist playbook to divide and conquer first there was by race now it’s by vaccinated and unvaccinated we are all Americans act like it!

So why are we still wearing masks?

We are still wearing masks because the landfills are hungry.

At this point, the unvaccinated are on their own. It’s their choice.
The rest of us want to move on with our lives and get back to a significant degree of normalcy.
We can’t “save” everyone…. just like Biden stranding and abandoning Americans and allies in Afghanistan after the US withdrawal.

Please explain your “normalcy.” You are vaxxed, expected to get continued booster shots for the rest of your life, and are still required to wear a mask (double mask even better.) And you still can contract and pass on the virus and the new ones….This must be the part where we all throw back our heads and laugh, laugh, laugh.

Unfortunately Exit 12A society will not abide by a “they are on their own” policy. We will continue to provide medical care and compensation to those who chose to take a risk. It’s like Motorcycle Helmets and Seatbelts. If people were really on their own I have no problem with their not using them, but unfortunately when the go through the windshield or wind up in a ditch with a head injury I’m expected to pay for them for the rest of their lives. So I need laws to take away their freedom so I don’t have to pay for their stupidity.

Unfortunately, the people that are anti-vaxxers and continue to believe that it’s “their body, their choice” and their behavior has no impact on anyone but themselves. – – – Sadly, they couldnt be more wrong.

OVER 90% of the people being hospitalized for Covid-19 right now are the one’s who are unvaccinated.

They are depleting valuable staff resources (nurses and doctors) and as a result, non-Covid patients are at RISK and in some cases unable to receive treatment or ICU care.

Case in Point:

Veteran of 2 Tours in Afghanistan, Daniel Wilkinson of Houston.

He was unable to undergo a simple 30 minute procedure for gallstone pancreatitis . . . and DIED.

https://www.yahoo.com/entertainment/ -army-veteran-dies-treatable-021147448.html?fr=sycsrp_catchall

@Exit 12A – Couldn’t have said it better.

Imagine if you had a 99.7% chance of never having cancer but were ordered to go on chemo “just in case.”

You do understand we were over 6% death rate at one point. Almost all hospitals were maxed. Imagine getting into a accident and not having a bed to put you in to save your life because some ignorant person thought they were better then everyone else but got put there cause of Covid. Not just about the deaths. It’s to help the medical system not turn into what happen before.

Imagine dying of COVID because some ignorant driver got into a car accident and deprived you of an ICU bed. People are so selfish to drive cars and risk getting hurt. They should stay home and hide under their beds for the greater good.

Imagine if you lived in a Country where it was mandated that in order to drive your car . . . you had to wear a Seat Belt.

Oh the horror!

That’s the news from Lake Wobegon, where all the children are above average…



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