Home » DeSaulnier, Padilla To Host Town Hall Meeting On Monday

DeSaulnier, Padilla To Host Town Hall Meeting On Monday


U.S. Rep. Mark DeSaulnier and Sen. Alex Padilla are hosting a virtual town hall meeting Monday to talk about the latest congressional updates affecting their constituents.

People can submit questions before the event or live during the town hall, which will be streamed on Zoom and on DeSaulnier’s Facebook page.

The event will start at noon Monday. People wanting to RSVP can call 925-933-2660.

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Noon on a Monday, sounds like a very convenient time to hear from all your constituents…

My guess is they don’t want to hear the ration of crap they’d get if they held it after work one evening or on a weekend.

Hey, don’t you realize just how many unemployed people are racial minorities? This is a matter of equity! It’s simply not fair to always caiter to the majority, efficiency be d***ed.
Trying to hear from the average tax paying citizen is clearly a racist attempt to give an ever greater voice to a select group, to overinflate their standing. It’s simply not fair to expect these people to deal with a member of the government outside of working hours. They have lives too ya know.

Sarcasm aside, why would you have to RSVP for a scheduled video conference like this, and by calling a telephone number (instead of an internet form)?

Mark, I can’t make your virtual town hall, but I have a question: “You for Trump’s impeachment — have you considered joining the growing calls to impeach Biden?” His foreign policy blunders have alienated our allies:

USA Today — “France, Germany and other countries didn’t have enough warning to get their people out. One European described their reaction as ‘incandescent rage.’” https://bit.ly/3kDpEKn

The Daily Mail — “We have armed our enemy and handed them to Presidents Xi and Putin.” And, “The look on the faces of the US soldiers was one I hadn’t seen before…seething humiliation.”

Oh Great!

You can make your way through the smoke

to watch Mark blow smoke.

Oh gee, I don’t know if I can handle the excitement.

worthless, just like the other idiot former bartender, AOC

Only questions or concerns which fit the leftist narrative will be selected for response.

Doughnuts & coffee?

I’m not going if there’s no doughnuts….
If it’s just coffee, forget it.

Another “Spare the Air” day with those two.

Another dog and pony show wonderful.

Alex Padilla?

This is a “please don’t recall Newsom” meeting in disguise.

All the hot air from these two will contribute to global warming.

Here’s the thing, WE NEED TO GET RID OF THESE IDIOTS. Why does it seem we are stuck with the same morons dictating to us for decades? This is NOT what democracy looks like. Look at CONCORD city council. Have only seen one new face in the last 10 years. Look at the MT DIABLO SCHOOL BOARD. Look at the COCOCO BOARD OF SUPERVISORS. We can change the president every 4 years but we end up stuck at the local level with idiots supporting SUSTAINABLE GROWTH AGENDA 21. You people better figure out what’s going on. Every local government has signed on to the globalist plans. It doesn’t matter who is the El presidente. Agenda 21 is exactly why in 2021 we are where we are. We never voted for this AGENDA. We never had a chance. They won’t stop. WE have to stop them by ripping them from office. (The legal way)


Get rid of these idiots?

I couldn’t agree more.

Problem is, it’s too late.

The lack of voters with political philosophies to the right has allowed voters on the left to dominate elections.

Now, those on the left have given up any semblance of control to the leftist politicians who now rule without thought of what the voters want.

With vote-counting corruption now strictly controlled, the personal vote has become meaningless.

The people need to regain control of the government. Strip it of its powers and return to being the Constitutional Republic resplendent with freedoms for responsible people and harsh penalties for those who decide not to be responsible.

Talk about two crazies!
No, I don’t want to hear from them. But they’re going to hear from me at the next election!


Bdpirate, These are elected or appointed government officials, so obviously not all agree with you, here on Claycord you and others agree with you, both this site represent a very small group of Concords residents, so I think you are mistaken if you think most Concordians agree with you, not sure of the demographics on that, but judging from who is elected at what I read on other site, it is probably 50-50.

POPULIST SONG circa 1890

I was once a tool oppression
And as green as a sucker could be
And monopolies banded together
To beat a poor hayseed like me

The railroads and old party bosses
Together did sweetly agree;
And they thought there would be little trouble
In working a hayseed like me.

But now I’ve roused up a little
And their greed and corruption I see,
And the ticket we vote next November
Will be made up of hayseeds like me.

And the hayseeds that voted that day
Were sure the votes would be going their way
They walked down to the dock
Where they saw to their shock
The tide floating their ballots away !

Yep, the old party bosses
Insured they’d have no losses
Yet some folks still believe crime doesn’t pay..



Well it’s more than obvious that the majority of the voters in California are Kool Aid drinkers as these two guys are as well and that is exactly why California is so screwed up.
I’m so sorry you feel this way about most of your posts on here you must lead a miserable life but you fit right in with the majority of the Californians who put these idiots in office.

To those of you who says we are Kool Aid drinkers if we like Newsom, Biden, basically all democrats. Has it ever occurred to you, we have come to a different conclusion, and no it is not because we only watch or listen to one news source. I have a friend who is a staunch Bernie supporters, which by the way I’m not, he is a little too liberal for me, yet same friend watches and likes Tucker Carlson, although she does not agree with him on everything. You are not the only ones that are informed.

Have you been drinking? Anyone still supporting newsom or biden after what they have done to our state and country are irrelevant.

@ Hanne ~ Do you ever wonder why the liberal news networks won’t cover alot of important news stories?
They only report what they want you to know…. but that’s OK with you?

the farm implement was picked to “poison the well”, because if joe is removed then we are stuck with the hoe who would have access to the nuclear football.

As I have said before there is no point in disagree with some of you. You have your opinion, which you are entitled to, and I have mine, lets just leave it at. I’m not going to change and neither are any of you.

Ah not true grasshopper..people change all the time in their ways and lately politically more than ever.
I know people that were full bore Republican for 20 or 30 years and went heavy Democrat lib and also vice versa the other way as well.

You just never know what little what many think is insignificant chit chat changes a person’s direction completely it doesn’t even have to be true it could just be garbage off the internet.

Such as now with bonehead Biden’s stupid stunts and decisions how many of his followers are now turning on him.

Funny thing Hanne…. that is pretty much the same thing Biden told his Military advisors about Afghanistan.

Why am I not surprised that Biden makes sense to you, Hanne?

What do they think about Gavin Newsom getting recalled are they nervous it could happen to them?


You are a consistent Dem supporter. That’s fine by me. The world would be a very boring place if we all agreed, all of the time.

But ask yourself what it is that you support. High taxes (highest in the nation)? Waves of illegals (gobbling up govt support and natural resources)? Crappy infrastructure (roads/electric grid/water supply)? A sense of entitlement (French Laundry, Nancy’s hair appt.)? Homelessness? Crime? Cost of living? That’s just a few of the big problems that I see. Which of these do you support?

” It means we realize he is human, and make mistakes, as every human does, including presidents.”

But someone with humanity admits their mistakes, changes their behavior, and tries to correct the mistakes. There is not a single one of the people who you support who has EVER admitted a mistake. It’s always somebody else’s fault.

Nothing will improve until enough voters find their inner integrity and vote against these “perfect” politicians. If you can’t see the errors in Gavin’s or Joe’s or Nancy’s, or Kamala’s direction and leadership, then you are hopeless. Stop making excuses for the people you vote for and demand some accountability.

about 250 watching…How is this access to our public officials?

We can get so much more done when one party dominates. My issue is when one party dominates bad policies come through. Balance actually works best in my opinion. It isn’t efficient, but insanity is often kept in check. San Francisco and Berkeley are great example of Local Government Insanity.

As long as apathetic voters continue to make excuses for their leaders, nothing will change.

Here’s a tried and true roadmap to improvement:
1. Identify the problem.
2. Admit there is a problem.
3. Admit to the mistakes that were made that caused the problem.
4. Change things up and solve the problem.

Dems rodamap:
1. Pretend that there is no problem and hope the voters forget about it.
2. If step 1 does not work, then deflect and point out an even BIGGER problem (like racism) and hope the voters forget about the original problem.
3. If step 2 doesn’t work, then blame a Republican. (It used to be Bush’s fault but Trump is so much easier now). You can also blame caucasians, men, Christians, red necks, Qanon, gun lovers, or anti-vaxers.
4. If that fails, then try to buy out the voter with someone else’s money.

Mark would better serve if he went back to DC and demanded to know why the hell His Royal Dementedness is not being impeached or tried for treason.
He can’t be that much of a tool for Pelosi and her gang of traitors
Oh, I’m sorry, he’s a Democrat…that explains a lot.



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