The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday in the noon hour.
How many cans/cups of soda/coffee do you drink a day? Do you think you are ‘addicted’ to caffeine or can you stop drinking it anytime?
Talk about it….
Usually just one cup in the morning. I don’t need it but my wife sure does. She drinks fancy coffee nearly all day.
I usually decaffeinated sodas…but with coffee, I usually drink both..
Not unless I don’t get my morning coffee!
I drink 2-3 cups a day. No plans to stop either as I enjoy it.
Not addicted! I can stop drinking it anytime I want. I just don’t want to. 😜
Don’t drink coffee or caffeinated sodas. Quit soda because of the sugar four years ago.
But I love the aroma of coffee in the can and whilst brewing.
…no … but I like it on occasion
Once upon a time I drank a lot of coffee, about a pot or more a day. I never got into any of the fancy coffee’s like Starbucks’s, just good ‘ol homemade, extra strong without anything added to it, just black. I discovered the cheaper the coffee, the more caffeine it has. The good darker coffee that tastes better goes through a longer roasting process, making it less dense, so it loses some caffeine. The lighter roast will have more caffeine, and when I was drinking coffee, I was only interested in the caffeine.
I stopped drinking coffee and all soda’s that contain caffeine about six or seven years ago because I was starting to get severe headaches. After about a month or so, I was feeling much better without any caffeine in my life. I’d get up in the morning feeling great and raring to go.
The best part about not drinking coffee anymore, I don’t have to find a restroom every half hour.
I brew 16oz of Peet’s Coffee every morning at 6AM
Probably couldnt do without it.
Headaches occur.
I’m prolly psychologically dependent, not physically addicted.
It’s a morning ritual to have a cup of coffee. It also encourages my innards to have a glorious bowel movement.
About a quart of coffee a day. Is that too much?
I drink a lot of coffee because I enjoy it. Years ago, if I couldn’t have coffee for whatever reason, I got an horrendous headache. Now it doesn’t faze me at all if I skip a day. I assume my bloodstream is permanently caffeinated. However, I no longer drink coffee at night, not because it would keep me awake, because it doesn’t, but because I hate getting out of bed in the middle of the night.
One cup regular black, no sugar, every morning. People notice later in the day if I somehow didn’t get that one morning cup.
I drink it, but I could and have gone without before, not a big deal.
I always have my cup of Death Wish Coffee first thing in the morning. So yeah I probably am.
I enjoy drinking coffee, but with Death Wish, I get too wired too quickly. But we do have a nice collection of their mugs. I prefer their Valhalla coffee. It is not as high-octane and has a much better flavor.
I used to be, but I had to stop drinking it every day, it began to make my hands too shaky for fine detailed motor work. But I wish I could drink my cuppa in the mornings on most days. I enjoy it, and it helps a lot with my energy deficiencies.
I have the same problem. If I drink a strong cup
of Joe on an empty stomach, I’m like Don Knotts
in The Shakiest Gun in The West. I’ve found if
I have a cup along with a meal I don’t have that
Ya made me lol again!😄 I should try it with food sometime.
I drink 1 or 2 cup of DECAF coffee a day, and would drive anybody nuts, if I had caffeine, since I would be bouncing off the walls and talking non-stop.
“I could quit drinking anytime I want to…only I don’t want to.” – Marilyn Monroe
I think this applies to my coffee habit.
I’m addicted to sweets, and like to have coffee with them.
I get a speeding ticket even though that I parked my car for drinking coffee
Everyone has to have a vice… sodas/energy drinks are mine. It could be worse?
YES!!!!!……..I’ve tried to quit but the headaches are horrendous……(sadface)
Used to…the coffee phase…soda phase…now tea only…with the rate Irish coffee
Yes, if I do not get my morning 2 cups of coffee, I get the caffeine headache. Strong indication that I am addicted.
No, but I surely do enjoy it!
Peet’s is my favorite brand, and good ol’ Folger’s is just fine! …… with milk added, please. Give Paul Newman’s a try it you haven’t already.
This time of year, a tall glass of iced coffee is wonderful when I am outside playing in the flowers.
No not a huge coffee drinker. I always have tea (very strong, almost black) with my breakfast. If I have coffee it is mid morning or in the afternoon. I don’t like it too strong, usually I get a latte, or if I get regular coffee I add a lot of milk/cream and a sugar substitute. If I drink too much coffee it makes my stomach burn. Starbuck at Sun Valley Mall is still closed and since I mostly drink coffee when I work, I don’t have coffee most days.
I get 250mg in my pre-workout drink before each 2 hour weightlifting session. Depending on my session and how intense it is and how heavy the weight I have gone as high as 350mg and 100mg to none of just a 30 min cardio blast.
It’s not addicting at all I don’t freak out if I take a day off with no caffeine but 7 days a week I do.
No sodas, just don’t care for them, never did. My late husband use to love the diet sodas which were a joke, could never get him to stop. As far as coffee, loved it all my life black no fluff. Started with the City got hooked. Never missed a beat of Peet’s at work until early retirement six years ago. Now, have literally recognize my body needs the lift and am starting my morning Jo and sometimes afternoon/early evening again.
I moved to Vietnam from Clayton in 2019 … grew up in Concord (CVHS 1985) … I drink two cups daily of what I like to call Vietnamese Black Jet Fuel … coffee here is like 4x to 5x stronger than American coffee … weeeeeeeeeeeeee!!!!