Home » State Lawmakers Proposing State-Wide COVID Vaccination Mandate

State Lawmakers Proposing State-Wide COVID Vaccination Mandate


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This is RIDICULOUS!!! Covid survival rate far exceeds the death rate. In America, only 10% of the population has been infected with Covid. Of those 10% that got Covid, under 2% have died. We are taking away freedom from Americans based on a 2% death rate. How do we fight back? How do we protest? Maybe if we burn down buildings they will listen to us? I just give up. Never thought I’d see this in my lifetime; the whole country turning into Lemmings, stupid people and lemmings.

as of August 9, 2021:
USA Population = 331,449,281
Total Covid Cases = 35,937,086
Total Covid Deaths = 617,303
Percent of people who have had covid:
35,937,086 divided by 331,449,281 = 0.108 or 10.8% (10% of Americans have had Covid).
Total number of deaths who have had Covid:
617,303 divided by 35,937,086 = 0.017 or 1.72% (just under 2% have died from Covid in USA).
Total chance of dying if you got covid:
0.108 x 0.017 = 0.0018 or 0.18% (LESS THAN ONE PERCENT CHANCE OF DYING)
FACT CHECK ME HERE: https://coronavirus.jhu.edu/map.html

Unfortunately, that’s not the point.

98% of hospitalized people for COVID-19 are unvaccinated.
Almost all deaths are from the unvaccinated.

The point is that the unvaccinated are DEPLETING the RESOURCES of our HOSPITALS, (nursing and medical staff) to the point where a Veteran who had two tours in Afghanistan wasnt able to obtain medical care in Houston for something as simple as gallstone pancreatitis, which can be remedied with a 30 minute procedure.


Daniel Wilkinson.
Dead at the age of 46.

Another reason to vote out Newsom!

@Law & Order, how much background in the medical sciences do you have? Any at all? Can you describe without looking it up what role the autonomic nervous system plays in a covid infection? That’s very important in understanding the disease.

Can you do simple 4th grade math (as pointed out above) to see that one has greater than a 99% chance of surviving a disease which often has minimal if any symptoms?

There are lots of people who have taken care of their health over the years who don’t need anything more than heard immunity and not vaccines (people should decide for themselves on that matter and understand the risks) and don’t want to be penalized by being forced to live in a totalitarian state because bunch of dim-witted crooks think it’s the “cat’s meow” to push the citizens around.

All this will do is seal Newsom’s fate to be recalled. And perhaps Elder being elected.

@ bebops…

i’ll bite…go ahead and explain to us dummies in the back of the class what ‘role the autonomic nervous system plays in a covid infection’

next…because I have likely seen some of the same youtube videos that I know you are referencing…tell me then, if the vaccine doesn’t work, then why are we are seeing a hugely disproportionate amount of unvaccinated people in the hospitals and dying?

if the vaccine was was bunk and garbage, you wouldn’t see this disproportionate representation.

@ Captain, looks like he has more background in medical sciences than you…what part of the autonomic system are you suggesting sympathetic or parasympathetic? you are totally out of you depth here, both in the science and survivability of infectious diseases..

So you have a 1 in 10 chance of catching covid and a 1 in 50 chance of dying from it if you do catch it… Get the vaccine it will not only potentially save yours and your loved ones lives, but it will also lessen the strain on the Healthcare system as a whole allowing our doctors, nurses, and other Healthcare workers a chance to rest and take care of other sick people.

@Really?, the sympathetic branch of the autonomic nervous system if it over reacts to the virus may create a cytokine storm, to put it simply. Here’s an NIH paper on the autonomic nervous system and Covid-19.

There are thousands if not more Healthcare workers quitting and refusing to take the vaccine. Even on the news you hear that they are short on staff. that is due to refusal to Vax knowing that it’s still in trail stage. Just because the fda is approving something doesn’t make it safe. Its being pushed and big time payouts. My body my choice. Oh wait apparently that only works for killing unborn babies.

After this passes, they will pass a mandate for the annual flu shot.

Total Kommie control is right around the corner.
Total government control over people’s lives will not sit well with half the population, just wait and see what happens when that line is crossed very soon.
The powers of be that are mandating all this will soon have to go into hiding..You think the BLM and Antifa riots were bad you ain’t seen nothing yet compared to what’s going to happen soon overall this mandate BS.

how will compliance work? I don’t think Safeway, Resturants want to be CoVid police, and what if you refuse ? San Quetin ?

Compliance will be a vaccination passport that you must carry with you everywhere. If you don’t have it, you can’t go inside. You will possibly have to have your groceries, meals and anything else you need delivered, because unless you get the shots, you won’t be allowed around anyone else. Think about that.

You’re a little off with those numbers. 635k deaths. Not 617k. Over 38 million cases. Can I ask what month you saw?

Also. It’s not all about the deaths. You forgot to factor in the people who are having after affects from Covid. People that need lung transplants, having breathing/heart issues. Again. It’s not just about the deaths. It’s also to save the hospitals from being way over crowded so that if something happens to you and you need to go to the ER. You can actually be seen by a doctor. You don’t want to happen here what is happening in Florida in Texas and some other states.

@me. That sounds familiar. Are we going back to the 15 days so we don’t overwhelm the hospitals? Flatten the curve. Oh yeah. Not quite 15 days.

As of right now there’s no reason for that. I can see in the others states that happening



they keep playing the same tune which doesn’t work, and the sheep, who are now OK with threatening those who disagree with them, are more than willing to give up their freedom for the illusion of safety.

God Bless America

More mandates equals more counterfeit vaccine cards. This will be difficult to enforce. Good luck Sacramento. Keep piling on the nonsense and sooner or later the people will revolt.

The government is not forcing you to get the shot. Don’t want it don’t get it, want to be in public settings affecting others then get the shot or just stay home.

Affecting others that get the shot? So…the shot doesn’t work?

why do i have to be a prisoner because those who got shots are protected, right? or does this so called science actually lie.

@Pine Barrens, @earl
Two words, viral mutation.
The more unvaccinated, the greater the chance of a strain that negates the vaccine, then we’re back in March 2020…
And before you say it, NO, the vaccine isn’t causing mutations, Delta was created in India BEFORE they had the vaccine.

If the “vaccine” works then no one has anything to worry about because the unvaccinated won’t be affecting the vaccinated at all.
Check the vial before you get a shot…the only “approved” shot is Comirnaty and with a, dishonestly, approved vaccine that means the EUA LEGALLY has to end and the bio tech companies/Pfizer are now legally responsible for the known death and risk factors that are abnormally high. My normally healthy gf got it about 6 months ago and now she has to take an antihistamine EVERY DAY to keep her skin from braking out in hives….. I can’t believe Americans are stupid enough to get their “science” from main stream media.

ConcordRes2 you have absolutely zero logical reasoning abilities or you’re just trying to lie to people that are smarter than you. Let us know which you choose 😘

So how do the numbers play out for you when over the last several weeks I have known or known of (friend of friend) 5 people that actually got covid. Of the 5, 4 were vaccinated. I think they are handing you a line and many are taking it. I was also at Kaiser Walnut Creek emergency room late afternoon on Wednesday. It was pretty much a ghost town. Having a couple hundred people out of 1.3 million (our county) in the hospital is not over run. You also need to remember that everything is thrown into the covid numbers. Since November, the cdc has flu, pneumonia and covid in the same count. All flu-like illnesses. Check their website. This is what happened to the flu.

This video makes me feel sick. I can’t believe we have slipped this far. A year ago I was ranting about Vaccine docs being required and people dismisssed it. Fast forward 9 months and we are here.

This mandate goes beyond what I thought CA would do. Systematically eroding your freedom, one inch at a time.

I understand folks who try to call this a “public health issue” – but this is a liberty issue. I support anyone who wants to vaccinate for themselves and loved ones. I prefer limited govt, but understand govt supporting the vaccine by making it “free” – govt paid. To me, that is the compromise. I’m paying (through my taxes) for your vaccine. That compromise is to respect your “public health” arguement. However, I respect a person’s right to choose, and fight hard to protect that for anyone.

Choosing to not vaccinate means you accept the risk to NOT vaccinate. With a death rate that is so low, I believe citizens can make their own decisions. Furthermore, the only “public health” arguement that seems to hold any water are non vaccinated are (on average) slightly more contagious as they may develop slighlty more severe symptoms. But if your vaccinated the risk is essentially 0 to you…so if your vaccinated, why do you care?

Forcing people who chose not to vaccinate out of society means you will make the criminals and will ostracize them. This is Germany circa 1941…pretty soon it will look like 1945 and all those that supported this facist overreach will wonder how we got here.

Indeed. Similarly it’s like how “feel good” news anchors get around tax time about the abomination we have with our tax system and they behave like it’s so much fun to do those taxes which you must get in. They are complicit. But then again news anchors are one of the better paying gigs at the TV stations, so all about the money.

To many ism’s to pick
OMG we are going to be a third world country!😆

The answer is Stalinism

Yoyo explain stalinism.
I love the way people throw these words out there and have no idea what they actually mean.

over the last 5 decades the communist movement has been corrupting the media, and democrats and our youth via schools and universities with the end goal being the over though of America and the rise of the USSA.

God Bless America

The current vaccines are NOT FDA APPROVED. The media has been lying to you.

The only vaccine that is FDA approved is Corminaty. Legally, it must be packaged and labeled as Corminaty to be considered FDA approved. And you probably won’t find it in hospitals soon. You’ll find a chemically identical, but legally distinct version of it in hospitals, but it will be EUA, not FDA approved. This allows Pfizer to have continued legal immunity from serious health risks that it has already acknowledged.


Page 6 says: “the FDCA will not be sufficient to assess KNOWN
SERIOUS RISKS of myocarditis and pericarditis and identify an unexpected serious risk of subclinical myocarditis.

@ Yoyo Hop~
So, FDA approved is Corminaty?,….which I will have to research info on this item.
Plus,…it’s a different formula (than the current Pfizer) which won’t be in in hospitals soon?
Did I understand this correctly?
It does not change my mine about the Jab.

@Roz, It is likely the identical formula. But they are legally considered to be different. This is a complicated ploy to make people believe that the current vaccine has been approved while simultaneously allowing Pfizer to keep the legal immunity that comes with Emergency Use Authorization.

A condition of the emergency use authorization is that no FDA approved treatments are available. So if Cominraty were to become available, Pfizer would have to discontinue it’s current vaccine (chemically the same, but legally distinct) and face the potential legal liability that comes with FDA approval.

Conformity for all! Obey.

@ yoyo – In addition to knowing the FDA regulations for approval you are also a legal expert? Stop spreading misinformation and lies! The BLA covers both the EUA vaccine already made and Comirnaty going forward from Aug 23…..

post the whole paragraph on page 6, (We have determined that an analysis of spontaneous postmarketing adverse events reported under section 505(k)(1) of the FDCA will not be sufficient to assess known serious risks of myocarditis and pericarditis and identify an unexpected serious risk of subclinical myocarditis.) What this means, Pfizer will have to conduct a study to determine what the occurrence of myocarditis and pericarditis is and that events reported in VAERS is not sufficient and anecdotal at best. ALL approved drugs have postmarketing surveilance of adverse reactions.

Thanks Yoyohop

Really – Thanks for emphasizing my point. The FDA has clearly acknowledged the heart risks caused by the vaccine. Of course VAERS is not sufficient evidence to prove the vaccines safety. But the reports taken in aggregate are not anecdotal. The data shows a clear pattern of side effects that everyone has acknowledged except the most brainwashed. You just cited the FDA admitting the potential for heart damage. They are not referring to a casual anecdote.

And No, The EUA does not cover Cominraty. Why would it need to if it had FDA approval?

And just a reminder, coercion of an experimental treatment is strictly forbidden by the Nuremberg Code….an internationally recognized code of ethics that was created to prevent the Nazi like atrocities from happening again.

In Australia, some poor guy was arrested for sneezing in an empty elevator. He was caught on camera in an empty elevator and didn’t cover his face when he sneezed. The Aussies put out a warrant for his arrest.
Here in California, It won’t be long before the non vaxxed get arrested. In Newsom’s California, if you are a convicted felon doing time, you get out early, so you can join the homeless and commit more crimes. If you are an upstanding law-abiding citizen and can’t show proof of a COVID vaccination, you will go to jail.


How will all that do any good when the jabbed have been getting sick? Since they do not notice symptoms right away, they are super-spreaders. I will boycott any business that goes along with this tyranny and discrimination. Sooner or later, some mentally unstable person may react violently when they have been pushed to their limits.

It is past time to get rid of the “emotion” about this and get rid of the “virus”. I said a long time ago this beast is not political, people make it that. Fear Mongering at it’s best.

@ Bella ~
O.K.,…let put the “emotion” and “politics aside,…which I have done.
What about science and facts?
Here’s one for you,….and it’s true:
A friend of mine, fully vaccinated, got Covid from another fully vaccinated person.
So, is the vaccine working?


Yes the vaccine is working. I thought you put the emotion aside? The efficacy of a vaccine is not assessed by what happened to a friend of yours. There are clear criteria how one determines whether a vaccine is working or not.

Let’s see I have seen an idiot race through a school zone with 60 mph and did not hit a child, so is driving fast through school zones safe?

I have seen somebody driving drunk and did not cause an accident, so is drunk driving safe?

I have a relative who smoked a pack of cigarettes every day until he died in his nineties without any cancer. So smoking cigarettes does not cause cancer?

@ JWB~
Power outage, late to reply.
Yes, emotion aside,… just could relate it to someone I know, for info.
No, the Vaccine is not working like it should be, to bring pre-Covid.
People who took the jab, thought they were going to be able to live life normally again. Jab or not, no one is free anymore.
Booster shots every 6 months or year, if you want to keep or job?
Or, what if, you want a Driver’s License you have to be Vaccinated?
How far is this going to be pushed? Till people say this is enough.

if you support this you are a fool

Vaccinations are good except vaccinated people are causing the variations. Would have been better if they had worked on a cure. It will be interesting to see the results of Florida’s treatment centers. Places for treatment before you get to the point for the need of hospitalization.

Explain how the vaccine caused Delta…?

Also don’t forget to include how it time travels to do so, seeing as the delta variant was created in India BEFORE they had the vaccine…

Mitt Romney’s 19-year-old nephew was hospitalized with blood clots to the brain a day after receiving the Pfizer vaccine according to ABC. https://www.abc4.com/news/local-news/draper-teenager-hospitalized-with-blood-clots-after-covid-19-vaccine-shot/.

Well I’m sorry that this young became a victim, but these politicians will never understand unless it hits them directly.

mitt is a soulless coward who refused to help President Trump because he refused to give mitt whatever payoff he demanded. same with mccain.

Where is the plan for the tens of thousands of people pouring into this country? I’m not being mean, I understand the situation but we know they’re coming from places with little to no health care. It just seems like someone has to look at this before more restrictions are placed on the rest of the population.

Careful BG. Some of our comrades would consider that remark racist.

why should the US have to pay for the health care needs of the world?

The only plan is to register them as demotfir the next election.



bus and fly them to red cities, so they change them to blue

I have been wondering the same thing. Are they getting vaccinated before they start trickling into our communities? Is our government going to force them to get vaccinated? Will they still be able to eat at a restaurant in NY if they aren’t vaccinated? What a double standard!!!!

@Chester- you are joking I hope. I don’t think they stop at the border and say vaccinate me first. According to many things I have read, there are some that stop and are getting tested and quite a lot of them are positive. Disgraceful to shut down the country but continue to let them pour in.

A quickly growing number of countries around the world are doing this. In France, a restaurant is to be fined over $53,000 for not checking vaccination status. No one likes it, but it’s pretty much only seen as a political issue here. It’s not an absolute answer but it slows the spread. And if we don’t slow the spread, soon there will be a vaccine-resistant mutation and we’ll all be screwed.

so because the chinese and russians will kill people, should we do the same? your answer must be yes, so you are as evil as they are.

p.s. what do you know about mutations, are you a doctor, unlikely, you are just a shrill trying to scare others. shame on you!

Makes sense. With our current surrender in Kabul we are looking more and more like France.

-smee- Wrong there are vaccine protests all over the world. Canada, France, Australia, Germany. Of course you won’t hear about it on the propaganda stations.

@ Smee

Your logic is flawed. It assumes that vaccinations are 100% affective and once you have taken it you are immune from Covid-19, the original variant. Forget about Alpha, Beta, Gamma, Delta, Eta, Lota, Kappa, and Lambda Covid variants. That assumption is wishful thinking at best and is not scientifically correct.

From the CDC own website:
“Vaccine breakthrough cases are expected. COVID-19 vaccines are effective and are a critical tool to bring the pandemic under control. However, no vaccines are 100% effective at preventing illness. Some fully vaccinated people will get sick, and some will even be hospitalized or die from COVID-19….”

“Vaccines are the best defense we have against infectious diseases, but no vaccine is actually 100% safe or effective for everyone because each person’s body reacts to vaccines differently.”

If a fully vaccinated person can get Covd-19 right now, than a vaccine-resistant mutations are already here.

Need I point out that even if every man, woman and child were magically vaccinated in California right now and ignoring the fact that vaccines are not 100% effective at preventing Covid, you still have a porous southern border with 200,000 people per month coming into the country illegally who’s vaccination status is anyone’s guess? Not to mention international flights and people lawfully crossing between state to state 24/7 – 365?

Who said anything about the Chinese or the Russians? Only one Smee mentioned was France…
Also, you don’t need to be a doctor to know about viral mutation, hell, they teach about it in high school… Are you a degree toting expert in and of the fields you spout off about?
Shame on you.

Yes, this is a good study that validates what many of us have been saying for over a year. The vaccines are all about the money. Bill Gates even told you so. BTW, where is he these days? 😀

blocking out the sun and taking over farming in the US

This is wrong on so many levels and the people who support this need a reality check. CA led the way in non-discrimination of HIV but now they’ve decided to discrimination against people who exercise their right to choose what EXPERIMENTAL medical treatment they are willing to accept? And for all out there who say ‘they don’t have the right to infect others’ the question I have that none of you seem to be able to answer is “if your damn ‘vaccine’ works why are you so afraid and if it doesn’t why would you force it on others’? Furthermore, in case you’re not caught up on the news-vaccinated catch it and transmit it too.
In regards to ‘use of resources’ how much is being used and how much is it costing tax payers for the government-subsidized health benefits to young adults living in the U.S. illegally?

“if your damn ‘vaccine’ works why are you so afraid and if it doesn’t why would you force it on others’ exactly, why would someone who does not trust the vaccine expect others to get it.

The government will not dictate what I do to my body.
What happened to the Freedom of Choice touted by the left?

Freedom to associate?
Freedom of travel?

This is exactly how the Third Reich restricted freedoms.

They can start at our border and require anyone coming across our border show proof of vaccination or be turned away. Anyone caught trying to enter the country illegally is caught and does not show proof of vaccination will be deported and labeled as someone trying to spread disease to Americans. This would label them as terrorists.

My body!!! My choice!! Sound familiar???? Funny how it fits the left wing agenda. Some people are just so stupid that they can’t think for them selves.

My body, my choice really doesn’t apply to situations where your choice harms others.

@Eras, your lack of self-awareness would be funny if your choices weren’t so harmful to others. Stop telling other people what to do with their own bodies.

Lack of self awareness huh? Well I am AWARE the my actions affect others. If I have a cold, I’m going to cover my mouth so I don’t cough all over YOU and give YOU a my cold…

Explain how my choices harm others? Is it the choice I made to wear a mask to help prevent spread? Or maybe the choice I made to get vaccinated so that I don’t get sick enough to take up a hospital bed?

It would seem the YOUR choices are the ones hurting people…

-smee- Wrong there are vaccine protests all over the world. Canada, France, Australia, Germany. Of course you won’t hear about it on the propaganda stations.

My body my choice… I believe that says it all. Grown adults here not children. The logic in this argument is not based on facts it is based on fear and feelings. If people do not want the shot then they accept the possible consequences of their actions. I know you can jump up on a soap box and scream “you put others at risk!” but that is not based on fact as data shows now that vaccinated people can get and transmit the virus the same as unvaccinated. The likelihood of serious conditions developing in the not vaccinated seem to show higher than the vaccinated but the hospitalizations are close and depending on which area you want to base your opinion on you can always find the one that suits your fear level. Do what grownups should do, research the pros and cons and choose what you feel is right for your current situation. Scared people will boo-hoo this but no one asked you to be scared for others. All the data is out there to make your decision on. Weather we like it or not this is not going away, it is the new flu. We all will get it as it is not a question of if? it is only when. Likely we will survive (99.7%) and life will go on. We should all calm down and not push ourselfs into a position of neighbor fighting neighbor. Politics of fear are strong.
also just stating a fact here not justifying the current situation but an empty ICU bed (or berthing room “considered ICU” https://fgiguidelines.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/2022-Draft-H-2.2-General-Hospitals-sections-1-2.pdf) is a bed that does not make a hospital money (a liability) that is why there are given amounts for area.

the left aka communists hoping to destroy America are counting on these kind of divisions. don’t let them win!

God Bless America

Sadly, youre promoting a false narrative.

Yes, you do put “others” at risk because the unvaccinated have a much higher probability of winding up in the Hospital and depleting personnel resources (nurses and physicians) from being able to treat non-Covid cases such as the Army Veteran Daniel Wilkinson who did 2 tours of Afghanistan, but couldnt get basic medical care in Houston for something as simple as gallstone pancreatitis.

He died at the age of 46


I keep hearing that all the hospital beds are full, but the fact is that there aren’t enough nurses for all the existing hospital beds. There are a number of reasons for the so-called nursing shortages. In some areas of the country, nurses are not allowed to work in a hospital if they are not immunized, so nurses who don’t trust the shots are not working.

My neighbor is currently an ER/Trauma nurse, and even though the hospital is short-handed, she is leaving. She is becoming a travelling nurse. According to her, why should she stay at the local hospital where she makes $113,000 a year, when she can go on the road where she will make $7,000 a week.

To law and order. undoubtedly there are some in this world who miss the treatment that is needed but it is callous to blame covid patients and irresponsible to say a failure in the hospital system is the fault of other patients. On that thought any kid that od’s or any speeding driver that crashes does not have the same rights to ICU as others. They as well knew the risks. Although the media has painted this to stir emotion and fear the hospital or any hospital would have shipped to another facility if deemed an emergency for treatment. If they did not then they alone made the decision of life or death. So many things are missing from articles to stir emotion like a heart attack victim that waited until his heard died before going to the hospital and died in the hospital waiting for a room. The article would read Man dies at hospital of heart attack waiting for a room. That is the false narrative here. In all this talk of ICU filling up does anyone remember in May 2020 when we built ICU rooms in parking lots and basements only to never use them? Where are they now? Research… people please not exaggerated fluff and missing information. Politics of fear.

Peter McCullough, MD testifies to Texas Senate HHS Committee –


Also data is showing up
but do your own research.

Thank you for posting this research, Angry American.While this paper has not been peer reviewed, it is quite intriguing that natural immunity against the Delta variant is the best…

“The advantageous protection afforded by natural immunity that this analysis demonstrates could be explained by the more extensive immune response to the SARS-CoV-2 proteins than that generated by the anti-spike protein immune activation conferred by the vaccine26,27. However, as a correlate of protection is yet to be proven1,28, including the role of B-Cell29 and T-cell immunity30,31, this remains a hypothesis.”

To Sancho Panza. These are things that are emerging and are the things we need to open our minds and help us have an unbiased (of course as much as possible) point of view. This will help us not to rush to judge and allow us to make educated decisions. I agree peer review is in order to vet properly as I wish the “vaccine” was. I believe “of course this is my opinion only” we need to learn to live with this through proper care as with so many other things we are going to face. This political course we are on I believe is not helping.
Be well.

Well said, Angry American. I research as best I can, knowing that much of the data that I do find is not the whole picture….appreciate your response.


Per sfgate, It appears to apply to “indoor public spaces like restaurants, bars, movie theaters, gyms, hotels and stadiums.”

I’ll miss eating out, but I don’t go to bars or the gym (have a home gym), theaters or stadiums. I use motels, not hotels, when we vacation.

So, I’m mostly unaffected.

But I fully expect the list of prohibited spaces will be amended at the discretion of the health dept. Karens until you cannot buy or sell without a q-code, and then the Antichrist “conspiracy theories” will no longer be theories.

As John Wayne once said in a movie: “I won’t be wronged, I won’t be insulted, and I won’t be laid a hand on. I don’t do these things to other people, and I require the same from them.”

Larry Elder for governor and end this technocracy stemming from communists. He is an honest black man that CARES ABOUT PEOPLE not power and control.

Stupidity … absolute dumb stupidity. I have been a life long Californian, but it may be time for us (my family) to get out.

A transportation bill becomes a vaccine bill … HOW IS GODS NAME DOES THIS OCCUR? The old switch and bait.

How can Montana sit back and say it is discrimination to ask for vaccination status, and California mandates it? Are we not in the same country? This is such polar opposite positions …

So if this passes, how will the people too poor to have a valid ID get vaccinated?

This is a racist law because it discriminates against people too poor to have an ID, therefore they can’t get the shot, and therefore they can’t go to bars, restaurants, and concerts. Oh, the Woke Wonks will be suicidal over this.

Has Kamala been informed? If they can find her she must be informed!

She will be so mad she might not be able to cackle……….

A new Israeli study, the recent Cleveland Clinic study of over FIFTY THOUSAND people, and other previous research ONCE AGAIN confirms that previous infection, in this case of the China virus, confers NATURAL IMMUNITY which is empirically BETTER than your “vaccine” immunity. So I again ask for a rational, on-point, factual explanation of why someone who has natural immunity should have to inject this “vaccine” into their body.

If you would have read the study, you would know that their finding was that prior infections seems to confer better immunity to the delta strain, the best immunity however was achieved by people who received one shot of vaccine after infection.

“Conclusions This study demonstrated that natural immunity confers longer lasting and stronger protection against infection, symptomatic disease and hospitalization caused by the Delta variant of SARS-CoV-2, compared to the BNT162b2 two-dose vaccine-induced immunity. Individuals who were both previously infected with SARS-CoV-2 and given a single dose of the vaccine gained additional protection against the Delta variant.”

And what is your point? We should infect people instead of vaccinating them? And you complain about the side effects of the vaccine?

@JWB~I read the entire Israeli study graciously provided above post by Angry American…and I concur with Pete that natural immunity is far superior to vaccine induced anti-spike protection…
“The advantageous protection afforded by natural immunity that this analysis demonstrates could be explained by the more extensive immune response to the SARS-CoV-2 proteins than that generated by the anti-spike protein immune activation conferred by the vaccine26,27. However, as a correlate of protection is yet to be proven1,28, including the role of B-Cell29 and T-cell immunity30,31, this remains a hypothesis.”
I think you know, JWB, what Pete’s point is.


@Roz and thanks for your question and thinking of your friend. Yes it is. The vaccines can’t prevent people from breathing in the virus. What they can do is ensure that the body mounts a fast response to clear the virus if someone does get exposed.

During that time, some people might actually become infected. Those who get breakthrough infections generally have milder symptoms than unvaccinated people or no symptoms at all, CDC research shows.



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