The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday in the noon hour.
At least 12 servicemembers were killed in Afghanistan today.
QUESTION: If you were the President of the United States, what would your next step be?
Talk about it….
If I were this President, my next move would be to resign due to incompetence.
Incompetence of this level is almost too much to be believed. I’d be shocked if whoever actually runs the executive isn’t working to have kamala installed as our next tin pot dictator asap. My only hope is that biden’s stink will be too potent for her to disassociate from herself because God knows, she won’t be any better.
The president, his wife, his son, his handlers, and his supporters are rotting from the inside out. They suffer from emotional, moral, and intellectual cancers.
The only law-abiding remedy to this disease was via our Votes.
Our Votes will likely never be “ours” again.
Did you call for the resignation of Bush Jr when he got us into this war? If not, why not?
Biden is directly responsible for the 12 dead Americans. He is weak and a complete FAILURE as Commander-in-Chief.
Presidents are supposed to solve problems…. not create them -as with our porous border and nvasion of illegal aliens, and the poorly planned and executed withdrawal from Afghanistan.
I would implement overwhelming military for force and allow open rules of engagement to ensure the orderly
withdrawal from Afghanistan
+1 … he’s too weak as you say.. a couple days ago he said there was no Al Queida or Isis in Afghanistan too …. what happened to the US to let the Taliban push us around and tell us when to leave? very sad
@ Exit 12A. I agree with your last paragraph. America has kept promises, America has broken promises. I do not understand why of all the situations, the Biden administration has chosen this one to demonstrate the value of America’s word. Screw the Taliban. This is a time for using military force to preserve American lives, not preserve the honor of any agreement made with the Taliban. It’s the Taliban, fer Christ’s sake. I’m sure the Taliban wants to inflict maximum humiliation upon America. Done. Mission Accomplished. Now we need to do whatever is necessary to save Americans.
Let me guess….
You didnt have a problem with Donald Trump negotiating the “surrender” of Afghanistan to the Taliban in February of 2020 in Qatar, without a representative of the Afghan Govt., not too mention acceding to the Taliban request of releasing 5000 Taliban prisoners?
If that didnt delegitimize the Afghan Govt., I dont know what did.
And you’re blaming Biden for getting out of Afghanistan?
Oh please.
If you’re not blaming Biden for everything going on in Afghanistan on his watch, it’s because your TDS has destroyed your ability to think.
Worst embarrassment of a President in U.S. history. Period.
@Booyah Showed more weakness than Carter and more disregard for America than little o. I knew biden was bad news, but this is beyond the pale.
call china and ask for permanent residency
well i guess #harris and her free ride ticket
is still valid ….
wow i can not believe women condone harris’ ride to the top
hypocrisy in the womens movement
Since IS claims responsibility for the bombing the President should destroy IS. No wait Trump already has destroyed it.
So maybe he should send the Secretary of State to shake hands with the leader of the Taliban Baradar, or maybe invite the Taliban to Camp David?
Shhhhhh…. none of the Trump supporters here want to admit that Trump invited the Taliban to Camp David on the eve of 9/11.
They also dont want to admit that Trump did nothing to get Americans out of Afghanistan while he was in office for 4 years…
At this point, I think the military should consider just ending communications with Biden and do what’s best for the troops and allies. We don’t need any diversity and inclusiveness directives. I am seriously concerned about a Custer’s last stand sort of thing. When they start taking out the troops, do you want to be one of the last few hundred? If this starts to get worse, I’d declare anything within 300 yards of the airport a kill zone, shoot/bomb/cruise missile unfriendlys on sight starting in 6 hours. If you have a US or other friendly passport or driver’s license, stay, otherwise get out. Then remove the troops with fighter support if possible. You know they will fire rpgs at the last few transports.
Go back and continue eating my ice cream. That’s what he is best at. Anyone who voted for this clown shares in his responsibility for this tragedy.
I would have our military track down and kill every terrorist in the area! Get our gear and people out NOW!
Bummer that Trump cut the deal with the Taliban Terrorists for the US to leave March 1, 2021 – that has led to his rolling disaster.
Biden could have changed that like he did with every thing else that was good that Trump set up. This has nothing to do with Trump Biden through his incompetence blew it and now the world and our military is paying the price.
@Sick of it
This is Trumps doing. Trump should have NEVER said when he’s taking everyone one. That gave the Taliban a timeline for how fast and what to hit. If Trump shut his mouth for once. They would have never had a timeline and this would have never happened. I will say that Biden could have handled it a little different but even if Trump was still in office this still would have happened. Our troops should have been pulled out a long time ago I don’t know why Trump waited so long to announce he had four years to pull them out. But Biden is taking the blame because Trump announced a date and that gave the Taliban all the leverage in the world.
ME. It is not Trumps doing at all. Biden flat out blew it. He has had a long time to figure out how to handle this and he blew it big time.
The Biden/Harris/Obama ruling officials are directly responsible for this.
Obviously, any input from the military was ignored, and the entire fiasco is driven by politics. Government by idealogues is always dangerous and not
driven by logic.
1- Biden needs to resign-he won’t.
2- Nation building is officially over.
3- It’s not over yet. More horror to come.
4- Who knows how many Americans are stranded?
5- The party that champions women’s rights just sent millions of Afghani
women back to the 7th century
6- How many more casualties yet to happen?
Worst performance of ANY President in American History.
I’d like to ask you, would you have said the same things you are saying now if Trump had won the election and pulled out of Afghanistan the same way? You do realize this was going to happen regardless of who was in control? The original agreement that Trump struck with the Taliban was May, Biden delayed it until August in the hopes of not having a hasty retreat. Do you really think the man that thought you could nuke a hurricane and invited the Taliban to Camp David would have done anything different?
The fact is, our policy in the Middle East has always been a disaster. We helped create the extremists and terrorists that we are seeing now. Iran used to be a progressive place until we helped fund their revolution. We were never going to succeed in nation building in Afghanistan. We spent 20 years trying to build up the nation and it crumbled in days. To successfully build that nation it would take a complete cultural change over multiple generations which would be extremely difficult. Would you be willing to basically hold Afghanistan as a territory? The amount of money we poured into that country and the amount of American lives we lost is obscene.
So, for all the arm chair generals out there, what should we have done differently in Afghanistan while pulling out? Remember, this was a plan that was going to happen regardless of who was president. Also, what should have been different so that our soldiers wouldn’t have been killed? It’s easy to pass off the blame but I never see what should have been different.
The fact is, it wasn’t the Taliban that attacked us, it was ISIS (I thought Trump eradicated them?). They are likely angry that this happened as it means there will be US retaliation somewhere in the Middle East and likely even in Afghanistan itself. The Taliban wanted us out and is the entire reason why the struck an agreement with Trump and what Biden felt he had to abide to. This is why ISIS did it in the first place, they don’t want the US to actually leave. They use us as the invading infidels that they can rally people around.
It’s not “what if,” it’s “what IS.” Your boy Biden is circling the drain.
That’s a moot question, Pyrrus. Trump wouldn’t pull out in the same way. Carter, Obama, and Biden are the presidents who cut and run.
And since you brought up Iran, that fustercluck belongs to Carter, who abandoned our allies and kissed up to terrorists, just like Obama and Biden have.
And nowhere in your 6 point narrative do you fault DONALD TRUJMP with cutting a deal to “surrender” Afghanistan to the Taliban back in February of 2020 in Qatar….. which included 5000 Taliban prisoners being released and not a single representative of the Afghan Govt. at that meeting.
Got it.
Kill Americans there’s a simple solution.
An overwhelming and disproportionate response, unrestrained by politicians, using conventional lethality.
It doesn’t matter what we say that we would do if we were president….. The fact is we’ve got a bumbling ,idiot, delusional fool as president, and an almost equally incompetent vice president-ette.
This is scary! We are in trouble!
And not just on the world stage but domestically with the attacks that will be coming….. On top of crime and financial woes from $5 a gallon gas and inflation…I’m not optimistic. I’m worried we’re not going to make it for more years under the foolish and ignorant Dems! Bring * Trump * back!
Then you don’t know much about presidency. The last two Republicans we had in office put us in the worst economy in history. The last two Democrats we had brought us out of the worst economy in history. Those are the facts. You should do your homework. It’s actually not scary just you and others make false claims. Trump was a liar. Raised taxes and was such an extreme racist. The issue that’s happening right now is due to a trump era. You blame Biden for this but in reality Trump caused this issue. Trump had four years to take our people out of Afghanistan but he gave a date trying to save his own butt in trying to be elected again. If he worried more about being a president than trying to come off and make fun of another candidate he might have actually won but just like his followers he’s a big baby and liar. He should have never given a date that far out in returning our people home he gave the Taliban all the Time in the world to attack other locations and what kind of date they had. Biden had to deal with what was happening just as he was taking office even if Trump still was a president this would have been happening under his watch as well. This is the problem with an incompetent previous leader.
@Me…. More “expert on all things” makes another brilliant comment, so astute….yada, yada, yada.
Never said I was a expert on anything. Just saying facts as most people including yourself try to say false info. It’s really not hard to show people what is actually being said/happened compared to conspiracy theories.
The buck stops with me. I take full responsibility, but it’s Trumps fault.
Joe biden has been in office for 180 years…blames Trump for America’s problems.
Your daily reminder, biden wasn’t elected, he was installed. Like a toilet.
@me is not very smart, and has nothing to contribute except her continual TDS meltdowns and COVID HOAX hysteria. Definitely a shill plant. Probably foreign intelligence. Intelligence used loosely.
@Me – you might want to learn the difference between fact and opinion. So far, it’s been nothing but opinion. It appears you know nothing about facts.
Facts have sources. You e failed to cite your sources.
Take your faux outrage and opinions to somewhere that might give a $hit.
Invent a time machine to go back and perform a more orderly withdrawl, keeping Bagram Air Force Base until last moment.
Trump didnt want to do that.
And yet Lyndsey Graham continues to give #45 a free pass.
Biden made the decision to protect the Embassy INSTEAD of the Air Base.
All whilst the DNC and their base focus on their trillion dollar Socialist Agenda, pushing boosters of a failed vaccine, Harris vacationing all over South America and Biden hiding in his basement. Oh but they both can make appearences to campaign for Newsome. It’s heartbreaking but unfortunately not surprising. This Administration was never about the US or the safety of Americans. That was obvious with the opening of our borders on day one.
Joe you got blood on your hands. Your time to explain will come when you meet the man.
66% of Biden voters said they would not vote for him again. Well its a little late now!
You should have done your research before voting for this fool the first time.
I will never vote for any Democrat in any position ever again! Not even for dog catcher!
We lost 220 Marines, 18 sailors, and 3 soldiers in the 1983 Beirut Bombings…. and yet I dont recall any political hack like Kevin McCarthy calling for RONALD REAGAN’S IMPEACHMENT.
Conflict in perpetuity is s endorsed and encouraged by the MIC and the think tank partners.
After I bombed every Taliban stronghold, I would resign and throw myself at the mercy of the court and beg for forgiveness.
An acquaintance has a son in the Army at Kabul Airport right now. The son says all the Europeans will be gone today, leaving the US military alone. He says the airport gates are closed and will not be accepting anyone, including US citizens and green card holders. If you are not already inside the airport, you will be left behind.
This falls right into Biden’s narrative regarding getting Americans out. For a week, Biden has not said he will get all Americans out, he has said he will get all Americans out who WANT to get out.
When he abandons those thousands of US citizens, he will no doubt say he got everyone out who wanted to get out. I can think of no other reason why he would use that language.
The men over there are fuming that they cannot leave the airport and grab US citizens. They would do it in an instant if given the okay.
The suicide bomber(s) were ISIS, not Taliban. The bombings were at the gate where people trying to leave are brought into the airport.
@Gary Benton Yes, ISIS-K, they say. And they got an IED through multiple layers of Taliban security, who are experts at concealing and planting IEDs.
Something about a bridge in Brooklyn.
Sadly, your narrative is as false as January 6th at our Capitol being just a “tourist” visit.
Close the borders.
Reverse course. And now with more troops and force. Poorly planned. Obviously the US presence was the peace-keeping element. We have troops in dozens of other countries.
If anyone has been following this Afghanistan story it has been nothing but a disaster all the way from what is happening over there to the press briefing by press secretary Jen Psaki and to Joe Bidens response (a few smiles by the man by way). I bet there are alot of people right now wished they would of voted for Trump. For those who dont, you get what you vote for.
DONALD TRUMP had 4 YEARS to get Americans out of Afghanistan and he didnt have the “stones” or intelligence to do so.
100% Biden’s fault. And for everyone who voted for him to become president SHAME ON YOU TOO, we don’t allow 70-80 year olds to be employed with dementia yet we have one running our country! What a joke!!
This is on everyone who voted for Dementia Joe.
TRUMP was in office for 4 YEARS.
And yet you conveniently give him a “free” pass for not getting ANY AMERICANS out of Afghanistan.
It’s a proud day * August 26, 2021 *
for the imbeciles that voted for
ObaBrainDead and the LaughingWhore.
Trump was in office for 4 YEARS.
Did he get any Americans out of Afghanistan?
No, he did not.
He didnt have the “stones”.
Obama was in office for 8 YEARS.
Did he get any Americans out of Afghanistan?
No, he did not.
He didnt have the “stones”.
Biden, like Obama and Carter, abandoned Americans on foreign soil.
Dispatch myself due to the blood on my hands.
He doesn’t have the honor for that even though his life is not worth the twelve Americans that died and the many that were wounded. Not even worth the Afghans that died in this attack. He will go down as the worst president in our history hopefully for hundreds of years.
Besides the 12 American troops, 60 civilians were also killed. Biden, Harris, Pelosi, and especially General Miley, should all be removed from office. What will it take for the Dems to start putting America and Americans first? They impeached Donald Trump over a phone call, and they let Biden get away with gross negligence and mass murder.
The withdrawal from Afghanistan is a huge failure. A better plan would have been to evacuate American citizens first, then bring out all the equipment, bomb the bases, and then bring out the military. Biden’s problem is he’s listening to the WOKE generals, like Miley.
Is Joe Biden so mentally incompetent, that he doesn’t even realize it?
@Dawg I do not believe a worse execution could have happened. I do not know if this was neglect, incompetence, lack of love of country, lack of concern for citizenry or a deliberate move to level the standing of the US amongst world leaders. My sense is it is a combination of all but incompetency, because this kind of cluster does not happen accidentally. I do believe biden has enough left, occasionally, upstairs to realize what is happening, but I do not believe he thinks this is a problem.
Were you also asking for RONALD REAGAN to be removed from Office when we lost 220 Marines in the Beirut Barracks Bombings in 1983?
L&O –
Was that intended to be a quantum leap of ignorance? If so, you’ve succeeded. But in a good way, right?
I absolutely agree! He said “we’re working overtime.” But he’s not–not himself. This is a disaster that was waiting to happen. He should have put things in order several months ago instead of running our troops to their deaths in the rush to save other troops and civilians.
This withdrawal is clearly isn’t Biden’s finest moment. But Trump would have not done any better…and likely would have had greater catastrophic results.
Nancy Pelosi said she condemns the heinous terrorist attack. She is such a sickening person. They’re terrorists, doing what terrorists do. If she is going to condemn anybody, she should be condemning Joe Biden.
If I were biden, I would KILL MYSELF!
You need honor for that he has none.
The current occupant of the White House – President Puddingbrain, has botched this exit from Afghanistan either due to incompetence or intentionally which is treason. It’s already SNAFU for this administration but sadly they will now need to send in a LOT more troops to even begin to try to get this under control. If I were President there would be immediate military retribution. These savages only understand force and violence.
Were I President, first, such a rooster up of a withdrawal would not have occurred. Anybody with a quarter brain could have planned this better; few could have done worse. But, were I in this situation, a large group of our military would be sent to either reclaim, or destroy, all the military equipment Biden donated to the Taliban (and the Chinese and Russia), and they would do so without silly rules of engagement. Of course, this is easy for me to say, as I have no intelligence on the ground (much like the entire Biden Administration). The Taliban (and Chinese) would be forcefully warned that any harm to any Americans (and those Afghanis that aided us) would lead to catastrophic, lethal results to the Taliban, and should anything like what happened today, would follow up with massive strikes against any Taliban showing themselves carrying a weapon. The gloves would not only come off, they would be thrown away. Instead, we have the Taliban actually mocking the US.
@Fred not sure who you intended this reply for, but clearly not to my post.
It’s time for the B52’s to be released along with the B1 bombers, cruise missles and drones. Target the taliban and wipe out their leadership. Send a clear message. Don’t messs with us. But Biden and the current leadership will never do that. They will just pay more money and beg like dogs for the Tailban to stop attacking us.
Unfortunately everything you said is true.
to parrot/echo Ricardoh, everything you said is true except begging the Taliban to stop. They will ask and then bribe, but not beg. The Taliban knows weakness, and sadly they, and every other world leader (and breathing individual) sees the weakness biden is.
Eight months as president. We now have real and most likely terrorists attacks on U.S soil. Our allies are questioning supporting the U.S. We just handed China more power and resources and new Allies. Not to mention all the family’s and people in Afghanistan. We should be out, but we should got everyone out first, Biden should have worked with our Allies instead of ignoring them and not returning calls. Not only is getting to make a statement like pulling teeth, when he does , most is inaccurate. What a mess and very valuable situation We are now in.
I would write a really nice tweet to remind the bigots about what’s important.
To resign!! He is a total embarrassment to our nation and the world. He is mentally Ill and should have the 25th instituted against him. But look who we gave to step up to the plate? Thanks Democrats for voting for these people. Live with it, but you make all of us live with it too.
I wonder how Trump would have handled this?
Trump gave the Taliban a warning that if anyone was harmed, they would have very serious consequences.
I honestly don’t believe that Biden knows what to do. So sad that lives are wasted right now. Praying for the families who lost their loved ones. Soo heartbreaking.
He’s been in office the entire 20 years of this conflict. He should’ve had enough information to have a solid plan and to plan out contingencies. I don’t get it.
I would start Bombing the Taliban compounds to send a message, if you kill us, we kill you. Like past Presidents, good Presidents did, they protected the freedom of America with strength and a fist, not by liberal negotiations. I hope Biden stands behind the loss of lives like he supposedly stands behind his decision in his speech. America looks weak to the rest of the world and that means other countries are taking notice and arming up to attack us knowing we have a weak President and a weak Administration behind the buffoon. Bomb the Taliban and do it NOW!
If iu was persident I would of pulled out of Afganistan after 2002, not waited almost 20 more years to waste our money and lives over there.
Im ashamed to have the current “president” as a president.
Looks like you’ve forgotten which president started this fiasco and to which party he belonged. You’ve also forgotten which president surrendered to the Taliban last year and to which party he belonged. (Hint: they belonged to the same party snd it’s favorite color is red.). Try and put 2 and 2 together. The answer is 4.
Have you brushed up on your Mandarin today?
You’ll need it soon.
If I were Biden I would resign. At the very least he is in way over his head. At worst dementia has made him a deadly liability. But don’t worry, Team Biden will keep on blaming someone else for his errors and sooner or later the Liberal Media-Tech Complex will push that lie until the Sheep look down again.
His speach was very flat, no passion, no fire in the belly.
He sounded defeated. I don’t feel confident about our future at all.
Of course. He’s just reading what they put in front of him.
A moron and a cackling ho. Both fully incompetent.
Handing over military equipment? That’s treason- aiding and abetting the enemy.
It’s time for Joe to resign immediately, along with his entire cabinet and Milley. Carter lowerd the bar, Obummer Lowered it to near the ground, but Biden buried it. We need the adults back in charge.
Dead people = political football
So the Tolly Bon has check points to keep Americans from getting to the airport. How did they not check out suicide bombers? I say when we get out flatten the Tolly Bon. We have the know how and have the means. If we don’t they will be at our door.
Don’t forget which President’s Secretary of State signed the “we quit Afganistan” deal the Taliban!
Trump planned on pulling out in May. The Tolly Bon was no where close to Kabul in May. Joe who screwed up everything President Trump did pulled out after the Tolly Bon was at the doorstep. After Trump warned the Tolly Bon not one more American was killed. Biden and his political Generals need to be removed from office. We have no idea what they can screw up next. While all these things were going on the Generals were pushing Critical Race Theory instead of doing their job. Biden was more worried about pushing through his inflationary legislation.
Bush 2’s war; Trump’s surrender. The Democrats in between were fools to go along with it. War on terror? You don’t use a 15-pound maul to swat a mosquito. Using our military in Afghanistan was idiotic; the war on terror should have been waged covertly- assassinations, kidnappings, coercion, bribery would all have worked better than this.the lesson from Vietnam was that you can’t fight guerrillas with a conventional force. I guess you actually had to be there to learn the lesson.
Thank you Democrat’s
Orange man bad.
I guess you didnt have a problem with Trump negotiating the “surrender” of Afghanistan over to the Taliban in February of 2020 in Qatar.
Please stop speaking non-sense. Do your homework. Did you forget Trump also bombed and attacked Taliban several times after talks any time the Taliban didn’t listen and tried to make gains? Do you watch selective news?
I will tell you right here on Claycord, you can look that up. Turn off CNN. What he tried to do has nothing on how Biden handled. I don’t like Trump but I promise you he would not have cowered into one airport in retreat. He would have attacked them to deter them while we pulled out. Again we don’t know only know what Joe did. His attempt at talks didn’t make this. Retreat with lack of force (Veteran here talking) tells me Biden didn’t listen to Military advisors or intelligence (that showed). We will never know as you spew non-sense holding your party line vs taking in situation under your commander and chief and living in the present. We live in the present and we go by who’s been in office the last 8 months and how he handled situation. Blaming others like Biden did takes away any credibility of your comments. Spread blame not facts. Chew on that I personally don’t care what you reply with, your a party lover casting blame vs. fact. Nobody here can take you serious.
Well put.
@ Law & Order
I don’t agree with everything Trump has done, but he is not spineless!
Face it, Biden dropped the soap in the prison shower. How can you even defend him??? And just a reminder Trump has not been in office in 8 months. Seek treatment for your Trump derangement syndrome.
You pathetic shaitan worshiping kaffirs are blaming the wrong puppet. Did you forget the head puppet Bush who invaded the wrong country? Did you forget that Bin Laden was a rogue CIA asset? Did you forget the fake death photo of bin laden who was thrown away into the sea, or the faked CIA cave videos? You surely forgot about the dancing Israelis, the coincidental training games, and the following resignations.
Sure blame Pedo Joe, or blame Zion Don. Maybe if you vote red instead of blue, or blue instead of red, you’ll get something other than the heads or tails of the uniparty coin of foreign occupation. Don’t forget, they have F-15s and nukes. Afghans had goats and rifles. We have a health minister who thinks he’s a girl and a food pyramid dictated by corporate interests, and they have water polluted by depleted uranium rounds causing birth defects and the Quran tells them boys have a penis and girls have a vagina. Taliban had outlawed poppy growth before we moved in, now under US control Afghanistan exports 84% of the world’s heroin.
Ever consider that we’re the bad guys? Of course not. Thank a soldier for his service. He killed some goat kid, protected a bacha boy lover warlord, and flooded the world with opioids. But he was there protecting your freedom! Well, what freedoms did you gain since 9/11? I’ve got a big list of ones you’ve lost, and a bigger one of ones you will lose.
Kind of an odd question today.
If I were president we’d never be in a situation like this.
Politics is evil and filthy.
Only those bereft of good character values get into politics.
Where empires go to die…Maurya Empire, Alexander the Great of Macedon, the Rashidun Caliphate, the Mongol Empire via Genghis Khan, the Timurid Empire, the Mughal Empire, various Persian Empires, the Sikh Empire, the British Empire(x2), the Soviet Union, and now us.
Finish the mission. This all tastes bad because it should and there’s no shortage of blame to go around, but this is a failure of the Afghanis ultimately. They had many chances to stand up and they folded. Folded mostly because guerilla fighters make terrible soldiers. And they needed soldiers for this mission.
Lately I have seen this Obama quote several times “Never underestimate Joe Biden’s ability to f**k things up.”
Biden needs to seriously think about jumping off the Golden Gate Bridge. Then Kamala right behind and Pelosi behind her..yea we can get all the dumbo politicians following each other like sheep right off the edge..that’s exactly what this country needs.
I would have been prepared for an immediate retaliation upon any act of terrorism. Once that important piece of real estate was vaporized, then contact the Taliban to demand they safely escort all remaining Americans to their flights. If not, the next village they care about will be vaporized also. You have to work with them in the only terms they understand.
Meanwhile, the Biden group “coordinates” with the Taliban. That doesn’t sound like leverage to me.
Biden needs to fire the senior military commanders. They really screwed up. Next he needs to resign. A complete military failure. I never trust most Generals. I trust myself and the average foot soldiers over any of the senior military leaders.
Biden’s advisors have been warning him for MONTHS that this would happen if we withdrew too quickly!
Trump wanted to pull out and HIS advisors told him the same thing… but Trump LISTENED to his advisors and did not do any early withdrawal.
Biden has nobody to blame but himself.
Do a little research, all of this is on record… if you care at all about the truth that is.
Those that voted for senile Joe and Clueless Kimila are to blame.
It would be interesting to know if any Tolly Bon died in this suicide bomb or did they know to be out of the area?
If I were President, I would:
1. Inform the Taliban that the August 31 deadline has been withdrawn.
2. Every plane flying into Afghanistan to extract Americans would be full of military troops and supplies.
If I were President, I would:
1. Inform the Taliban that the August 31 deadline has been withdrawn.
2. Every plane flying into Afghanistan to extract Americans would be full of military troops and supplies.
3. Secure the Airport and surrounding areas with American troops.
4. Either recover or destroy all remaining weapons, tanks, helicopters, etc., that we left behind.
5. Hunt down and kill Al Qaeda and ISIS terrorist cells.
6. Maintain a strong military presence in Afghanistan and control the airport until the Taliban gets rid of Sharia Law and forms a democracy.
If I was president, I would continue to blather about how the capitol incident was worse than anything in history, that we must welcome everyone through our border (with no covid testing), never show ID when voting, discriminate against people who won’t take the jab, and lie to American people daily. Oh wait, he already did that…Anyway, he blamed Trump again for his horrible decisions that caused loss of life, and will need to live with this the rest of his life. May God have mercy.
Our country has lost another war.
Retreat of the defeated and of close support allies is ALWAYS the case, particularly when a truly radical terrorist branch inserts itself.
The existence of terrorist cells was known and is, in any case, not President Biden’s “fault” that they made a tragic strike.
According to Reuters, yesterday the United States destroyed our military’s entire remaining on-base munitions stockpile. Both our heavy and “rolling”equipment probably will be destroyed today. The traumas is severe. But the internal political sniping here at home is aiding and abetting the ENEMY.
ZIP IT !!!
Antler, puhleeze! Biden owns this as do every one of you who voted and cheated for him! Don’t squirm… this is on Biden and his spiteful TDS minions. Supporting Biden IS aiding and abetting the enemy…. he’s their favorite President of all time!
Your reply is non-responsive in the sense that Biden has already acknowledged that he is now the sitting President of a defeated nation.
However, despite the many tabloid responses from Trump supporters, Biden neither started the war nor caused the rapid deterioration of Afghan status in their country.
For 20 years, TWENTY YEARS!, we gave the Afghans the full benefit of surge money, military support, training, weaponry, and our own troop presence. Now it is blatantly apparent that they largely floated on our help instead of truly preparing themselves to survive in their tribal warfare culture.
It is an excruciating moment in history, but trying to splatter the wrong people with mud definitely is counter-productive. It really is time for politicos to ZIP IT.
So Jellyfinger did you feel the same way in 1983 about President Reagan and the folks that voted for him, when terrorist killed 241 troops in Beirut? Nah probably not since we can all see your hypocrisy.
This is the fault of every person, dead and alive, that voted for Biden. We ALL knew he couldn’t handle the job and you voted for him anyway. What do you think this is a popularity contest? Prom King & Queen? Grow up Libs! You’re destroying this country with your ideals and egos.
And yet no mention of Donald Trump and his “surrendering” Afghanistan to the Taliban in February of 2020 in Qatar, not too mention pressing the Govt there to release 5000 Taliban prisoners.
Well, the current president says he will seek out those responsible. Will that be before or after we pull out? I’d airdrop all of the harden criminals in prisons into Afghanistan, and let them fight. Wonder how they would feel when someone shoots back (with really powerful guns).
Pulling out is something that Biden’s father should have done 9 months before he was born.
Attack at will!!
Mr. Order: Your points have already been discussed here and elsewhere and shown to not have merit. Your Biden was chosen, as Mr. Fine says above, based upon a popularity contest and the results are tragic. In the past 4 years the media and by-any-means-necessary types did anything and everything they could to remove Trump, and now the consequences you did not care about are being felt. Play stupid games, and you will win stupid prizes.
Sadly, you’re promoting a terribly false narrative.
You conveniently ignore the fact that Donald Trump was in office for 4 YEARS and never pulled Americans out of Afghanistan.
He didnt have the “stones”.
Um, no. You want to play the game of redirecting attention away from the issue. I will not let you. The removal of troops from Afghanistan under Biden’s management has been a disaster. End of statement.
My dad came home from Cambodia in a box covered with that American flag. Biden is guilty as are all the presidents over the last 20 years who participated in this debacle. This is a mess. But our enemies overseas do not fear Biden. So now it is game on for them.
And 9/11 is just around the corner. Biden’s family, “they” his handlers, green party, Soros, entitled Hilary, Bernie Sanders
and the OAC team have such a burn on for Trump that they are destroying the US.
Americans need to stand together and get the current admistration out including heels up Harris as she can only laugh when asked a critical question due to her inability to lead.
All of you who voted for these fools have a hand in this.
Pray for America.
And yet you conveniently ignore the FACT that Trump was in office for 4 years and never had the “stones” to withdraw our people out of Afghanistan.
We have a president right now who takes instructions from his babysitters on what news person to call on when he takes questions after a sleepy speech.
Seriously?? Can he speak for himself? I swear he sucks the energy out of me when he opens his mouth. Three more years why??
The plan. He does two more years then steps down for health reasons and let’s Kamala take over and prepare to run for election.
Does anyone trust Biden with their life, anymore?
Trump was in office for 4 YEARS and did nothing about Afghanistan.
He didnt have the stones or the intelligence to pull Americans out of there.
But Biden is the “bad” guy.
Winner! Winner! Chicken Dinner!
Trump also told the taliban he would bomb the crap out of them if the violated the agreement. He killed isis. This is a different isis formed in Afghanistan mostly by the taliban. No one was screaming like now to get the hell out. It was for a political reason, to be done for 9/11
220 Marines died in 1983 in the Beirut Barracks Bomb Blast.
And yet I dont recall anyone calling for the removal of Ronald Reagan.
The hypocrisy is deafening.
Sorry law and order, but there is no comparison.
Reagan didn’t evacuate the army, before he evacuated civilians.
Reagan didn’t give away a fortified air base with a defendable perimeter, see Bagram.
Reagan never relied on Islamic terrorists for protection.
Reagan was not dumb enough to leave $83 billion worth of military hardware for the enemy to use to attack our troops.
Last but not least.
Reagan never surrendered like a little b##ch.
Reagan is the best president this country ever had next to Trump.