Home » EPA Grants Nearly $3 Million To Fund Bay Area Wildfire Smoke Research

EPA Grants Nearly $3 Million To Fund Bay Area Wildfire Smoke Research


Three Bay Area research projects will share nearly $3 million in federal grants to study how people can reduce their exposure to toxic wildfire smoke, according to an announcement from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.

The University of California, Berkeley, Stanford University and Oakland-based Public Health Institute were all awarded nearly $1 million each by the EPA to complete three separate research projects.

Researchers at the Public Health Institute are working to develop affordable air filters for rooftop evaporative coolers, or “swamp” coolers, aimed initially at farmworker communities in the San Joaquin Valley.

Stanford is using a smartphone app built from EPA’s Smoke Sense platform to identify affordable ways to reduce health impacts from smoke exposure for low-income, non-English speaking communities in Northern California.


UC Berkeley researchers are working to build “a more precise model of wildfire smoke risk data for California” and to develop communication strategies for hard-to-reach populations in order to better protect people from wildfire smoke.

The grants are part of a $7 million-round of EPA awards given to ten research projects around the country, all aimed at finding ways to reduce the impacts of wildfire smoke on people’s health.

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…all aimed at finding ways to reduce the impacts of wildfire smoke on people’s health….

How about managing the forest to limit massive fires?


Could have used that 3 mil to manage the forests… then we would not need to worry about it. But, then we would not have to fund stupid, moronic research like this…

So $3 million is to be spent tell us what we already know. At least any person that’s not stupid. I love it when these government agencies tell us to try to stay cool in the heat and to drink water. And when is cold weather they tell us to put our coats on. Stupid do they think we are?

omg it is like bizzaro world

kneel before zod toads

weare going to study how vehicles need to be air tight
so as not to let any air inside so you dont get covid
applause ty

next air tight airplanes as well with no circulation of air of any kind so as to be up to spec on disallowing covid from being air born …pun intended

it will only cost 700 billion dollars now
and 200 trillion to be paid by your allowable yet mandated 3 children

so you can be good little socialists and a devout pro china hysteric

Unless the government pays for the mandated 3 children ,I would be bankrupted.

Here, let me save you some money. The smoke is bad for your health.

I wish I could get out of paying taxes. These idiots throw money around like it is ours. I am so fed up at this point. We are lost.

Crap happens… get over it already…

BD What specifically do you want us to get over. What are you so cavalier about. I hope you have an answer I am interested.

This Country is totally screwed up.Millions to study the effects of smoke.It’s not good for you and this advice didn’t cost you a dime.I feel bad for young people.The government is going to have total control.Future generation’s will live like third world countries.

I’m an old dude also. I don’t worry about myself I will survive until it’s my time. I worry about my grand kids and the others their age and their children. The thing I fear the most is them becoming compliant. Accepting this corruption of the norms without knowing the difference.I hope the American people see more clearly in 2022 and rid the country of this menace.

And all of it aimed at migrants. I know all poor people need help but I don’t think the state understands that. These tax dollars shouldn’t be going to select members of society. They should go to ANYONE below a certain income threshold on a first come first served basis. Why is California not wanting to help the elderly? Why not help single parents? Why not help poor people that aren’t migrants, farm workers or non English speaking? Democrats are showing us just exactly who they are concerned with helping. So sad. Can any of the people that keep voting these Dems into office tell me exactly why you think it’s ok to leave out elderly, infirmed, needy English speaking citizens?

Why keep giving money to ANY of those people??? That just enables them to continue making poor decisions, breed like rabbits, and continue populating the word with stupid people (that again suck up our money). It is a never-ending cycle.

It’s great to know the first priority of the Public Health Institute is helping illegal alien migrant farm workers. They’re the real Americans, after all.

Grant Money: The practical alternative to work………

And the great thing is there are no expectations for results!

“rooftop evaporative coolers, or “swamp” coolers, aimed initially at farmworker communities”

This struck me as odd. A rooftop evap/swamp cooler system for farm workers, for the sake of wildfire smoke? Lotta roofing over the farmlands?

Nice the EPA can spread this money around so freely. Sad, tremendously sad, that $7 million is but a drop in the bucket, mere pocket change of what our federal government spends now. This kind of graft doesn’t even get a second glance anymore.

This is a payoff to a minority owned business in the guise of special privileges to a minority community, which is here illegally.

What’s more California than that?

Smoke bad. Make cough. Send $3 million.

This sounds like a job is being created for a certain someone. Happens all the time in government type jobs, federal or state.

I am a certified Bay Area Air Quality management technician and I must inform you that the air is not safe to bweathe today, please continue paying taxes to help me to provide you this information….



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