The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.
Today’s question:
QUESTION: Should lawmakers or parents decide if a child should be vaccinated against COVID-19? Tell us why you answered the way you did.
Talk about it….
One would normally answer, “Parents;” however, in this situation, the parents’ decision affects more than just their own kids. Whatever body can protect ALL the kids needs to make the decision based on true science
since the data on the vaccines are showing that they do nothing to stop the spread of the virus, how exactly does someone getting it protect anybody else?
Your fatalistic view on this subject is troubling to me–you believe politicians have you and your best health interest and not the parents.
Even the FDA, who has granted this EUA expresses concern:
“FDA must ensure that recipients of the vaccine under an EUA are informed, to the extent practicable given the applicable circumstances, that FDA has authorized the emergency use of the vaccine, of the known and potential benefits and risks, the extent to which such benefits and risks are unknown, that they have the option to accept or refuse the vaccine, and of any available alternatives to the product.”
I’ve said this before, these coercive mandates violate basic principles of medical ethics! Children are not freely able to choose or accept medical risks for the benefit of others, as when one donates a kidney for transplant. But there is not duty to do so. This is why we don’t harvest organs without consent, even if doing so would save many lives. Those who make such sacrifices for others must truly be volunteer, not conscripts drafted by politicians.
So sayeth the fool –
The safety of your child comes secondary to the safety of my child. I have no obligation to jeopardize the health and safety of my child for the sake of yours. If these vaccines are so safe then why wont they allow us to sue (in open court) the manufacturer or the doctor in the event there is an adverse reaction?
it’s your responsibility to keep your child safe not mine, my responsibility lies with my children and my family not yours…
This is the clearest explanation I’ve heard about stopping the spread of Covid19
Bud: ‘You can’t come in here!’
Lou: ‘Why not?’
Bud: ‘Well because you’re unvaccinated.’
Lou: ‘But I’m not sick.’
Bud: ‘It doesn’t matter.’
Lou: ‘Well, why does that guy get to go in?’
Bud: ‘Because he’s vaccinated.’
Lou: ‘But he’s sick!’
Bud: ‘It’s alright. Everyone in here is vaccinated.’
Lou: ‘Wait a minute. Are you saying everyone in there is vaccinated?’
Bud: ‘Yes.’
Lou: ‘So then why can’t I go in there if everyone is vaccinated?’
Bud: ‘Because you’ll make them sick.’
Lou: ‘How will I make them sick if I’m NOT sick and they’re vaccinated.’
Bud: ‘Because you’re unvaccinated.’
Lou: ‘But they’re vaccinated.’
Bud: ‘But they can still get sick.’
Lou: ‘So what the heck does the vaccine do?’
Bud: ‘It vaccinates.’
Lou: ‘So vaccinated people can’t spread covid?’
Bud: ‘Oh no. They can spread covid just as easily as an unvaccinated person.’
Lou: ‘I don’t even know what I’m saying anymore. Look. I’m not sick.
Bud: ‘Ok.’
Lou: ‘And the guy you let in IS sick.’
Bud: ‘That’s right.’
Lou: ‘And everybody in there can still get sick even though they’re vaccinated.’
Bud: ‘Certainly.’
Lou: ‘So why can’t I go in again?’
Bud: ‘Because you’re unvaccinated.’
Lou: ‘I’m not asking who’s vaccinated or not!’
Bud: ‘I’m just telling you how it is.’
Lou: ‘Nevermind. I’ll just put on my mask.’
Bud: ‘That’s fine.’
Lou: ‘Now I can go in?’
Bud: ‘Absolutely not?’
Lou: ‘But I have a mask!’
Bud: ‘Doesn’t matter.’
Lou: ‘I was able to come in here yesterday with a mask.’
Bud: ‘I know.’
Lou: So why can’t I come in here today with a mask? ….If you say ‘because I’m unvaccinated’ again, I’ll break your arm.’
Bud: ‘Take it easy buddy.’
Lou: ‘So the mask is no good anymore.’
Bud: ‘No, it’s still good.’
Lou: ‘But I can’t come in?’
Bud: ‘Correct.’
Lou: ‘Why not?’
Bud: ‘Because you’re unvaccinated.’
Lou: ‘But the mask prevents the germs from getting out.’
Bud: ‘Yes, but people can still catch your germs.’
Lou: ‘But they’re all vaccinated.’
Bud: ‘Yes, but they can still get sick.’
Lou: ‘But I’m not sick!!’
Bud: ‘You can still get them sick.’
Lou: ‘So then masks don’t work!’
Bud: ‘Masks work quite well.’
Lou: ‘So how in the heck can I get vaccinated people sick if I’m not sick and masks work?’
Bud: ‘Third base.’
That sums in up in a nutshell,… LOL!
It’s a endless vicious circle.
You are correct. I find it very strange and very frustrating to hear people who gather false information and then act on it. Like not getting vaccinated and spreading lies based on very weird lies. Like thinking the government is trying to kill large amounts of people by poisoning them with the vaccine to thin our population! Or merely thinking you are immune from COVID-19 or Delta naturally if you are healthy. People need to educate themselves. Scientists are trying hard every day to fight this killer virus. The poor kids are suffering due to ignorance and selfishness. Such a pitiful bunch of idiots are creating chaos.
PARENTS!!! This is a very good reason that government should never be involve in our Health. Because government funds (tax payer) for Health. so in turn they own us. Noooooo…Parents and only the parents should have the say.
PARENTS. 100%. Parents should have the final say for every minor child they have.
The government works for WE THE PEOPLE
2 part answer. Yes the parents should have ultimate decision. At the same time business or public entities can and should require it.
No business or public entity should have no ability to effect an individual’s life or make decisions for them. It is not the job to keep people safe that would be the individuals responsibility.
No Shoes, No Shirt, No Service… Sound familiar?
Any business has the right to refuse any customer. If you don’t like the rules they set. Don’t go in and don’t complain. It’s just like if you go to someone’s house and they tell you to remove your shoes but you want to keep them on. You go into their business. It is the companies job to keep their employees safe.
The politicians need to butt out of EVERYONE’S decisions regarding COVID.
For the MILLIONTH time, kids are required by law to get multiple vaccinations to attend public school.
In addition, parents are irrelevant. If a kid WANTS to get the vaccine, they can get it. Not their fault if their parents are ignorant conspiracy nuts.
But never the flu shot before, this has a 99.98% survival rate so why? Take it if you want but don’t impose your will on others.
It’s actually not law. Just because they say it’s required don’t make it a law. Really suck this has to be explained so often.
Vaccines undergo a minimum of 5 years of trials before they are released on the public. To reduce hesitancy to take an experimental MRNA treatment with zero liability that was developed in under a year to conspiracy theory is moral and intellectual cowardice.
Sam, as usual you’re short on facts and devoid of the truth. California Health and Safety Code requires school immunizations . Try Google, it’s your friend.
Actually it is the law in all states…
All states require children to be vaccinated against certain communicable diseases as a condition for school attendance. In most instances, state school vaccination laws expressly apply to both public schools and private schools with identical immunization and exemption provisions. All states also establish vaccination requirements for children as a condition for child care attendance
Simple look up
You silly little sheep, codes are not laws. But I’m not surprised you two don’t know the difference.
Blacks law dictionary:
A law is a written law citing the expectant conduct for members of society. Laws also have accompanying punishments for when an individual fails to follow the law, as well. A code is different, in that codes are unwritten but important sets of conventional expectations that apply to the members of a group or societies. Codes are generally honor based.
The 501c3 private corporation known as the CDC can’t make laws. Don’t you realize by now I only post things like this in order to hammer you for your ignorance? But week after week you keep coming back for more. I don’t get it. Better luck next time.
The deeper to look, the more you will find. Everything you to believe is a carefully crafted lie. Most “laws” require you to submit first. Your city, county, and state are all corporations. All you have to do is not opt in to their terms and conditions and the corporate rules do not apply.
Muni codes are the biggest joke of all. Anyone can write anything. It doesn’t make it a law. I really can’t believe so many people don’t understand what laws are or how they are created. The whole system is based in fraud and defunct. It moves along because people go along with it. You live in an illusion.
Bottom line is, there are many kids in school without any vaccines and there’s not anything anyone can do about it.
Until full FDA approval, parents. After that, should be mandatory for schools just like any other vaccine. No shirt, no shoes, no vaccine, no service.
Why the flu shot has never been part of inoculation, why now? It should be up to the individual if they want the shot not the masses…jus like the mask. No proof whatsoever on the numbers reported just blindly following…
Because we have natural immunity against the flu. Not as great but the flu shot helps. Big difference, the coronavirus is not a flu. We don’t have natural immunity until infection. Over 4 million died so.
@Me….you must spend every night at a Holiday Inn or you have a PhD from the University of Google.
Don’t even know what that means but I go to credible sources. Not some fake Doctor or random nut job online that wants to throw fake theories. Nice try though.
Lawmakers are not the Parents raising the Child(ren). I would even go as far as to say, someone who is 12 years old, would have the understanding of the vaccine, and if they want it. I could just imagine being 11 yrs. old, turning 12 yrs. old, and then being told,….’time to get the vaccine’. Kids have been traumatized enough already. I know, most people won’t like what I’m saying, and I can live with that.
Parents, guided by their pediatrician. One size almost never fits all.
No discussion.
I really don’t understand how any parent could relinquish such a decision to strangers.
A good parent wouldn’t.
PARENTS 100%. The government has no standing in determining how I raise and provide for my children.
The government wants to dictate how I raise my kids? Okay, provide me with 100% civil indemnification for anything my minor child may do until age 18 and I’ll think about it.
Parents. And any other answer & your name needs to be added to the Nuremberg 2.0 list.
I would not have my child vaccinated so in 6 months they can get vaccinated again and live the rest of their lives with what they got pumped into them. The virus doesn’t seem to have an affect on kids anyway. Now they say Pfizer doesn’t last long and Moderna can give you an enlarged heart.
The death rate in children is exceedingly low.
If you care about childrens health, getting school football banned would save many, many more lives and prevent far more injuries than forcing the MRNA vaccines on people against their will.
Injecting a zero-liability substance into your body is a dangerous proposition.
Joseph A Banks
Have no idea what you are writing about. In CCC 2 children under eighteen have died of covid since it started.
Wow .. we are screwed if this is the question we need to answer.
The answer is ‘The parents’. There is no other acceptable answer.
@94521, even after FDA approval, the parent still gets to choose. They may choose a school that does not require it, but the parent still gets to choose.
@John, I am truly sorry you feel your parents were irrelevant in raising you. I can guarantee mine do not find me irrelevant. Also, you do not have to be a ‘conspiracy nut’ to not want the vaccine. There are medical reasons that may trump what the kid ‘wants’.
@ConcordRez, we cannot protect all kids. Sorry. We simply cannot. If you believe so, please start addressing the homelessness, the hungry, the abused and so on and so on. When you are done with neighborhood, look outside your county, state and even our country.
We as parents are supposed to do the best we can for our children and that includes looking at the vaccine and determining if it is right for OUR family, including our children.
This is a tough one to answer. There is no IQ test for being a parent or a politician. I think there are more stupid politicians than parents out there so the tilt goes to parents. Hopefully most parents may listen to doctors and other educated people but politicians are self serving and only listen to themselves…
Politicians never do what’s right for their constituents, why on earth should they have any say over my child’s health. Gov has no business telling the individual what they can or cannot do, they are doing a horrendous job and I don’t believe any thing they say at this point in regard to COVID-19 / SARS…
If you are under fifty and in good health take your chance with the virus.
I was in Costco earlier today. All of those people with the useless loose fitting masks pulled up to their eyeballs. I actually wore mine as a chin protector. You have to breath you know. Then they keep their masks on while loading their cars and driving off.
Do as we do for measles.
How about businesses and organizations. Parents can decide not to vaccinate, but they cannot take their kids to public schools (or Disney Land for that matter).
So as long as those kid’s are “ vaxxed “ for COVID (99.8% survival rate ) they can enjoy Disneyland and / or an education?
Cool… my kids are all are sick with TB and Ebola but they got their COVID shot so it’s cool to ride space mountain and/or go to school Monday … right?
People wake up !
You’re insane to think like Alexey
When a kid my mother okayed polio shots for my brother and me. I wish there were measles shots then. As a parent I okayed recommend shots for my own kids. As a grandparent raising a grandchild I okayed recommended shots then as well. I would hope all parents will consider the health of their child when it comes to all the kinds of shots that protect their kids now.
Parents have every right to ignore medical science and not have their kids vaccinated. But you do not have a right to put your unvaccinated kid in a public school classroom next to mine. Choices have consequences and if you chose not to vaccinate the rest of society can chose to exclude you.
i’ll copy my comment from above here:
since the data on the vaccines are showing that they do nothing to stop the spread of the virus, how exactly does someone getting it protect anybody else?
maybe rather than hating on the unvaccinated, you should hate on the government and a society who keeps pushing a fraud vaccine that DOES NOTHING to stop covid
Huevos Rancheros If you have such little confidence in your child’s vaccination shot why get it. It makes no sense.
The chance of someone under 18 dying from Covid is laughably low. This is with ridiculous fudging of the numbers, whereby anyone who dies with a positive covid diagnosis is declared dead by covid, even if they drove their motorcycle into a wall at 150MPH.
Anyone who wants to inject a no-liability MRNA treatment into tens of millions of youths who have a basically zero percent chance of succumbing to the disease, is a lunatic.
When you can prove that an unvaccinated person spreads the disease more than someone who is vaccinated, you’re statement may make sense. At the moment, you sound like a shrill msnbc watcher.
Huevos.. EXACTLY.
100% PARENTS!!!
Government needs to stay out of our business.
again if the masks work the why vaccine
and i am sure conspiracy is abound
like the good people of paradise getting rat dunged by the newscum and pg and e
and who do you think the newscum was dining with at the french laundry
during maskgate
yep the head of pg$e
and the heads of departments received huge bonuses while the survivors of paradise got nothing but some pg%$e stock worth nothing lol
and newscum got over 2 million in donations from …yep PG$E
and right after pg$e was exonerated for killing people while being on
yep you guessed it probation for the san bruno holocaust
so yeah dems dont lie and they dont steal
but are living better than you non conspirest dem voters
and dont go to public sjw schools for crt training
i wonder if newscums kids know they are white privilaged
and keeping the newscums voters down in poverty
and why is it that the minorities are following white rich people and then denouncing white rich people at the same time
answer those questions and there will be no conspiracies
…. parents! …. trust a politician??!! Ha! good one! 🙂
According to the county health department two people under thirty have died of covid since it started. More have been shot and killed. Better get your kid a bullet proof vest.
@ghostryder, you’ve posted this nonsense twice. Most of the people getting covid are unvaccinated. The vaccine keeps people from severe illness and death. Almost all deaths have been in the unvaccinated. That all can be confirmed on the county website.
IN some places the majority of deaths now are vaccinated. So what you say is simply untrue. https://theconversation.com/most-covid-deaths-in-england-now-are-in-the-vaccinated-heres-why-that-shouldnt-alarm-you-163671
I’m of the opinion that that decision belongs to the parents but as we already know, we have come to a point where politicians have decided on how physically control individuals by having us provide proof of vaccination for non-medical purposes such as what is being done in San Francisco. Children are becoming a non-exemption. Funny how criminals are not being made to show proof that they are following the terms of their release but are allowed to run rampant while people who are out to have fun are being scrutinized.
The HYPOCRISY of politicians and celebrities: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9912597/Marthas-Vineyard-Hospital-bears-brunt-Covid-spike-two-weeks-Obama-birthday-party.html
San Francisco requiring vaccine certificates https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-9913191/San-Francisco-checking-people-vaccination-proof-indoor-dining-gyms-indoor-concerts.html
Parents can opt out of giving their kids any vaccines if they are planning to home school their kids. Otherwise I feel as though there are requirements for measles vaccines and a few more.
Your call, parents.
And….COVID-19! Delta has already killed 400 kids plus giving them serious lung issues. Remember that gun shot we got in school to stamp out all those nasty diseases? Know one fussed about that. In fact they were not nearly as infectious as COVID-19 and Delta! Why are people all of a sudden freaked out by thinking their personal freedoms of choice are being taken away? That sure did not bother anyone else when we all met in the gym in grade school when we had the gun shots that left a small scar! Also how about the sugar cube infused with polio medicine all had to take!! Thank God.
Ilovepopcorn, +1
For a virus with a 99. 8% plus survival rate?
Parents choose
The world has gone crazy
And we are just sitting back and watching it happen
How our children are educated, fed and cared for should be a decision left to parents, who already bear a legal and financial responsibility for doing so. One look at Afghanistan or Portland should tell you why the government should keep out of it.
There is no one-size-fits-all unless you crush/cut some down to size, and stick others on the rack to correct their deficiencies.
The appropriate best medical / scientific evidence-based practices should be implemented, as they largely have been in progressive, smart places like California.
Are you talking about the nursing home murders? Not sure what your perspective is when declaring “best”. Please clarify. Are you for or against depopulation? That would explain the context of your post.
Do you mean like the forced sterilizations performed in California until recently? Is that the scientific, evidence-based practice you are talking about?
Obviously the state has the legal authority to require children to be vaccinated to attend school. Parents are currently required to provide proof of a list of vaccinations to enroll their children in school, and the vast majority of parents have no problem with that. The law allows for additional vaccinations to added to the list.
I doubt our local school districts will add the Covid vaccine to the list. Contra Costa County is highly vaccinated. Over 70% of 12-15 year olds are at least partially vaccinated against Covid and over 80% of 16-19 year olds are at least partially vaccinated. With most parents already getting their children vaccinated and school staff required to get vaccinated, I don’t think it will be necessary to require the vaccine for students. County school districts should concentrate on other mitigation efforts – masks, ventilation, and surveillance testing.
We need to keep the vaccine as much of a choice as is to drink and drive. Oh wait…..
Only the parents decide what is best for the child because they know their child’s health better than anyone. I say to the government this, “Butt out!”.
There are exceptions to everything. The pandemic is far to contagious to put in that category. The government must step in with no excuses.
The parents can home school them otherwise. Too many stupid people making poor choices allowing kids in schools puts them and everyone at risk.
Parents are resealable for their kids until 18 years old.
This Jab is going to kill you just look at the facts, it changes your DNA. It screws your immune system 1st jab 15% second up to 35% (do your homework)
So I will NOT give my kid the JAB and will NOT take it myself. Wake the heck up people.
The government is not your friend!
Before you talk sh!t do your homework and not from CNN or the CDC.
Quarantine is when you restrict the movements if sick people.
Tyranny is when you restrict the movements of Healthy people.