Home » State Tightens Vaccine Proof Requirement For Large Events Of 1,000 Or More

State Tightens Vaccine Proof Requirement For Large Events Of 1,000 Or More


State public health officials tightened vaccine verification requirements Wednesday for large indoor events, requiring vaccine proof or a negative COVID-19 test for events with more than 1,000 people.

Starting Sept. 20, the California Department of Public Health will require indoor venues to confirm the vaccination status of attendees or that they’ve tested negative for COVID-19 within 72 hours of an event.

Venues will also no longer be able to allow event attendees and spectators to self-attest their vaccination status and are encouraged to utilize the state’s digital vaccine record system.

State Public Health Officer and CDPH Director Dr. Tomas Aragon cited the spread of the ultra-contagious delta variant as well as the COVID-19 vaccines’ success at preventing serious illness and death as the main reasons for the verification requirements.


“By requiring individuals to be vaccinated, or test negative for COVID-19 at large events, we are decreasing the risk of infection, hospitalization and death,” Aragon said.

The state had previously required vaccine or negative test verification for events of 5,000 or more people through at least Oct. 1. Until Sept. 20, those rules will remain in effect.

State public health officials touted support for the new guidelines from entertainment event giants like Live Nation Entertainment and AEG as well as Californians for the Arts.

“Vaccination and health check requirements ensure everyone can continue enjoying live music while also encouraging even more people to go get vaccinated, which is why Live Nation has made this the standard at our venues and festivals across the country,” Live Nation president and CEO Michael Rapino said in a statement. “We fully support California’s efforts and will stay in lockstep to keep bringing live music back to the Golden State.”


The guidelines issued Wednesday will keep the verification system in place through at least Nov. 1, according to the CDPH.

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Oh here we go…… this is gonna go over like a turn in a punch bowl with most of y’all on here…..

Gee, I haven’t heard that saying in years: “turd in the punch bowl” 🤗

With no end in sight!!

If only there was a free, fairly accessible means by which we could prevent the worst symptoms of this virus and its transfer. If only!

Blah blah blah ….
When Newscum are replaced on Sept 14; a new leader will emerge and provide their spin on the requirements the venues impose. Newscum bought off on this before the California Department of Fear Mongering, otherwise known as the CDPH, announced their new requirements . So looking forward to actual leadership for our state, and not some pretty boy who only thinks of himself.

Not really sure why you’re so excited for Scary Elder to turn us into the next Florida but ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

I’m sure once he has filled our hospitals to the brim we can recall him too.

Scary Elder … he does not have my vote. Kevin Kiley has my vote. Kevin may not win … But ..

Newscum being recalled is the first objective. Scary Elder will do better than Newscum. Newscum has failed as a leader for this state. His continued abuse of the Emergency Services Act. His continued ‘making up rules’ an then changing them … is not a leader – that is a dictator. I did not elect a dictator, I thought I had elected a governor.

Scary may not be the best, but the bar he has to beat is extremely low.

comen see here

veher r ur papers

wow dems following the natzi scheme all the way to the end

how does a dem voter condone repeating the atrocities of germany and the natzi plan

how do dem voters love zatzi paybook so much they walk around chanting and condoning anti america and anti freedoms and constitution

well you got what you wanted
sure hope you dont become the unwanted by the new regime ….

“Kommen zee here”

You love making the left out as Nazi’s but its only the right I see waving Nazi flags and doing Nazi salutes. If it quacks like a Nazi it must be right wing.

Branding everyone right of center as Nazis because of the actions of a few fringe groups is like saying everyone left of center are socialists.

However, the Republicans when in power have never enacted 1930s Germany style programs like the Democrats are doing currently.

removal of rights to free speech and movement
Indoctrination in K-12- breaking down of traditional family values
Further division teaching in higher ed.
censorship of alternative views
forced participation socialist programs ( Housing, employment and medical)
banning of literature
history revision
use of militia to enforce programs thru fear and violence
requiring proof documents to perform basic daily functions
ostracize and alienate opposition- violently if necessary. Encouraged to inform on family and neighbors.
Once in power, change the laws to prevent loss of power.

Next steps will be to eliminate opposition thru incarceration ( not vaxxed? forced quarantine. Vote Rep? Loss of social credit and inability to bank/travel)

and I expect a false flag event to further demonize conservatives and preface elimination of 2nd Amendment.

Then we are basically Canada or Australia.

Pyrrhus is the one always demanding Free housing……who is the Nazi, Pyrrhus ???

On February 24, 1920, the Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (“German Workers’ Party,” or DAP) changed its name to the Nationalsozialistische Deutsche Arbeiterpartei (“National Socialist German Workers’ Party”, or Nazi Party), with the word “Socialist” being added by the party’s executive committee, over Adolf Hitler’s objections, in order to help appeal to left-wing workers.

Does this include going to the DMV?

“Kommen zee here”

So,..masks alone aren’t enough? We’re supposed to get the shot that’s not very effective against the “Delta-variant”, but will be, if everyone gets the shot? This whole thing is confusing. What happens when the “Alpha”, “Beta”, “Omega”, “Sigma”, and _____ variants become a thing? There’s no end in sight.

Covid has a 99% survival rate without the vaccine.


@jjshawk where did you get the survival rate from? CDC doesn’t have a survival rate for Covid….

of course they do- take the number of US cases (37 mil) and the number of deaths by covid (621,000)

600K is 1.2 % of 37 million

converse is 98.8 % of people with Covid survived. Am I wrong?

@Beanburner 621,000 of 31 million is 1.67%

If the CDC number of reported cases and deaths actually reflected reality the death rate is 1.67%. Since there is no way for the CDC to know how many people have actually contracted the virus the survival rate using the CDC numbers is too low. Also everyone knows that the CDC over inflated the covid deaths number.

I would estimate 80 million people have contracted the virus. Using the the inflated 621,000 death number you would get a survival rate of 99.99%.

Next well start seeing the powers of be with swastika arm bands on and SS emblems on the collars.
And the sheep just keep on following..

They can take their jab and shove it (spit).


Next they won’t let you leave your home for weeks and have helicopters patroling the neighborhood, like they do in Australia, and like they did in China, where people starved to death fearing getting shot outside.

Then they won’t let you go gather at the beach, while rampaging mobs burn and loot your neighborhood and commit gruesome murders, like they do in S. Africa.

After that, they’ll put your kids on puberty blockers and bar the parent from intervening. Oh, wait, they already did that in the USA. 🤷‍♀️

Next step, serial numbers tattooed on our arms… Free train ride anyone?

Seems like this always happens right before a election. Sign yes on the recall

“stay in lockstep”? More like goose step.

Still haven’t heard a rational, common sense explanation why someone like me who’s already had the China Virus would need this experimental gene therapy “vaccine” when, (A) I have natural immunity which is more robust than the vaccine, i.e. I have ANTIBODIES, which is the point of the “vaccine”, so if I’ve got them, what’s the effing point?

and (B) there’s evidence showing that getting injected with this “vaccine” when you already have natural immunity is even more dangerous as you are at increases risk of adverse side effects.

@Pete V. ~
Are you open to being a donor for blood & fecal transplants?
There could be a fast $20 bucks cash in it for you !
(All under the table & kept quiet….Se habla Español )

You will start to see fake vaccination cards everywhere.

Geez! What happened to the “MY BODY, MY CHOICE”? The Dems are always pushing?

Government Health Advice:
Avoid sunlight and fresh air as much as possible
Trap bacteria and germs on your face at least eight hours a day
Watch TV news propaganda daily
Instill a sense of anxiety and fear in your children

The arbitrary picking of numbers continues…

I don’t have to show you no stinkin papers

Also ironic that the entire purpose of abortion is to end the life of a living human being and it’s fanatically defended as a right. Getting a vaccine might, possibly, maybe, depending on a variety of factors save a life, but better just to shut up, don’t question your betters, and enjoy your free doughnut.

GOOD I feel safer with all those vaccine requirement. I voted NO on the recall

Biden endorsed Newsom too.

I’m so glad my days of large events are over. I’d have liked to see the symphony again, but I’m not going to San Francisco anymore. Nope, not happening.

I used to go to concerts as a young man and I asked my daughter about it (she’s 19.) She just said it’s not worth it. Wow.

Vaccines are available. If some don’t want to be vaccinated then that’s their decision. Their health is their now responsibility – not the government’s.
Let us get back to business and normal life.

There’s no criminal charges filed against a person who infects another with the Human Immunodeficiency VIRUS nor there are any laws demanding a person infected with said virus provides proof of medical history. It seems that there are no longer laws protecting citizens from keeping their medical history private. Employers could not hire nor fire anyone based on a medical condition but now people can’t go enjoy themselves without being subjected to a “medical determination”. Many have died despite getting the Covid vaccine so these new rules aren’t protecting anyone! Perhaps if we had a good healthcare system and sick leave policies people would stay home and take care of themselves until they get better.

how else is gavin going to not get recalled? it isn’t like the democrats cheat or anything…



so i have a question
From what i understand, if you have had COVID, then you now have the antibodies, and should be as good to go as a vaccinated person. Yet, if you choose not to get the vaccine, you wont be allowed into places and may be in jeopardy of losing your job…just because you dont have proof of vaccination….is there “proof” of hjaving had the COVID and therefore the antibodies???
what happened to follow the science????
just asking

This stopped being about “the science” right around the first time they said “well just another 2 weeks to flatten the curve.” Someone like me, who’s had the China Virus and has antibodies, that is being coerced into injecting this poison is total bulls*** since there’s not one damn reason I need to inject an experimental, dangerous gene therapy into my body.



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