Home » Contra Costa Adds COVID Vaccine Verification Requirement For First Responders

Contra Costa Adds COVID Vaccine Verification Requirement For First Responders


Contra Costa Health Services (CCHS) today released a new health order requiring first responders to verify they are fully vaccinated or test weekly for the virus.

The order, effective Sept. 17, applies to law enforcement officers, firefighters and emergency medical personnel who work in or may respond to emergency calls at high-risk facilities such as hospitals, jails, nursing and congregate care facilities. It also applies to non-emergency ambulance workers who provide medical transport for such facilities.

Today’s order requires applicable workers to either test weekly for COVID-19 and promptly provide the results to their employers, or provide proof that they are fully vaccinated. Employers are required to keep vaccination records for these employees.

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So serious question,

When Newsom is RECALLED, and the emergency proclamation is ended, are these mandates issued by the health creeps still enforceable?

I do believe that first responders should be vaccinated, and most already are .. so I do believe that this is just a fluff statement from the health creeps to see if they can stay relevant …

More government overreach. But at least responders have an option NOT to vaccinate if they provide negative tests.

Fix the potholes! ( someone had to say it )

Serious question….

The CDC has said for weeks now, that the vaccinated can still carry and spread covid. The unvaccinated responder gets a weekly test and if it’s positive, will stay away from people. Whereas, the vaccinated responder, can unknowingly be spreading covid, since they are not tested.

If both groups can still have and spread covid, how does only testing one group make anyone safer?

As a reminder, the bad guys (male or female) want to REDUCE the population of the world to suit their agenda.

Thank you for your service. Now, do as we say, or you will lose your livelihood.
This is how the tyrant, Dr. Farnitano, and the Contra Costa Health Services, thanks our first responders.

and if they don’t followed the order?

Much like orders from the Court, what happens if the police don’t enforce it?

What is the Contra Costa County Health Services going to do about non compliance? Stomp their feet and hold their breath?

I read somewhere one of the nurses at Kaiser made the point that during all of the start of this whole mess, all first responders worked, (at risk) and they were naturally not vaccinated. So from Feb 2020 on, no problem. Now, our benevolent, all knowing leaders mandate they be vaccinated?

Everyone born in the US has their “rights” and “freedoms”, as far as choice is concerned, but nobody wants to do their civic duty…..which is get vaccinated. If you choose not to, stop whining. That’s your deal. Darwinism has evolved to getting a shot. Everyone comparing the mandates to some type of nazi-era overlording needs to pull their head out their butt. Don’t exaggerate so much and complain about something that’s very trivial. Just get vaxed….or don’t and deal with the hoops you need to jump through because it’s your choice. I DONT WANT TO HEAR YOU COMPLAIN ALL THE TIME, just be a decent human being.

vir·tue sig·nal·ing

the action or practice of publicly expressing opinions or sentiments intended to demonstrate one’s good character or the moral correctness of one’s position on a particular issue.



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