Home » Air Quality Advisory Issued For Today Because Of Wildfire Smoke From Northern California, Southern Oregon

Air Quality Advisory Issued For Today Because Of Wildfire Smoke From Northern California, Southern Oregon


The Bay Area Air Quality Management District has issued an air quality advisory for today because of smoke from wildfires further north in California and southern Oregon that is expected to descend on the region.

The advisory follows similar ones issued for three days last week because of the wildfire smoke from fires outside of the Bay Area.

The smoke on is expected to stay mostly aloft but some may come to the ground level, particularly in higher elevations in the North and East Bay areas. The air quality is not expected to be poor enough to exceed federal standards and prompt a Spare the Air alert, according to the air district.

Anyone who smells smoke should stay inside with windows and doors closed until it subsides, and should also set air conditioning units to re-circulate to prevent outside air from coming inside their building or vehicle.


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How about providing the air purifiers to the foolish law abiding citizens who are gouged to death to pay for all the current administrations freebies to those who do not want to work or are generational welfare receipents?

Recall Newsom and his foolish crowd he hangs with.

People are finally seeing everything going up in cost on our backs. The green and entitlement crowd are bankrupting America and they do not care one bit.

So very sad.

@sam – so wildfire smoke is Newsom’s fault now? That man is amazing! Does he actually control weather or is it some power over fire? Either way, that is pretty awesome. He has my vote!

Yes Newsome is 100% to blame for the fires. Just like Donald Trump was blamed for everything that went wrong in the country for the past 5 years.

Reap it.

A college professor is facing arson charges for setting fires in the area where the Dixie Fire is burning. Forty-seven-year-old Gary Stephen Maynard was arrested on Saturday following an investigation that started last month. Maynard is accused of setting the Ranch Fire near the Mendocino National Forest.

Any arsonist should get life in prison and that fact should be published. We just have to stop that behavior. It seems we just tolerate anything. Actually I would be in favor of hanging them but I know that will never happen.

A bi-polar college professor living out of his own car setting fires strategically placed to trap firefighters. If I starting watching a movie with that plot on Netflix I would have given up on it as too ridiculous.

I think death by firing squad would be better. Pun intended.

Geez, college professors aren’t what they used to be.

Sometimes real life is stranger than fiction. If you read true crime books (Ann Rule is my favorite)or watch Snapped or similar programs, you’ll know what l mean.

I believe he use to teach criminal justice or something similar. I agree arsonists should get a very harsh sentence.



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