Home » Walnut Creek Police Arrest 56-Year-Old Man For Being A Felon In Possession Of A Firearm

Walnut Creek Police Arrest 56-Year-Old Man For Being A Felon In Possession Of A Firearm


Walnut Creek Police arrested a felon in possession of a firearm today just after 3 p.m.

The suspect got the Walnut Creek Officer’s attention after he allegedly ran a stop sign near Larkey Swim Center.


Before the Officer could turn his lights on to pull the vehicle over, the driver turned into the swim center parking lot.

The Officer conducted a traffic stop, and during a search of the vehicle, a firearm was located, according to police.

The driver, 56-year-old Dmitry Golosov, was arrested for being a felon in possession of a firearm.

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Stop and search. What should be going on in our inner cities.

Why do you want The Constitution suspended in “Inner Cities”?

@Weej….Because that’s where the nation’s 13% that cause most of the crime live, easy peesy.

Oh his Russky friends aren’t gonna like this..

This scumbag does not represent the fine upstanding Russian community of Walnut Creek.

Very true, Vladimir!
I love the Russians who have moved to Walnut Creek! Makes the community better!

Will we now get to see what CoCo county DA does to Felons who violate CA law and arm themselves ? ? ?
Stay tuned, . . . . don’t hold your breath though.

DA Becton will talk about the danger of guns and how we need more gun laws rather than enforce the ones already on the books.

+1 to Original G & Mike

9mm 1911? Lame. He should be arrested just for that! Well, at least nobody would get hurt.

Boomers and their 1911s. So stereotypical…

Just kidding. Who doesn’t like a good 1911?

He’s most likely already back on the street.

I wouldn’t be surprised if they gave him his gun back.

Other than being a felon, he didn’t do anything wrong.

I’ll bet he won’t be prosecuted.

I walk near Larkey Park for exercise. The intersection of 1st Avenue and Buena Vista is a 4-way stop with stop signs. I have observed that almost every vehicle slows down a little and then rolls on through. Recently I counted 20 cars and trucks going through that intersection and not one of them made a full complete stop. Also on Sunday when I walked near Larkey Park I heard a guy screaming swear words and racial slurs at the top of his lungs and saw a police car driving around. I wonder if the screaming guy was this same person.

You made the best post, my friend. Fascinating history for our Russian friend. He’ll probably get a slap on the wrist.

Don’t make sport of this one guys…. He could be Russian Mafia or a KAOS agent. We should get Keanu Reeves out here to grill this guy & find out who he’s working for.

He will be issued a ticket and released back on the street in a few hours .He will have another illegal gun tomorrow .No charges will be filed . He deserves another chance . We need more gun control for law abiding citizens . That will solve everything . That is liberal logic .

And all the rest of the crime that goes on is still unaddressed. Wow. Rioters, property damage, looting and diseased homeless people. Don’t get too excited WCPD there’s a lot of work to do.

I wonder if this is an 80% build, since the frame seems to be unmarked and unfinished in any way.

Unpopular opinion as a gun guy: 80% reciever/frame kits make it extremely easy for felons to get guns. Maybe they should be subject to a NICS check as well.

They are a lot of work, require at minimum basic machining/metalworking skills, and requires at minimum, a fully functioning/healthy brain. This perp has $h_t-for-brains, he ran a stop sign while in possession of illegal contents, when in fact, he should have been more cautious. Pretty sure he didn’t (wasn’t smart enough to) build it.

I think our “Gun Laws” are ineffective, they only serve to make those who should own guns, not want to take on the responsibility.

There’s a better pic on the WCPD Facebook page. It looks like a Rock Island Armory 1911. Made in the Philippines.

The logo under the rear sight and on the grip plus that funky trigger are the giveaways.


I agree that most gun laws are stupid, and aim to make the law abiding into felons, especially in California. I do actually agree with the background check law, though. It is a minimal infringement on our 2A right, and at least attempts to keep guns out of the hands of felons. As long as it is instant at point of sale, and the feds aren’t using it as a national registry, which is how the law is written.

80% kits make it possible for people with a modicum of technical skill to bypass that law and basically mail order parts for entire guns, with the caveat that they will need to do some drilling and milling first. Ar the least, perhaps it should be lowered to 50% completion to raise the technical hurdle for the home kit builder.


Good eye. Never seen a commercial pistol frame just left in the white like that.

Quit masquerading as a second amendment advocate. If you really want to destroy the legal entitlement of Americans with clean records to legally bang together a crude gun in their garage for sport or range shooting, then you simply don’t believe in the 2nd amendment.

A criminal or terrorist can take a car and use it to kill dozens. The rest of us use our cars to go to work and the grocery store. Should all cars be banned because an extremely tiny minority of bloodthirsty pyschos will use them for ill?

– A car’s basic purpose is transportation of people and goods. Sometimes they are used as storage and living spaces.

A firearm’s basic purpose is killing animals and people.

Firearms can easily be concealed and carried into an elementary school, movie theater, workplace, etc.

Firearms can also be used at a distance from a concealed location, such as the Las Vegas shooter.

As they are small, firearms can almost instantly be aimed at new or additional targets. Combine that with their ability to kill at a distance and you can see that they are very different than cars.

@WC Resident… You’re right, cars aren’t like guns…. they’re more like fishing poles, bows and knives.

“Should all cars be banned […]?”

That was the largest leap of logic I’ve seen in some time. Be careful you don’t twist your ankle or something.

While I don’t think you are in good faith, I’ll say this. I believe guns are a right. I also believe we should try to keep them out of the hands of violent felons. I am willing to have my right infringed a little bit with a background check to make it a little more difficult for them to get one. That assumes that the background check is instant, defaults to “yes” if the bureaucracy drags their feet for more than a few days, and it is not used to build a gun owner database, all of which are part of the federal background check system. California’s ten day wait period is stupid and should be overturned. Also, cars are a terrible analogy to guns. You have no constitutional right to a car, you do a gun. When you use that analogy, you open the door to the anti-gun argument of licensing, mandatory insurance, etc.

Constitutional violations beyond belief.

California’s strict gun laws are working great!!

Look at the way the guide rod (or ?) sticks out under the barrel.
Any aficionados out there know what it really is?

Well…. I’m not sure there’s enough cloud cover for me to spark up the search light and project the “A” signal to alert Atticus that we have a firearms question… but I’ll try.

It is a Rock Island Armory 1911 with a full length guide rod. It is supposed to make the gun run smoother than the G.I. length guide rod. IMHO all it does is make the gun harder to field strip for cleaning.

It is a solution in search of a problem but YMMV.

Judging by the logo it’s made by Springfield Armory.

same guy —‘Go back and pick up my garbage’: Concord man to be tried for allegedly threatening waste worker
Police say Dmitry Golosov held worker at gunpoint, ordered him to pick up trash in front of house

Nice work WCPD !

Oh, he’ll be prosecuted, the liberals don’t like guns. He may get actual jail time for felon in procession.


Good for LE. But the lossy goosey DA Becton will probably give the culprit that Newsolini let out of jail another couple of guns to have.

This is the type of person that needs to stay in jail for the long term he is literally a loose cannon.

Stay vigiliant and be safe.

Nobody is going to mention the hilarity of him carrying his gun in a fanny pack?

Another factor not often mention is cost per year to house inmates, $81,000. Having a REAL threat of incarceration to deter criminal activity may be too expensive or them. AB109 was the way to accomplish their agenda.
But how to create a situation facilitating it’s passage ? ? ? ?

When politicians want to accomplish a goal voters would vehemently oppose a crisis “happens”.. Then as if by magic state prison inmates file a federal class action civil rights lawsuit, outcome of lawsuit is a forgone conclusion.
When verdict is handed down, DEMs say . . . see it’s not us, the Court is “forcing” us to reduce CA’s prison population. Keep in mind this took years to “make” happen.

A Felony sentence in excess of 367 days was served in state prison,
AB109 did away with that. County jails now house convicted Felons with decades long sentences. County Jails in all 58 counties became overcrowded, forcing them to release sentenced misdemeanor criminals long before their sentences were up.For sentenced misdemeanor criminals county jails were turned into farcical revolving door jokes. Wasn’t unusual or a person sentenced to serve months in jail to be back on the streets in mere hours.

After AB109 became law state began shipping inmates back to county they came from. An guess who were first ones on buses back to county, those with disabilities and those with expensive to treat medical conditions. Counties were hit with multitude of lawsuits on behalf of inmates with disabilities.

Bottom line locking people up takes taxpayer dollars, slowing down process of changing society to fit DEMs Utopian fantasy. Evidently doesn’t matter to them, our communities become more dangerous. Some may be thinking no they would not do that. Consider this, they were willing to allow in cities under DEM control almost a year of rioting, looting, arson and killings.

Eventually CA voters will demand crime be reduced and DEMs probably already have bills they’ll introduce to advance their agenda as they “Save” us from chaos they created.



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