Home » Current COVID-19 Cases, Hospitalizations And Vaccine Progress In Contra Costa

Current COVID-19 Cases, Hospitalizations And Vaccine Progress In Contra Costa


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What happened to herd immunity upon vaccination at 70 percent?

You do understand 70% was for FULLY vaccinated. The 68.6% they show here is single dose. Stop complaining.

14 people who had their 3rd dose in Israel immediately came down with “The Virus” Something ain’t making sense here.

Interesting how Me is always right there to push out the propaganda. Almost like it’s their job to post false information on message boards.

Masks are for slaves and halloween


@ ME
You do know the goal post keep moving, right?

Would you be okay if the mortgage company said your bill as $1500 a month, then 2 weeks before it was due changed it to $2000? And then when the due date came, changed it again to $4000? See, I am not okay with that.

According to the county website, >75% of the county is FULLY vaccinated.

The county, following the pitiful example of Dictator Newscum, keeps moving the goal posts for what we can and can not do. Some people are tired of it … just plain tired …

Funny how the PCR test runs Less threshold cycles if ones been vaccinated vs. one who is not vaccinated.

it is funny how you want to call out “propaganda” and then posting that video which is full of misleading facts, a simple google search will lead you to the countless and unfounded claims this “dr” is spouting. he uses half truths and genuine lies to promote his own agenda.
masks work, maybe not 100% but if it gives me and my family an ounce more protection then I will use it. Same goes for the vaccine, it may not be 100% but I will take full advantage of the actual science that went into producing the vaccine.
Your argument is akin to not wearing seatbelts, since you are a good driver (we hope) then why should you wear a seatbelt? the answer is that it could save your life, it is so simple just to wear a mask. Do it for others.

@Exit 12A,

That goal post was always just an estimate … for the original virus.
Either the estimate was wrong or mutations moved the goal.

In any case, it looks like we are coming off the peak of local infection rate.

Time to hold down the unvaccinated and give them their jabs.

Enough is enough.


Spare me your sciencesplaining. That Doctor/scientist has more understanding about virus in his little toe then you do. You are a nobody.

@ Mike

I am vaccinated. I will also stand in your way to help protect the unvaccinated from your jab. People have rights, whether you choose to agree with them or not. People have the right to choose not to be vaccinated. They may lose their jobs but the will not be forced to take jab by ‘holding them down’. You may have done well in Nazi Germany, but not here.


You do understand that Dr Fauci said that he HOPED that 70% fully vaccinated would be herd immunity. This was before trials even finished. He also said that he feels like closer to 80-85% would now be herd immunity. As they are learning more. Things will change. Everyone including them are learning about this virus. Don’t fault them for that.

Dr Fauci words

“Let’s say we get 75 percent, 80 percent of the population vaccinated,” Fauci said. “If we do that, if we do it efficiently enough over the second quarter of 2021, by the time we get to the end of the summer, i.e., the third quarter, we may actually have enough herd immunity protecting our society that as we get to the end of 2021, we can approach very much some degree of normality that is close to where we were before”

He also said

“If vaccination levels are significantly lower, 40 percent to 50 percent, Fauci said, it could take a very long time to reach that level of protection”

This was dated back in December of last year. He never once said that we would be at herd immunity. He said many times “He hopes” and “We might”

There’s a big difference from what you are trying to prove to what has been said. Your so called example is based on what a mortgage said your bill will be. Again, Fauci never said it would be.

You are also basing the 70% on the county as well??? Why? You do understand people travel still and come back into the county/state and still get exposed outside of here right? You can’t have herd immunity if the rest of the US is not around that number. Plus, With the reports that recently came out about how we lose antibodies after so long. It will take even longer because of the antivaxxers.


Funny how you’re always right there pushing fake information. This has been said by so many scientist. So many experts for over 50+ years have said over and over, “Vaccines don’t stop you from getting the virus it helps you fight the virus off faster and in a lot of cases not have any symptoms at all”… What do you not understand about that? I am really interested in knowing.

You said this is a PR stunt. Please tell me why that is. Because this happen all over the world. This shut down all other countries so please tell me. How is this a PR stunt for them?

You are always on here bashing everyone who thinks different. Who shows you actual data. But you want to go out there and find some nut job online and try to prove a point. I get you’re trying to show a video but there are some faults in what he is saying. You don’t except that others do feel safer by wearing a mask. by getting a shot or by staying home. You call them names and go off on them. It’s absolutely sad to read what you write on here sometimes.

Cry more lib. COVID IS A HOAX.

In science you ask questions. In a cult you follow one guy. fauci is a political hack job, a war criminal, and a traitor. Your brainwashing is your problem, not mine.


You just proved every point I made. Thank you

Just your daily reminder: COVID is a HOAX, the PCR test is fake, the vaccines are not real, masks are for halloween, herd immunity is for sheep, Trump won, we’ve all been had.

They’re trying SO hard with the infected rate blah-blah-blah. Look at the CoCoCounty Covid Dashboard. Zero deaths up to 40 years old in the last 60 days. NOT A SINGLE DEATH! Only 1 person who died in the last 60 days aged 41-50. Majority are those that died in the 70+ range.
Now, since this circus began, only 838 deaths out of 1.1 million people in CoCoCo. Or, 0.0726%. Yup. ZERO-POINT-ZERO-Seven. That seven is BEHIND the decimal. Not even one-tenth of 1 percent.
Be good all.

What is the progress on vaccinations in California?
California has received 51,613,405 doses so far, administering 88% or 45,890,960 of the doses.

In California, 26,070,279 people or 65.98% of the population have received at least one dose.

Overall, 21,182,898 people or 53.61% of California’s population have been fully vaccinated.

Roughly half of Californians decided to not take the vaccine.

That tells us a great deal.


Shakin in my boots here!

Until such time as the truth is provided instead of juggling the numbers to suite the administration in power, I will not and do not read any of this B.S. Stumbling Biden and his handlers best wake up and soon.

“Alone among the advanced countries of the world, Sweden followed the sensible policy for dealing with a highly transmissible virus with a 99%+ survival rate, dangerous mostly to easily identifiable groups – the elderly and those with co-morbidities. It allowed the population at minimal risk to carry on life as usual, and restricted movements and otherwise protected only those at elevated risk.” …

“The leaders who grabbed dictatorial authority and crushed the livelihoods of countless citizens, who permanently harmed the mental and emotional development of children, and who violated common sense and historical precedent, have a lot to answer for.”

06 May 2020
“Gov. Gavin Newsom is recklessly pushing to place more coronavirus patients in nursing homes and assisted living facilities while COVID-19 cases and deaths are mounting rapidly in California’s care residences for the elderly.

State data shows that at least 41 percent of all known coronavirus deaths in California have occurred among residents and staff of nursing homes and assisted living facilities.

Meanwhile, the number of nursing home deaths jumped 51% in eight days from April 23-May 1. And deaths in assisted living facilities nearly doubled between April 20-May 3.”

24 April 2020
‘California doesn’t disclose coronavirus deaths at nursing homes’

April 2020
“California Democratic Governor Gavin Newsom admitted during a coronavirus press conference on Wednesday that he wants to take advantage of the pandemic to implement a leftist political agenda.”

So 0.0034% of people in CCC have Covid. This BS is over.

…We’ll all be fine if 70% of the population gets vaccinated they said…..Always moving the target.. back tracking.. this is getting old..

According to the CCC health dept stats no one is dying of the chinese virus in the county. It would be great if it stays that way.

Betcha high percentage of those hospitalized are obese

I just heard on KCBS radio news at 11am, 8/10/21 that Walnut Creek has a vaccination rate of 90%. So why didn’t the media report about other cities, namely Richmond? Is it because that populace doesn’t believe in vaccinations and has a 8% vac rate (from nurses who have their finger on the pulse, unconfirmed)? So the Govt spends $100,000 on “awareness” advertising in Richmond, Oakland, and Antioch. So maybe Richmond is the culprit for COVID problems as those residents don’t believe in vacs and spread it like wildfire, causing the taxpayers to pay for it. Maybe the news should tell it like it is, that certain “communities” such as Richmond, CA have a low vac rate and a super high Delta+ infection rate. If I were you, I would enter Richmond, not only for the high crime, but for the uneducated populace who are spreading COVID like there’s no tomorrow.

low vaccination rate and high case rates unfortunately belong to the black and hispanic communities. As much as people want to blame the anti-vaxxers, they make up a small % of the unvaccinated but are much louder. So if people really want to see the surge decrease there needs to a presence in those communities in Richmond, Pittsburg, Antioch and Oakley

Close the damn border. Recall Newsom

And the dead don’t count anymore do they?



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