absolutely disagree. There is little benefit to having everyone wear a mask. If an individual is concerned about “catching” the Wuhan virus, original or any of the different variants, then, feel free (you know, freedom) to wear a mask, or stay outdoors. I do not have the virus, I have been vaccinated (much like I have been vaccinated against shingles, prior flu bugs, etc), which means, for the Pfizer vax, 95% of those vaccinated did not test positive AND have a symptom. I now have antibodies that will recognize the protein and begin the immune response, in the extremely rare event that I will be exposed to the virus.
I don’t think you understand how Vaccines work and how antibodies work. Just because you have a Vaccine against something does NOT mean you can’t become ill. I had the Shingles Vaccine and still ended up getting shingles in a decent portion of my body, Had to be out of work for 2 weeks because of how infectious it is and it also went to my eye. Please look up things before you say this nonsense.
Just one thing: If it still exists in an increasing threat, it is political. A bioWeapon.
idiots everywhere
August 3, 2021 - 12:23 PM 12:23 PM
As a customer I don’t care it is only a few minutes of my time in a mask but forcing fully vaccinated people into wearing a mass all day long is wrong, especially as it is not necessary. The only reason we are all back in masks is that those who weren’t vaccinated were also not wearing them. Bring on the vaccine passports as soon as possible I say.
agree. The minute people took masks off the sneezing and coughing fits returned. Some people just can’t be trusted without one indoors.
None is social distancing anymore and ride each other like back packs.
Restrooms always out of soap…, people just fell back into laziness again.
Your average mask does basically NOTHING to prevent the spread of viruses. A bare piece of cloth cannot stop something as small as a virus. A proper 95 or higher rated respirator is required for that. Allowing garbage quality masks like bandanas, neck gaiters, or really anything but a respirator proves that this entire pandemic was a farce from day one.
The vaccinated can and ARE still happily spreading the disease, and arguably are more dangerous as spreaders as they are less likely to display symptoms and thus less likely to stay home and isolate. Right now you could be spreading the disease and not know it, due to the vaccine.
Also that vaccine has zero manufacturer liability and is an entirely new MRNA “vaccine” rather than a real vaccine, that being a deactivated virus. I hope you don’t have any serious side effects which ravage your health and ruin your finances irreparably, as you will have zero from the government or the drug manufacturer if that happens.
While its true that a normal cloth mask can’t stop a virus as small as corona, it luckily doesn’t have to… The virus requires remaining moist to survive, and thats where respiratory droplets / aerosols come into play. The virus travels in these droplets to the next victim, but luckily for us the droplets ARE mostly stopped by a simple cloth mask (thats why it gets a bit humid inside your mask).
We said it before, while the mask only protects you a little bit (even more so while distancing), its meant more for protecting others from you. Basically, you don’t breath out the droplet/virus mix, so it can’t infect someone else.
A standard cloth mask does something but not much. Two layers is barely better. A surgical mask is better than nothing certainly but is basically a bandaid under a blood rain. 95 rated masks are $1-$3 or less off the internet.
The pore size in N95 masks is generally 100 to 300 nanometers, The average size of those droplets is 1,000 to 10,000 nanometers, The pore size of cloth masks ranged up to 500 nanometers…
Masks aren’t 100%, but with the other measures they are very effective.
Did you NOT watch your own video that you posted??? A 2 cloth most certainly does do a whole hella lot better then a single. The single cloth “From the video” shows you that the particles go everywhere and all over as the 2 layer keeps it controlled and in a lot of cases. Keeps them more closer to you. Most people who have the mask on that either Coughs/Sneezes tend too do a few different things. Cover their face with a hand or arm, or Look down. And then what happens? Most people walk the same way they do all that. So in reality. It’s coming back to you. The 2 layer cloth is so much better since it keeps it more controlled and closer to you that it actually sticks to you as you keep walking. Yes some will float away but by the time it’s even ready to reach someone. It’s dead.
August 3, 2021 - 12:28 PM 12:28 PM
Neither. People should do what they want at this point,…the Virus didn’t leave.
For some odd reason, I have NOT gotten comfortable going mask-less indoors with crowds and not even sure, worth a dime, if it really helps.
Maybe it’s a lack of trust, even if you are vaccinate,….or not, that some people are walking around sick with the Virus.
PLUS,…so many are coming over the Boarding without Vaccinations.
We can’t win at this point.
August 3, 2021 - 12:33 PM 12:33 PM
so again they say the masks work
then why a vaccine
they say everyone needs vaccine
but the vaccine is not a cure
so we go back to masks
yet everyone is now being forced to get vaccine to work
so if masks work then why a vaccine costing us trillions we have to pay back
or cant so the gov will take over now i see why
vaccine was pushed so you ddint have to wear masks
now that 70% are vaccine
back to the masks
it seems as though china is instructing the dems on how to establish control over the people by installing hong kong like antics to over throw the american governement
I love when people write these because it shows how lazy they are by not listening for the past year on how things really work.
Vaccines were supposed to help eliminate/make the virus a non issue. But, Because still a lot of the World/US population are scared to take the vaccine “I get some can’t due to health issues” Then it will keep spreading to non vacc people. Which makes them even worse and it creates new variants which makes it even worse. Being Vaccinated will either help and kill off the virus before it does harm to you and anyone else or it will help keep you out of the hospital/tube down your throat.
Masks help even if you are vaccinated because even if you get the virus, It will be a lot harder to spread it to someone that could be at risk or make someone else extremely ill.
Where did you get 70% are vaccinated? Because that is not true. Only about 49 % is fully vaccinated and about 55-57% have had 1 shot in the US.
My ABC 7 news app told me that supposedly the U.S is 70% vaccinated which was a month past Biden’s goal. For someone who thinks they know so much, why didn’t you know that? And how could the vaccine make the virus a non issue when it isn’t even strong enough to fully protect us?
This is a live tracker. The 70% you may be talking about is a Single dose so far which looks like it’s about to hit if it hasn’t just yet. As for fully vaccinated. We have not hit that. But the longer people take. The closer we are to needed a booster shot.
And it’s actually a month behind the 70% goal that Biden wanted to hit. He wanted that number by July 4th.
john h
August 3, 2021 - 12:34 PM 12:34 PM
August 3, 2021 - 12:42 PM 12:42 PM
There is no data to support vaccinated people wearing a mask. None. The Contra Costa Health website provides numbers of infections, in the hospital etc … but that data does not support mask wearing.
But since when has science been used in the decisions around COVID and masks ..
There has been SOOOOOO much date that has shown Mask do help. Weather your Vaccinated or not. Look for the Standford Research. Which is one of the top research facilities in the world. CDC has provided a number of studies on their own website on how it can help prevent. Of course nothing is 100% effective. But does help and SUPPORTS wearing a facemask.
I tend to ignore “ME”,; raises the spelling errors, he/she/it usually comes on here spouting information (usually wrong) without evidence to support it. And when challenged, they don’t answer.
Now @ME
The data shows that masks can work for unvaccinated people. There is ZERO published data that I can find showing masks work for vaccinated people.
So unless you can show a study showing it works for vaccinated people, I will stand by my statement.
August 3, 2021 - 12:58 PM 12:58 PM
Reduce viral load. Nothing is 100% effective but layered protection works.
Masks reduce viral load, vaccines prime your body to attack infections more quickly, which reduces the amount your body will allow to replicate (and mutate). Used together, we have a fighting chance. Keep doing nothing… end up dead or killing others, or leaving them with lingering effects.
Those who say nothing works – what’s your evidence? I’m genuinely curious.
Common sense, right? .. something so few here have. They want freedom from the virus but are the cause of the mask mandate. Can’t reason with stupidity.
It looks like the Contra Costa infection rate among the vaccinated is leveling off while the rate amongst the unvaccinated continues to climb rapidly. If it is true that vaccinated persons who contract COVID can infect others then there may be a value to masking. However, the unvaccinated seem to prefer to gain immunity the hard way (at least according to the most vocal) and letting the virus burn through their community may be the fastest way to achieve that end.
You should consider which way is really the hard way:
A) become exposed to a virus with a 99.8%+ survival rate for healthy people under 70.
B) Take an experimental MRNA treatment (not a vaccine, not a deactivated virus) with zero manufacturer liability. If the treatment makes you a cripple in an iron lung, you have zero recourse.
Have you ever sat and thought about why its a 99.8% survival rate? (Not sure where everyone keeps getting those percentages, but ok, fine)
May be its because we locked down and masked up? Maybe its because the responsible adults took the measures necessary to ensure the hospitals didn’t fill up, therefore allowing the medical staff the ability to save more lives.
Ya ever though of that? Or are you too uncomfortable with how you reacted and acted, so you blame everyone else and say they are wrong?
Also, MRNA treatments aren’t that new, they have been developing them for quite some time, this is just the first large scale production.
You will note that these same experts insisted that masks do nothing to prevent the spread of disease in Feb, March, April and beyond of 2020.
Democrats encouraged people to go to the Chinese New Years parades, they said there was no covid there! They called Trump a racist for shutting down flights from China. Now these same democrats wish to, like a bunch of literal Nazis, force an experimental drug on their citizenry.
Science changes with discoveries and knowledge…
If you were watching Edison the whole time, you would think that he knew nothing about how to make a lightbulb and therefore wouldn’t use the one that finally worked…
The only reason they seem to not know what works and what doesn’t is that they are still discovering… happens in science ALL THE TIME… only now they are under constant scrutiny.
No….. that’s not right.
Democrats told us the Trump vaccine was rushed out and could be dangerous!…. we can’t trust it…..but Biden is in the White House now so it’s OK to get the shot.
Actually Joseph Swan, a British inventor, obtained the first patent for the same light bulb as Edison made, in Britain one year prior to Edison’s patent date.
@Dr. Jellyfinger
Can we not call it the “Trump Vaccine”… Pfizer was developed IN GERMANY…
Yes, a rushed vaccine COULD be dangerous, but seeing as it was fully tested and had proven itself to be safe enough for emergency use… millions have already taken it. Yes there can be some side effects, but show me ANY drug that doesn’t have some side effects… Hell even water screws some people up.
SCREW the politics, I’m tired of this side said this, and now this side says that… BOTH sides are assholes. Get vaccinated, wear a mask until the science (not the squabbling politicians) says its over, and wash your hands. Simple, no politics needed.
@ ERas ~ The Democrats who were calling it unsafe were referring to it as “Trump’s Vaccine” because he endorsed it.
Everyone knows who actually made the vaccines and delving into minutia is not necessary.
I agree that politics is not necessary either, but the pandemic was the entire focus of Biden’s pathetic campaign. It’s all they had and they were pretty fast & loose with the facts…. it’s no wonder many people still don’t trust the vaccines.
August 3, 2021 - 1:12 PM 1:12 PM
We’re a year and a half into this and there is no good real world evidence for non-medical masks’ efficacy. This is just to make it look like politicians are taking it seriously.
The pandemic is no longer a social crisis. Virtually anyone who wants to be protected, can be. Not perfectly, but nothing in real life is 100%. If you are concerned, wear an N95.
Too many people are blindly following whatever information the bureaucrats preach on a given day. Wait until they move the goalposts and require 90% vaccination to reach “herd immunity.” It’s already endemic, but leaders don’t care to admit the truth.
N95 masks are the only filters that work in reducing virus particulates over a sustained period of time. There’s just no financial incentive or urgency to produce them for the general population.
I’ve seen videos of people “proving” the world is flat, too. Not everybody has the same lung capacity or the same ability to breathe with a mask on. Just because it doesn’t inhibit you, don’t assume it’s fine for everyone.
@Dr. Jellyfinger
YES, it probably is (technically), either that or your mask sucks (I’ve seen painted/leather/fully bedazzled masks). Likely it is a psychosomatic response. Do you experience claustrophobia?
I’ve worn more restrictive masks doing manual labor for years, never had a problem. Construction workers wear N95 masks for 10+ hours a day with NO issues.
“Fact: Masks can filter larger particles in the air, but carbon dioxide can easily be exhaled through the filters. Coronavirus particles are 120 nanometers, oxygen is 0.120 nanometers and carbon dioxide is 0.232 nanometers. The pore size in N95 masks is generally 100 to 300 nanometers, meaning the average single pore will allow 1667 oxygen molecules in and 862 carbon dioxide molecules out. Other masks have even larger pore sizes, so a mask can’t restrict oxygen or carbon dioxide flow. It doesn’t mean that the wearer does not feel restricted. However, the math and physics are not consistent with that feeling.
The mask is quite effective at blocking the droplets you are exhaling, coughing or sneezing. The average size of those droplets is 1,000 to 10,000 nanometers, so by wearing the mask, you prevent the droplets from entering into the air for someone else to inhale.”
Oh and finally, runners/athletes wear even more restrictive masks to train, look up hypoxic training.
August 3, 2021 - 1:35 PM 1:35 PM
Today it was required at Safeway. I prefer it be an option for the vaccinated.
Vaccinated people still catch COVID-19, particularly the delta variant, and can pass it on to others. That’s why they want vaccinated people to wear masks as it both lowers the chances of catching COVID-19 and of passing it on to others.
The benefit of vaccination is that it causes your immune system to recognize and clear the COVID-19 virus from your system much faster. This greatly lowers the chances of the infection settling in to the point that you are hospitalized or worse.
I still prefer a mask be an option for the vaccinated – and required for the unvaccinated. In schools too. The “science” is politically driven and often based on skewed data and does not drive my views any longer. I feel that a lot of people agree with me on this one.
August 3, 2021 - 1:51 PM 1:51 PM
Why do vaccinated people need a mask? Either the vaccine doesn’t work, or the vaccine doesn’t work.
Quote from @YES above:
Reduce viral load. Nothing is 100% effective but layered protection works.
Masks reduce viral load, vaccines prime your body to attack infections more quickly, which reduces the amount your body will allow to replicate (and mutate). Used together, we have a fighting chance. Keep doing nothing… end up dead or killing others, or leaving them with lingering effects.
Born Free
August 3, 2021 - 1:53 PM 1:53 PM
Time to mount up on the horses and ride! Let’s take this country back from the sick socialists! We will NOT FORGET what you are trying to do to us!
You already tried that. January 6. It wasn’t a good look.
A patriot would want to work hard to get their candidate elected. Or is your plan to mount up and ride to different neighborhoods to register voters?
August 3, 2021 - 2:14 PM 2:14 PM
Just spent five minutes watching Joe the Buffoon improvising more restrictions. Why isn’t this guy in a rest home? It is painful to look at him or hear him talk (READ). All of the restrictions for residents of our country while he sends thousands of untested illegal aliens all over the country to to infect the population. He has been doing this since he wormed his way into the job and the thousands he has let into the US are probably responsible for the increase of the Chinese virus. He complained about Texas and Florida but Texas is where the illegals are coming in and Florida is where they are sent.
August 3, 2021 - 2:14 PM 2:14 PM
wow so most are afraid the sky is falling
mask or casket really
you say mask then why do w need a vaccine captain obvious
above stated
vaccines prime your body to attack infections more quickly, which reduces the amount your body will allow to replicate
again nice dem rhetoric
but hey you do know we as humans have this thing that works great
its called an immune system that works great when you are taking care of yourself
its what keep you from getting sick every day
and yes does create antibodies on its own …ooohhhh biology
stop being fear mongers
you also dont jump off of bridges right
but not everyone has to wear a harness every where right
your glamorizing a engineered virus that wass designed to do exactly what your doing now
arguing over masks and vaccines and data and anti american policy
you are allowing chaos
you are allowing stupidity to rule us
the numbers are a scam
we all will test positive at one point or many just like the flu
they have manipulated you to fear numbers that are made up to
@random task, 100% agree. This is a joke. Instituting a mask mandate when we are at 1 death/day on 7 day average is ridiculous. How did the mask mandate work out when it was instituted last time in California? Where’s the data from that? Where’s the data showing how lockdowns and masks saved so many lives in California? So, when all you mask loving sheep have that data, please link it.
Wait a Minute
August 3, 2021 - 2:27 PM 2:27 PM
Vaccinated people can contract and spread just as much virus as non-vaccinated people! Masks (other than N95) do little to decrease the spread.
If you want to get vaccinated, then do. If you choose not to, then that choice should be respected. The vaccinated people have their protection from serious illness or death (supposedly), so leave others to take their chances with the virus.
I assume the risk of getting in a car, even though the odds of getting in a car accident are high. I eat fried foods even though all health experts tell me it is a bad idea. The list goes on and on. I am assuming the risk for me and my own health, and others can do the same. There is not enough data to say that being vaccinated (for me) will make a difference, and I AM NOT willing to assume the risk of this sketchy guinea pig test. I’ll take my chances with the virus.
August 3, 2021 - 2:43 PM 2:43 PM
100% agree that we must have an enforced mask mandate. Biology and immunology are not well understood subjects in our community, as is evidenced by most of the comments here, so instituting measures that are proven to protect the community are critical. What’s the risk of complying? We find out that we didn’t need masks indoors and that the laws of biology and nature don’t apply to the COVID pandemic? I’m willing to accept that risk. For those of you who don’t want to mask up, stay outside.
Um, read that comment again… where ANYWHERE in there does it say “forcibly”? I see “should”… as in if you can get out of the way of the speeding bus you should… nobody is forcing you too, but you should logically.
Calm down a bit, you’re responding to like a level 2 comment with a level 8 response…
August 3, 2021 - 3:24 PM 3:24 PM
J to the C
August 3, 2021 - 3:26 PM 3:26 PM
I will not comply.
August 3, 2021 - 3:27 PM 3:27 PM
I felt the same way about seat belts when they passed laws requiring their use, although they weren’t suffocating me quite the way masks do. It was the longest time before I could stand to have that shoulder part actually where it was supposed to be, and I was driving a convertible. I guess my feeling is “Better safe than sorry,” but I’m resenting the feeling of slowly being straightjacketed.
Feb 12, 2025: The government proclaims that farts are a potent vector from transmission of the Zeta variant of the Covid22 virus. To protect us all, it is required that we all wear plugs.
I don’t think plugs will work, maybe more of an insertable filter type device…
August 3, 2021 - 3:50 PM 3:50 PM
This topic has been discussed on Claycord too many times, and it’s always the same comments. Everybody has their mind made up, some are for it, some are against it, and nothing said here will change anybody’s mind.
Dawg Hit send too soon
Been discussed no one is changing their mind
August 3, 2021 - 4:06 PM 4:06 PM
Solano County has not issued a mask mandate.
Masking is unlikely to change the trajectory, since very few people catch Covid at the grocery store or the post office from casual contact, they catch it in their household, at a BBQ, or from close contact with friends or family.
I’m done, I won’t be wearing a mask or spending money at any business that asks me to wear one, or request a passport.
This is all about the vax passport, freedom is just a word now.
There is no government policy so depraved that Democrat NPCs won’t advocate for it. Sick, sick times.
Exit 12A
August 3, 2021 - 4:24 PM 4:24 PM
The unvaccinated should be at their own risk and responsibility given the availability of the vaccines… free vaccines at that!
And why is the Biden administration allowing illegals to come into the country without Covid testing? That is extremely irresponsible. Maybe Kamala Harris needs to address that sometime, eh?
It’s a government pipe dream to achieve 100 percent participation given the distrust of the government and big pharma.
.. or is this just a scare tactic until the 2022’s mid-term election?
The irony! 210,000 known illegals here from Central America in the month of July!. The actual number is much greater. The government paying non profits to provide temp housing until they are secretly flown to somewhere USA in the middle of the night. These people have no requirement to get vaccinated, and are surely spreading the virus in multiple communities. Why????? The Biden administration is allowing this. Something smells! No thanks to the government ordering its citizens to follow laws, when it ignores the actions of non citizens
I agree with your post….as William Shakespeare would say, “Something is rotten in the state of Denmark!” The illegals carrying communicable disease, specifically Covid-19 Delta are coming from all over the world—-without a care in the world!
August 3, 2021 - 4:50 PM 4:50 PM
The problem I have with the masks is that anything from a used t-shirt to a four-layer fitted mask is acceptable.
One does nothing and the other is unbreathable.
So, I agree with the many others here.
Masks mandates are only to control the population to conform with the whims of the elected.
For the most part, the elected are corrupt, fools, and power-hungry people with little or no good character values.
Following their mandates is akin to lemmings running off a cliff.
August 3, 2021 - 4:59 PM 4:59 PM
I hope if you every need surgery you afford the medical team the same option. Wouldn’t want them to get bacterial pneumonia on your account. Noted. Thank you.
It’s hardly the same thing…. I would not want to take the chance of sneezing into an open chest cavity.
August 4, 2021 - 2:06 AM 2:06 AM
Seeing that, these masks don’t do diddly squat to protect the wearer or the public against this virus when worn properly, and 99% of the people wearing them do not wear them properly. YES, I 1000% disagree with them and refuse to wear them ever.
I was in three stores and two restaurants today, and not many people were wearing masks, not even employees.
Thank Dog, people are thinking for themselves for a change!!!
If you’re worried about C19 either stay home or start licking doorknobs and elevator buttons until you get it to build up a natural resistance to it, screw their Vaccinations!!!
August 4, 2021 - 2:07 PM 2:07 PM
For the most part non-vaccinated people are the problem. Being vaccinated doesn’t mean you can’t get it, but severe symptoms and possibility of death are extremely low compared to non-vaccinated. The non-vaccinated apparently can’t be trusted enough (honor system) to wear masks indoors. So we, the vaccinated, have to protect them from themselves.
One issue is there has never been a minimum required mask. Basically, wear whatever you want to cover your face: Napkin, bandanas, pantyhose, etc..
August 4, 2021 - 9:13 PM 9:13 PM
The very best P/R stunt in history is that the vaccinated can catch the very virus they are vaccinated against, from a healthy unvaccinated person who does not have the virus.
absolutely disagree. There is little benefit to having everyone wear a mask. If an individual is concerned about “catching” the Wuhan virus, original or any of the different variants, then, feel free (you know, freedom) to wear a mask, or stay outdoors. I do not have the virus, I have been vaccinated (much like I have been vaccinated against shingles, prior flu bugs, etc), which means, for the Pfizer vax, 95% of those vaccinated did not test positive AND have a symptom. I now have antibodies that will recognize the protein and begin the immune response, in the extremely rare event that I will be exposed to the virus.
I don’t think you understand how Vaccines work and how antibodies work. Just because you have a Vaccine against something does NOT mean you can’t become ill. I had the Shingles Vaccine and still ended up getting shingles in a decent portion of my body, Had to be out of work for 2 weeks because of how infectious it is and it also went to my eye. Please look up things before you say this nonsense.
I totally agree 100%
@Me…OK, whatever you say…well, you go ahead and continue your compliance with these orders.
Just one thing: If it still exists in an increasing threat, it is political. A bioWeapon.
As a customer I don’t care it is only a few minutes of my time in a mask but forcing fully vaccinated people into wearing a mass all day long is wrong, especially as it is not necessary. The only reason we are all back in masks is that those who weren’t vaccinated were also not wearing them. Bring on the vaccine passports as soon as possible I say.
agree. The minute people took masks off the sneezing and coughing fits returned. Some people just can’t be trusted without one indoors.
None is social distancing anymore and ride each other like back packs.
Restrooms always out of soap…, people just fell back into laziness again.
Your average mask does basically NOTHING to prevent the spread of viruses. A bare piece of cloth cannot stop something as small as a virus. A proper 95 or higher rated respirator is required for that. Allowing garbage quality masks like bandanas, neck gaiters, or really anything but a respirator proves that this entire pandemic was a farce from day one.
The vaccinated can and ARE still happily spreading the disease, and arguably are more dangerous as spreaders as they are less likely to display symptoms and thus less likely to stay home and isolate. Right now you could be spreading the disease and not know it, due to the vaccine.
Also that vaccine has zero manufacturer liability and is an entirely new MRNA “vaccine” rather than a real vaccine, that being a deactivated virus. I hope you don’t have any serious side effects which ravage your health and ruin your finances irreparably, as you will have zero from the government or the drug manufacturer if that happens.
While its true that a normal cloth mask can’t stop a virus as small as corona, it luckily doesn’t have to… The virus requires remaining moist to survive, and thats where respiratory droplets / aerosols come into play. The virus travels in these droplets to the next victim, but luckily for us the droplets ARE mostly stopped by a simple cloth mask (thats why it gets a bit humid inside your mask).
We said it before, while the mask only protects you a little bit (even more so while distancing), its meant more for protecting others from you. Basically, you don’t breath out the droplet/virus mix, so it can’t infect someone else.
Droplets are not mostly stopped by a cloth mask, that is a complete falsehood. You can watch the videos here and elsewhere: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DNeYfUTA11s
A standard cloth mask does something but not much. Two layers is barely better. A surgical mask is better than nothing certainly but is basically a bandaid under a blood rain. 95 rated masks are $1-$3 or less off the internet.
The pore size in N95 masks is generally 100 to 300 nanometers, The average size of those droplets is 1,000 to 10,000 nanometers, The pore size of cloth masks ranged up to 500 nanometers…
Masks aren’t 100%, but with the other measures they are very effective.
Did you NOT watch your own video that you posted??? A 2 cloth most certainly does do a whole hella lot better then a single. The single cloth “From the video” shows you that the particles go everywhere and all over as the 2 layer keeps it controlled and in a lot of cases. Keeps them more closer to you. Most people who have the mask on that either Coughs/Sneezes tend too do a few different things. Cover their face with a hand or arm, or Look down. And then what happens? Most people walk the same way they do all that. So in reality. It’s coming back to you. The 2 layer cloth is so much better since it keeps it more controlled and closer to you that it actually sticks to you as you keep walking. Yes some will float away but by the time it’s even ready to reach someone. It’s dead.
Neither. People should do what they want at this point,…the Virus didn’t leave.
For some odd reason, I have NOT gotten comfortable going mask-less indoors with crowds and not even sure, worth a dime, if it really helps.
Maybe it’s a lack of trust, even if you are vaccinate,….or not, that some people are walking around sick with the Virus.
PLUS,…so many are coming over the Boarding without Vaccinations.
We can’t win at this point.
so again they say the masks work
then why a vaccine
they say everyone needs vaccine
but the vaccine is not a cure
so we go back to masks
yet everyone is now being forced to get vaccine to work
so if masks work then why a vaccine costing us trillions we have to pay back
or cant so the gov will take over now i see why
vaccine was pushed so you ddint have to wear masks
now that 70% are vaccine
back to the masks
it seems as though china is instructing the dems on how to establish control over the people by installing hong kong like antics to over throw the american governement
Both more than double the protection.
I love when people write these because it shows how lazy they are by not listening for the past year on how things really work.
Vaccines were supposed to help eliminate/make the virus a non issue. But, Because still a lot of the World/US population are scared to take the vaccine “I get some can’t due to health issues” Then it will keep spreading to non vacc people. Which makes them even worse and it creates new variants which makes it even worse. Being Vaccinated will either help and kill off the virus before it does harm to you and anyone else or it will help keep you out of the hospital/tube down your throat.
Masks help even if you are vaccinated because even if you get the virus, It will be a lot harder to spread it to someone that could be at risk or make someone else extremely ill.
Where did you get 70% are vaccinated? Because that is not true. Only about 49 % is fully vaccinated and about 55-57% have had 1 shot in the US.
Do we really need to bring up the seatbelt/airbags/brakes analogy again? Everything works together… and some people aren’t checking their brake fluid.
My ABC 7 news app told me that supposedly the U.S is 70% vaccinated which was a month past Biden’s goal. For someone who thinks they know so much, why didn’t you know that? And how could the vaccine make the virus a non issue when it isn’t even strong enough to fully protect us?
This is a live tracker. The 70% you may be talking about is a Single dose so far which looks like it’s about to hit if it hasn’t just yet. As for fully vaccinated. We have not hit that. But the longer people take. The closer we are to needed a booster shot.
And it’s actually a month behind the 70% goal that Biden wanted to hit. He wanted that number by July 4th.
There is no data to support vaccinated people wearing a mask. None. The Contra Costa Health website provides numbers of infections, in the hospital etc … but that data does not support mask wearing.
But since when has science been used in the decisions around COVID and masks ..
There has been SOOOOOO much date that has shown Mask do help. Weather your Vaccinated or not. Look for the Standford Research. Which is one of the top research facilities in the world. CDC has provided a number of studies on their own website on how it can help prevent. Of course nothing is 100% effective. But does help and SUPPORTS wearing a facemask.
@ Me – Too many spelling errors.
@ Dr. Jellyfish
This is true, too many spelling errors! LOL. Yet they seem to think they are right.
I tend to ignore “ME”,; raises the spelling errors, he/she/it usually comes on here spouting information (usually wrong) without evidence to support it. And when challenged, they don’t answer.
Now @ME
The data shows that masks can work for unvaccinated people. There is ZERO published data that I can find showing masks work for vaccinated people.
So unless you can show a study showing it works for vaccinated people, I will stand by my statement.
Reduce viral load. Nothing is 100% effective but layered protection works.
Masks reduce viral load, vaccines prime your body to attack infections more quickly, which reduces the amount your body will allow to replicate (and mutate). Used together, we have a fighting chance. Keep doing nothing… end up dead or killing others, or leaving them with lingering effects.
Those who say nothing works – what’s your evidence? I’m genuinely curious.
Common sense, right? .. something so few here have. They want freedom from the virus but are the cause of the mask mandate. Can’t reason with stupidity.
It looks like the Contra Costa infection rate among the vaccinated is leveling off while the rate amongst the unvaccinated continues to climb rapidly. If it is true that vaccinated persons who contract COVID can infect others then there may be a value to masking. However, the unvaccinated seem to prefer to gain immunity the hard way (at least according to the most vocal) and letting the virus burn through their community may be the fastest way to achieve that end.
You should consider which way is really the hard way:
A) become exposed to a virus with a 99.8%+ survival rate for healthy people under 70.
B) Take an experimental MRNA treatment (not a vaccine, not a deactivated virus) with zero manufacturer liability. If the treatment makes you a cripple in an iron lung, you have zero recourse.
Most logical people would choose A.
Have you ever sat and thought about why its a 99.8% survival rate? (Not sure where everyone keeps getting those percentages, but ok, fine)
May be its because we locked down and masked up? Maybe its because the responsible adults took the measures necessary to ensure the hospitals didn’t fill up, therefore allowing the medical staff the ability to save more lives.
Ya ever though of that? Or are you too uncomfortable with how you reacted and acted, so you blame everyone else and say they are wrong?
Also, MRNA treatments aren’t that new, they have been developing them for quite some time, this is just the first large scale production.
I thank you for your service as a voluntary experimental control. It takes some “cajones” to willfully submit to a 1 in 500 risk of death!
Why not just go with what recognized medical experts recommend. It certainly can’t hurt you and could very likely benefit you and your associates.
You will note that these same experts insisted that masks do nothing to prevent the spread of disease in Feb, March, April and beyond of 2020.
Democrats encouraged people to go to the Chinese New Years parades, they said there was no covid there! They called Trump a racist for shutting down flights from China. Now these same democrats wish to, like a bunch of literal Nazis, force an experimental drug on their citizenry.
Science changes with discoveries and knowledge…
If you were watching Edison the whole time, you would think that he knew nothing about how to make a lightbulb and therefore wouldn’t use the one that finally worked…
The only reason they seem to not know what works and what doesn’t is that they are still discovering… happens in science ALL THE TIME… only now they are under constant scrutiny.
No….. that’s not right.
Democrats told us the Trump vaccine was rushed out and could be dangerous!…. we can’t trust it…..but Biden is in the White House now so it’s OK to get the shot.
Actually Joseph Swan, a British inventor, obtained the first patent for the same light bulb as Edison made, in Britain one year prior to Edison’s patent date.
@Dr. Jellyfinger
Can we not call it the “Trump Vaccine”… Pfizer was developed IN GERMANY…
Yes, a rushed vaccine COULD be dangerous, but seeing as it was fully tested and had proven itself to be safe enough for emergency use… millions have already taken it. Yes there can be some side effects, but show me ANY drug that doesn’t have some side effects… Hell even water screws some people up.
SCREW the politics, I’m tired of this side said this, and now this side says that… BOTH sides are assholes. Get vaccinated, wear a mask until the science (not the squabbling politicians) says its over, and wash your hands. Simple, no politics needed.
@ ERas ~ The Democrats who were calling it unsafe were referring to it as “Trump’s Vaccine” because he endorsed it.
Everyone knows who actually made the vaccines and delving into minutia is not necessary.
I agree that politics is not necessary either, but the pandemic was the entire focus of Biden’s pathetic campaign. It’s all they had and they were pretty fast & loose with the facts…. it’s no wonder many people still don’t trust the vaccines.
We’re a year and a half into this and there is no good real world evidence for non-medical masks’ efficacy. This is just to make it look like politicians are taking it seriously.
The pandemic is no longer a social crisis. Virtually anyone who wants to be protected, can be. Not perfectly, but nothing in real life is 100%. If you are concerned, wear an N95.
We call that security theater.
Too many people are blindly following whatever information the bureaucrats preach on a given day. Wait until they move the goalposts and require 90% vaccination to reach “herd immunity.” It’s already endemic, but leaders don’t care to admit the truth.
N95 masks are the only filters that work in reducing virus particulates over a sustained period of time. There’s just no financial incentive or urgency to produce them for the general population.
Mask it or Casket!
You know, like Click It or Ticket.
A bit harsh, but it works. 🙂
Very true!! Love it!!
Still waiting on the medical review piece on the benefits of working out with restricted oxygen intake.
Already seen a couple fainters at my gym.
Masks don’t restrict oxygen intake. Doctors have proved it on videos. One even wore an oxygen sensor with multiple masks.
Yes, because we’ve NEVER seen anyone at the gym pushing themselves too hard and passing out before… must be the masks…
Yeah, so when I feel like I’m suffocating it must just be my imagination, right?
I’ve seen videos of people “proving” the world is flat, too. Not everybody has the same lung capacity or the same ability to breathe with a mask on. Just because it doesn’t inhibit you, don’t assume it’s fine for everyone.
@Dr. Jellyfinger
YES, it probably is (technically), either that or your mask sucks (I’ve seen painted/leather/fully bedazzled masks). Likely it is a psychosomatic response. Do you experience claustrophobia?
I’ve worn more restrictive masks doing manual labor for years, never had a problem. Construction workers wear N95 masks for 10+ hours a day with NO issues.
Taken from here:
“Fact: Masks can filter larger particles in the air, but carbon dioxide can easily be exhaled through the filters. Coronavirus particles are 120 nanometers, oxygen is 0.120 nanometers and carbon dioxide is 0.232 nanometers. The pore size in N95 masks is generally 100 to 300 nanometers, meaning the average single pore will allow 1667 oxygen molecules in and 862 carbon dioxide molecules out. Other masks have even larger pore sizes, so a mask can’t restrict oxygen or carbon dioxide flow. It doesn’t mean that the wearer does not feel restricted. However, the math and physics are not consistent with that feeling.
The mask is quite effective at blocking the droplets you are exhaling, coughing or sneezing. The average size of those droplets is 1,000 to 10,000 nanometers, so by wearing the mask, you prevent the droplets from entering into the air for someone else to inhale.”
Oh and finally, runners/athletes wear even more restrictive masks to train, look up hypoxic training.
Today it was required at Safeway. I prefer it be an option for the vaccinated.
Vaccinated people still catch COVID-19, particularly the delta variant, and can pass it on to others. That’s why they want vaccinated people to wear masks as it both lowers the chances of catching COVID-19 and of passing it on to others.
The benefit of vaccination is that it causes your immune system to recognize and clear the COVID-19 virus from your system much faster. This greatly lowers the chances of the infection settling in to the point that you are hospitalized or worse.
I still prefer a mask be an option for the vaccinated – and required for the unvaccinated. In schools too. The “science” is politically driven and often based on skewed data and does not drive my views any longer. I feel that a lot of people agree with me on this one.
Why do vaccinated people need a mask? Either the vaccine doesn’t work, or the vaccine doesn’t work.
Quote from @YES above:
Reduce viral load. Nothing is 100% effective but layered protection works.
Masks reduce viral load, vaccines prime your body to attack infections more quickly, which reduces the amount your body will allow to replicate (and mutate). Used together, we have a fighting chance. Keep doing nothing… end up dead or killing others, or leaving them with lingering effects.
Time to mount up on the horses and ride! Let’s take this country back from the sick socialists! We will NOT FORGET what you are trying to do to us!
You already tried that. January 6. It wasn’t a good look.
A patriot would want to work hard to get their candidate elected. Or is your plan to mount up and ride to different neighborhoods to register voters?
Just spent five minutes watching Joe the Buffoon improvising more restrictions. Why isn’t this guy in a rest home? It is painful to look at him or hear him talk (READ). All of the restrictions for residents of our country while he sends thousands of untested illegal aliens all over the country to to infect the population. He has been doing this since he wormed his way into the job and the thousands he has let into the US are probably responsible for the increase of the Chinese virus. He complained about Texas and Florida but Texas is where the illegals are coming in and Florida is where they are sent.
wow so most are afraid the sky is falling
mask or casket really
you say mask then why do w need a vaccine captain obvious
above stated
vaccines prime your body to attack infections more quickly, which reduces the amount your body will allow to replicate
again nice dem rhetoric
but hey you do know we as humans have this thing that works great
its called an immune system that works great when you are taking care of yourself
its what keep you from getting sick every day
and yes does create antibodies on its own …ooohhhh biology
stop being fear mongers
you also dont jump off of bridges right
but not everyone has to wear a harness every where right
your glamorizing a engineered virus that wass designed to do exactly what your doing now
arguing over masks and vaccines and data and anti american policy
you are allowing chaos
you are allowing stupidity to rule us
the numbers are a scam
we all will test positive at one point or many just like the flu
they have manipulated you to fear numbers that are made up to
@random task, 100% agree. This is a joke. Instituting a mask mandate when we are at 1 death/day on 7 day average is ridiculous. How did the mask mandate work out when it was instituted last time in California? Where’s the data from that? Where’s the data showing how lockdowns and masks saved so many lives in California? So, when all you mask loving sheep have that data, please link it.
Vaccinated people can contract and spread just as much virus as non-vaccinated people! Masks (other than N95) do little to decrease the spread.
If you want to get vaccinated, then do. If you choose not to, then that choice should be respected. The vaccinated people have their protection from serious illness or death (supposedly), so leave others to take their chances with the virus.
I assume the risk of getting in a car, even though the odds of getting in a car accident are high. I eat fried foods even though all health experts tell me it is a bad idea. The list goes on and on. I am assuming the risk for me and my own health, and others can do the same. There is not enough data to say that being vaccinated (for me) will make a difference, and I AM NOT willing to assume the risk of this sketchy guinea pig test. I’ll take my chances with the virus.
100% agree that we must have an enforced mask mandate. Biology and immunology are not well understood subjects in our community, as is evidenced by most of the comments here, so instituting measures that are proven to protect the community are critical. What’s the risk of complying? We find out that we didn’t need masks indoors and that the laws of biology and nature don’t apply to the COVID pandemic? I’m willing to accept that risk. For those of you who don’t want to mask up, stay outside.
The risk of complying is that the restrictions get more and more restrictive.
I agree 100% that any that can get the shot (legally, medically able, etc) should get the shot.
Forcibly? Like you want men in military vehicles to take children from their mothers and dose them against their will in the street?
You people are sick, you should defect to China or North Korea if you crave that kind of despotism and you hate individual liberties so much.
Um, read that comment again… where ANYWHERE in there does it say “forcibly”? I see “should”… as in if you can get out of the way of the speeding bus you should… nobody is forcing you too, but you should logically.
Calm down a bit, you’re responding to like a level 2 comment with a level 8 response…
I will not comply.
I felt the same way about seat belts when they passed laws requiring their use, although they weren’t suffocating me quite the way masks do. It was the longest time before I could stand to have that shoulder part actually where it was supposed to be, and I was driving a convertible. I guess my feeling is “Better safe than sorry,” but I’m resenting the feeling of slowly being straightjacketed.
Feb 12, 2025: The government proclaims that farts are a potent vector from transmission of the Zeta variant of the Covid22 virus. To protect us all, it is required that we all wear plugs.
Will you wear your plug?
I don’t think plugs will work, maybe more of an insertable filter type device…
This topic has been discussed on Claycord too many times, and it’s always the same comments. Everybody has their mind made up, some are for it, some are against it, and nothing said here will change anybody’s mind.
Dawg Hit send too soon
Been discussed no one is changing their mind
Solano County has not issued a mask mandate.
Masking is unlikely to change the trajectory, since very few people catch Covid at the grocery store or the post office from casual contact, they catch it in their household, at a BBQ, or from close contact with friends or family.
I’m done, I won’t be wearing a mask or spending money at any business that asks me to wear one, or request a passport.
This is all about the vax passport, freedom is just a word now.
There is no government policy so depraved that Democrat NPCs won’t advocate for it. Sick, sick times.
The unvaccinated should be at their own risk and responsibility given the availability of the vaccines… free vaccines at that!
And why is the Biden administration allowing illegals to come into the country without Covid testing? That is extremely irresponsible. Maybe Kamala Harris needs to address that sometime, eh?
It’s a government pipe dream to achieve 100 percent participation given the distrust of the government and big pharma.
.. or is this just a scare tactic until the 2022’s mid-term election?
Dr Fauci is a FRAUD claims inventor of the PCR test, Kary Mullis.
Both he and the CDC have an agenda. “Follow the money.” “He should not be in the position he is in.”
The irony! 210,000 known illegals here from Central America in the month of July!. The actual number is much greater. The government paying non profits to provide temp housing until they are secretly flown to somewhere USA in the middle of the night. These people have no requirement to get vaccinated, and are surely spreading the virus in multiple communities. Why????? The Biden administration is allowing this. Something smells! No thanks to the government ordering its citizens to follow laws, when it ignores the actions of non citizens
I agree with your post….as William Shakespeare would say, “Something is rotten in the state of Denmark!” The illegals carrying communicable disease, specifically Covid-19 Delta are coming from all over the world—-without a care in the world!
The problem I have with the masks is that anything from a used t-shirt to a four-layer fitted mask is acceptable.
One does nothing and the other is unbreathable.
So, I agree with the many others here.
Masks mandates are only to control the population to conform with the whims of the elected.
For the most part, the elected are corrupt, fools, and power-hungry people with little or no good character values.
Following their mandates is akin to lemmings running off a cliff.
I hope if you every need surgery you afford the medical team the same option. Wouldn’t want them to get bacterial pneumonia on your account. Noted. Thank you.
It’s hardly the same thing…. I would not want to take the chance of sneezing into an open chest cavity.
Seeing that, these masks don’t do diddly squat to protect the wearer or the public against this virus when worn properly, and 99% of the people wearing them do not wear them properly. YES, I 1000% disagree with them and refuse to wear them ever.
I was in three stores and two restaurants today, and not many people were wearing masks, not even employees.
Thank Dog, people are thinking for themselves for a change!!!
If you’re worried about C19 either stay home or start licking doorknobs and elevator buttons until you get it to build up a natural resistance to it, screw their Vaccinations!!!
For the most part non-vaccinated people are the problem. Being vaccinated doesn’t mean you can’t get it, but severe symptoms and possibility of death are extremely low compared to non-vaccinated. The non-vaccinated apparently can’t be trusted enough (honor system) to wear masks indoors. So we, the vaccinated, have to protect them from themselves.
One issue is there has never been a minimum required mask. Basically, wear whatever you want to cover your face: Napkin, bandanas, pantyhose, etc..
The very best P/R stunt in history is that the vaccinated can catch the very virus they are vaccinated against, from a healthy unvaccinated person who does not have the virus.
Dont want to wear a mask. This is all a bunch of misinformation. I dont care. If I die I die.