Home » Bay Area Members Of Congress Introduce Legislation To Study Effects Of Wildfire Smoke

Bay Area Members Of Congress Introduce Legislation To Study Effects Of Wildfire Smoke


Two Bay Area members of Congress introduced legislation Thursday that would authorize $20 million for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency to study the health impacts of wildfire smoke and what can be done to mitigate its effects.

The Smoke Planning and Research Act, introduced by Reps. Anna Eshoo, D-Palo Alto, and Mike Thompson, D-Napa, would also create a grant program at the EPA to help at-risk communities plan for and respond to wildfire smoke.

“During last year’s wildfires, millions of Americans were subjected to dirty air and for days, my constituents endured the worst air quality in the world. As climate change makes wildfires more frequent, poor air quality will remain a persistent public health concern in the Bay Area,” Eshoo said. “Our legislation directs the EPA to study the public health impacts of wildfire smoke and provide resources to local governments to mitigate these risks. The communities devastated by wildfires deserve our help to rebuild and better protect the health of their residents during future disasters.”

The bill would also establish four “Centers of Excellence” at universities to ensure the research remains grounded in the issues faced by residents at risk of wildfire smoke inhalation.


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I’ll do the study for $15.5 million. Smoke is not good. When will my money arrive?

and there isn’t a damn thing you can do about smoke from a wild fire.

Government pisses away other people’s money like no other entity on earth.

Ill do it for $100,000. Smoke=Bad

Really guys? Really? A study is needed. My goodness…

Save the twenty million I can now tell you right now wildfire smoke is not good for you. This is why I hate paying taxes. Every citizen should do their best to pay the absolute minimum.

Well gee whiz what do they think the effects are of inhaling wildfire smoke.
What is it with politicians just wanting to spend millions and millions of dollars on stupid things like this.

It’s bad for you. Everything that gets burned ends up as tiny particles and chemicals that end up in your airway and lungs. There you go. Now you can pay me the 20 million and be done with it.

Get rid of the dead trees, and restructure the CPUC with a citizens oversight committee.

I accept Venmo.

And while you’re at it, get rid of these useless politicians. How embarrassing for all of us. What losers!!!!

This money will disappear into the MoneyLaunderSphere.

What the hell.It takes a multi million dollar study to figure this out.Let me tell you for free free free it’s bad for you. You Dumb add Politicians.

I hear my late father’s voice in my head (a lawyer): “This is a giveaway to plaintiff lawyers to provide ammunition for future litigation.”

What is really discouraging to me is we see all of this waste and we can do nothing about it. So we just shrug it off and say,” Oh Well”. Like Joe with his open border. We all know it is just out of control but no one is finding a judge to put it to a halt. No one is stopping the money giveaway to the unemployed to keep them from getting a job. Then Joe tells a restaurant owner to pay more. The funny thing is I know servers who are cleaning up making thirty dollars or more an hour. Somehow we have lost control of reality.

Some campaign contributor is obviously looking for a new gig. When in doubt, follow the money.

Life will never be risk free as much as most democrats would like. Is this frivolous study going to be put in place to possibly create some jobs for some friends?
It would not be the first time.

We need legislation to introduce legislation.

I’ll sell you a toilet seat for $4000.00

Don’t take that cheap one I can sell you one for $6,000.

This will confirm that BAAQMD doesn’t know air quality.

They just need more education from the Assembly of Experts, that’s all. Don’t forget their pensions!

These Democrat politicians have too much smoke in them! Marijuana smoke that is!

Wow. They’re going to spend probably millions on this and I can tell them the results of wildfire smoke for free … it’s called “coughing.”

Yeah, another boondoggle “study” by consultants.

Whatta racket.

And you know damn well that the conclusion will be “smoke is bad.”

Stupid f***s.

Spend the money to cleanup the national forests. Dead trees on top of who knows how many feet of pine needles. Create jobs to clean the forests then there will be less wildfire smoke.

Waste of taxpayer money AGAIN

I agree.

Spending money on appropriate forestry management would do a lot more to curtail forest fires and their severity.

A study does nothing to solve problems.

The problem is poor government and poor government management of our forests.

Glad I didn’t vote for anyone in government today.

What another bureaucratic waste of money! You too can be a politician if your IQ is 70 or lower!

here are the 2 nimrods that want to spend 20 mil of our money!!!! Reps. Anna Eshoo, D-Palo Alto, and Mike Thompson, D-Napa

I bet they’ll find the smoke affects people of color more and is largely systemic racist in nature.

Depends, are we talking about black smoke or white?

You will never find anyone to take that bet.

Republicans don’t do stupid stuff like this. I’m 100% positive half of you complaining voted for newsom and biden and will vote blue no matter who every time

How about we focus more on wildfire prevention?
If we have $12 billion to spend on solving the homeless problem affecting 180,000 people, then we ought to have more than that to spend on the 2.7 million residents at risk of becoming homeless due to wildfire.

‘Gavin Newsom oversold California’s fire prevention efforts.
A journalist uncovered the truth’
the guardian https://tinyurl.com/8t393nah

2019 ” “Everybody has had enough,” the governor said, announcing he’d signed a sweeping executive order overhauling the state’s approach to wildfire prevention. Climate change was sparking fires more frequent, ferocious and far-reaching than ever before, Newsom said, and confronting them would have to become a year-round effort.

The state’s response, Newsom added, “fundamentally has to change.”

But two-and-a-half years later, as California approaches what could be the worst wildfire season on record, it does so with little evidence of the year-round attention Newsom promised.”
LAist https://tinyurl.com/jwfxakcv

“California’s 2020 wildfire season thwarted the state’s fight against climate change, spewing enough carbon dioxide into the air to equal the emissions of millions of passenger vehicles driving over the course of a year.

Those roughly 9,600 fires burned nearly 4.2 million acres, killed 31 people, and emitted an estimated 112 million metric tons of carbon dioxide, according to a California Air Resources Board report released Dec. 31. The number is akin to the greenhouse gas emissions of 24.2 million passenger cars driving in a single year”
bloomberg https://tinyurl.com/46hyarr4

Is estimated there are, going into 2021 fire season 147 million dead trees just in Sierra Nevada mountains. Lumber prices are at historically high levels. What does responsible forestry and wild land management look like free of DEM governmental restrains. https://tinyurl.com/mhajxp7b

Any Jackass knows it’s not good for you
What a waste of money.



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