Home » The Water Cooler – Will CA And/Or Contra Costa County Issue Another Mask Mandate?

The Water Cooler – Will CA And/Or Contra Costa County Issue Another Mask Mandate?


The “Water Cooler” is a feature on Claycord.com where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.

The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday in the noon hour.

Today’s question:


Do you think the State of California and/or Contra Costa County will issue another mask mandate due to the continued spread of COVID-19?

Either way – Do you think they should, or shouldn’t?

Talk about it….

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ugh again its a virus

you can not hide or your body can not build antibodies

china/fauci virus is not a disease as the non scientist the newscum decrees

even the health dept and cdc and who all under china are now calling it a disease


so your on lockdown for the rest of your lives

it can not be killed as again the newscum non scientist decreed

but alas the masks will come back sooner than later like next month

the numbers you are afraid of

are made up

and it works apparently

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Yes. They love being wanna-be Mussolini’s.

Does a chain link fence stop a BB???

These Nobody tyrants who are drunk with power will absolutely reinstate the Scam Tinfoil mask mandate.

While I feel sorry for Family and friends who might be affected by this, I moved out of California. Neither Gavin bin Lyin’ nor the CCC Board of Stupidvisors can tell me to do anything! I’m vaccinated and our state is following the science, so the masks are not required except at some doctor’s offices.

BTW- trying a new restaurant this week at the golf course. And having a couple (formerly from So Cal) over for wine and snacks tomorrow. No masks allowed.

When enough of the vaccine deniers start hitting the hospital ICUs we’ll be forced to mask again. Perhaps its survival of the fittest.

Agreed. Survival of the fittest must be what’s happening to those fugitive Texas democrats that continue to come down with Covid.

Who’s denying it, Clay? It exists. So does the flu, colds and innumerable viruses. It’s been an overreaction of catastrophic proportions by the petty tyrants.

Survival of the fittest is exactly what it is, and those that lock themselves inside for a 99.99% survivable virus would never survive in a state of nature.

You do realize that vaccinated folks are getting it too, right? Just. Like. The. Flu.

Better yet, they should mandate that those not yet vaccinated quarantine at home. I got a vaccine so I don’t have to wear a mask.

That’s really harsh. If you’ve been vaccinated you should not be worried if those who haven’t been stay at home or not. The vaccine should not be forced and basic human rights and freedoms should not be stripped from those who choose not to have the vaccine.

Good luck with that. I hear there are some openings in Kim Jong-un’s administration.

@ WC—Creeker

Please refer to the Texas Dem private plane and party bus fiasco in the news. They were all vaccinated and were not wearing masks in their obnoxious grinning selfies. Five of them (so far) are confirmed to have Covid. Wonder if they are grinning now?

And yet soon you will be wearing a mask again and don’t even start whining about unvaccinated as a vaccinated person you have nothing to worry about but you cower from a virus that is 99.99% survival rate and want to take away people’s freedom…you sound like you belong in Nazi Germany.

again no dem voter can answer this

if the masks work

then why do we need a vaccine

if the vaccine works then why do we need masks

if science said children are rarely effected at all

then why do they need to be experimented on

and other kids forced to take the experimental drug

why are drugs bad
but state wide experimental drugs are being pushed onto children

If breaks work why do we need seat belts?

If seatbelts work why do we need breaks?

BTW Judge Damon Leichty of the Northern District of Indiana, appointed by Donald J Trump, ruled yesterday that the University of Indiana can require students and employees to be vaccinated against Covid-19.

I know I’m wasting my time, but here it goes as this is basic science. A mask limits the spread of particles from being airborne. This does not mean you are 100% protected. Indoor mask wearing and social distancing limits simply limits the spread.

Vaccines helps build an immunity to a virus so that if you do become infected your body can more effectively battle the virus. This means that if you do become infected you will have a shortened time of being sick (infectious) and less serious symptoms/complications. If we reach herd immunity (85% of the population) we would see high reduced amount of cases and would give protection to our children and those that are immunocompromised that can’t receive the vaccine.


This is all simple biology that we should have learned in High School. An analysis on May data showed that 98.9% of all COVID related deaths were from non-vaccinated people.

In short, Mask wearing is not an immunity shield to make you 100% safe. The Vaccine is also not a 100% guarantee of you not getting sick. Think of this like a seatbelt/helmet. Neither will protect you 100% from being injured or dying in an accident. However, your risk of both is dramatically reduced by doing so. Although, I’m sure a lot of these Antivax/AntiMask people are the same people that were against seatbelt/helmet laws.

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@JWB…But what if your brakes are broke? It’s really hard to break your brakes, unless you break your drum brakes, disc breaks are another story, they brake often but have more breaking power…I could go on….I’m just broke and need a brake while I’m doing a break job…..

And why the hype for a virus with a 99% recovery rate?



Unfortunately not everyone will comprehend but well said!!!

@Deb Shay, We do not all have the same odds of dying if we get Covid. It is highly dependent on age. The largest number of cases have been in 18-29 year olds. Per the CDC, compared to that age group, the rate of death is 4 times higher in the 30-39 age group. The rate of death is 10 times higher in the 40-49 age group. The rate of death is is 35 times higher in the 50-64 age group. The rate of death is 95 times higher in the 65-74 age group. The rate of death is 250 times higher in the 75-84 age group. And for the 85+ age group, the rate of death is 600 times higher than it is for the 18-29 year old.

What REALLY bothers me is everyone stating that it is a 99.9% survival rate. That is true, but that isn’t the only factor that should be considered. My dad, sister’s best friend, a former colleague and two of my colleagues had it. They all survived, but the first three had issues for MONTHS after. Lung damage, fatigue. Two of them were hospitalized for at least a week. Dad was of the age where it’s dangerous, sure. The other four are not even thirty. I get that it is overblown, but simply because it is a “99.9% survival rate virus” does not mean that it’s worth risking. Lung damage is no joke.

I am vaccinated but still wear a mask when shopping. Since I have allergies I find it helps me. So mandated or voluntary, I still plan to mask up when shopping for my own personal reasons for the foreseeable future.

So for their own personal choice shouldn’t unvaccinated people be able to go maskless?

I believe THEY will and THEY should not. The science is not there to support it. I stay calm about many issues, and adhere to rules and the laws. How I live my life. This would not be one I agree with and would anger me. I pay a lot of money to the state, local businesses for years and as a fully COVID vaccinated citizen of Contra Costa County and California, it is my right to choose whether to wear a mask indoors or not based on current CDC guidelines.

@Bella Better hope you dont get called to jury duty or have to go to a local courthouse because they just instituted mandatory masks effective 7/20/21 for all courthouses

@Almost Famous
The mask requirement for the CCC Courts have never been lifted. I was just called to jury duty a couple of weeks ago and they still required the masks.

WC CREEKER- IF YOU WANT TO BE A CASE STUDY FOR A VACCINE W/O FDA APPROVAL, GOOD FOR YOU! At this point all a mandate will do is create even more distrust and increase the likelihood that more vaccine hesitant people will be even more suspicious of Government and their experimental vaccine!!! Government needs to back off and let people decide whether they want to risk being unvaccinated.

Absolutely. This just convinces me even more the vaccine is useless. The more officials do not follow the science, the more distrust they create. CC health director, take note!

Whether they do or don’t I am going back to wearing one inside public spaces.
(I am fully vaccinated)

That’s great good for you…

And, presumably his cronies with the California Medical Association (CMA) at that fancy get together were better informed about the virus than most.

Roth and Farnitano are classic bureaucrats. They will do what the other bureaucrats are doing so they don’t get singled out and criticized if they don’t act and things get worse. All the incentives for them are in favor of being as cautious and strict as possible. If the infection numbers go up again next week, which I’m sure they will, you can bet they reimpose the mandate. If it hurts your restaurant, tough. They still get paid.

And when the per capita infection/death rates between mandate areas and non-mandate areas are totally the same when all is said and done, we will all pretend that masks actually did something, and aren’t just a placebo to make people feel safe.

It will. So why should the unvaccinated get a vaccine if they still have to wear a mask? I’ve had enough of it. I only wear a mask in health care facilities as required. If the store requires it, I shop elsewhere, but Im surprised a good 50% still seem to wear them out of fear. If I get it, I’m not worried since I am vaccinated. I am protected from hospitalization and death.

Why do you care if others choose to wear a mask? Worry about yourself.

I think the public has had enough of the masks so such a mandate wouldn’t be accepted very well. The “officials” are trying to turn the vaccinated against the unvaccinated. This is unacceptable and should not be tolerated. It’s like something you would find in a third world dictatorship.

So, if you’re vaccinated you have to wear a face mask. If you’re unvaccinated you have to wear a face mask. So what was the point of getting a vaccine? I remember reading that getting the vaccine would keep people from getting Covid because it was supposed to kill the virus yet some vaccinated people have got it. And, how is a piece of cloth been scientifically proven to keep people safe from getting the virus? Curious minds would like to know.

I am sure they will advise to wear a mask. I fear they (the County) will try to mandate. I think the State will only if poll numbers show it will have no impact on the recall. I hope those who do not want to wear them will not, while those who want to do. I will not wear one.


California is run by the most encompetant corrupt people in the country . So I don’t believe anything they or the media says . I am fully vaccinated I will wear a mask at the hospital and doctor office but that is all . The people that blindly follow what the government tells them to do, have the freedom to do it . The people that believe in freedom and hate tyranny also have the right to live their life . Masks off !

We didn’t pay attention to the last one so I guess that’s a NO for us.

@Almost Famous. Appreciate the response. As I mentioned as well, I do live my life following rules and the laws, may not agree strongly but I follow them..

Bring back mask insanity! 😷

Probably. They should too. This virus is not done with us by a long shot. Every time it passes through an unvaccinated person it can be modified to something even deadlier. I love that the ignorant are driving our actions on this pandemic. It’s like mass suicide. The lemmings are in control. If you don’t have a degree in epidemiology or virology, you need to just shut up and do what the experts say.

Phil, Amen

China, WHO, the CDC, Fauci, Newsom, and Contra Costa Health Services have all been lying to us. You need to shut up and leave us alone.

I love the ignorant thinking mutations are cause by the non vacced.

For heavens sake do some research, will you please? You’re embarrassing yourself. There are scores and scores of doctors, scientists, researchers who have proven and continue to prove your claims false. Its right there on something called the internet.

Guess we best close the border then, huh?

(Mic drip)

I wonder who’s in charge of the coalition of 200+ countries that are all trying to get their people vaccinated? Heck, even Russia is in on it with us! I wouldn’t have thought he’d work with us on any big brother program the US government wanted to start. Canada believes in the vaccine so much, they’re willing to let vaccinated US citizens in. Amazing.

The mask loons simply can’t let go of their demented fetish
There is no pandemic otherwise people would be dropping in the streets right now – vaccinated, unvaccinated, immune whatever
It doesn’t make any difference
We are in a political crisis not a pandemic
Illegitimate government is trying to provoke opposition in order to create new fake news narratives to grab more power

Inevitably, they will.

But I would hope for widespread non-compliance. Wanna write me up? I’ll tear the thing to shreds right in front of you.

The CCC health employees can only do what they’re told.

That’s how Communism works.

It is amazing how many people don’t get it. Did anyone go to school? Masks don’t violate your rights it is just some protection like the vaccine.
If people would have masked up and get the vaccine at the beginning things would be better.
Oh I forgot it is fake news!

Masks don’t violate our rights, but mandating them does. It is amazing how many people don’t get it. Tyranny, and Marxism is coming our way, and some people just don’t see it. You have to look at the big picture, not just some small aspect. Mandated masks, even though they have never been proven effective, mandated shutdowns, Americans losing their jobs, and losing their business. More people turning to drugs and alcohol, and people committing suicide. Some Americans feel so strongly about it, that they feel like it’s their patriotic duty to stand up for our liberty.
Look at it this way, it’s a form of protesting, and protesting is guaranteed by the First Amendment.
We’re all Americans, and none of us want to lose our freedom, but if we let them keep chipping away without a fight, we will lose our freedom.
Tens of thousands of illegal immigrants are crossing the southern border every day, and are being bused across the United States, none of them are being tested for COVID.
I did my best to try to explain it to you. You may not agree with me, but I hope you will have a better understanding of why so many people are frustrated with the government.

Yeah just wear that mask for 2 weeks folks and this whole thing will be done with! Oh wait I forgot, we already did that!

Tyranny marxiism!!! Wearing a mask!!!
You need a history lesson dog!

No, I don’t think the Contra Costa health department will require masks in indoor spaces. They’ll stick to making it a recommendation. Almost 75% of eligible residents age 12+ are fully vaccinated. That ought to be enough to keep our hospitals from being overwhelmed. However, the delta variant is about 250% more transmissible than the original virus, so who knows. Maybe the unvaccinated idiots will fill the hospitals to overflowing.

If I were King of the World, I would rule that those who had the opportunity to get vaccinated but turned it down would be denied medical care if they got Covid. You made your bed. Lie in it. No reason your stupidity should run up insurance costs for the rest of us or take up the hospital beds the rest of us might need.

Simple – everybody get vaccinated just like we did with polio, smallpox, etc.
Otherwise people die and and everybody else has to worry about being around the unvaccinated.
We have to make it mandatory.

Millions are being let over the border without vaccinations of ANY sort. Brought to you by Joe the Fraud. Many are transported to the heartland. Mandatory? Not even close.

If the masks “worked” the first go-round of COVID, then why did we need a vaccine? So we could be immunized against this virus. If we’re vaccinated, then why do we need a mask? To protect those who aren’t vaccinated. Why aren’t they vaccinated? Aside from babies and little children, everyone should be vaccinated, unless they have a medical condition that would be dangerous for them to be vaccinated. There are so few medical conditions to apply, that my answer is unequivocally YES THEY EILL. why? POWER. If y’all didn’t understand the first time, let me say it louder for the people in the back: MASKS DO NOT STOP THE SPREAD OF A VIRUS. They will protect the mask wearer to some extent, but you’re better off boosting your own immune system but eating probiotic-rich foods, fermented foods and going outside barefoot from time to time.

Wash Your Hands.
Eat Right.
Wash Your Hands Again.
It’s That Easy!

If the masks “worked” the first go-round of COVID, then why did we need a vaccine? So we could be immunized against this virus. If we’re vaccinated, then why do we need a mask? To protect those who aren’t vaccinated. Why aren’t they vaccinated? Aside from babies and little children, everyone should be vaccinated, unless they have a medical condition that would be dangerous for them to be vaccinated. There are so few medical conditions to apply, that my answer is unequivocally YES THEY WILL. why? POWER. If y’all didn’t understand the first time, let me say it louder for the people in the back: MASKS DO NOT STOP THE SPREAD OF A VIRUS. They will protect the mask wearer to some extent, but you’re better off boosting your own immune system but eating probiotic-rich foods, fermented foods and going outside barefoot from time to time.

Wash Your Hands.
Eat Right.
Wash Your Hands Again.
It’s That Easy!

Think about this. If those who are vaccinated are complaining about people that are not vaccinated and not wearing a mask then they do not trust the vaccine and yet many of those same vaccinated people think those not vaccinated should get the very vaccination they do not trust. How much sense does that make?

Washing your hands
Wearing a mask
Social distancing
Getting your vaccine
are all layers of protection
It’s basic science



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