Effective July 20, 2021, and until further notice, anyone entering publically-accessible Court facilities in Contra Costa County – regardless of vaccination status – will be required to wear compliant facemasks at all times.
Compliant facemasks must completely cover the nose and mouth, and do not include neck gaiters (regardless of double-layering), masks with valves or other holes, bandanas, or face shields.
The Court will provide compliant facemasks upon request.
Here we go again! It’s probably just the start of more mandates and another shutdown. I guess we’re not following the science anymore.
Not the “problematic” science anyway
The “science” is not conclusive. If it was, there would be zero disagreement among all scientists.
It’s just picking which “science” supports your opinion/belief. And if your opinion is based on politics, then f*** off.
Well, that didn’t take long.
@DLo, care to discuss the role of the autonomic nervous system with regards to the COVID-19 virus and what activities result in the Cytokine storm that results in the lungs. I’ve been interested in the role of metabolism for almost 50 years and have even taken workshops on it. I’m not a practitioner but do have some understanding of the science. There are also some excellent top professors and scientists in this and related fields including epidemiology who have been banned by the “authorities” because they didn’t tow the central party line. Their science is very credible and excellent.
I don’t think the “virus” is a hoax but I do suspect it’s just the annual cold strain dressed up as a pandemic to scare the hell out of the public. We probably have more to fear from the toxic wildfire smoke around here which can have damaging effects including on the heart.
Thanks a lot unvaccinated people. You continue to cause more contagious variants and yes, deaths. Because of your uneducated decision-making it’ll take a long time for our entire country to recover. Fools!
Please place your blame where it belongs…
Control Freaks
A vaccinated person should not have to wear a mask. If you choose not to get the vaccine, that is your choice. Maybe get sick, or worse … Many of them have made an EDUCATED choice to not get it. I made an EDUCATED choice to get it.
but if they do not have it now, they are likely NOT going to get it … so what is the plan for our politicians, media and control freaks .. force those who have not gotten it, to get it? Good luck with that!
But no, you and others on this site will BLINDLY follow Newscum and News that it is only the fault of the unvaccinated … If you are blindly following someone, YOU ARE the fool.
Pat, don’t believe the lies the media is telling you. It’s not the unvaccinated that are spreading the virus, it’s the thousands, and thousands of illegal immigrants crossing the border every day, and are being bused across the country into the general population of the United States without being tested for COVID, or any other disease.
If you want to thank anybody, you can thank Joe Biden and Kamala Harris.
Sorry pal, but the only fools are the ones that believe the lies.
Good luck with your MISPLACED blame, Pat.
I guess your TV gods didn’t tell you about the 45,000 deaths from the miracle blood clotting jab. Or how about the 4 British Airways pilots???
We are prepared for you zombies to take out your frustrations on the wrong people. You need to get a clue, you don’t have much time with that mRNA wrecking your body.
It’s a complicated issue but it would be interesting to know what percentage of the population is already immune without the vaccine. There are tests which have been developed but not released yet which can determine that.
One’s right to refuse ANY medical treatment offered is protected BY LAW.
If the vaccine worked you wouldn’t be getting infected. New cases are split 50/50 between normal people and gmo people. What’s the point of GMOing yourself if you still get infected plus have to deal with blood clots?
Thanks for your wisdom Dawg. You are correct
I don’t agree that some people have made EDUCATED decisions on whether to be vaccinated. Just look at the postings on this site about vaccines, 99% survivability, and where cases are coming from. There is misinformation and conspiracy theories galore.
The spike in cases is coming from the unvaccinated, and that can be confirmed with the data that is on the county website. They have a nice graph that shows the cause of the recent surge.
People should not be deemed blameless nor absolved from being responsible for their own health and the greater good of society just because, they believe their immune systems are superior, politics, Tucker Carlson, Robert F Kennedy Jr, the internet, or Facebook, etc. tells them lies about the vaccine. Instead, they should be consulting with their own doctor and making a decision. It’s obvious that is not occurring.
@DLo, folks here spent a lot of this last year and a half analyzing the country and state data as well as WHO and CDC info. It’s not conspiracy theories. Folks here have a pretty deep understanding of the pandemic and it’s effects.
And they wonder why the vaccination rate is dropping!
With “stuff” like this going on, why bother risking the shot!!!
DLo: If I understand you correctly, your idea of someone being educated is that they came to the same conclusions you did. If they come to a different conclusion, then they are uneducated. Sounds right? And as far as your family doctor goes, all of their information is from the drug companies and government, not independent research. I recall once going to my doctor’s first appointment of the day, but before even my appointment a drug salesman was ushered in as if he were royalty. And at the end of my appointment, even though it had nothing to do with allergies, the doctor gave me a free sample of a nose spray for allergies with the same pharmaceutical name that was on the salesman’s briefcase.
@Captain, most of the people who post here have spent the last year stating Covid is a hoax, peddling unproven treatments, and are now spreading uninformed misinformation regarding the vaccines. None of it supported by data. So no, they don’t have a good handle on what is going on.
@To do list, where did i say that people needed to come to the same conclusion? I said that people should discuss with their doctor to get informed. There may be reasons why they can’t be vaccinated (allergic to vaccine components, immune compromised, etc.) and your doctor is in the best position to help you weigh your options. It’s unfortunate that you would believe someone like Robert F Kennedy, Jr or Tucker Carlson or Facebook over a medical professional just because you got some nasal spray one time at a doctor appointment.
Yes because peer pressure works🤣🤣🤣 Try again. I don’t owe you anything. My doctor said to wait until it’s actually approved by the fda. (Which it won’t be because there are cures available, per my doctor) So you can get your “professional” advice from the crackerjack box called CNN and the COVID clown tony “the aids fraud” fauci, but I will listen to my lifelong family doctor.
What the hell is wrong with you anyway? Who are you to be giving medical advice? Are you taking the liability for pushing drugs on random people? You sound like a lunatic who needs medication coming at this board sideways like that. Or are you just another shill spamming the interzonez with propaganda? My money is on the latter.
I am the only person who has called COVID a HOAX. When you say “most of the people here” you’re literally talking about ONLY me. I have never seen anyone else EVER say it’s a HOAX. You are spreading misinformation as there is only 1 person, and that is me. Get you stuff together before you come here spreading lies. And for the permanent record I will defend my position to my death because I know exactly what is at play. More are figuring it out daily but no one else has ever posted that the virus isn’t real. I can prove to you that COVID isn’t real and the vaccine isn’t real. But you will find out for yourself directly from fauci himself real soon. There is zero possibility that any of it is real except for the mass hysteria. You will see very soon. But for now sit down and keep that mask over your mouth. Try listening it’s all there if you close your face and listen.
Well, what do you expect from Trump supporters? I 100% guarantee that if Trump wouldn’t have sent out mixed messages and would have trusted the medical professionals instead of his “gut” COVID would be behind us and we wouldn’t have this political war over a freaking pandemic. Instead he played politics early on because blue states (which are more populous) were being hurt more and he cared more about the stock market than actual people. The amazing thing is that he could have easily won re-election if he would have treated COVID like a war. He could have called it the War on COVID and that would have united us all and he would be in the White House right now.
Trump is just a reflection of how stupid and willfully ignorant the right is. The right just continues to get dumber as they now have a war on education. Research has show that the more educated one is the more likely they are to be liberal. It’s the reason why the right is so gung-ho on defunding public education and vilifying experts who have spent decades in their field. They refuse to believe scientists, researchers, and medical professionals. Instead they want to believe some fringe people that have been disgraced in their field because it fits their narrative.
This just shows you how stupid the right wing is, they would rather die and deny medical facts than follow a Democrat. There’s a reason why Trump said he loves the poorly educated. I have never seen such a vile selfish group of people in my life. They only seem to take it serious when it personally affects themselves or a loved one. Even then, some are willing to die on a bed to give the middle finger to the liberals. I feel sorry for those that can’t receive the vaccine because of medical issues or because they are too young. I have ZERO empathy for these idiots that believe in conspiracy theories. You’re trying to tell me that the whole world is in on this conspiracy? That just shows how self absorbed they are.
I bet they also think the world is flat. Oh wait, I forgot, they need Trump or Tucker to tell them that first. The irony is that they love to call everyone else sheep.
So yeah, the quicker they die off the better off the rest of us will be. I just wish we could protect those that want to get the vaccine but can’t.and protect the poor children that have idiot parents
Sorry but you’re most Definitely not the 1st person or only person that has lied and called this a Hoax. There has been a number of people as well as saying it the day it happen. There was Zero peer pressure. People made up their minds on things just like you made up your mind on how you feel this stuff is fake. And by the way there is no cure for this. Because 1 doctor claims there is. There is no medicine to cure Covid. Hell there’s not anything to cure a common cold. Think about that for a sec. You’re just repeating what Donald Trump has said or almost a year. It’s pretty sad.
You’re also saying that who are you because how are you to give medical advice you have honestly done that so many times on here. You have said a number of times take off your mask go out no that is also giving medical advice. When Doctors, CdC and 99% of medical tell you to weather a mask. You’re saying not to. You’re going against doctors orders and telling people different.
You also say misinformation so many times by saying the lies of percents of people dying, how it’s fake. The only channel out of every channel on cable is Fox that says it’s a hoax and Donald Trump. That tells you exactly where you get your information how much they have a lot. Even if you don’t want to believe the other stations what about all of the other doctors out there besides your one doctor that says this is actually dangerous. That says no it’s not a 99.99% chance of living. Where the CDC comes out and says it. You have also said that this is a government ploy and that we’re all being controlled and everything like that. So tell me something what about all of the other countries including the ones that hate us and don’t want anything to do with the United States still had to shut down? Locked down just as bad as us? They have nothing to do with us yet they still did. The so called Hoax that you claim happen to the whole world. Not just the US.
I get you made up your mind and you’re really stubborn but let people believe what they want to believe you come across as this crazy person that wants to force everyone to believe what you believe with Zero evidence. If people want to wear masks because it makes them comfortable and feel more protected let them wear it if people like you don’t want to wear a mask and keep this going then that’s your choice but you can’t say anything if we go into lock down again or mask mandates.
Wrong. I don’t need anyone to tell me what to think. I have lived without television for over 30 years. My mind is clear. The last president I looked at or listened to was bill clinton. You fools think you know but you have no idea. Bacterial phenomena is caused by masks. Or so said fauci in 2008. You wonder why this hoax goes on and on in the media? What’s up with the pcr tests? You’re not worth my time. Enjoy your servitude. I will remain free as my mind is not owned.
@DLo, see my reply to you under the first post in this topic. The way this forum rolls up it is easy to get a reply under the wrong thread.
Watching anthonya faucci bob his head like a teenage girl while being served by Rand Paul today is some of the best political comedy I have ever seen. This 80 year old little person is such a fraud. Just wait till he’s charged with crimes against humanity. He will tell you it’s not real very soon. NOBODY wants to be charged with “creating” COVID. It is all made up. There is no virus.
@ ME
Couple of minor corrections. Just to help you out a bit …
These numbers are taken from the CDC.
Numbers based on following: ~328M in US, ~34M cases, ~609K deaths. This yields of a CFR of 1.8%, so not quite 99.9, it is 98.2% survival rate.
The CDC is now recommending (https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-ncov/vaccines/fully-vaccinated-guidance.html), that fully vaccinated people do NOT need to wear a mask, can resume domestic travel without quarantine, refrain from testing unless symptomatic … so you might want to revisit some of your statements. Our little dictator and his ‘health idiots (ghouly) have other plans for us .. we know that.
The misinformation coming from the left on COVID HOAX is treasonous. Me, dlo, and pyrrus are peddling completely insane garbage. There are absolutely cures for COVID HOAX. Proven, documented, cures are fully available and have been used to treat this strain of phenomena since day one. They are straight lying. I don’t know how anyone could be so stupid as to believe anything these fools are saying. Total lies. My Dr is not Donald Trump. My Dr said there are cures and to not take the vaccine until the FDA approves it. My Dr is better then your Dr. Cry more libs
They found the vaccine is not very reliable… go figure
Most of the new cases are from unvaccinated people. So what are you talking about?
Cry more chuq. It’s music to my ears.
Think this is bad?
Remasking is only the beginning.
Ya ain’t seen nuthin yet.
I agree with Dawg. Keep letting the illegals in and they will destroy what we have built. The money that the government is throwing at them is unbelieveable and needs to stop. Just come here and get everything free and suck the US dry.
Yet another example of corruption in our system.
Recall Newsom.
Sam Malone….seems to me the only job “illegals” have is that of farmworkers, maids, gardeners….Why don’t you go to a farm and replace that “illegal”, or go to a hot kitchen and take over the job of washing dishes, I’m sure the “illegal” would miss that job. How about cleaning houses? Now that’s a career people are crying about losing….Then we have gardeners, you’ll get to work out in the hot sun 365 days a year. No, illegals are not taking our jobs, they are doing the jobs “American’s” refuse to do.
What about the many thousands of jobs in the construction trades that are stolen by ILLEGAL ALIENS who are willing to work for a fraction of what legal taxpaying citizens can afford to work for, and then steal even more from taxpayers by cheating the welfare system.
I believe you may not have considered everything.
Illegals have completely taken over the carpenters union and are in the process of taking over the rest of the unions. You have no idea what you’re talking about. You’re a racist for saying illegals are farm workers, house keepers, and gardeners. Why are democrats so racist?
In a month and five days three people in the county have died of covid. We don’t know what their age or their condition was. Since this tragedy started two children in the county have died under eighteen and we don’t know what their condition was.
Glad to see you coming around.