Home » WCPD: Four Shot, One Dead In Walnut Creek

WCPD: Four Shot, One Dead In Walnut Creek


The following information is from the Walnut Creek Police Dept.:

Date / Time Occurred: July 18, 2021/ 1:37AM

Location: SOS Drive near N. Main Street


Crime: Homicide

The Walnut Creek Police Department is investigating a homicide in the early hours of July 18, 2021.

Police received multiple 911 calls reporting shots fired at approximately 01:37 AM on SOS Drive near N. Main Street.

Officers arrived to find four gunshot victims, with one deceased at the scene. The other three victims were transported to a local hospital where they are receiving treatment.


This is an active investigation. Details will be released as they are available.

If anyone has information regarding this incident, please call Detective Gerstner at 925-256-3578.

photo credit: Craig Cannon

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I guess the SOS wasnt sent out fast enough.
Haven’t gone down that street in years but that used to be the drug buying/$elling area.

SOS drive is one you don’t hang around after dark..

It’s time to refund the police.

They were either leaving SpoonTonic or the Brothels.

Is SpoonTonic still open? Years ago my friend, who had moved here from NJ, took me. It was like a speakeasy. He knew of the place after hanging out with bartenders and servers at BackForty, who’d go there after their shifts. Odd location, but quite the party. He has since moved to another party town, Miami. Anyway, not to make light of a shooting and someone being killed. I was just curious.

Must be a turf fight between the several massage parlors on that street.

Near or at the Spoontonic Lounge according to another source.

A few years ago that would net a sentence of 50 years to life (25 for the murder and 25 for the use of the gun), I hope that hasn’t changed.

Welcome Chief Knox.

108RS is 10-8.

No one should be surprised. WCPD on stand down since Miles Hall, which was a good shooting. A wimpy city council and a pro-crime DA.


Miles Hall left a legacy all right and its very bad.
The Police need to stand up against the old lady council or WC residents will start doing the job for them.
Enough is enough with the trash that comes to visit.

Criminals are being allowed to do as they please. Racism is being used as the scapegoat. Enough. Stop the crime does not matter their race. They don’t get a pass if they are a particular color. Liberals stop.

Is Walnut Creek missing a paddle? Talk about going downhill fast. Yikes.

+1 unfortunately

Welcome to the new -woke, politically correct- Walnut Creek!


If you own a nightclub that attracts maggots, then you need to hire plenty of extra security to handle these problems and be prepared with metal detectors and pat downs and drug sniffing pups. It’s ugly out there!
They closed Crogans for this and then City Council went back to bed.

But…the Police need reform? Society, especially certain segments, need reform.

Can’t have that. Liberals will call it racism. Instead, we must allow our society to continue to fail in the vein of “fairness” and “equality.” And then blame it on the police. SMH.

Real estate in Walnut Creek is going to start having a lot of new listings soon.

It actually doesn’t seem to be affecting real estate in Walnut Creek. Most are pending in days, and going for hundreds of thousands over asking.

We have 7 houses currently up for sale in our neighborhood alone. We plan on moving out of state when the time is right.

I read a business story last week that said there will be a lot of new listings in the near future because the price of housing was going up so fast, potential sellers were keeping their houses off the market to take advantage of it.

Drive on N Main all of the time never heard of the Spoontonic Lounge. This will be interesting. So far two dead in Walnut Creek this year neither a Walnut Creek resident or murdered by a Walnut Creek resident. My money is that it won’t change with this one.

This has more to do with what WC allows as a business in the city than anything the police can do.

Spoontonics has operated for years without this kind of incident.
Violent people in the new social climate are the problem.

Are you are referring to the visitors from west county?

You might say that or you could say East county also.

Former Oakland residents miving out here because Oakland has gotten too rough for them. They bring their problems and violence right along with them. Unfortunately, “whereever you go, there you are.”


We need more police with the ability to DO THEIR JOBS. The whole “protect criminals” era needs to come to an end. Tough DA and tougher sentences need to be a priority. Otherwise this will be a weekly occurrence


@Up Th Creek,
Exactly my thoughts! Next election, let’s put a LOT of pressure on our representatives to help get tough on crime or take a hike. That needs to be on the top of the list, for once. I fully support our police departments. It has to be hard, watching the criminals get off easy.

Must be some aspiring rappers looking for inspiration.

Or looking to make a reputation?

All residents and legal businesses on SOS drive have one hour to vacate the area. Next up comes the Fuel/Air bomb followed by redeveloping the area into a fully staffed state of the art Police Station. Boom! MoJo for City Council!

You have my vote!

How did this happen? Isn’t open and concealed carry illegal in California?! This just isn’t possible!

The more leftist policies WC approves, and the bigger push to “social” (and socialist) issues…the more this will happen.

I’ve lived here over 30 years…WC and surrounding Contra Costa has taken a nose dive the last 5 years.

@Tiered – What “leftist policy” legalized murder and shootings? What “social issues” do you contend make gun violence more prevalent.

I don’t follow your logic?


Leftist social policy:

Calling cops murderers while allowing rioters to bully any opposition into silence. There is a reason why Hall’s family was semi-quietly paid out, and it wasn’t because they were in the wrong. It was riot blood money.

Prop 47 and bail “reform.” Essentially legalize petty crime, and then make sure it is difficult to keep the worst offenders in jail. You know what petty criminals often end up doing? They move onto harder crimes.

Cops pull back because the politicians dont have their back. Fewer traffic stops, less proactive policing means bolder criminals, fewer illegal weapons found in car searches, etc.

Soros DA who declined to prosecute crimes for social and racial reasons. Equity doctrine means disproportionate rates of arrest and imprisonment are evidence of racism. Since races don’t commit crime at proportionate rates, they balance the numbers through the justice system instead. More criminals on the street.

Opposite of Broken Windows policing. Letting any and all “minor” crimes go in the name of compassion and equity means the relative few scumbags who commit the majority of crimes see a giant green light, and move on to bigger and badder things.

It amazes me how the left owns this state, makes radical changes to ethics and law that go against history and human nature, and then cries foul when anyone points out that maybe that has an effect on society.

Larry – more gun laws? …. criminals don’t adhere to the ones we have, does anybody think more laws will be any different deterrent?

Thank you Wage Slave and Randy

Good question Larry. Asked, and now answered.

POS newsom let all the prisoners out due to “THE COVID”.
What did he think was going to happen? They all get jobs and be useful???

~Yes, yes, a million times yes~

Yeah that’s definitely not the same shooting. The link you posted is 5 years old and was at an entirely different bar in WC….. Please read articles in full before you post them. There has NOT been arrest made regarding Saturday Night’s Shooting at SPOONTONICS.

Wow, CNN could use a correspondent like WC.

I’ve never heard of Spoontonic Lounge, so I checked Google and noticed in 2019 they were promoting “Hip Hop Whiskey Wednesdays.”

I don’t know the details of this shooting, but if this is the kind of crowd they are catering to, is it any wonder? Find me a hip hop night where there is NOT a shooting.

This is how that group socializes, it’s nothing personal.

Love the way the WCPD keeps the news to themselves. This is not a national security issue. How about an update.

busy brushing under the dusty old City Hall Council rug, again.

I’ll just say some of us who live here do have a CCW and are not afraid to take the law into our own hands protecting ourselves, family and innocent bystanders.Maybe if a few of them get put in the ground the rest may have second thoughts if they like to keep breathing. Just saying…..

Another night in the Ghetto.

Details will be released as they are available. Must be one complicated case.



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