Home » Two East Bay Women Suspected Of Stealing Over $13,000 In Jeans, Merchandise

Two East Bay Women Suspected Of Stealing Over $13,000 In Jeans, Merchandise


Two East Bay women suspected of stealing $13,200 worth of jeans, medications and other goods as part of an organized retail theft ring were arrested last week in Vacaville.

Coreneshia Brooks, 25, of Antioch and Jazell Young, 25, of Richmond allegedly hit a True Religion outlet store in the Vacavile Premium Outlets mall on Nut Tree Road shortly before 3 p.m. July 12, police said in a social media post.

Staff reported to police that two women grabbed stacks of jeans — True Religion and Levi’s brands — and made off with 80 pairs valued at more than $8,700.

Police started looking for the suspects, who were spotted driving away in a white Ford Focus.


Officers scoured traffic cameras and found the car, but were surprised to see the vehicle circle back to the same retail area.

A short time later, employees at the Target store on Harbison Drive called police to report two women had just stolen baby formula and were leaving in a white four-door car. The suspects’ descriptions matched the women connected to the theft at True Religion, police said.

When officers caught up to the Ford as it started to leave the parking lot near Target they told the driver, Brooks, to pull over and she complied.

The suspects were taken into custody and a search of the car turned up stacks of jeans, along with
stolen Target items worth more than $4,500, that included baby formula, children’s clothing and several over-the-counter medications, according to police.


Investigators say Brooks is suspected in numerous prior thefts from Target stores in at least 30 different cities across 11 counties, with an estimated loss of over $74,000.

Brooks and Young were booked into the Solano County Jail on suspicion of crimes relating to shoplifting, possession of stolen property and organized retail theft.

Brooks also found to have an outstanding warrant for her arrest out of San Joaquin County regarding organized retail theft and grand theft.

Anyone with more information about the case is asked to contact Officer K. Sullivan at 707-469-4857.

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…. probably out already …. let’s see them fully prosecuted.

72 hr hold plus out of county warrants? I mean maybe.

How about a picture !

Don’t need one. You know.

Just more of the 13% doing what they do best!! Anybody surprised?!?

This kind of racist drivel is allowed to fly here?
Is the owner of claycord racist as well?
Should we find out?

This better not be another catch and release. She and her co thief deserve big time jail time. Plus stoppage of any and all government benefits not to mention paying them back.


An example of a new CA sanctioned redistribution of wealth program put in place by the Dems…

Oh you Repubs crack me up, cause crime doesn’t exist when Red is in charge? Lol Drought is also because of Gavin too right?! Lol Keep reaching..

Brig – I don’t think anyone would blame Newsom of causing the drought but he is still demonstrating the lack of leadership (as Brown did for 12 yrs) in not doing anything to conserve rain water or build desalination plants – he has these BILLIONS of our surplus $$ …. was any devoted to build these? I bet the answer is nooooooooo … he sure used a lot of it for giveaways though

Newsome: $12 billion to homeless vs $2 billion for wildfires & $5.1 billion for drought support.

What are his priorities?

Brig, can you please cite some examples of Republican DA’s refusing to prosecute crimes ala Becton, Boudin in SF and Gascon in LA?

I wonder if Solano County has a DA.

CCC certainly doesn’t.

Yes, they are most likely out of jail by now.

The definitions of right and wrong have been skewered.

That’s what the average CA voter voted for, along with Dominion computers.

People shouldn’t complain, they are getting what they wanted.

LoL! They’ve already been arrested.
I’m actually surprised the authorities were even willing to identify them as women…
You want to know what they look like?
They look like Coreneshia Brooks, 25, of Antioch and Jazell Young, 25, of Richmond.
Use your imagination.

Dr.J: see my post above for the details.

“Without threat of a substantial period of incarceration,
there is no deterrence of criminal activity.”

“Target stores in at least 30 different cities across 11 counties…”

Since loss prevention can’t seem to protect merchandise from shopping without dollars crowd, makes one wonder how that company makes up for loss in profit? Can’t imagine an insurance company writing a policy for this magnitude of “shrinkage”.

An can’t remember last time hearing of a county DA publicizing a Felony conviction of and a multi year sentence for, one of the shopping without dollars crowd.

Here’s the thing, Prop 47, soft on crime politicians and rhetoric from officers of the court, who passed a Bar exam who now talk of “equity” … etc.
Criminals see and hear all that and,

“To the getaway car, let’s go shopping!”

I was going to say the DA won’t prosecute, but then I noticed a lot of negative press about Solano County DA Krishna A. Abrams and realized if the media doesn’t like her, she must be for law and order, unlike our own Soros-funded DA, Diana Becton.

Hopefully, Abrams will throw the book at them.

Soros must think winning Solano County is futile, as Abrams ran unopposed last election cycle.

I’ll bet the “usual suspects” are video stars on a lot store cameras. The Covid mask won’t help them.

Throw the book at these thieves. This is one reason why prices go up and who the hell do they think they are anyway? I’m sorry but these women need to be prosecuted to the highest extent of the law. Let’s see their pictures so they can be humiliated and the public knows who to watch out for!

They wouldn’t have taken anything if they didn’t really need it.
This is a slam-dunk case of racism and white supremacy.
AOC & Sharpton…….we need you!

Tongue in cheek, I hope.

As victims, they may be undergoing jean therapy

Oh brig
Crime does exist everywhere
You are soooo right ty

The thing is democrats don’t prosecute it
They condone it
Encourage it
Pass laws to make it legal
Place Officials that that will also follow the dem agenda of pro crime
They refuse to keep prisoners in prison
They are releasing thousands of felons
They are reducing police forces
They are chastising police for doing their jobs
Pro crime dem councils are placing police captains that follow dem agendas
They are allowing riots and occupation sites
They are flooding the streets with bums and
Denying American citizens low income housing
Or can you tell me where you have seen a homeless illegal
No the guys in front of home depot are not homeless
They all illegals to abuse or systems designed for American citizens
Sucking up our tax dollars
Or are you pro higher taxes to pay for anyone who rolls in

And in that case are you going to place tiny homes in your yard to house them

If you can answer any one of these questions then maybe someone will take you serious

Other wise you must not know free speech doesn’t exist in a
democrat socialist communist natzi fauci regime

Or are you not pro censorship

Again we as Americans approve your free speech

It general your comments that we are saying crime is only in dem states
Is not free speech it is dem rhetoric and deflection from the topic and concerns of American citizens

Americans are very tolerant and accepting

One thing that is most important in a civilized society is safety and controlled crime and controlled bummage to stop the spread of diseases

Again your precious insight is needed to further a balanced society

That in itself is the second racist remark. Their race is not relevant!
These crimes are becoming to be very prolific. This hurts the consumer because their prices are going up to pay for the store’s loss of products.

You’re wrong. Race becomes relevant when these crimes are perpetrated by a certain race at a disproportionate rate.

If you believe everybody gets released and is never brought to court then why don’t you go out and shoplift some goods you need? Learn first hand how easy the criminals have it.

Why is race always brought up but never their economic status?

Probably because it’s difficult to ascertain the economic status of people who don’t work or pay taxes.

Seriously, the reality of it is the George Soros purchased DA’s don’t consider economic status when choosing to prosecute or release. Their metric is one of race.

Popcorn – stealthy mama didn’t identify the race. You made the assumption based on her comment.

You’re the damn racist! Democrats keep projecting their biases onto others.

Try again, snowflake. You and the other racists on this blog ought to get together to celebrate Feb 25 for his racist rant (“…what you whites don’t understand…”).

Mr. Popcorn is right…. race isn’t relevant!
It is mere coincidence that 98 % of the time these grab & dash crimes are committed by people of one specific race & that does not matter, not a bit.
We are all the same and will be held equally to account under one law!
Well….. except for certain Presidential candidates, DOJ & FBI officials that is… the rest of us on the lower tier of justice will answer to our crimes regardless of race,sex, religion, etc. we are all the same…. and allowing for some exceptions where alternate national anthems are required, the only Lives that Matter being racially qualified and better not forget those special hiring practices that prefer one sex or race over another for “Diversity” or easy government loans for businesses owned by once race versus the other….
you know, America… Like Abe said “conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal”
He freed the slaves, tho he did try to send them all to south America.
But like Popcorn said… race isn’t irrelevant…. and that’s enough about that!

Neither one of them show in custody at the solano county jail and most likely were released immediately to do it again and again…..

Get a rope and find a tall Oak Tree.

Jeans were all Size 52……!

+1 “Size 52” …… or bigger!?!

“Way to go, dumbass.”
Red Foreman

You Californians crack me up!!

You all jump on the citizens committing theft like you’re tough on crime, but never vote out the thieves ripping you off at a much more grand scale, the politicians of a one-party rule system. HA HA you can have it. Glad I moved to a location that sees this S coming from a mile away. Stop whining!



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