Home » Thunderstorms May Come To Bay Area This Weekend, With Chance Of Dry Lightning

Thunderstorms May Come To Bay Area This Weekend, With Chance Of Dry Lightning


Thunderstorms with chances of dry lightning might make their way to the Bay Area on Sunday and Monday, according to the National Weather Service.

As mid-level moisture makes its way across the Central Coast and Bay Area, upper-level disturbance from British Columbia will cause a lobe of energy to hit the region from the northwest, the weather service said Thursday. This might bring thunderstorms and chances of dry lightning.

The chances of dry lightning are low, but it can be a concern for starting wildfires if it strikes near dry brush throughout the region. The weather service does not anticipate that the conditions will bring about a fire similar to the Lightning Complex fires that struck the Bay Area in August 2020.

Bay Area residents can check the latest forecasts at www.weather.gov/BayArea.


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EBRPD has their solution for getting low-cost fuel reduction right here. Dry lighting should get them off to a good* start.

if they start fires will joe and gavin be able to blame global climate change?


If they don’t blame it on that, they’ll probably blame it on racism.

This happens every so often when monsoonal air currents spin in from the desert southwest or when Pacific hurricanes break up west of Baja California.
This is typical when conditions and circumstances are just right.
The climate alarmists should shut your pie holes on this phenomenon.

Uh, the article mentions it’s due to an upper level disturbance from British Columbia. Climate change is a very complicated issue and I know people who have worked on it. I’m wary of anyone hyping “global warming” because present science says that may not be the case.

Of course we may not see anything as the “heat wave” last weekend didn’t turn out to be as big a deal as predicted.

Bottom line: you never know what a cloud may do. 🙂

And the firefighting jets are grounded for lack of jet fuel.

What if we could somehow harness this lightening, and channel it into a flux capacitor…🤔

why do we need a government managed weather website? There are channels and multiple websites dedicated to weather, that presumably do not use tax payer money to manage.

The GOV site appears to be ad-free. That’s something I guess.

Love those types of storms! It’s definitely not like Texas storms though.

The lightning is coming for the george kerby floyd murals. Watch out Martinez.



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