Home » Concord Resident Arrested After Assault, Armed Robbery – Illegal Weapons Seized

Concord Resident Arrested After Assault, Armed Robbery – Illegal Weapons Seized


On July 13, 2021, Pleasant Hill Police investigated a domestic violence aggravated assault and armed robbery that occurred in the 2200 block of Contra Costa Blvd.

Investigators determined the suspect’s location at a residence in Alamo. Based on the high risk nature of the armed and dangerous suspect, the Central Contra Costa County SWAT team was called-in for the service of these warrants.

On July 15, 2021, Pleasant Hill Police detectives and the Central Contra Costa County Regional SWAT team served the warrants at the Alamo residence and the suspect was taken into custody without incident. During a search of the residence, police say multiple illegally possessed firearms were recovered, including three assault rifles currently banned under California law.


In addition, several federally banned gun components were recovered, according to police.

The suspect was booked into the Martinez Detention Facility.

The suspect’s name was not released, but police did say he’s a 48-year-old resident of Concord.

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Anyone else think it’s wiser to be low key and act cool when you have a cache of illegal weapons? Seems pretty stupid to commit a domestic assault and robbery when you’re violating multiple Federal statutes.

Is he out on no charge bail yet?

This picture is a sample of what many people have in their collections everywhere.
Illegal weapons…that makes little difference to many and when you think you know your neighbors well, you better think again you probably have no idea what they have in their homes.
Honestly this picture and story doesn’t surprise me at all not does it worry me what’s out there that the cops don’t find.

Nothing on that table is necessarily illegal. It depends on when the items were purchased and their configuration. The AR-15 at the top right, for instance, is configured as a pistol, which is perfectly legal in California. The hi-cap magazine are also legal if they were purchased in April 2019. Most likely the owner was a felon in possession of a firearm, which makes those items illegal for him to own, personally.

Yeah, I don’t see anything that screams illegal to me, federally anyway. The AKs and AR are most likely banned in CA unless they were registered 20 years ago, due to the evil features and lack of mag fixing device. The mags may be pinned to ten rounds, or they may date to judge Benitez’ freedom week. The pistol AR has no stock or vertical grip, so it’s not an SBR. I particularly like how they put a bunch of spare grips and stocks, as well as a couple of stripped lowers, as if those are going to kill someone.

If he is a felon in possession of a gun(s) and/or has committed a violent assault, that is enough. No need to Trump up stuff with a bunch of gun stuff that is mostly nothing.

I’m assuming the “buffer tube” on the AK is part of an adjustable stock, which means it’s a rifle. Since it also has a pistol grip, I’m not seeing how that one is legal.

Chicken Little,

The AR has to have a buffer tube/reciever extension to function. This one lacks the portion on the bottom that aligns and sets the length of pull for an adjustable stock. It is a pistol only tube, you’d have to put on a rifle buffer tube to mount a stock.

@Chicken Little – AR-15 pistols are legal in CA. This company sells them: https://bit.ly/2UolIUu

Hunter – I think you mean CA-DOJ. FBI no care. There are tens of thousands of fully-featured AR-15s and hi-cap mags still in California. The rifles had to be registered by January 2000, IIRC. SB23 from 1999 made it so.

Over the years, I have read that 10% were registered at the very most. Some say 5%. The vast majority did not register them, which is the right thing to do.

I’d be surprised if that AR pistol is legally configured, it would need to have a fixed magazine or some goofy break-action single shot reload function etc. It’s possible but unlikely considering it’s owned by a criminal.

A run-of-the-mill AR pistol is not CA legal because you can’t have a pistol with a magazine that inserts outside of the grip in CA (for safety, of course).

I’m going to take make a SWAG and say when PHPD ran the AR Pistol’s serial number the Dealer Report of Sale said it was sold as an AR Rifle.

It was then illegally converted into a Short Barrel Rifle as defined under Title II of the Gun Control Act of 1968 as there is no record of a tax stamp purchase in the Federal Data Base for that serial number and even if there was, it is illegal to possess under California Penal Code 33215 .

Occom’s razor for all you armchair defense attorneys in the audience.

“Illegally possessed”. Could be some weapons were stolen, could be the suspect is a felon. Could be the weapons have been modified in such a way that is not obvious in this photo.

So are you guys are cool with domestic violence, that says a lot.

Legal minimum length for AR barrel in CA is 16”.

Nobody is cool with domestic violence, but free to make stuff up if it promotes your agenda.

– No one said they are cool with domestic violence. If you’re going to accuse people of being cool with domestic violence, you better have proof. I don’t see it, so you’re just being a jerk or projecting.


There’s plenty of people in South Africa that wish they had that small collection right about now. Not that our media is reporting on it.

Glad he’s off the streets. Living with all those rich execs and athletes in Alamo. Crazy. You think money buys you a good location. Never know who your neighbor may be.

Could be on the north side near Walnut Tweek…. Jaywalkers, litter bugs… the dregs of suburbia.

That is absolutely nuts! Not far from my neck of the woods. It is creepy to think people have all those weapons and ammo. Not only criminals but normal people too. The only weapon I have is a sling shot and my kitchen knives I guess. Those could be lethal too. Geesh!

He lives in Concord.

@ Popcorn ~ If you ever really have to defend yourself, your best hope of survival will be that your assailant dies laughing.


Hate to tell you this, but it is illegal to own a slingshot in Walnut Creek, it’s in the city codes. Actually, I contacted the city attorney and had Big 5 take them out of the store.


He’s WAY low on Ammo…

Ammo shortage has affected everyone including the people in Alamo LOL

Please inform yourself about SB 262 which eliminates All bail for misdemeanors and bail for most felonies, If you are concerned about repeat criminals, tell your state Assembly representative not to pass SB 262. Without public feedback it will be passed into law. A recent court decision sets bail at what is reasonable for the individual defendant, so there is not need to completely remove bail. Without bail there will be many who will not show for their hearing or will commit crime after being charged and released, and the hearing.

I’ve been to multiple gun stores in multiple States I’ve never seen an aisle that says assault rifle or assault weapon and that’s because it’s a made-up term by democrats there is no such thing.

That’s because what the gun grabbers call “assault rifles” are simply semi-auto rifles that look like real assault rifles. True assault rifles are by definition select-fire (meaning they can be fired in semi-auto and fully-automatic modes.)

Which one of those is most likely to jump up from the table and shoot people?

What part of “shall not be infringed” is so hard for you bucket heads to understand? I could own a fully nuclear fighter jet if I could afford it. You looney lefties are so irrational. Sure would like to know WHY you take your constitutional rights for granted.

Seriously? So there are no limits on the Bill of Rights?

So if I were to falsely accuse you of say being a pedophile or a practicer of incest all I would have to say is it is my right of Free Speech and all is forgiven? Slander or libel are just antiquated ideas and there is no way for you to seek redress?

People should be able to possess child porn?

A felon, someone mentally infirm, a juvenile or a person convicted of violence should be able to lawfully have firearms?

Deputies and Correctional officers should write warrants before searching prisoner’s person or cells while in custody?

Sorry Sam, the Dude cannot abide.

@Janus where in the constitution does it say you can own child porn? Maybe you should brush up on the constitution. And yes, the first amendment let’s you say all those things. Would you rather have someone regulate your speech? If so move to Canada. They lock up people for using wrong pronouns.

Of course there is redress, it’s called suing for slander or libel. However you can only sue if you suffered a financial loss caused by the slander.

There are laws against child porn and protections of minors involved.

The “mental illness” argument is floppy as gayness was considered a mental illness up until a few years ago. It’s a very slippery slope letting “medical professionals” determine who is “fit” to have rights and who is not.

And when in custody, your rights are suspended while incarcerated.

This is typical gaslighting, these are simple questions. Try harder to convince me we shouldn’t have rights. I don’t understand why reactionary lefties are so irrational. If you don’t like freedoms, why not just move to china? Why would you want to stay here in the land of the free and the home of the brave? It appears you really hate this country and it’s offerings.

So Sam what happened to “shall not be infringed” argument for the looney lefties?

Where in the Constitution does it say a person gives up their rights while in pre-trail custody or upon conviction?

Where in the Constitution does it say I can be sued for lying in my speech which includes verbal and in writing?

How is it permissible for States and Congress to place limits on the 1st and 4th Amendments protections but somehow not be allowed to limit the 2nd Amendment?

No Amendment is absolute.

@ Tired Californian you cannot possess child porn and that was my point. In New York v. Ferber,1390 the SCOTUS recognized child porn was category of expression that is outside the coverage of the First Amendment.

You don’t realize it but your speech is regulated. Ever heard of the expression you cannot yell “Shouting fire in a crowded theater” before? Now you know what it means.

That’s only an expression. You actually CAN shout fire in a crowded theater. There is no law prohibiting it and it’s a foolish comparison. Not to say it is a good thing to do, it’s just not illegal.

Your questions stink of desperation. Like I said you can sue for libel if someone’s speech caused you to lose money. You actually don’t give up your rights upon conviction. You are illegally stripped of them. It is a highly debated topic. It’s not permissible. Stop gaslighting.

The “no amendment is absolute” is a current argument for subverting the constitution. Try harder lib. I know my rights.

It’s NONE of my business what my neighbors have, those who are foolish get what they deserve!

Juan Sanchez Rodriguez Martinez deserves to be a US citizen. LOL I know, totally not PC be true.

Juan Sanchez Rodriguez Martinez deserves to be a US citizen. LOL I know, totally not PC but true.

Nice-looking old bayonet.
Does anybody know what it is?
I bet it doesn’t fit any weapon on that table.
If I had ambition, I’d look it up myself, but I’m lazy tonight.

Was looking at that myself. Looks like a 1907 pattern Lee Enfield SMLE bayonet with quillon. I would actually rather like to have one for mine. They are worth some bucks if it is original.and not a reproduction.

I’m gonna be honest here. All the guys I’ve ever met who own more then one gun- have larger collections then that. I don’t know anyone with banana clips because I don’t know criminals we just shoot in the legal forest areas but AR-15s and AKs are not uncommon locked in your neighbor’s safes. Yes your neighbor… Just preparing for the apocalypse and foot shortages. I’ve only owned a .22 target handgun but I’ve trained myself on all sorts of firearms. A cheap shotgun in your closet is a great idea if you don’t have children in the house.

Nothing worse than short feet in a wind storm or swimming contest.

What exactly is illegal? Why was his house searched if all they had was a warrant for his arrest? Sounds fishy.

They served more than one warrant.

I laugh everytime some expert tells me AR-15, the AR means Assault Rifle.
Really are people really that stupid and gullible.

It actually stands for “Annoying Recoil” from that twanging spring in the buttstock.

I take the table and chairs to be Danish Modern c. 1990s -2000ish, probably from Scandinavian Designs.

I was admiring the furniture. The drapes look older though and may well be from the 1980s.



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