Home » State To Release Updated School Guidance, Continue Requiring Masks Indoors On Campuses

State To Release Updated School Guidance, Continue Requiring Masks Indoors On Campuses


State public health officials announced Friday that they will release updated guidance for the fall school semester next week encouraging schools to return to full in-person classes.

The California Department of Public Health plans to issue its updated school guidance on Monday with an emphasis on COVID-19 testing support for schools and safety measures like wearing face coverings indoors.

The CDPH’s announcement followed the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention’s announcement Friday that it will support full, in-person schooling for the fall semester and that it will not require face coverings for fully vaccinated students and staff or at least 3 feet of distance between students within classrooms.

The CDPH, however, will require students and staff to continue wearing face coverings indoors, regardless of vaccination status, to “ensure that all kids are treated the same.”


“At the outset of the new year, students should be able to walk into school without worrying about whether they will feel different or singled out for being vaccinated or unvaccinated — treating all kids the same will support a calm and supportive school environment,” state Health and Human Services Secretary Dr. Mark Ghaly said in a statement.

To help fund the state’s school system, Gov. Gavin Newsom also signed a funding package Friday that will allocate nearly $124 billion to support expanded afterschool and summer learning programs, increase school staff sizes and make pre-kindergarten available for free for all of the state’s 4-year-olds by 2025.

“This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to invest in California’s future and expand opportunities for every child across the state,” Newsom said in a statement.

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it will never end


I agree. These fools are now using pop psychology to justify their increasingly authoritarian edicts.

Forcing masks on students will not create a “calm and supportive school environment”. It will instead create a tense, uncomfortable environment.

Other states are using common sense. Florida Governor Ron DeSantis announced he is ending mask mandates for children: “We need to be able to let them be kids and let them act normally.” https://bit.ly/3wvLdAf

Why has COVID-19 become political instead of a health issue. Trump wants credit for the development of the vaccines. Hannity suggested the vaccine be named after Trump. Now FOX news is preaching against it along with a bunch of GOP politicians. Which is it?

At CPAC South Dakota Gov. Kristi Noem questioned the grit and instinct of fellow GOP governors who enacted Covid-19 measures like mask mandates and business closures to stop the spread of the virus in their states last year. Yet her state ranks 10th in the number of deaths and third in the number of infections.

“remember” is correct. This will never end as long as we treat COVID-19 as politics.

Why would anyone not do all they can to protect the children?

“Why would anyone not do all they can to protect the children?”

Well, the very first vaccine was administered December 15, 2020. So at this point we have had a WHOLE SEVEN MONTHS to observe potential “long term” side effects. People ARE doing what they deem prudent to protect the children.

Please tell me MDUSD is on board to completely reopen this upcoming year…..

That’s what they say… but don’t count your chickens before they hatch. Also, they are the most incompetent school district. Don’t trust them to teach your chilren.

There are millions of people who have worked through this pandemic, now it’s time for the teachers to go to work and teach our kids. Enough of zoom and this online crap already. Science says the transmission from kids to adults is low so it truly is time to open up our schools.

Our extended family have all discussed this and all 12 of our grandkids withing 4 families are going to continue to be homeschooled. Between Covid rules constantly changing and the crap they are pushing in school the past many years it’s a no brainer to keep em out indefinitely.
All 8 spouses will work from home and dont plan on every going back to the jobs they had. Interesting all these years most office workers dont need to ever go in to work.

The CDPH is so ‘wishy-washy’ with their guidance…they are following CDC guidance about masks and those vaccinated but then go on to say however, “will require students and staff to continue wearing face coverings indoors, regardless of vaccination status, to “ensure that all kids are treated the same.”

….it’s now about feelings and being treated the same…where’s the science!

This is to the poster, Chris Campos, who recently said that “Biden didn’t say they would go door-to-door”, when in fact Biden did say that. Chris accused Fox News/Trump trolls of spreading BS fear-mongering. Well, Chris, HERE is the real BS fear-mongering…….putting a mask on a child, and even worse….a vaccinated child.

Home school in pods is the only answer. Critical race theory to divide them all. These communists will never stop. Put them out of business.

Holy cow

Do you have a problem with the truth? That’s a problem you could easily fix by opening your eyes

Totally agree!!

Treat all kids equally by lifting the mask mandate. None of them get Covid none of them get sick none of them die. Show them some respect for once.

Opportunists are pushing for masks. The science does not support masks.

However, political science does support mask wearing as a control measure. This is disgusting.

CA only wants to bring things down to the lowest common denominator. That is why our education system sucks. They don’t want kids to be free. They don’t want them to think. And, heaven forbid they are smart children. No programs to help support that because it is not “fair” to the dumb kids. SMDH. F MDUSD especially.

to “ensure that all kids are treated the same.” And I am guessing they will all get the same grades during the school year so all the children will be treated the same and they won’t feel left out. I am happy I only have maybe another good 20 years remaining before I go to the bone orchard. This state and country is going to hell fast.

“I only have maybe another good 20 years remaining before I go to the bone orchard” lol thaqnks for the laugh

The CDPH’s rationale for requiring all students to wear masks indoors in the coming school year, regardless of their vaccination status, is “to ensure that all kids are treated the same.” Just think about that sophomoric “logic” for a minute. That means that so long as there is a single unvaccinated student in a school, no other students will be allowed to benefit from their parents’ decision to have them vaccinated. Think: Forever. All of this supposedly in the interest of fairness. How fair is such a policy to the vaccinated students? Unbelievable.

Next up? The will go after Burger King for allowing you to have it YOUR way. All burgers must be served Kim Jong Un style, so get used to it!

This is ridiculous! My fully vaccinated children should not be forced to wear a mask all day.

This is an absolute joke and completely unnecessary! Masking these children, vaccinated or not, is completely unnecessary based on all the “science” these people claim to be following. They think these kids “will feel different or singled out for being vaccinated or unvaccinated…” What about the long term problems? Social and academic. Oh, I forgot, that’s what they’re hoping for—generations dependent on the government’s help.

Take your kids out and teach them yourself. Public school has absolutely nothing to offer other then child care for lazy parents.

We all know there was never any “science” to this. Ony the dumbos still believe that rubbish. Too bad there are a lot of dub folks out there… that is what CA and the government wants. People who can’t think, repetitively stick out their hands, and vote for whoever is going to give the most “free” stuff.

@Sam public school is for lazy parents? You mean parents who each have full time jobs to feed and shelter their kids? Sit down before you hurt yourself.

Truth hurts? Suck it up buttercup. Try putting your kids before your car payment.

Sam has some of the worse post on here. Saying for lazy parents? That is ridiculous. What Tired say is right. People have jobs. You make kids lazy by home schooling. They don’t have to wake up until later and barely any homework.

Put your kids before your car payment? I knew your post became ridiculous but after that you shouldn’t be posting on here. Let me ask you this question, what happens if you can’t pay your car? You don’t have a car anymore and then you can’t go to work then you can’t feed your kid. Then you have no home. You really need to think before you post.

Oh I don’t know, I have never had a car payment and never miss a day of work and we have plenty of money so maybe I’m wrong but that hardly ever happens. It’s not my problem you can’t figure out how to take care of your kids. Maybe you should put them up for adoption if you can’t feed, clothe, educate, or house them without a brand new car. Give me a break.

Well, that will ensure the public schools remain empty. Folks, private school or home school – please seriously consider the options for the 2021-2022 school year. And then vote for anyone supporting vouchers. Kevin Kiley for governor sounds good for starters.

It would appear they don’t want to go back to work, and what you said is correct about either home or private schooling After all, they don’t get paid if there aren’t any kids. As Sam said, put them out of business.

Which private school did your child attend? Perhaps you need to change schools.

If you also want a partridge in a pear tree please let him know. How many desalination plants can you build with 125 billion. OK, the heck with it we maybe able to get imported bottle water when the creeks run dry.

No science here. Newsom puts the di** in Dictator.

Recall Newsom.

We’re going from follow the science to follow the feelings. I can’t imagine how stupid California looks to the rest of the country.

Correction: MORE stupid

Next Up? Follow the Lemmings!

Hit them where it hurts, remove your children from the MDUSD immediately. They get paid based on enrollment. No students, no money. Let them burn. The teachers union along with teachers have been pushing marxist/communist propaganda to your children for well over 30 years. It’s time parents end this fake education system once and for all. Close the indoctrination centers permanently. We don’t need no thought control. We are free people. They can teach a academics without an agenda or they can find real jobs and we will do it ourselves. This is pure communism. Parents better figure this out.

Most parents don’t realize how easy it is to teach kids at home. Although kids spend 7 or so hours a day in a classroom, actual instruction/learning requires 2 to 3 hours a day at most. And the older the student, the more independent learning they can do. Totally doable even for working parents, especially considering extra time most have on the weekends.

That is exactly correct. Public schools are a drain on homeowners and a completely unnecessary element of our society. Shut them all down and teach your children yourselves. It’s the most important thing you can do for your kids and it’s totally doable even with both parents working. Glorified babysitters is all these MDUSD leaches are. Cut them off before they drain the souls out your kids

Newsome has never been a good leader, but he has been quite good at spending all OUR tax dollars on anything that will keep him in office. He must feel privileged to spend other people’s money on any and all programs he deems worthy…. RECALL GAVIN NEWSOM!!!

“To make pre kindergarten free for all 4 year olds by 2025”? You mean tax is even more and say it’s free?!

So glad to say that we are making the move to a state where they do not teach critical race theory and no masks are required. Looking forward to my freedom again in a red state no more liberal Democrats and their nonsense goodbye to the People’s Republic of California forever

Welcome to the Exodus! Just make sure you don’t bring an idols from Kleptofornica with you.

Mandatory reporting of Hep C, AIDS, Psychotropic Meds and Mental health diagnosis, and Venereal Disease should be required too! Let’s just repeal all confidentiality matters to the Government. Yea, we trust Gavin Newsome and this current administration with all our personal info. Wake up people!

This is just sad! 🙁

Repeating the same word (pandemic) over and over will never make it real. COVID 19 is and always was a HOAX. I’m tired of you people out here acting like it was only a partial lie. The whole thing from start to finish is a blueprint for total control. Go ahead and pull your head out of the sand and call it what it is a COMPLETE HOAX.

Same as the people who claim the pandemic was fake. Same with the people who spout fake information. Same with the people who say you have a 99.97- 99.99 % chance of living. Try telling that to the over 3 million that died in a year and now close to 4 million. It’s absolutely sad that people come on here and try to spread false information and try to change people’s minds on how they want to feel about.

I lived through it. Lost 7 people to Covid. So I do know how easily it can kill.

Hmmm, I also know seven people who tested positive for the virus, and not even one of them needed the slightest medical attention. So weird. I wonder what other factors might have been in play?

5 were completely healthy. No asthma, no heart issues. Good shape. 2 had some medical issues. It does happen. People who say you in good health will survive is wrong. Yes they have a better chance but that depends on your body on how it will react

Funny how the COVID shills know all these people who died from a HOAX. You must live in a nursing home that gavin loaded up with phenomena patients. Oh just wait the truth is already out. It just hasn’t made it to the fake news, but it will. Oh and TRUMP WON! PANIC MORE SHILLS. It makes me smile.

4 million dead is a Hoax? Keep telling yourself that. Pretty much telling someone they are lying about 7 people they know died is just sad. And yes, You pretty much just said I lied by saying your 1st line.

I live in an Apartment complex and all the people that I know that have died lived in actually homes they were stilling paying on and Apartments as well.

Sam you just try to find ways to justify your comments with absolutely Zero back up and proof to what you say. You claim everything is a Hoax and that everything has to do with the government. It’s just sad. What about the reset of the world that stuff down? You really think the other countries that don’t like US would collaborate with the US to shut everything down as well? Think about what you really say. I understand you don’t know what the difference is from a Flu to a CoronaVirus and that is ok.

But I do have 1 question for you. Why do you believe this is all fake? With over 4 million people who have died and tthe people who are still sick even after a year of having this. People here that tell you they have had people die from this. Tell me why. I really do want to know. Because I go off the facts that have been presented. I am just trying to understand why you are the way you are. And don’t say “Oh the Hoax, Oh the government” I want to know from you. Why.

Keeping in mind this state has a dynamic, no nonsense governor with “steel” backbone who said back in January, ‘… He Won’t Compel Schools To Reopen If Teachers Unions Refuse To Go Back’
Claycord https://tinyurl.com/wt63u369

It’ll be whatever teachers union tells them to do.

Newsom has a STEAL backbone. He steals money from the people who earn it, and gives it to the people who vote for him.

Let the bullying continue. Those parents who have chosen not to get their kid vaccinated will be bullied and picked on from those who are. I really hope they really think long and hard and the outcome of this separation they want.

Are children in our County subjected to Critical race theory? Which school districts?

Yes all of CA public schools adopted CRT last Feb ( I believe )
Our state superintendent pushed it right through without a single fight from any parents here
I actually had one of my kids teachers after one of her workshops tell me that she didn’t realize that she was racist but now she knows she is
No logic just brainwashed
In Martinez last Jan they invited all parents to a webinar with a pro BLM activist to “ teach “ equity
I believe she was paid about 12 k of our money
My kids are going to Private school this fall
I can’t believe how blind I was thinking Mtz had good schools
It really doesn’t 🙁

“$124 billion to support expanded afterschool and summer learning programs, increase school staff sizes and make pre-kindergarten available for free”

Gee, spending money like it is not his/theirs. Clearly, the afterschool programs are working, with the obvious reduction in crime, drug use and general delinquency. Funny how whenever these politicians, not unique to crooked Newsom, view spending tax payer money with no end in sight, view each budgeting year as “a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity.” This amount represents about 44% of the 2021-2022 budget.

If you really want to “Follow the Science”, you will follow the Exodus out of Kleptofornica!

Rather than fully fund the state pension system and pay down all of those bonds, the dictator, er I mean governor of California has seen fit to create all kinds of new spending (debt) obligations which will require still more new taxes in the coming years.

Rather than fully open schools and concentrate on skill acquisition and getting students up to grade-level competence, they are institutionalizing (a fitting term) curriculum from Wokestan designed to create hate, fear and loathing of self, others and nation.

At some point, it will no longer be safe to live in California without a personal protective detail, One only Gavin bin Lyin and his Aunt Nancy can afford.

The teachers union is pushing AB 101: ethnic studies for all California students. It sounds innocent enough but the union’s goal is racial justice and equity. It just means CRT.

MDUSD will be open for face to face instruction in the fall. So few parents have requested online learning that only one small group of teachers will be online teaching for the entire district. So rest assured that schools will be open.

Scenario: in middle school, 6th graders are too young for vaccines. Instead of singling out younger students and the unvaccinated for ridicule(yes, that’s a thing), the State is proposing everyone be masked.

Elementary kids are too young for vaccines, so everyone including vaccinated teachers & staff will be masked.

Even though high schoolers are old enough for vaccines, some are vaccine phobic(even though they’ve already had a battery of other vaccines), or don’t understand that vaccines are most effective when overwhelmingly most the population is vaccinated. Because of those issues, the state is proposing masks.

The university system is dealing with adults, and therefore is requiring proof of vaccination for on campus instruction. Those who are vaccinated may go unmasked if they choose. Those who are unvaccinated must wear masks on campus and submit to regular COVID tests. Online options remain available for all university level students.

With all due respect, children have never received any mRNA vaccines before this one (same for adults). It is a technology that was never licensed for use in humans. If you look into the trials with this newer mRNA technology, animals did not fare well in testing. These are not the same as the traditional (and let’s not forget approved) vaccines that you are referring to children having prior.

It is not ‘phobic’ to question any experimental medicine or vaccine especially when it comes to giving them to children.

Spot on ZZ! You win the common sense award . Thank you for your comment. I wish more people thought as you !

No complaining, because “it’s for the children.” Repeat over and over and over.

Don’t you worry … Ghouly and Newscum know what is best for us .. they know more the CDC and any other agency …

I will ask a simple question;
If I (or a child) is vaccinated, why do they need to wear a mask?

A second one, for thought …
Based on the historical data in our own county that had many private schools open during this media induced fearscam, how many kids picked up coivd and/or passed it to another child/teacher in a classroom?

More importantly my kids start THURSDAY 8/12!
Remember when we started after Labor Day?

I’m so tired of all this! The bickering amongst the citizens. Everyone is an expert. The incompetence of our government. Sick of it!

Masks have no place in schools. They breed bacteria, they’re dirty. People take them off to eat, set them down, then put them back on their face. It’s disgusting.

Democrat Rally Cry

Mask Up
Pay Up
And Shut Up!

“Treat all kids the same.”

Like how parents are encouraged to donate money for school supplies so the teacher can buy them and distribute them evenly to all the kids, as opposed to buying school supplies for your own child. I bought my own and told my daughter to tell the teacher not to touch them.

“Treat all kids the same.”

Like they will be treated in the real world. lol

The schools need to be purged.

Shilling for the commies? Genius, school has been on zoom for the last year. Just how stupid do you think we are? I have seen my kids assignments along with my own experiences in the public school system. CRT is the buzz word that sums up what they have been teaching for over 30 years. Don’t waste my time with your weak attempts to provide cover, we know exactly what’s going on and who you are

tune in to the MDUSD board meetings online, or take a look at the videos from past meetings. At least one board member won’t partake in the Pledge of Allegiance, and won’t even stand and face the flag.

Take a look at your MDUSD board:

Go to the :29 mark.

Circus Circus comes to mind with the straight clowns on parade.🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡🤡 These emojis are not far off. Every one of those idiots is an insult to your child’s education. How did the inmates get control of the asylum? You can literally see the crazy pouring out of them in that image. They have no business around innocent children. SAVE THE CHILDREN from these lunatics ASAP!!!!

Keisha Nzewi had declared MDUSD a racist institution. Her Facebook profile says that she is working to dismantle racist institutions. It doesn’t take a genius to conclude that she’s on the board to tear down our district.

So no microphone on and Big Bertha turns her back on the flag?

Still wonder how long it takes some elected and allegedly “public servants” to pass a mirror ? ?

Huh – males make up almost 50% of our population, yet not one male to be found amongst the members of this diverse board. Maybe at least one of them thinks she’s a man…

I actually thought about that but then looked closer. My money is on 2 maybe 3 are men. Just look at the faces closely. It’s there 100%.

Whenever Newsom claims an “investment” is “once in a lifetime” what he really means is it will take several lifetimes to pay for it.

Recall Newsom.

CRT is very illogical – we should be concentrating on Power to the People – and teaching children HISTORY (about ways in which our nation worked towards purging slavery and creating freedom and prosperity for all). That is the essense behind the “pursuit of happiness.”

What we are really up against is rich against the poor. We are fighting fake (bankers) wars to push “democracy” on other nations without tending to our own democracy – which is being held ransom by corrupt politicians and media mogals.

It’s all about the money – and anything can be bought / for the right price. Negative narratives keep us down – and keep those in power fat and happy (while we struggle to obtain a menial existence – and a dumbed down educational system).

I taught high school – and the students are well aware of this. It was the teachers themselves (especially the most deluded and privileged) who simply refused to accept this. I guess that us a kind of “guilt” construct – except we are all paying the price for this ignorance.

Perhaps if we hired teachers from alternative backgrounds – they will enlighten the rest of us as to what the truth really is. I grew up in lower East Oakland – and learned much from these diverse inner city educators.



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