Home » CAL ISO Extends Flex Alert Through Saturday To Avoid Possible Energy Shortage

CAL ISO Extends Flex Alert Through Saturday To Avoid Possible Energy Shortage


As California’s latest heat wave persists into the weekend, the California Independent System Operator — or Cal ISO — has announced that it is extending a statewide Flex Alert for a second day as extreme heat in the Golden State and a growing wildfire in southern Oregon threatening transmission lines continue to strain the state’s electric grid.

The Flex Alert is now extended through Saturday, Cal ISO officials announced.

Friday’s Flex Alert is from 4 to 9 p.m. It will go into effect during the same times of day on Saturday.

When it does, consumers are strongly encouraged to conserve energy by performing the following steps: setting thermostats to 78 degrees or higher, if health permits; avoiding the use of major appliances; and turning off all unnecessary lights.


Consumers are also encouraged to use fans for cooling, and to unplug unused electrical items.

In addition to the Flex Alert, the ISO is using multiple tools to help keep the grid stable, including a solicitation on July 1 to generators on the West Coast to procure additional resources. The ISO is also working with business and industry to assist in reducing their electricity consumption at critical times.

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Still trying to figure out what is going to happen when the entire state is electricity only. Where is all the electricity going to come from?

Unicorn farts

Again. How is this happening? How does CA expect the utilities to provide sufficient power when the solar farms aren’t producing enough and the wind turbines aren’t turning because the air is still? Maybe it’s time to reconsider building some nuke plants, or at least reopening natural gas power plants and building some new ones. This is really absurd. And it’s dangerous. People who rely on life-saving medical equipment can run out of back up battery for the equipment, and not everyone can afford a generator to power their equipment. Elderly people lack the ability to moderate their body temperatures and can die in these heat waves when the power goes out. But hey, gotta set the example for having a green grid. If we have to sacrifice a few people on the altar of green energy, so be it, right?

Anybody still uncertain about the green movement being a cult?

Well, one could say that a reason we are in this predicament is we REFUSE to sacrifice anyone… We frankly have too many people living too close, using up all the resources and driving prices up. If we ould stop trying to save EVERYONE at any cost, perhaps things would be slightly better for those who still have a chance at a life. We pay for the poor to multiply and keep sucking up resources. e pay for the elderly to drain the system with multiple medical problems. We pay the homeless to keep using drugs and cog up the ERs. And the list goes on. And we sacrifice a generation of kids because some virus might kill a few elderly, infirm folks, as would only be the natural order of things.

Oh Please:

Have you located anyone willing to be sacrificed by the State of (disaster) California? This kind of insanity is what happens when you have single-party rule. There is simply no consequence for bad decisions and poor performance. But you answered your own question. The children of California are being sacrificed on the Altar of Wokestan, and even Moloch is jealous.

in a state with the highest population, at least used to be the highest per capita income (maybe no longer with some many high earners leaving), best technology this is a truly a joke or at least if it wasn’t a real problem is would be. seriously, we cannot use our a/c during the hottest time of the day because the left won’t support “non-green” energy because it is bad for the environment but they love illegal aliens coming here increasing the demand for electricity (see previous comment) and for water (see governors request to converse again), folks ever you bleeding hearts have to see this isn’t going to work.


New homes built without gas – all electric
Pushing everyone in to electric cars
Not willing to consider any new construction for conventional power generation plants

And they can’t even keep the power on now? WTF?

It’s all about control.

I’m going to keep repeating myself but why is CA continuing to build when we are always up in smoke, always in a drought and never have enough electricity? I don’t mind doing what we need to do to help save water and not have our AC shut off during 106 degree weather, but CA really REALLY needs to stop building.

Quit building ultimate tax traps like housing? Not in the cards as long as democrats and government exist.

“Please place your house on Convection-Bake!”

Meh…. I’ll pass.

And cities like Beserkely are requiring all electric new homes, bright… 💡

In the Left’s bizarre crazy world, two of their ideas cannot meet or their head’s would explode. They are desperate to force massive building to make everything affordable, which is just a huge increase in carbon footprint. But at the same time, they force this lousy symbolic annoyance of demanding all new buildings use electric stoves instead of gas? Is this the twilight zone or what. Electric stoves will offset mega-building of housing? Maybe we need to make antipsychotic drugs available over the counter and located next to the magazines at check-out.

So I’m assuming most people never even hear about these alerts? If I didn’t browse on here I’d never know about them at all since we rarely if ever watch any local news in tv etc..
Claycord does keep the locals informed while I usually don’t agree with the topics of discussion on here I do find some interesting stuff.

Thermostat is set to 65- its amazing.

Working on folding my 2nd load of laundry, two more to go( I have a teen daughter).

Both TVs on golf.

Been working on my new song, writing both bass and electric guitar tracks.

Gonna bake a bunch of stuffed pastry goodies for tonights get together.

Just doin my part!

If I could post a pic on here I’d show my house temp upstairs master bedroom shows 68 degrees and 104 outside, an no AC doesn’t run constantly to keep it at 68.
Our neighbors down the hill won’t even turn their AC on cause they said they can’t afford to..geez are you kidding…

And you will get one of those stupid frown face letters from PG&E they send out all the time about usage. I really don’t care how I compare to other users as long as I am paying the bill. I usually do get a good or great smile face letter but I burn it on spare the air days 😁

Anyone remember when plastic water bottles were sturdy, and the caps were twice as thick?

I’m really missing the thicker water bottles and the sturdier caps too!
Totally stupid move on their part. Anything to save production costs, I guess. Not the most important thing in the world; but just another thing that has made me realize the quality of everything has deteriorated.

Fans (ceiling or otherwise) are incapable of “cooling”, they can only move around the existing hot air. Duh.



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