The “Water Cooler” is a feature on where we ask you a question or provide a topic, and you talk about it.
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.
Today’s questions (two questions):
Faced with a steep decline in vaccination rates, President Biden said on Tuesday that his administration would send people door to door, as part of a renewed push to reach tens of millions of Americans who are unvaccinated against COVID-19, according to the New York Time.
QUESTION: Do you think it’s a good idea to send people door-to-door, or a bad idea?
Talk about it.
very very bad idea…slightly psychotic
There are Home Health Nurses who can give the shot if you cannot get out to get it. What is Biden thinking? He obviously gets a profit from it, along with the Governors.
Well.. it’s technically illegal to step on someone’s property without consent. I will not be getting this vaccine. It’s not approved by FDA, and for second, I’m not about to be tracked by the government. People deserve privacy. Every person who gets the vaccine is just leading us 1 step closer to human tracking. There will be no privacy. I will continue to wear my mask, and anyone knocking at my door will be the only one getting shot.
Are you making a death threat? Kind of scary. Just put up a “No soliciting” sign. All kinds of people knock on your door, this past year the following have knocked on my door: Religious salesperson, PG&E, Animal Control and Concord police twice. No I didn’t do anything wrong, one time they wanted to know if I had heard gunshots the night before, another time to informed me at one of their police cars had crashed in to my fence while chasing someone. Animal control were inquiring about the treatment and health of a neighbors dog.
Yep, it’s all the Tinfoil masked branch Covidians who are enabling these tyrants.
I didn’t give in to the census door knockers either.
These tyrants have conquered lands & natural resources.
You are the final thing left for them to Conquer, don’t allow it to happen!
All the people that are getting the Delta virus are not vaccinated and many of them are dying also if they don’t die their long haulers which means they carry a illness with them usually for the rest of their life it ruins your lungs do you think it’s really worth not getting the vaccine do you honestly think the government is tracking you do you think that that could possibly be a conspiracy theory? I pray that you’re safe from getting this horrible virus try to think about getting vaccinated please.
Wrong (as usual) Popcorn. We will never forget when you defended DA Diana Soros Becton’s backyard marriage.
BTW, the so called (cough,cough) variant is from all of the vaxxxed people having horrible reactions.
Farcebook just removed 70,000 users sharing their reacroon stories…..they are hardly “anti-vaxxx”.
And Hanne, what are u even talking about???
Just say no.
Then prepare for the consequences.
It’ll be interesting to see what those consequences will be.
Jimmy, do not spread lies.
Emergency authorization is not the same as FDA approval. The language is different to indicate differences, not because one word sounds better than another.
There have been no human trials. You are the human trial. I’ll be in the control group watching as you inject yourself with an untested genetic modification to protect against a .02-.06% chance of complications while suscepting yourself to 20x greater risk of heart palpitations and who knows what else.
This coming from the people who are pro choice!
Money money money!
Bad idea. Don’t take my word for s#!t. Look at the crime rates nationwide, if you can possibly find HONEST numbers. There are plenty of neighborhoods (here in Claycord and beyond) where you won’t want someone knocking on doors, no matter if they’re handing out religious pamphlets, selling cutlery, or asking about a vaccine.
I don’t think it should be done due to crazy people and what if they get shot? And let alone my family and I definitely wouldn’t get the shot if someone came by. It would make me procrastinate even more.
Three people have died in CCC in the last month of covid. Three children under 21 have died in the county since this mess started. CCC statistics not mine.
So what? Thats not even a drop on the bucket compared to the population.
How many have died from smoking related illness? That number is FAR greater yet i still see cigarettes being sold in stores.
This covid scam has never been about saving lives. If bureaucrats really cared about saving lives, cigarettes would have been banned long ago!
Around here we call that JACOVID Witnesses! 🤣
Very bad idea and kinda creepy really!
Anonx, that was very good! 🤗
With creeps me out more is that HHS secretary Alex Padilla said that the government has a right to know each person’s medical details. That is scary! I wouldn’t be surprised if in 4 years the government is in full control of our lives and we are under the thumb of a communist socialist dictatorship.
The Democrats have the pedal-to-the-metal in that direction!
+1 although Xi Corona Virus Police creep me out more than the JW’s.
That’s a good one, Anonx 😀
We have a serious pandemic and they’re trying to make sure that it’s controlled and then the more people that get the vaccine it’s possible that we won’t have Covid anymore well I doubt that’ll happen but in the meantime everyone needs protection against each other to especially people that believe that the government is tracking to him or that it’s not safe come on you guys get with the program they’re only trying to save peoples lives and their health
Popcorn – are you drunk, or does the keyboard you’re using not offer any punctuation keys?
I don’t answer my door to anyone who’s not invited anyway, so I don’t care what this fool does.
I’ve said this before, there is something very sinister going on about the vaccine that they don’t want us to know about. Why else are they trying so hard to get everybody vaccinated? They’ve tried every scare tactic in the book, they even tried bribery. Why? What are they not telling us? One thing is certain, they have been very inconsistent with their lies. Why can’t they be honest with us? What’s in the vaccine that they are so desperate to get it into everybody in the country?
Lately, I’ve been getting e-mails from the county health dept. wanting me to take a survey asking me if I’ve had the vaccine. Why are they doing this? Are they collecting a database of everybody who hasn’t had the vaccine? If they are, why?
Very sinister indeed.
I am a retired RN, and in the past I have volunteered at Children’s Hospital in Oakland. Because of this, I have several friends and colleagues that are nurses and doctors, they too are asking the same questions, and they are also refusing to get the vaccine.
yes everyone will die from it eventually mark my words
Anyone knocking on our door is trespassing and depending who it is is how I’ll react. If vaccine pushers come knocking they’re going to find out really quick how I discourage unwanted solicitors who are trespassing. I’ll start of with a healthy hearty “…. off”
Answers will be very predictable. If you are a Trump supporter, you will oppose this. If you are a Biden supporters you most likely will approve of it or be neutral. I’m somewhat neutral, I think those who wanted the vaccine have already gotten it, not sure anything will change minds at this stage.
Aw why don’t you grow up and get over it already.. Blue, Red and anything else politically in-between they ALL are pathetic A-holes!
The Vaccines are done for the most part, now the govt will take control and mandate them or start segregating the people apart publicly.
Republicans tend to be more pragmatic, and the Dems are too idealistic.
That’s absolutely ludicrous Hanne. In the first place, President Trump got the vaccine, so how do you reach the conclusion that supporters would not? Secondly, your conclusion assumes that people make their health decisions based on the politicians they support rather than on their own research and risk assessment. Anyone who accepts or refuses the vaccine based on politics is a rube and a moron.
Believe those giving shots are required to notify CDC who has been vaccinated. Or biden could do CA newsom approach, lotto type, offering prizes and cash. Train people to hold out next crisis until the cash n prizes.
Amazing, . . . the mind of a marginal leader.
Perhaps there would have been a greater vaccination participation if last year CA governor, before it even started, hadn’t done his knee jerk copy cat of NY governor’s orange man bad publicity stunt.
From LA Times October 2020
“Gov. Gavin Newsom said Monday that California will review the safety of all COVID-19 vaccines that receive federal approval before distributing them to the public, adding an extra safeguard amid concerns that the White House could rush the process.”
Planting seeds of doubt to grow and sway voters prior to a presidential election.
What’s more important, vaccinating citizens of state you are governing or parroting the adversarial party line to score those imaginary political points and maybe sway an election? Then there’s a possibly larger motivator of keeping your name and face in national news cycle for possible future presidential candidacy.
Torres if you have a cell phone you have been tracked for a long time.Second if people want the shot they will get it.How many shots have you gotten in your lifetime?What makes this one any different?To many politics involved make your own choices.
The best and the brightest do not work in government, that’s for sure…this is a horrible idea! Can you imagine the fraud with thieves posing as ‘vaccinators’ and gaining entry into your home? Those that want the vaccine have already been inoculated…
Maybe have National Guard, Firefighters, Nurses, and other respected people in neighborhood parks? Unfortunately, some people are inconvincible and putting all those kids too young to be vaccinated at risk
If they come to my door. I will be shooting them off with my broom.
So, thinking door-to-door would be a bad idea,…for them.
No vaccine, Thank You Very Much.
Speak softly and carry a big broom; you will go far.
Oh Darn,….I meant shooing!
Good catch Roz. I was going to ask where you buy your brooms!
Big Pharma’s best friends: The White House & Dr. Fraudci. No.
This is unnecessary. We will achieve Herd immunity by Labor Day. If I were a pregnant Mom or child, I’d tell the Biden Administration to stick it where the sun never shines. We will continue to see other variants as this mutates.
The federal government inserting itself into each individuals health care, to the point of violating the 4th amendment (The right of the people to be secure in their persons, houses, papers, and effects, against unreasonable searches and seizures, shall not be violated…)? No, not a good idea. If they do do this, perhaps guidance can be given from Kim Jong Un or maybe Xi Jinping on how to execute this liberty driven process.
You want people becoming hospital patients?? Then I would advise against it
Big brother is watching you!
This sounds like socialism/communism
Hmmm??? Food for thought
If someone doesnt want to get vaccinated and has not, I think its his right not to. However with this new variant, it would be well advised to get vaccinated.
So when anti vaccine person get the virus and dies, then its their own damn fault and nobody else is to blame except them.
I say go for it, catch the virus and then die from it. Helps to bring down the population.
With all of your progressive wisdom and the audacity to appoint your self judge and jury please share your thoughts on those that have died because of the vaccine. Is it their own fault? They took your advice. Perfectly healthy people got vaccinated and they are dead now.
Stop your fear mongering and follow the science.
Covid 19 survival rate 99.7%
Delta Variant survival rate 99.9%
@JRocks, you’re wasting your time. Whenever I try to engage these people in any real science they run for the door. All they can do is parrot the propaganda of the government and MSM.
The real agenda is to cull the population. It’s not a conspiracy theory but an idea and agenda that has been around a long time. The elite have tried it before and failed. They never seem to learn their lesson. It’s the elite that need to be purged. 😉
Our Doberman Pinschers will dissuade knocks on our front door.
At some point, people are responsible for themselves. It’s a choice whether to get a vaccination or not… “pro-choice”, right?
Variant my butt…there’s gonna be a variant every month and they’re going to try to instill the fear of God into everybody that hasn’t been vaccinated that they will die if they don’t get vaccinated.
It’s a crock of crap.
first it was covid
then is was mutations
now it is variants
it is just them using scary words to keep people afraid, and with all those still wearing masks it looks like it is working
and now it’s “breakthrough” whatever the heck that even means other than it sounds scary
I don’t think they should be knocking on doors. I think increase the number of the mobile clinics that can park on the street in a neighborhood instead. (Maybe play a song like an ice cream truck!!) That way people can make the personal choice to go to the convenient mobile clinic. I can see from the reactions on this website that some commenters have inferred or said outright they would shoot the person at the door, or say swear words to them. I agree with Hanne – just put up a “No Solicitor” sign, or just don’t answer your door. If you don’t agree with the door-to-door policy, then email your politicians to register your opposition.
Tried twice to post a long constructive comment (2368 characters) and it does not show up here.
“My freedom does not end where your insecurity begins”.
“Imagine a virus so deadly you have to take a test to know if you have it. And then Imagine a “vaccine” so desired, you have to be pressured, persuaded, threatened, fired, bribed and stalked to take it”
To encourage vaccine adoption on the holdouts, respect their skepticism: Stop the censorship by WHO / Pharma / Social Media / Medical Journals on anyone who discusses / studies / provides successful alternate treatments that do not require the vaccine to treat and manage covid, allow people the choice to use alternate solutions that are working in other countries (Hydroxycholorquine+Zinc, Ivermectin, SSRIs, etc), withdraw the civil and criminal liabilities immunity provided to pharma under EUA, allow practitioners to openly discuss risks and benefits that are independent of WHO / Big Pharma agenda, openly corroborate and reconcile the significant differences in adverse events databases across the continents, provide general public and practitioners open documentation on how to proceed for the various adverse events, encourage early treatment vs the current WHO recommendation of “First Do Nothing” besides an enforced EUA vaccine.
Politics and Social Constructs have no place in Science.
Well stated.
Good post. I might add that we have had decades of experience in dealing with the various variants and mutations of the flu virus, and it evolved, mostly with politicians refraining, into “it’s your choice, it’s availiable, it’s not perfect”. Despite the petty tyrants wanting to “bring the hammer down”, and wanting to mandate behaviors, we will arrive at a place where personal liberties are again important and the Covid virus is just another environmental threat to be dealt with (imperfectly).
Regardless of how you feel, being rude to the person who comes knocking for just doing the job they are being paid to do isn’t necessary. If you don’t want it, just politely say no. No need to be an ass.
Anyone knocking on someone’s door trespassing in this day and age deserves every bit of rudeness and anger coming their way. Anybody telling somebody else how to act should keep it to their selves Karen…
Ranchgirl, Civilty and politeness is always a good thing. Obviously some poster here they don’t have to display those traits to someone they might disagree with politically
If I wanna be an ass to a solicitor that ignores my no soliciting and no trespassing sign they have to walk by up our 200′ driveway to the house then I’ll be exactly that and believe me they even have jump over the driveway gate to come up the driveway as well.
I wonder if that 90 year old woman in Lafayette a few years ago that was tied up, assaulted, and smothered to death by a travelling magazine salesman was polite, or should she just have said go away through the closed door. From SFGate, Jan. 1, 2009: “Richard Craig McNew, 34, a felon from St. Louis, is expected to be sentenced to life in prison without the possibility of parole for murdering Anna Elizabeth Vuori.”
Hanne, you’d be surprised how many people completely ignore “No Solicitations” signs. They launch into their pitch when you open the door like they can’t read, and when you point to the sign they say, “I’m not soliciting.” Remarkable phenomenon, really. I’ve seen it over and over, again.
god rest that woman, she was raped as well as robbed. Take a look at the face of her rapist/robber, it is a horrible situation, and getting readily worse.
Hanne, anyone who strides onto my private property uninvited is being rude and invasive, and deserves likewise.
I have a No Soliciting sign on my front security door and I still get idiots coming up trying to sell something. It’s hard to not be rude to these morons!
I agree Ranchgirl, with the exception of those who have signs that say No Soliciting and/or No Trespassing. Then the person knocking on ones door has no right or business doing so.
I think it’s a dumb idea, but I really don’t care if somebody comes to my door and asks me if I’m vaccinated. I’ll tell them the same thing I told “Vaccinate All 58, California’s COVID vaccine outreach project” when they texted me yesterday to ask if I was vaccinated. It’s none of their business.
Let me modify my response to people knocking on the door. Of course if you are uncomfortable you should not open the door. I don’t always open the door, sometime I ask through a closed door who it is, if they are selling something or preaches religion, I polity yell through the closed door I’m not interested, or I’m getting ready for work and don’t have time.
Just yell,” I’m not home!”
This video covers it all
Does using the Greek alphabet make it sound more powerful LOL? With the Spanish Flu it was gone before scientists knew how it started and it lasted about 1-1/2 yrs. Look at all the variants that we’ve had over the past 100 yrs and look at the many types of flu variants we still have. And even with the flu shot, that doesn’t mean it’ll protect you from the current flu.
It seems using the Greek alphabet is a bit more woke, won’t offend the Chinese by highlighting it as the Wuhan Virus or China Virus, and I guess the Brits/Scots were offended by the UK variation, and then the Indians were most likely triggered with the Indian variation, so now, I guess only the Greeks are to be offended.
Gawd damn, that SOB is dumber than jimmy carter!
Gee here’s a thought, how about vaccinating all the Illegals at the border this administration is allowing to pour into the Country before they worry about knocking on citizens doors ?
How about this? I will only take the jab if Biden and Harris, along with their entire horde of socialist/democratic politicians and other swamp creatures ALL resign.
please include pelosi so she doesn’t become president
My question from the beginning of the rapidly rolled out vax is, and remains to be, “What’s the hurry?” It has been shoved down our throats from day one. If you are coming at my door with a needle you can go jab yourself. Give it some time and some study of side effects, be transparent in the ingredients you say should be injected into my body. Until then, knock away.
To anyone that says, “The Covid vaccine is like getting any other vaccine,” you are a moron. The Moderna and Pfizer vaccines are mRNA vaccines. Does anyone know how many other vaccines we currently or have previously used that are mRNA? Answer is 0, none!!! So, I refuse to be a government lab rat. I will pass on that BS. Come talk to me in a few years and after the FDA gives full approval. Until then, I have no interest in being pandered to by the government. I doubt they will send the vax peddlers to CA anyways. They will probably focus more on red states you know, the ones that, “enjoy Nascar and country music” as Psaki said.
The reason children no longer get a smallpox vaccine is because it worked. Smallpox was eradicated, worldwide.
If we had Fox News and Trump in the 50’s we would still be fighting polio.
The quicker we eradicate COVID-10 the less chance the variants will form.
Trump and his family got vaccinated.
Ignoring this virus did not work for Brazil.
Name makes sense. Really…smallpox death rate prior to vaccine was 30% and it was much more contagious than Covid so your argument is BS. Just a reminder, if it wasnt for Trump, you would not have your precious vaccine. Joe Biden can’t even read a sentence from a notecard let alone put forth an operation which accomplished one of the greatest medical feats in human history so shove it!
@ Duh
Smallpox still exists in bio weapons labs, so unless there is an unlikely accident (like they had in Wuhan) there is nothing to worry about… but for some reason I do not find that to be a comfort.
“If we had Fox News and Trump in the 50’s we would still be fighting polio”
This statement must be some kind of brain teaser but I’m not going to waste hours trying to make sense of it…. I think you’re just messing with us.
Covid-10 ?
Brazil :
Yep, cant’ imagine why the Wuhan Flu got so crazy there.
All things considered, I’m just glad you’re on the Blue Team.
“If we had Fox News and Trump in the 50’s we would still be fighting polio.”
this is just laughable, the vaccines you tout as cures came out during his presidency.
“The quicker we eradicate COVID-10 the less chance the variants will form.
Trump and his family got vaccinated.”
hmmm, so how are we at eradicating the common cold? maybe there is a lesson there. personal responsibility, take care of yourself, you just help your body to fight them, usually by eating healthy and staying fit and when needed by help from modern science. and stop telling others what to do because they disagree with you, that is what fascists do.
The federal government WILL NOT be sending people door-to-door to check for vaccinations. This is BS fear-mongering from the Fox News/Trump trolls. Biden said no such thing. FYI from the Associated Press today:
Psaki on Thursday rebutted some allegations about the door-knocking program, noting that in most cases: “They are not members of the government. They are not federal government employees. They are volunteers. They are clergy. They are trusted voices in communities who are playing this role and door knocking.”
Yet c-span, abc news and a host of other “news” organizations are quoting Biden as saying that…. And we all know that psaki is not well known for telling the whole truth. She just spouts what she’s told to spout…. As they say “he said, she said.”
But you’re ok with her “quote” which didn’t match what Biden said.
That being said…. It’s none of their f***** business what vaccine I get. Apparently they don’t understand HIPAA laws.
So in MOST cases, they can be trusted? What about the OTHER times?
How will ‘volunteers’ be differentiated from someone casing your place, or contemplating worse? If injured ‘on the job’ will they be eligible for disability or worker’s comp? How will they know which door to knock on? Will they honor No Soliciting signs?
so it is OK because they aren’t federal employees?
p.s. not that you and the truth are close friends but:
Biden introduces door-to-door vaccination effort
Are you serious? I don’t get satellite or cable so I don’t know what fear mongering you are talking about, but what you said is outrageous. So instead of some bored disinterested census type taker walking around, the government is recruiting “trusted voices in communities” to visit my house? So these clowns will be there to convince us of things and report back to others to shame or judge us? Unless you are the one fear mongering, that attempted intimidation is the sickest creepiest thing I’ve heard in a long time. And you will recruit clergy, those guys that you would not allow to do mass will now be directed to deliver syringes? This is amazing.
So people absolutely WILL be knocking on your door, they just aren’t government employees?
Joe is sending us ” trusted voices in communities”…. aka strangers.
I don’t know any…. I don’t trust any.
“Biden said no such thing”
Are you telling us to disbelieve our own eyes and ears?….like election fraud?
Jenn Psaki – are you serious? Press secretaries have the exact same job regardless of who is president. Stand before the press and lie, spin and deny on behalf of your boss. Simple.
Wow Chris thanks for that; however, according to that ultra right wing news organization, the New York times dated July 6, 2021
“WASHINGTON — Faced with a steep decline in vaccination rates, President Biden said on Tuesday that his administration would send people door to door, set up clinics at workplaces and urge employers to offer paid time off as part of a renewed push to reach tens of millions of unvaccinated Americans.”
“His administration would send people door to door” sure makes it sound like Joey will be sending people door to door and they will be agents of the Federal Government. As in a principal-agent relationship, that is the agent acts on behalf of the principal – the Government.
Not getting paid does not mean not working for the Biden Administration.
Good idea. Just like census-takers but more important.
Maybe they’ll just drop all the pretense and send out the goon squads to drag you out of the house, hold you down & shove the needle into your arm.
It shouldn’t be too difficult to convince all your Democrat/Socialist neighbors to rat out those they know to be non vaccinated, offer some small reward.
There were lots of Democrat/Socialists proposing reeducation camps for Trump supporters who are now chanting “We told you so!”
Your Democrat/Socialist leaders did not cheat their way into office just to let the non vaccinated refuse to comply!
Resistance is futile!
You WILL be vaccinated for the good of the collective!
Bad idea. It is widely available here, so anyone wanting it has access to it. Don’t need a govt worker knocking on my door…I’ll ignore them as I do with any other solicitor.
Whatever your stance on the efficacy of the vaccines, consider investing 15 mins of your time viewing the following YT video:
“Sneaky Stats, Ridonkulous Risk” by DrDaniel
(No, that is not a spelling mistake)
He does a good job explaining basic vaccine efficacy concerns, using peer reviewed, published papers.
Most of us can agree there is insufficient data and insufficient elapsed time to draw a conclusion on the safety profile of the vaccines.
Horrible horrible horrible idea.
The more they push with this creepy vibe, it’s becoming “over my dead body will I take it”. I was totally open to taking it early on. But if they want to push it like this FORGET IT.
Chris Campos you say that the feds will not be sending people door to door,
Then you turn right around and say they will be clergy and volinteers.Are they going to send people or not. Make up your mind thats if you have one.