Authorities are responding to several firework related fires around Contra Costa County tonight.
Use caution if you’re out and about, and call 911 if you see smoke and/or flames.
Authorities are responding to several firework related fires around Contra Costa County tonight.
Use caution if you’re out and about, and call 911 if you see smoke and/or flames.
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What was up with the concord fireworks at the pavilion? They seemed to stop several times then start up again. ???
They caught the hillside on fire
Matt, according to the news two fires were set by the fireworks display and they had to stop to put out the fires. Whoever let this fireworks display go on should be fired.
Every year around my neighborhood fireworks go off, tonight there seems to be a lot more than in years past. Here it is almost 11 pm, and they’re still going off. I say to those shooting off fireworks, good for you, enjoy yourselves.
I went outside for a while, and it was quite a show, some of them were really pretty. Cal Fire wants us to rat on our neighbors, they even have a hot line to call. I would never rat on anybody. Any society that allows shoplifting and looting to go unpunished will never get any help from me.
Too bad for those who have pets, I know how dogs react to the noise, and I feel for the poor little pooch. My cat was sitting with her ears all perked up for a while, then she decided she was hungry and started meowing at me to feed her.
Happy Fourth, everybody!!!!
Dawg, glad you still live where the stupid people live. My neighborhood is usually LIT and this year its nothing, NADDA. Once you start paying a mortgage and have kids you should know better but in my neighborhood, they are even smarter than that! Thanks to all those that realize that severe drought and stretched fire crews means sit down, have a beer and watch tv. I doubt those “patriots” setting them off this year are even voters. Learn to love your country in the real, not the fake-“loud booms and sparkles, oh boy!!”
Cher, probably the weirdest message I’ve ever seen. Relax. Such a patriot.
Salty here.
City of Concord should FIRE all the council folks and the Mayor for allowing fireworks at the Pavilion
What a group of ignorant A$$holes..
U called it
Professional Fireworks Show at Concord Pavilion Sparks
Salty OUT!!
Cher—I don’t know why you’re glad I live where the stupid people live, but I’m glad you’re glad. I don’t know if the people you speak of are stupid or not, and I don’t really care. I cannot control what others do with their lives, I can only control my own life, and I choose to relax and not concern myself.
If authorities are really serious about illegal fireworks, they would jail the individuals they catch rather than write them a citation. The citation is nothing more than a slap on the wrist, the same individuals will be out again next year shooting off fireworks, and if caught they will get another slap on the wrist.
One fire set close my house in Martinez, near Las Juntas Elementary. Hope the people who set it off had fun – my brother and I packing our dogs and bags to evacuate certainly did not. Big thanks to Martinez Fire Dept for their quick response
The Concord police phone lines are jammed with complaints of illegal fireworks.The can’t respond to every call. I hope we don’t seriously want to defund the police.
Y’all a bunch of whiners!
Waaa waaa waaa.. OMG people are lighting off fireworks I need to go hide in my padded room with my Cheerios and Jello.
Happy to report our neighborhood display went on for 2 straight hours and no pansies whiners call the illegal fireworks hotline.
Some of us live exceptionally close to open space and have legit concerns about the dry conditions. You’re the problem. As is your attitude.
Read the comments about the fires, I doubt you would feel the same way if your house caught on fire. Fireworks are unpredictable in this draught just a few sparks can start a fire. Has nothing to do with whiners or cancel culture, just common sense. Your comments are callous and immature.
@Bdpirate and @Dawg, too.
I can’t agree more with both of you and your much needed, not to mention, much appreciated statements.
I can’t believe how many ‘whiners’ and ‘snitches’ now call America their home in what once used to be a pretty damn free, fun, peaceful and patriotic country. I mean, come on: IT’S THE 4TH OF JULY and a time of traditional American family fun with fireworks to celebrate our Independence!
Do the employees of ConFire along with you other fireworks sour pusses remember being kids and how fun it was to celebrate the 4th of July fireworks with family and friends? It appears not! Of course we must all be responsible when lighting fireworks, but PLEASE pause and use some much needed critical thinking skills when stating that ‘We’ve Got to Stop All Professional Fireworks Displays along with those Independent Neighborhood displays too!’
After sixteen months of unnecessary lockdowns along with total unrest in our cities such as Portland, Seattle, Chicago and so many other Democrat run cities and states, good and hard working people deserve some fun, and 4th of July fireworks are part of it. Sadly, CA and most of this country are a shell of what they used to be due to Democrat policies of so-called ‘inclusion’ at the ‘exclusion’ of anybody else who disagrees with their Communist policies and directives.
Our aunts, uncles, mothers and fathers generations who helped built this once great country and who raised their children to be free and independent thinkers must be rolling over in their graves seeing the absolute cowardess nature of this generation through the destruction of the principles of this once great nation that our parents’ generations set as standards ! What a shame, and it is due to wimps and snitches and other weak minded people implementing policies to restrict good and decent citizens at the expense of those who want to destroy America’s traditions, culture and heritage. Again, what a shame!
I truly hope people wake up! Next will be more extreme policies implemented to restrict citizens further through networks where snitches rat out their neighbors, associates and family members for not subjecting their children and themselves to experimental shots not even approved by the FDA.
My wife and I plan on moving out of CA in the not too distant future to states that still offer a better chance of these freedoms. Sadly, I have watched many other wonderful people including neighbors, associates and family members already do the same. Why? Because they feel CA no longer affords them a chance to raise their children in a safe, sane and happy environment in the future. The elderly don’t feel safe here either and are also moving out of state. We know who is to blame yet nothing will ever change because our voices are purposely and selectively stifled. Again, what a shame!
@Smokey Bear–You really have no clue that your Civil Liberties are being taken from you, chiseled away until not one speck is left…
Jim, well said!
Fire personnel and law enforcement agencies were once again threatening people with stiff fined (yeah right) if they were caught blowing off fireworks. My hood was off the hook tonight. I’d like to see how many citation were issued throughout the Bay and then watch the WOKE district Attorneys drop them. C’mon man, you are allowed to shoplift up to $950 worth of items.
This year was worse for illegal fireworks.
All the more reason the local cities should have had their regular public displays. Closing them was a stupid decision.
Not that stupid Joe. Look what happened at the Concord Pavilion last night. Two fires were set from the fireworks show.
Salty here..
Hey maybe next year they can fire them off from the peak of MT DIABLO…. (SARCASM..)
I grew up seeing professional fireworks as well as my kids and grandkids. However, I’ve never heard so many illegal fireworks as I did last night. They seemed to go on forever. When I heard that the Concord Pavilion was having them, I thought that it was a stupid idea. Wrong place but nice thought to bring something back like the Singing Flag that used to be in Concord. I think the access to illegal fireworks is our biggest problem. There are safe fireworks sold but to individuals need to have the illegal ones? The news just mentioned over 50 fires in Contra Costa County last night. All due to fireworks.
As for what these fireworks do to animals, my dogs were a mess. I did every precaution to calm them down……to the point of holding them with blankets around them playing music etc…..and these are big strong dogs who normally can tolerate it. There were just too many and it went on forever…..almost to midnight.
Can’t we get together and come up with a better way for people to enjoy the tradition with safe professional fireworks at correct locations and only safe fireworks in neighborhoods. I know, a lot of you will talk negative about my comment. But isn’t the best thing a happy medium for all?
Call the Mayor of Concord and tell him “we told you so!”
I would not turn someone in for fireworks, unless a fire was started.However wanting to be cautious and careful when everything is so dry is hardly whining, wanting to stay safe is not the same as whining. The 4th can be celebrated in many different ways
My favorite is listening to the late Gene Burns read the Declaration of independence.
Looking forward to the next holiday with fireworks..
Nothing will change people get over it already..
It will be a blast. (pun intended)