Home » Contra Costa Health Officials Urge People To Get COVID Vaccine As Delta Variant Cases Increase

Contra Costa Health Officials Urge People To Get COVID Vaccine As Delta Variant Cases Increase


While Bay Area health officials don’t plan to re-implement COVID-19 guidelines for masking and social distancing for now, their concern about the virus’ delta variant is increasing for unvaccinated people.

The variant, first detected in India and now in more than 80 countries, currently represents about 36 percent of California’s new coronavirus cases and is likely to become the country’s dominant strain as the year progresses.

The main concern, according to health experts, is that the delta variant is believed to be roughly 60 percent more transmissible than the alpha variant, also known as the UK or B.1.1.7 variant, which is currently the most common source of new infections in the U.S.

While state public health officials and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have both stood by their current guidance allowing fully vaccinated people to forego a face covering in most settings, the rise of the delta variant is giving some officials pause.


Initial studies have found that the two available vaccines that use messenger RNA to prime the body’s immune system – those manufactured by Moderna and Pfizer-BioNTech – are upwards of 80 percent effective against the delta variant once a vaccinated person is two weeks past their second of two shots.

On Friday, Johnson & Johnson said the one-dose vaccine developed by its pharmaceutical subsidiary, Janssen, is also effective against the variant.

The effectiveness of the two-dose vaccines plummets, however, when a person has only received their first of two shots, according to health experts.

Even so, Bay Area health officials have used the delta variant to underscore the importance of getting vaccinated, not just to avoid transmitting the virus but to significantly reduce the chance of becoming seriously ill or dying.


“While we are not changing our (guidance) at this time, we are concerned about ongoing transmission in our county, especially amongst the unvaccinated population,” Contra Costa Health Services said in a statement.

Some 72 percent of Contra Costa County residents age 12 and up are fully vaccinated, with 78.2 percent having received at least one dose.

Meanwhile, the divide between the county’s average number of new cases per day per 100,000 residents over the last seven days was stark as of Tuesday: 0.5 for vaccinated residents, 8.2 for unvaccinated residents.

On Friday, state health officials added to that chorus, urging the state’s residents to get vaccinated if they’ve yet to do so and noting that they expect the state’s proportion of delta variant cases to continue rising.


“We are closely monitoring the spread of COVID-19 and its variants across our state,” California Department of Public Health Director and State Public Health Officer Dr. Tomas Aragon said in a statement. “COVID-19 has not gone away. If you are not vaccinated, you are still at risk.”

Breakthrough cases among vaccinated residents across the state have also been far and few between since vaccinations began in mid-December.

According to state data, only 584 of the more than 20 million vaccinated people in California have contracted the virus and required hospitalization, a rate of just 0.003 percent.

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Of course they’re going to urge people to get the vaccine. The people that haven’t got the vaccine by now are not going to be coerced into getting any vaccine no matter what variant comes out and about.
I suspect within a very short amount of time the government will force people to get the vaccines and you ask how would they go about that well if you have to ask that you don’t know how sneaky the government and forceful that they can be this is no longer a free country when the government wants to force people to get vaccines to work in their jobs to go to school to even go out of their houses or go shopping etc..
The first mistake people always make is trusting their government and politicians.

Sorry for the LONG link connection. BUT; This is probably the best argument for Avoiding the Jab yet! Very scary stuff. Please take the time to read this one. You will be very surprised at what “the future” has in store for all of us. YIKES!

OMG…Not the Delta variant! I’m waiting for the Echo variant since joe did not meet his vaccination target. Keep the masses confused and scared and they will do as you ask. Let’s try for another closure of parks and beaches followed by mask requirements and then a two week stay at home order just to flatten the curve. I can’t believe people will be gathering together this July 4th holiday with that pesky Delta variant out there.

Follow the money!!!

In other news, the sky is falling.

“A summer cold is a different animal” keeps coming to mind. That jingle which was around in the 1970s was available a few years back on YouTube but seems to now have been scrubbed. Of course you are going to get variants of coronaviruses. This is all about control and pushing their “vaccines”. Note that they use the term “fully inoculated” because they know there is a large percentage of folks who got the first shot of one of the two shot vaccines but are not going back for the second. Did they really believe they could pull the wool over the public’s eyes?

Sorry I won’t get the vaccine. I will continue to wear my mask as I know my mask does not mess with my menstrual cycle, doesn’t make me feel like I have the flu, doesn’t give me a sore arm, I don’t have to miss work due to not feeling well after wearing it and most importantly isn’t doesn’t cause myocarditis.

Do you have any idea how rare that is for your menstrual cycle to change when you get the vaccine? Also, Those tend to only last a few months. 2-3 cycles. And as for the flu, Sore Arm and missing work. That is only about 30% of people that have that issue. I got both shots from Pfizer and I only had a little bit of a sore arm in the area where I got the shot. No side affects at all and missed no work. So you saying that is not for everyone. If you can’t handle a little bit of a sore muscle for a day. Don’t know what to tell you. As for the myocarditis, 156 million people have been fully vaccinated and only 1000 people TOTAL that have been reported with that. You have a much higher chance of dying from the common cold then getting myocarditis.

@Me, that’s an innumerate comment. Israel estimated the myocarditis rate for young men after Pfizer vaccine as 1 in 3000 to 6000. Healthy young people don’t die of the common cold within several orders of magnitude of that rate.


So the comment was accurate. The reason why I say this is because this is what was documented. I didn’t say World Wide. These were US numbers. Even if you added Israel in this. You have over 870 million fully vaccinated people. And yes, Healthy young people do die from the common cold. As it’s very rare. It does happen.

Ah yes! The Delta SCARIANT…..aka the adverse reactions now showing up in those “vaccinated” with an EXPERIMENTAL so called vaccine.
But I’m sure the media will do what they do best and LIE that the “anti-vaxxers” (weaponized slur label) are spreading the fake variant.
So be sure to get your boosters….LOL….you will now be getting boosters for the rest of your life.

See my posted (long) link from above!

Do as you like, of course, but the mask most likely isn’t doing much if any good unless it’s an N95 or similarly rated mask.

California had a total of 1000 infections a day on average over the last week. Yesterday there were zero deaths reported in the whole state if nearly 40 million people. At the height of this, there were like 600 new cases a day in Contra Costa alone.

It’s over, people need to let the fear go. If you are in an at risk group and choose the covid risk over the vaccine risk, it’s your right. But both are so small at this point, its absurd the amount of ink being spilled.

Do you know how many people have said it’s over from the past year and the number of times we open up we had to shut down weeks later. It’s not just because the numbers are down. What you just said you might want to read again. The numbers are going back up and that is how it starts. I am not saying it’s going to get as bad as it was but it is possible. Most who say what you did tend to just do what over and it starts all over. Masks did work even if they were not N95. The 95% affective from those masks are if 1 person wears them. You have to understand that if both people wear normal 3 layer masks. They just as affective as a normal N95

Typical LIES from “me”.
I guess you have Zero concept of what nano particles are.
NO N95 MASK CAN STOP THOSE. Stop with the LIES from your cult.

Actually what you preach is a lie. There has been a number of research and testing that has been done with what I said. Standford. CDC and many others. Look it up. I don’t say things without having looked into it.

There’s something very sinister going on. They’re trying too hard to push the vaccine onto people that either don’t want it, or don’t need it. Children don’t need it and shouldn’t get it. People that have already been infected with COVID, have a natural immunity and don’t need it, but they keep trying to push the vaccine on them. Very sinister indeed.

Dawg, you are very wise. I too do not trust the government or the vaccine push. I will make my own decisions and not be intimidated by the scare tactics.

The unvaccinated are working on developing the epsilon variant.

Lol, the unvaccinated are using Zinc, Vitamin D & C….you know the things big tech fool fact checkers delete.
Good luck getting CANCELED by your own kind when you suffer an adverse reaction. Hopefully your Lying Doctor / ORDER FOLLOWER will be able to figure out or willing to file your case with VAERS.

How many here are aware of the common Influenza shot every year being nothing more than a guess at what strains may be active. You know, kinda like the weatherman forecast.

The most cases per capita in cities with a significant population:

Fewest cases per capita:
El Cerrito

Highest rate of vaccination:
El Cerrito

Lowest rate of vaccination:

Interestingly, there seems to be a strong correlation between vaccination rates and the chance of getting Covid. People in Oakley and Antioch seem especially unbothered by all of the infections in their community.

I say the Omega variant will be the worse. That will be the end.

If you catch the Apha-Omega variant will it make you immortal?

Contra Costa Health Officials Urge People To Get COVID Vaccine As Zebra Variant Cases Increase.

According to state data, only 584 of the more than 20 million vaccinated people in California have contracted the virus and required hospitalization, a rate of just 0.003 percent.

Those anti-vaxers who don’t believe in the Delta Variant have already been put on double secret probation

Whatever variation of the virus, it would be important to consider its original origin and or source… Efforts to focus on the source would help the different variations…

Masks are BS, Wuhan flu is BS, Governments are BS, World Economic Forum is BS, the UN is BS. People need to start seeing through the BS..

I do see the BS. In your post.

Let the record show, slagheap is pro-government and pro-vaccine.

The percentage of people like this is very small. These are the same people who kissed the teachers butt in school. So what, 1 maybe 2 out of 30? I have been all over and continue to see several in masks. Is it that they are vaccinated and are still scared or are they unvaccinated and telling the world that? What a mind warp for us normal people.

So everyone is clear, covid vaccines are for emergency use only. There is no need to risk your health on an untested vaccine when there are several cures for the common cold like hydroxychloroquine. The vaccines are probably saline anyway given that covid is a hoax.

Oh wait, what’s this? Saline solution is being injected all over the world as per Newsweek. Just google “saline solution covid vaccine.” You will find countless articles from all over the world. Trump is playing the Trump card right now. Covid is a political hoax using political science. Democrats will not keep what they stole.

I do not like government forced vaccines but got the covid ones because I dislike illness and death even more. Those who died or got sick were not a hoax. Yes, the government will milk this crisis forever, but covid is real too.

Well said. Worldwide, covid has a case death rate of about 2%, which puts it on par with the 1918 Spanish Flu. Less deadly than SARS, but spreads WAY more easily. I think it will be “milked” to an extent, but it’s real nonetheless.

the latest, if you haven’t seen it yet, is that unvaccinated people are petri dishes for variants. so now people who have been crazy by the fear mongering msm over a disease with a 99.6% survival rate will now confront or assault those who are vaccinated. so what is those who are vaccinated are protected against variants.

must be what joe meant by unity

And in other news…. The new FDA approved drug for Alzheimer’s at a cost of $56,000 per patient, may need another 9….YES NINE YEARS… to be fully effective. But yet, let’s keep pushing this vaccine that only took months and only for emergency use and free and you all get free money etc, while Alzheimer’s continues to kill.

Avoid sunlight as much as possible.
Trap bacteria and germs on your face for at least 8 hours a day.
Watch TV news propaganda daily.
Instill a sense of anxiety and fear in your children.
Lock up old sick people with healthy old people.
Ignore the proven results of Hydroxychloroquine.
Get injected with untested vaccines.
That oughtta do it for ya, right “ME”?

Nobody should feel pressured to get a vaccine that is not even approved by the FDA and not even knowing the long term side affects!!. Wonder why the delta variant is spreading after everyone gets the VAX! Maybe just maybe people are being infected with Covid by getting the VAX! So why trust a vaccine endorsed by greedy politicians and Bill Gates who happens to be friends with Epstein . Watch the videos of the politicians and celebrities getting the VAX doesn’t even show them getting injected Wake up People its a Joke on the masses! I will not be a sheep or test subject to there experimental game.

Moderna, Pfiser, and J&J are all approved by the FDA for emergency use. I’m wondering how many anti-vaxxers, including yourself would turn down Covid treatments since those are also approved for emergency use by the FDA, or not approved and experimental in your world.

More than 99% of cases are in unvaccinated people

They can take their deadly jab
and SHOVE IT!!!!

The way things are panning out, so far, it looks like the unvaccinated are setting themselves up for a 2021 Darwin Award. There hasn’t been a COVID death in a long term care facility in Contra Costa County since April. That population has some of the highest vaccination rates. Some reports say that more than 99% of current COVID deaths are among the unvaccinated. Your body, your choice, and all that. Willful eugenics in action. Good luck and good night.

If people haven’t started the process of getting vaccinated by now, they probably have no intention of getting vaccinated, no matter what scare-tactics are used. I was never particularly scared of it, wore a mask only when absolutely required, traveled quite a bit, but got vaccinated when it was available.

If you will remember, a lot of Liberal Politicians questioned the safety of the President Trump developed vaccines. They did that in a very public manner for political purposes, and then jumped the line to get vaccinated because they are more important than everyone else. How many people died because of Liberal-induced skepticism?

take vit d, and/or multi vit, zinc supplements

eat healthy, get a good amount of sleep and foil the plans by the CCP to kill Americans

lol Nope!

A few days ago, statistical reports showed that in Marin County there had been a 91% vaccination rate. As a result, they were having only 3 new CASES reported per day.

Add to that the evidence that every single time Governor Newsome has relented and relaxed socializing protocol, a surge in COVID has started about 3 weeks later.

Advice to those who negatively posture on here and personally insult others:

Forget the politics.

Forget the fact that you had just as soon not personally have to care for a parent during their later years. Nor do you want to pay the (granted) exorbitant fees charged by short and long term facilities…. high even when the patient has both Medicare and long-term care insurance. About $20,000 per MONTH if they need 24/7 care.
Forget the fact that you want them to die soon anyway because you want the house and inheritance money now….. RIGHT NOW.

Forget for an instant your conceited, spoiled brat notions that you can ditch science and common sense under the guise of “sticking up for your RIGHTS”…. and that such an attitude is the position of being a “patriotic citizen”.

Shape up!

This entire 18-month fiasco has had nothing to do with science.

And subjecting yourself to a non-FDA approved “vaccine” is the opposite of common sense, especially if you are young and healthy and have virtually no health risk from the effects of COVID-19.



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