The “Water Cooler” is a feature on CLAYCORD.com where we will ask you a question or provide a topic, and you will talk about it.
The “Water Cooler” will be up Monday-Friday at noon.
Today’s question:
As you probably heard, Bill Cosby’s sexual assault conviction was overturned, and he was released from prison yesterday. Do you agree or disagree with the court’s decision?
Talk about it….
Not happy about it but a deal is a deal
…as much as I hate to see a known abuser free – if that is truly the deal struck – then the court has responsibility to adhere to the agreement. imho
Already that less than 3 to years!! I got to read the, article
Money buys freedom, not integrity or honor.
Sounds as if he was given prosecutorial immunity in exchange for testimony. That immunity was then ‘forgotten’, and his grand jury testimony was used against him because he could not claim the 5th.
Should he have been released? Yes. Should that first prosecutor have offered immunity? Probably not. Sometimes the guilty go free. Just ask O.J.
@ Chuckie
Well summarized
Agree with the court’s decision.
That’s the way the system works, find a legal loophole and go with it. The blame falls solely on the prosecution for violating Cosby’s Fifth
Amendment rights. Now that he’s free, I’m sure there will be many lawsuits filed against him by the victims. I also think Cosby will sue the justice system.
The thing that bothers me the most is that Cosby hasn’t any remorse. He said he would rather serve the full 10 years before admitting any remorse. Those are the words of an evil man.
Given that it led to the courts deciding that they had to release a man they considered to be guilty, it seems like the prosecutor who used it and the judge that allowed it to be used as evidence should both face some manner of formal reprimand.
By violating the man’s right against self incrimination, they ensured a miscarriage of justice.
Also, violating anyone’s rights is simply wrong, even if they could have ensured an otherwise just outcome.
Lawyers screwed up. I lot of lawyers in politics. urgh
He’s no longer a threat. His legacy has been ruined. Just let him age and die in shame.
Democrats have no shame. Look at Bidenx and his drug addicted son. Crooks of the first order and democrats couldn’t care less.
I figured somebody would get around to blaming the Democrats!
I understand people being upset.
Blaming Cosby is low hanging fruit. You want to point blame, point your finger at the former District Attorney Bruce Castor of Montgomery County, Pennsylvania.
When Castor publicly told Cosby the Commonwealth would not prosecute him, he removed Cosby’s 5th Amendment protection against self-incrimination. Without the protection afforded him in the Bill of Rights, Cosby was forced, under penalty of perjury, to bear witness against himself. Cosby would not have done so were it not for Castor’s public assurance that he would not be prosecuted in criminal court.
The Government cannot assure Cosby that it would not prosecute him as a ruse for Cosby to be compelled to bear witness against himself. Then turn around and say, well based on the self-incrimination we forced you to provide, we are now going to use that evidence against you criminal court.
This case has serious implications far beyond this one case, no matter how heinous the crime might be. If the Government is allowed to ignore the Constitution whenever it wants, what is the point of having a Constitution at all?
If this were allowed to stand, the DA in any serious case would simply say, not gonna prosecute….until the lawyers in the civil lawsuit have forced you to give up all the self-incriminating evidence and then and only then will the Government put you in criminal jeopardy when they know for a fact that you have no defense to mount.
Regulated rights are not rights. They are niceties and platitudes intended to keep the populace thinking their individual autonomy is respected by their government.
No, the blame is on the person who committed the crimes – Cosby. The Constitution didn’t rape all these women, nor did the DA.
The fact is that Cosby is guilty and has admitted as much. He should have spent the rest of his life in prison, but he has served prison time. I blame Cosby for his crimes, and I blame corrupt political prosecutors for screwing up the case and allowing him to go free.
Cosby has never admitted his guilt. He’s rambling on Led Zeppelin 2 style about those who are “wrongfully convicted.” He was let out of prison because he’s rich and famous. The rest of society would still be in prison under the same circumstances, regardless of prosecutors.
Really a despicable guy !
Using cheap drugs to render women helpless to his sexual deviance’s…..
While all the rest of us guys have to buy them expensive booze and talk ’em up until they are all primed & get agreeable.
I don’t think the courts had a lot of options here. Also can’t believe “all” these women came forward just to be in the paper. He didn’t get excused of guilt though. He will remain “guilty as hell” in my opinion. Hope he just goes away. If he would rather spend 10 years than confess, let him….
Big Cheese, I agree with you. I know there are times when someone famous gets wrongly accused, because some women see it as a way to “get their name on paper” as someone said, or to make money, I think Kobe Bryant comes to mind. However, when as in Cosby’s and Harvey Weinstein’s case, there are so many accusers it is impossible to not take them seriously. Couple of commenters here seem to make light of it and one went so far to basically blame the victims, disgusting, not a subject to take lightly.
I’m very surprised. From what I’ve heard the “promise” or “agreement” was never put in writing, so how can it be upheld?? He should spend the rest of his life in JAIL!
My heart goes out to all his victims. Cosby is a real POS. There is a special place in hell for him.
Problem is he does not feel any shame at least publicly.
Yeah, yeah, promises were made, technicalities were used. But I don’t care. He should have stayed in prison. (And OJ should be there too.)
woah why is it that criminals that fit the narrative are now icons and saints and trendsetters
but a miscarriage of justice by obvious dem#mee2proactivistcourtderivitives
does not warrant outrage only a well he got off
why doesnt he get millions in cash for being bad and having individuals cast his rights aside and doom him for life
i see the suit fits only when it works against a white person
shame shame
Straight up or overturned, it was still sexual assault.
I read about his testimony and guarantee by prosecuted it wouldn’t be used against him and then they changed their minds afterwards to use it against him.
The DA and everyone under him were snakes in the grass and they should all be in jail.
Cosby obviously did it all but they went about it all the wrong ways to convict him on it so serves them all right he’s out and it got overturned.
Honestly I could have cared less if he served any time for what he did at all anyway crap happens.
And on second thoughts all those women if they weren’t smart enough to see what the hell was going on that’s on them. You just can’t fix stupidity.
Sounds like you are blaming the victims. How were women suppose to see what was going on? He was a big star with a stellar reputation back then. He put something in their drink and then took advantage of them.
I guess you don’t have a daughter, wife sister, etc. or you wouldn’t be so careless about sexual assault.
Black Lives Matter
This is what happens when critical race theory, #metoo, and prosecutorial misconduct collide.
Not surprised. The revolving prison door applies to all. Live with it.
Someone recently rhetorically asked on twitter if “anyone gets punished for anything anymore”?
This definitely comes to mind.
Guilty or not, sounds like Bill may have q case against that overzealous dishonest DA who was trying to make a name for himself.
Apparently “Bill’s Life Matters”. Look for a lawsuit and a book deal shortly