I love how the immediate response of many is to blame the “libs.” I blame everyone in government for the crappy roads. I will never understand how, with all of the taxes we pay, our state has such crappy roads, terrible schools, etc.
We have bad roads because the governor and the Democrat politicians are using the gas tax money for social programs not road repair and infrastructure improvements. Period .
That’s why it is right to blame the Democrats for it…. It’s they’re doing.
Mr. Pink,
Services for taxpayers, roads, infrastructure, education, the exploding crime problem, public services, and much more are not a priority for the California democrat government. Their priority first and foremost is criminals, welfare deadbeats, illegal aliens and terrorist groups. They see honest, law abiding, responsible hard working citizens only as a revenue source for their power grab agendas.
The roads in California (or Kleptofornica) are kept in that condition, on purpose. Every tax increase promises to fix the roads, and every time voters approve one the money goes to parks, bike lanes and everything except fixing toll-free lanes.
You know how this goes….over 90% of them will get re-elected.
“It’s not my my mayor/rep/gov/senator/lackey that’s the problem, it’s yours. So vote yours out.”
July 1, 2021 - 2:34 PM 2:34 PM
We need equitable gas prices across this country!
July 1, 2021 - 2:41 PM 2:41 PM
California’s has the dumbest people (Democrats). The state has an 80 cent gas taxes already per gallon. 50 cents of which is ALLEGEDLY going to the roads???? Where is the money that’s already allocated to the roads going???? And where is the additional 30 cents going???? Hmmm???
And then the California Democratic voter passes another gas tax???? I would say UNBELIEVABLE, but then this is a Democratic run state.
It’s the same with the runaway crime. The Democrats and the fillable California voters that are putting these laws and politicians into effect that lets all the criminals go and allows theft robbery up to $950 to not be a crime. Keep voting for the Democrats and it’s going to get worse and worse and worse. I guess you’ll only wake up when you personally are victimized, hurt, killed…. Up until then you think all is fine when it’s happening to others. Well it’s coming your way!
I’ll never vote for Democrat ever again!
If the FBI doesn’t obey the law, why should we?
If states can ignore the Constitution and break laws then we can too!
Socialist Democrats are providing the example & leading the way.
July 1, 2021 - 3:03 PM 3:03 PM
Hits working class and the poor the most. A lot of Lexus liberals believe higher gas prices will lessen the environmental impact, so they want this.
It won’t affect them at all. All the tradesman coming in from Modesto, Manteca, Stockton et. al. will get stung once again. Along with everybody else not living in high end areas.
July 1, 2021 - 3:11 PM 3:11 PM
You wanted gov control and a sanctuary welfare state
How did you think they would do it
By milking unicorns
Or allowing rampant theft in the name of reparations….oh sorry they did that
Well anyways no dem voter works for a living
So the hard working American citizen has to be milked
In increased property tax
Sales tax
Gas tax
Increased temporary tax …I mean wow dem voters never saw a temporary tax they didn’t want to keep and or increase
A annual tax hike
A wealth tax
A leaving this garbage state tax
A lol yeah road tax
Huge Increased tolls after firing the toll takers how does that work
While offering nothing
Bridges and roads and gas pipelines and water pipes and reservoirs
(ironically where the hard working American people go for fun and sun)
As well as sanctuary illegals and bums and criminals are allowed to prey on anyone including our children (as are now the politicians and unions )
All taking a whack at your childlrens safety and education and indoctrination
I mean over the past 2 weeks we have seen several dem politicians moves
And every post is backed by
A of course
Or a what do you expect
Or a as expected
Or better yet the ones who say great for the politicians
Or yay reparations
Or yay I agree with taking what I dont have or I want
Best part is
If you ask these dems why illegals should be let in no questions asked
You get oh
They are fleeing
And corruption
And political abuse
And political bias
And media lockdowns
And segregation
And government exploitation
And child abuse
And gangs snd drugs
And persecution of race and gender and orientation or binary acceptance
And yet they never realize
that is what they are doing right now
to the hard working American citizens and their families
in this free republic
for which it stands one nation
under god
With liberty
And justice for all
The back bone of our country and its brilliant founders that were obviously smarter than dem voters
Knowing that a single party agenda is ripe with corruption and power
Over the people
Stop being led to slaughter for a 600 dollar check
You may or may not get
While dem politicians got millions in ppp loans
errr grants
errr on our dime
You do know the schools won’t open un less we pony up ohh what
Only 140 billion
So as to protect the unions who are vaccinated and masked and are allready being paid by our taxes
See it easy to make up corrupt numbers and have them make sense
Hit me again Ike
And this time put some stank on it
Oh by the way the libraries are open more and a new wetlands ditch has been dug
all at the cost of several millions of dollars
As well as there have been over 70 yes 70
bum camp intentionally set grass fires
All along the highway 4 and 680 corridor of sanctuary county
Hope you got fire insurance
Well they won’t pay it out anyways
We are in a volatile county that’s not covered for wildfires intentionally or unintentionally set
Due to the massive amount of bums and psych outpatients
Granted self rehabilitation
Man if you could have wrote this book some 15 years ago
You would be filthy rich right now
Can’t make this stuff up
July 1, 2021 - 3:35 PM 3:35 PM
but hey like some yahoo on fb told me, “it’s only $0.06, what the big deal?”
hmmm, $0.06 plus the $1.50 plus already in place for what? crappy roads that only get worked on when there is a recall or in an election year.
July 1, 2021 - 3:38 PM 3:38 PM
I heard Recall Newsom set for Sept 14!!
FYI Coco county uses dominion
When I voted for prez last Nov it kept spitting out my ballot
The poll worker told me “ it keeps doing that! “ with a laugh
(I didn’t vote for Biden )
Jay Roller
July 1, 2021 - 3:48 PM 3:48 PM
What we know about government is that an increase in taxes does not mean an increase in services!
Eastbay Babe
July 1, 2021 - 4:04 PM 4:04 PM
Doesn’t Democrat politicians have enough money? They are robbing us out financially.
chuckie the troll
July 1, 2021 - 4:19 PM 4:19 PM
How much is gas costing you in the Bay Area these days? Kroger is $2.89 for the 4th of July weekend, before discount.
Try contacting the DMV by phone or on line. It will give you an idea on how the state is run. Into the ground.
July 1, 2021 - 4:46 PM 4:46 PM
Thank you liberals.
July 1, 2021 - 4:58 PM 4:58 PM
How come CA doesn’t use old tires to pave our roads? What happened to the “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle” motto in the 90s? AZ uses old tires for there roads. Gas tax goes up, PG & E is going up, Bridge in SF is going up, water bills are up. But I guess if people keep moving in and the rich keep paying these prices then I guess CA will keep on raising prices. I wish more then anything to move out of this state but unfortunately my husband doesn’t want too. :/
July 1, 2021 - 5:42 PM 5:42 PM
The Democrat politician’s mantra is to spend, raise taxes and spend more. Stop electing these morons and stop approving tax increases for these fiscally illiterate idiots. If nothing changes, nothing changes; except in CA, it keeps getting worse…
July 1, 2021 - 6:35 PM 6:35 PM
… thank you Newsom for another unfulfilled campaign promise where you said you’d get to the bottom of the gas price gouging by the oil companies in the Bay Area specifically…. can we get some real leadership in here please? quickly? 🙁
So you’re perfectly ok with the politicians taxing you and LYING about where the tax money meant for roads is going to their pet social programs.
They have continually demonstrated a complete lack of fiscal responsibility over the decades…. And you’re ok with that.
I hope for your sake that someone else is in charge of your money. You aren’t willing to hold the politicians’ feet to the fire – so god knows how you manage your own finances.
Because I’m financially secure, I can afford to live anywhere I want. That being said, I expect elected officials to be fiscally responsible – and not lie.
If you just wanna roll over and let the politicians not spend the money as promised, that’s on you – and you should never be placed on any position of financial responsibility.
July 1, 2021 - 9:44 PM 9:44 PM
The electric car drivers are getting a free pass, as they don’t pay gas taxes. However, electric cars are heavier than the equivalent size IC powered cars and this causes more damage to the roads, so it is a “double whammy.” However, the idiots in Sacramento want to eliminate all sales of IC powered cars by 2035(?). And BTW, where is all of the electricity going to come from to charge these electric cars when the current grid can’t keep the lights on 24/7/365 now? I guess from all of the new nuclear power plants being built now – the stealth ones that we can’t see. Obviously, the liberals haven’t thought this thing out to reach rational conclusions and solutions, but they seem to be incapable of doing it anyway.
July 1, 2021 - 10:17 PM 10:17 PM
Gavin will wait for the Federal money before spending on any road repairs. The State money goes for his social programs and stimulus checks to help him fight off the recall. This was very clever and calculating along with opening up the state as the polls show he will likely stay in as Gov and avoid the recall. Prepare to pay $ 6.00+ for a gallon of gas. Its coming…
That is the issue gas tax doesn’t go into a special road repair fund it goes into the General Fund which allows Gavin to spend it anyway he wants. Now we will be double taxed due to the trillion dollar Biden infrastructure bill and still have the worst roads!!!!!!
double dzzz
July 1, 2021 - 10:45 PM 10:45 PM
California doesn’t belong to any born native here. the state has been robbed for many years now. we’ve been sold out to the greedy pockets of the controllers. no accountability for their actions or funds. fire them all ! a very poor ran state we have here.
July 2, 2021 - 8:02 AM 8:02 AM
recall set for september everyone needs to vote in a new governor newsome is the worst one we have ever had they are making us pay for all there social giveaways $ 103 Billion dollars a year california is the welfare capital of th U S
I’m not sure why this even makes the news anymore as California’s always had high gas prices they raise prices and up taxes right before a long weekend gorgeous for the hell of it as it’s the same old BS over and over a year after year it’s like nobody cares well at least I don’t.
Get over California’s high gas prices already it ain’t going to change it’s the same ol same ol
July 2, 2021 - 8:43 AM 8:43 AM
Biden says it’s no problem, the 16 cents your saving on hot dogs can help us buy some gas.
This is how stupid they really think we are!
The following is from the White House.
“Planning a cookout this year? Ketchup on the news,” The White House tweeted. “According to the Farm Bureau, the cost of a 4th of July BBQ is down from last year. It’s a fact you must-hear(d). Hot dog, the Biden economic plan is working. And that’s something we can all relish.”
Yves Harlowe
July 2, 2021 - 9:35 AM 9:35 AM
I was in Texas scouting for a place to move to. Gas was $2.69.
Lot’s of states out this way with gas in the sub $3 gallon range. There are all kinds of other taxes that exist in California but not here. I will say that inventory is very low in some markets. We got lucky and found an awesome place. But we paid a premium.
American Citizen
July 2, 2021 - 10:57 AM 10:57 AM
You get, what you vote for.
chuckie the troll
July 2, 2021 - 12:02 PM 12:02 PM
At Gavin Newsom’s last Fireside Chat (with a forest fire as backdrop), he promised “A pothole on every corner”.
We may have the highest gas tax, but we certainly don’t have the best kept roads.
I love how the immediate response of many is to blame the “libs.” I blame everyone in government for the crappy roads. I will never understand how, with all of the taxes we pay, our state has such crappy roads, terrible schools, etc.
We have bad roads because the governor and the Democrat politicians are using the gas tax money for social programs not road repair and infrastructure improvements. Period .
That’s why it is right to blame the Democrats for it…. It’s they’re doing.
Mr. Pink,
Services for taxpayers, roads, infrastructure, education, the exploding crime problem, public services, and much more are not a priority for the California democrat government. Their priority first and foremost is criminals, welfare deadbeats, illegal aliens and terrorist groups. They see honest, law abiding, responsible hard working citizens only as a revenue source for their power grab agendas.
@Mr Pink
You do realize that we have a democrat super majority in the state legislature right? Republicans have virtually no say on state policy.
Mr. Pink, In California Libs = Government. When you blame everyone in government then you are blaming Libs. The Democrats run every department.
Totally agree, but don’t forget about those pesky little pensions that need to be funded.
The roads in California (or Kleptofornica) are kept in that condition, on purpose. Every tax increase promises to fix the roads, and every time voters approve one the money goes to parks, bike lanes and everything except fixing toll-free lanes.
And the hits just keep on coming!
Nice work Libs.
Here’s where your gas tax dollars went!
July 1 increase…Dont vote for THEM…Dont vote for ANY tax increase. QUIT REWARDING POLITICANS WITH RE-ELECTION!
Agreed, if we vote for them despite their actions, then they have no basis to do anything to earn our votes.
People need to stop simply voting for someone based on their political party in order for things to improve.
Even as a libertarian, I don’t always give my vote to the person the political party chose.
You know how this goes….over 90% of them will get re-elected.
“It’s not my my mayor/rep/gov/senator/lackey that’s the problem, it’s yours. So vote yours out.”
We need equitable gas prices across this country!
California’s has the dumbest people (Democrats). The state has an 80 cent gas taxes already per gallon. 50 cents of which is ALLEGEDLY going to the roads???? Where is the money that’s already allocated to the roads going???? And where is the additional 30 cents going???? Hmmm???
And then the California Democratic voter passes another gas tax???? I would say UNBELIEVABLE, but then this is a Democratic run state.
I can’t make this stuff up.
Anyone but a democrat 2024!!!!
It’s the same with the runaway crime. The Democrats and the fillable California voters that are putting these laws and politicians into effect that lets all the criminals go and allows theft robbery up to $950 to not be a crime. Keep voting for the Democrats and it’s going to get worse and worse and worse. I guess you’ll only wake up when you personally are victimized, hurt, killed…. Up until then you think all is fine when it’s happening to others. Well it’s coming your way!
I’ll never vote for Democrat ever again!
If the FBI doesn’t obey the law, why should we?
If states can ignore the Constitution and break laws then we can too!
Socialist Democrats are providing the example & leading the way.
Hits working class and the poor the most. A lot of Lexus liberals believe higher gas prices will lessen the environmental impact, so they want this.
It won’t affect them at all. All the tradesman coming in from Modesto, Manteca, Stockton et. al. will get stung once again. Along with everybody else not living in high end areas.
You wanted gov control and a sanctuary welfare state
How did you think they would do it
By milking unicorns
Or allowing rampant theft in the name of reparations….oh sorry they did that
Well anyways no dem voter works for a living
So the hard working American citizen has to be milked
In increased property tax
Sales tax
Gas tax
Increased temporary tax …I mean wow dem voters never saw a temporary tax they didn’t want to keep and or increase
A annual tax hike
A wealth tax
A leaving this garbage state tax
A lol yeah road tax
Huge Increased tolls after firing the toll takers how does that work
While offering nothing
Bridges and roads and gas pipelines and water pipes and reservoirs
(ironically where the hard working American people go for fun and sun)
As well as sanctuary illegals and bums and criminals are allowed to prey on anyone including our children (as are now the politicians and unions )
All taking a whack at your childlrens safety and education and indoctrination
I mean over the past 2 weeks we have seen several dem politicians moves
And every post is backed by
A of course
Or a what do you expect
Or a as expected
Or better yet the ones who say great for the politicians
Or yay reparations
Or yay I agree with taking what I dont have or I want
Best part is
If you ask these dems why illegals should be let in no questions asked
You get oh
They are fleeing
And corruption
And political abuse
And political bias
And media lockdowns
And segregation
And government exploitation
And child abuse
And gangs snd drugs
And persecution of race and gender and orientation or binary acceptance
And yet they never realize
that is what they are doing right now
to the hard working American citizens and their families
in this free republic
for which it stands one nation
under god
With liberty
And justice for all
The back bone of our country and its brilliant founders that were obviously smarter than dem voters
Knowing that a single party agenda is ripe with corruption and power
Over the people
Stop being led to slaughter for a 600 dollar check
You may or may not get
While dem politicians got millions in ppp loans
errr grants
errr on our dime
You do know the schools won’t open un less we pony up ohh what
Only 140 billion
So as to protect the unions who are vaccinated and masked and are allready being paid by our taxes
See it easy to make up corrupt numbers and have them make sense
Hit me again Ike
And this time put some stank on it
Oh by the way the libraries are open more and a new wetlands ditch has been dug
all at the cost of several millions of dollars
As well as there have been over 70 yes 70
bum camp intentionally set grass fires
All along the highway 4 and 680 corridor of sanctuary county
Hope you got fire insurance
Well they won’t pay it out anyways
We are in a volatile county that’s not covered for wildfires intentionally or unintentionally set
Due to the massive amount of bums and psych outpatients
Granted self rehabilitation
Man if you could have wrote this book some 15 years ago
You would be filthy rich right now
Can’t make this stuff up
but hey like some yahoo on fb told me, “it’s only $0.06, what the big deal?”
hmmm, $0.06 plus the $1.50 plus already in place for what? crappy roads that only get worked on when there is a recall or in an election year.
I heard Recall Newsom set for Sept 14!!
FYI Coco county uses dominion
When I voted for prez last Nov it kept spitting out my ballot
The poll worker told me “ it keeps doing that! “ with a laugh
(I didn’t vote for Biden )
What we know about government is that an increase in taxes does not mean an increase in services!
Doesn’t Democrat politicians have enough money? They are robbing us out financially.
How much is gas costing you in the Bay Area these days? Kroger is $2.89 for the 4th of July weekend, before discount.
Currently, 4.65/gallon, give or take a few cents.
Try contacting the DMV by phone or on line. It will give you an idea on how the state is run. Into the ground.
Thank you liberals.
How come CA doesn’t use old tires to pave our roads? What happened to the “Reduce, Reuse, Recycle” motto in the 90s? AZ uses old tires for there roads. Gas tax goes up, PG & E is going up, Bridge in SF is going up, water bills are up. But I guess if people keep moving in and the rich keep paying these prices then I guess CA will keep on raising prices. I wish more then anything to move out of this state but unfortunately my husband doesn’t want too. :/
The Democrat politician’s mantra is to spend, raise taxes and spend more. Stop electing these morons and stop approving tax increases for these fiscally illiterate idiots. If nothing changes, nothing changes; except in CA, it keeps getting worse…
… thank you Newsom for another unfulfilled campaign promise where you said you’d get to the bottom of the gas price gouging by the oil companies in the Bay Area specifically…. can we get some real leadership in here please? quickly? 🙁
He gets to a lot of bottoms, but gas prices ain’t one of them.
And the Jackasses keep voting yes.
You nailed it.
F you California. And the voters who voted no to repeal this. Most of whom probably don’t even drive much
If you cannot afford to live in California, there are many other states to where you can relocate. The stress you get from being here is not healthy.
A person’s home is worth fighting for and stressing over. With out us middle class whiners, California would be lost.
@i am….
So you’re perfectly ok with the politicians taxing you and LYING about where the tax money meant for roads is going to their pet social programs.
They have continually demonstrated a complete lack of fiscal responsibility over the decades…. And you’re ok with that.
I hope for your sake that someone else is in charge of your money. You aren’t willing to hold the politicians’ feet to the fire – so god knows how you manage your own finances.
Too late, California is LOST!!!
Because I’m financially secure, I can afford to live anywhere I want. That being said, I expect elected officials to be fiscally responsible – and not lie.
If you just wanna roll over and let the politicians not spend the money as promised, that’s on you – and you should never be placed on any position of financial responsibility.
The electric car drivers are getting a free pass, as they don’t pay gas taxes. However, electric cars are heavier than the equivalent size IC powered cars and this causes more damage to the roads, so it is a “double whammy.” However, the idiots in Sacramento want to eliminate all sales of IC powered cars by 2035(?). And BTW, where is all of the electricity going to come from to charge these electric cars when the current grid can’t keep the lights on 24/7/365 now? I guess from all of the new nuclear power plants being built now – the stealth ones that we can’t see. Obviously, the liberals haven’t thought this thing out to reach rational conclusions and solutions, but they seem to be incapable of doing it anyway.
Gavin will wait for the Federal money before spending on any road repairs. The State money goes for his social programs and stimulus checks to help him fight off the recall. This was very clever and calculating along with opening up the state as the polls show he will likely stay in as Gov and avoid the recall. Prepare to pay $ 6.00+ for a gallon of gas. Its coming…
That is the issue gas tax doesn’t go into a special road repair fund it goes into the General Fund which allows Gavin to spend it anyway he wants. Now we will be double taxed due to the trillion dollar Biden infrastructure bill and still have the worst roads!!!!!!
California doesn’t belong to any born native here. the state has been robbed for many years now. we’ve been sold out to the greedy pockets of the controllers. no accountability for their actions or funds. fire them all ! a very poor ran state we have here.
recall set for september everyone needs to vote in a new governor newsome is the worst one we have ever had they are making us pay for all there social giveaways $ 103 Billion dollars a year california is the welfare capital of th U S
It’s a magnet for homeless out of stators.
I’m not sure why this even makes the news anymore as California’s always had high gas prices they raise prices and up taxes right before a long weekend gorgeous for the hell of it as it’s the same old BS over and over a year after year it’s like nobody cares well at least I don’t.
Get over California’s high gas prices already it ain’t going to change it’s the same ol same ol
Biden says it’s no problem, the 16 cents your saving on hot dogs can help us buy some gas.
This is how stupid they really think we are!
The following is from the White House.
“Planning a cookout this year? Ketchup on the news,” The White House tweeted. “According to the Farm Bureau, the cost of a 4th of July BBQ is down from last year. It’s a fact you must-hear(d). Hot dog, the Biden economic plan is working. And that’s something we can all relish.”
I was in Texas scouting for a place to move to. Gas was $2.69.
Lot’s of states out this way with gas in the sub $3 gallon range. There are all kinds of other taxes that exist in California but not here. I will say that inventory is very low in some markets. We got lucky and found an awesome place. But we paid a premium.
You get, what you vote for.
At Gavin Newsom’s last Fireside Chat (with a forest fire as backdrop), he promised “A pothole on every corner”.