It could be worse.
As dry as the Bay Area is in yet another drought year, there are areas of California where it is even drier.
Golden Gate Weather Services released rainfall totals from around the state for the meteorological rainfall season of July 1 to June 30.
While locations in the Bay Area have received about 40 percent of the rain received in a normal year, desert areas in Southern California are far more dry than normal.
Needles received just 7 percent of its normal rainfall, and Thermal in the Coachella Valley at 12 percent, and Palm Springs and Lancaster at 19 percent.
That is little solace, though, for residents of the increasing number of communities in the Bay Area being asked to conserve water yet again.
The rainfall totals for the following Bay Area, as reported by Golden Gate Weather Service:
- Santa Rosa, 12.95 inches, 38 percent of the normal 33.78 inches
- San Francisco, 8.96 inches, 39 percent of the normal 22.89 inches
- SFO, 7.87 inches, 40 percent of the normal 19.64 inches
- Oakland, 7.62 inches, 41 percent of the normal 18.68 inches
- San Jose, 5.33 inches, 40 percent of the normal 13.48 inches
- Salinas, 5.75, 46 percent of the normal 12.58 inches
The report author cautions that the figures may be slightly different than those published by the California Department of Water Resources, which uses the Oct. 1 water year instead of the historical meteorological rainfall season of July 1 to June 30.
Get used to it…. this is cyclical. No reason to panic (unless you want more needless hysteria).
“Climate change” is a continuous process.
Yes, you are correct, but certain leftists are wanting to profit and steal freedoms with the climate change scare tactic. I sure would like to see more people acknowledge the scam and speak up about it.
Yet here we are, no water and always up in smoke but CA is always building more structures. 🙄 Here i do my best to conserve water and yet if CA is building then clearly there must be enough water so why should I continue to conserve? Oh that’s right, cause the water district raised there prices. I truly hope we get a lot of rain this winter. WE DEFINITELY NEED IT! 🙏🏻🤞🏻🙏🏻🤞🏻
There will NEVER be enough water. In good years the ocean gets it. In bad years you take it in the shorts*.
Perhaps California should put a moratorium on immigration and new housing until the water crisis is fixed. But just imagine the reception that idea would receive.
We should have mandatory conservation as of now. Washing cars and watering lawns should be banned. For anyone that disagrees, wait til you can not flush your toilet.
So the money I have paid to purchase and care for my car should be wasted because you deem washing a car as a bad thing?
Or the time I took to develop, nurture and care for my lawn is wasted because you feel watering it a bad thing?
And finally, you think I we cannot flush a toilet …. Wowser!
So I will continue to wash my car. I use mostly a waterless product anyways, but periodically I do use actual water and use about 20 gallons total (yes, I have measure it!).
My lawn will continue to be watered every other morning when the weather is cool so the water does not evaporate. My watering system is not washing my street, driveway or anywhere it should not be.
My drip irrigation system will continue as well, so in a continue to enjoy the fresh produce out of my garden; bell peppers, Brussels sprouts, strawberry, tomatoes and so much more.
How bout people work on adjusting their sprinklers to only water the plant? Learn to wash dishes without using 20 gallons of water. Learn to live with a 3-5 minute shower?
Of course, if our stupid idiotic governor has put some energy into building water retention facilities instead of running his mouth …. Well wait, forgot, water rationing will not impact him-so why would he care?
Rather than preparing for what they claim is the future they give billions to social programs and not a penny for desalinated water. If the left gets any dumber to preserve my sanity I will just stop reading the news. Only problem is I am a news junkie.
Both Needles and Thermal rely on groundwater. Thermal uses Colorado River water to replenish their aquifer as needed. I don’t think a couple of years of drought will be a major problem there. These areas receive 3-5 inches of rain on a good year and it evaporates quickly.
Far more important is the Sierra snow pack and our shameful lack of new reservoirs.
How about we build ever more housing? The water has to come from somewhere right?
Drought is common in California thanks to our geographic location. Weather is cyclical, but we tend to be on the drier side of things. We don’t have the water for what we have now, but the state seems to think forcing communities to build hundreds of thousands of more housing units won’t impact our water supply. Hey, didn’t the subject of recall Governor announce a drought emergency for almost 30 counties back in May? Maybe continuing to build is a bad idea….
… and what has our state leadership done to enlarge our water storage / reserves despite seeing droughts ? …. very little if anything …. we need new leadership top to bottom asap in so many fronts … increasing taxes, gas prices, business leaving Cali, poor fire management, homelessness management out of control, immigration, etc, etc
We FINALLY got some rain over here. We hadn’t had any in about two weeks and the lawn was getting brown. I feel sorry for all of you suffering in California, but this was/is a foreseeable and preventable crisis.
Rather than funding all of those fake water projects which only benefit environmental groups, why not fund actual increases in water storage capacity and ground-water recharging?