Home » State Bill Seeking To Increase Police Accountability Signed Into Law

State Bill Seeking To Increase Police Accountability Signed Into Law


California Gov. Gavin Newsom late Monday signed into law Assembly Bill 127, which aims to increase accountability for police officers involved in misconduct or unlawful shootings.

The bill was authored by Sen. Sydney Kamlager, D-Los Angeles, and co-sponsored by San Francisco District Attorney Chesa Boudin.

Under the bill, prosecutors seeking an arrest warrant for an officer can now go directly to a judge to secure the warrant. Prior to the law, prosecutors faced several bureaucratic hurdles to secure a warrant for an officer involved in alleged misconduct or unlawful shootings, including, oftentimes, unwillingness from other officers who refuse to help in the prosecution of one of their colleagues.

“We can’t let a ‘snitches get stitches’ policy strong-arm our criminal legal system. AB 127 fights against this practice and will dramatically help in holding police officers accountable in California,” Kamlager said in a statement. “By signing AB 127 into law, we’re showing that procedural barriers or an officer’s unwillingness to speak out do not override the due process a victim of police violence or misconduct is entitled to.”


“I am thrilled that Governor Newsom has signed AB 127 into law to ensure that California is eliminating obstacles to police accountability,” Boudin said. “The murder of George Floyd and so many others around the state of California and the nation has reminded us of the need to promote justice for victims of police violence and police misconduct. AB 127 remedies the problem that exists when law enforcement officers refuse to assist in the prosecution of a fellow officer — which can leave prosecutors unable to pursue charges against police who break the law.”

Since Boudin took office last year, he’s become the first San Francisco district attorney to charge officers accused of misconduct. So far, five separate officers have faced charges in connection with four separate cases.

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When will we have a “Public Service or Politician Accountability”?

…. love it! great idea!

great now police will pull back like in Chicago, NYC, etc.


Include this Chesea in the recall effort! He is in the same pool as Becton and Newsom.

While you Nimrods are writing accountability laws, let’s do one for the District Attorneys, Judges and Politicians.

Keep this garbage up and we won’t have police. They’ll go to another state.

Exactly, WC…know of a SFPD officer who is retiring 2 years early and just bought a beautiful home in Nevada…this state is going down the drain!

…. yes… and the political leaders don’t care as long as it’s pc for them and keeping them in office… cutting $18M of OPD police budget? … very sad

When will there be laws to create politician accountability? Politicians have caused countless numbers of loss of life, loss of livelihood, and much more.
For example: How’s the California Public Utilities Commission working out for everybody? They are the governmental board tasked with making sure the things that happened in Santa Rosa and Paradise wouldn’t happen. Or, anybody struggling because Gavin’s inept oversight of the EDD department, and the 31 billion dollars stolen from taxpayers and those who needed and deserved the money?

Really? You think politicians will enact laws that force them to be accountable for their actions?

That will NEVER happen.



Politicians are special and need consideration. Can you imagine for example the stress Dianne Feinstein is under now that she had to reduce the asking price of her Tahoe property from 46 million dollars down to only 41 million?

Government accountability will never happen.
My point in that statement is the glaring hypocrisy of government.
Also, the absolute ineffectiveness and incompetence of the government, too.

Government accountability is called the ballot box. If the morons keep voting in the same morons or don’t get off their butts to vote, this is what you get.

Vote them, yes.
However – There should be more accountability than voting out inept and or corrupt politicians that cause catastrophic human losses.

The left will be happy when there are no more police. This bill will bring phony charges like never seen before. What policeman is going to risk his life for this? Oakland will turn into Chicago and no place will be safe. The left wants to drag the country down and why, I don’t know why.


There will always be police. Just ask the governor
who has two armed CHP Officers who escort and
protect him wherever he goes. California politicians
may not want you to carry a gun, but they sure enjoy
the privilege of having armed guards.

How about actual criminal accountability for once? We are practically a no prosecute state. When will the criminals EVER be accountable for their actions? STOP blaming anyone else for what dirty criminals CHOOSE to do. Financial status, race, background, family status, profiling all have NOTHING to do with why criminals choose to be scum.

couldn’t have said it better!

I don’t care the San Francisco DA chesa Boudin likes this. That just shows how bad they are. His parents bombed and killed policemen and now he’s trying to do it through the legal system.
All the while he is letting criminals out left and right and San Francisco is becoming a horribly dangerous city. He doesn’t care he loves criminals and hates policemen. The same could be said for Gavin Newsom. We have to kick them all out of office.

Check out his adoptive parents.

I believe accountability of our elected Judges should come 1st. Yes, we elect them and can ensure they are not reelected, however, whenever a Judge releases a criminal who commits another crime while on bail should also be financially and criminally liable. I bet they would think twice about their past woke ideals and releases.


All Demon-crats on this one, again.

And Psaki trys to spin it that Republicans are responsible for De-funding the Police.
Spin all you like.
We are not that dumb. We see what is going on and who is behind it.
Vote smart people, not party lines.

Let all these loons go live together in their no law and order, no police world. Let me know how that works out for you.
And yes, that means no security or body guards either. Follow your rules…

Hate to break it to you Ignatz, but 60% of the voters in this state are that dumb. Vote smart? Free ice cream is all they care about.

ven a America……helado gratis

How about parent(s) accountable for their loser kids!

A recent survey of 200 police departments indicated that retirements were up by 45%, and resignations up by 18% from April 2020 to April 2021.
It’s time to arm yourselves folks, and don’t worry about the legalities of carrying a concealed gun, there won’t be any police to arrest you.

after biden threatened Americans with F-15s and nuclear bombs he also said he’d create strike teams to go after “illegal” gun sales. if he does that, what ever “illegal” means in this context, like maybe too many sales which isn’t illegal, it isn’t a far step for him to come after citizens. remember he said “white supremacy is more of a threat than terrorists”

just a note, the feds have considered shutting down their “white supremacy” division as the rate of criminal activity is so low is may not justify keeping it active.

Hey guys! Do not accidentally murder someone in your home or shoot yourself instead of the invaders. Ha ha ha I can just see it all now.

@Dawg. shhhh… you said the quiet part out loud again. You weren’t supposed to say fewer police equals less infringement of your 2nd Amendment rights. It goes against the odd right wing delusion that police are all about mom, guns, and apple pie. Truth is police organizations consistently back anti-2nd Amendment legislation wherever it pops up. Neither Nancy Pelosi or any other left wing bogeyman is coming for your guns. But your friends and neighbors, the ones that serve in local police departments, sheriffs deputies, etc., THEY are the ones that will kick in your door and extinguish your 2nd Amendment rights. And if they murder you or your family in the process, this new law will help hold them to account in what is left of our tattered justice system.

The phony, adolescent brand of conservatism of that is increasingly on display on this site is depressing. You get all the bad stuff, the racism, the euphoric militarism, the racism, the science denialism, the racism, and supporting of a would be crack pot dictator, and none of the good stuff, like a belief that the best way to ensure liberty is to keep the government’s point men, the police, under the heel of a well-armed public.

Color is not a consideration for the police, they just arrest the people that commit the crimes….they don’t get to decide what color they are. That’s up to the criminals.

@ Dr. Jellyfinger. me thinks perhaps you blurred my paragraphs. I mostly agree with what you say as far as police and being “color blind”. I wouldn’t expect the demographics of the incarcerated population to mirror the demographics of the general population. I would hope that it mirrors the demographics of the population that is committing crimes, whatever that may be.

My allusion to pervasive racism had nothing to do with police, and everything to do with the overall tone, and specific comments of many contributors to this site. I don’t think it is any secret that what was once a family friendly site, has become an angry haven for white nationalists. I have called this out many times. Sometimes my critiques get through, and often when they do, they are quickly deleted, with the racist comments to which I was objecting being left to stand.

I need a Rolaid after listening to Rolaids! Yep! The bad Gestapo with badges coming after your guns. Not the Democrats that are constantly preaching gun control. Again, blame everyone but yourself. Now we have Pelosi and the other whack jobs blaming the republicans for all this defund garbage! They really do believe the peasants are stupid!

Pretty sure “snitches get stitches” isn’t a phrase originating from police officers. Meanwhile I waked past a guy wearing a t-shirt that read #knowyourDA the other day.

Respect Police Officers, Obey their commands, obey the laws, Don’t resist arrest while drugged up and there will be no need for excessive force or police defending themselves.
Act like a moron and pay the price.



The voters are getting what they wanted.

LFG! Great step forward, hopefully the rest of the country follows suit. Too many instances of police abusing their authority with no remorse or consequence due to “qualified immunity”. Society needs cops to referee and provide a level, unbiased playing field for everyone. Without overstepping their duties.

I am with the folks that have stated that the politicans must be held accountable for all of the crap that is going on. From Biden-Harris all the way down the rabbit hole. Whoever is controlling Biden better wake up as the common sense loyal Americans are fed up with the BS that they are shoving down our throats. We need law enforcement. It is apparent that when the criminals and people who can’t control their friends or family members who do they call right out of the gate??? Then immediately sue LE and the officers and agencies they called.

San Jose is trying to pass laws to make gun owners pay for liability insurance plus. Baloney. No one is out there to protect us and our property, the criminals have been let out by Newsolini as he can stay in office.

Trump may have had a horrible way of delivering his message but he was not against America he was for it. The administration now in control is up for grabs to the hightest bidder and they do not care about us the citizens as they only see us as fools who keep paying taxes to feed their ever present need to pander to the entitlement crowd, illegals and criminals.

The price of everything and anything has gone through the roof since Joe Bid Lyin and Heels Up Job Jumping Harris are in the White House. What will it take to wake up you fools?? Oh what is wrong with me – you all are getting fat sucking off the tit of America and collecting unemployment and additional Federal funds not to work.

Guess I was raised wrong-as I pay my taxes, work my ass off, even though disabled, but am taken advantage of every day because I am deemed of a lighter skin color. But I am one of the many that support you lazy folks who do nothing but complain and don’t worki.

Sorry for the rant.

Best wake up American. Mid terms are right around the corner if we can survive til then.


Trump only cares for one thing – Trump! He has was the only President that turned on his own Democratic country by creating a coup to take down our government because he was lost the vote. He was and is a criminal. His minions are going to jail. He is a very clever con man. In fact he is still getting money with THE BIG LIE. He did more harm to this country than any President. History will not forget or forgive him.

Popcorn, Our country is a Republic, not Democratic.

Pledge of Allegiance

“… and to the Republic
for which it stands, one
nation, indivisible, with
liberty and justice for

Popcorn, tell us what damage Trump did to this country compared to the radical fools in the White House now? Try to stick to facts

Chesa Boudin is not a direction this state should be heading, he’s a joke.

What do you expect from the son of two convicted criminals? He will always have a personal agenda..

Another victory for the disciples of George Soros.
Poor George Floyd. They milk his death as if it were a cow. Such disrespect. When law enforcement shoot a criminal, they blame the cop. When a criminal shoots someone, they blame the gun.

Their timing is interesting. I wouldn’t expect Newsom to endorse anything this stupid until after the recall should he still be in office. Further, even Biden realizes lawlessness will cost his party the next election.

Look for more law enforcement early retirements and an increased California exodus by law abiding families.

police are not referees they are here to protect and serve. don’t force them to defend themselves by resisting arrest and likely everything will go just fine, if you broke the law you may actually be held accountable by the justice system then again this is Kalifornia so you also may not be.

p.s. just saw the anti-#RecallGavinNewsom ad, what a joke. i thought buying votes was illegal, maybe democrats are exempt.

This is very important. Thank you Governor Gavin Newsom. You are doing a great job and you WILL BE A KERPER!!! You are awesome and I am very proud of your effort to keep our Democracy strong contrary to the scary bunch that are NOT REPUBLICANS!l That bunch needs to leave the USA.

What is a KERPER?

Agreed, he is a KERPER!!!

You seem like a confused individual.

What’s a KERPER? Is that some new liberal, gender-neutral lingo for mouth-breathing idiot?

It’s a jerk and a creeper mixed together 🙂

Newsom’s already a KERPER:


very confused, maybe you were thinking of Trump? 🙂

except for the KERPER part, ???

Bubba had his Monica and Newsom has popcorn

Perhaps we can dream of a time when Kerpers can demand their civil rights, and in a future when all schools have a KLM sign in front, not just at the Airports.

Biden voters, any voter remorse yet?

can we get the last guy back, he cared about Americans and not about

“the big guy always getting his 10%”

Ladies and Gentlemen,

It’s the Wild West out there, police will not and should not respond to your problems, be prepared.

I’m your huckleberry.


Anybody else see the irony? San Francisco D.A., Chesa Boudin’s parents killed two police officers and severely injured a security officer in New York back in the 1970s where his father is still serving a 75 year sentence for the homicides and his mother was released in 2003 after serving decades for the same crime and now their wonderful son is systematically destroying the police. Hmmm? This can only happen in CA or N.Y., but soon it will spread east and west throughout the nation.

let’s pray those in the middle of this great nation haven’t been infected by the plague of lefte-ism.

Come on folks! There is accountability for politicians. It’s call the vote. Unfortunately, the electorate is filled with idiots that refuse to take their heads out of the sand (or other places). The politicians are doing exactly what the electorate wants, destroying our state! Then when it hits bottom (we’re pretty close), they’ll simply try to blame someone else. It’s the Californian way!

as they say, if you don’t like crime being out of control then don’t vote for criminals.

What a great bill! I think police should be held accountable for what they do while on the job and should follow the same laws the people they are paid to do. Everyone, especially those in positions of power, should be held to a higher standard.

So rioters and looters should be held to a lower standard?

That’s exactly why Portland is a disaster.



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