Home » CPUC Approves Suspension Of Utility Shutoffs For Customers In Debt

CPUC Approves Suspension Of Utility Shutoffs For Customers In Debt


The California Public Utilities Commission has approved suspending utility shutoffs for another three months as part of its efforts to address the significant utility debt that customers took on during the pandemic.

During a period now extended through Sept. 30, the CPUC will issue automated payment plans for residents and business owners with energy bills overdue by 60 days. The hope is to prevent customers from receiving balloon payments, or worse, no utility services at all because of their payment history.

“The CPUC continues to support customers in addressing the consequences of the pandemic by offering these additional payment plans and greater latitude to avoid disconnections,” said Commissioner Genevieve Shiroma.

For customers of large utility companies, the payment plans will run for 24 months, meaning customers have two years to make up for the bills they skipped because of the pandemic. These automatic plans are optional, however, and customers can still receive compensation from relief programs, pay in larger amounts or pay off their debts in full at any time.


Customers of smaller utility companies will be enrolled in either 12- or 24-month payment plans with the option to opt out.

And for small business owners across the state, utility companies must map out a debt payment plan that doesn’t have payments exceeding 10 percent of their normal bill. Businesses in low-income neighborhoods will pay no more than 5 percent of their average bill per debt payment.

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wow utilities actually trying to help small businesses all across the state !
maybe the state is not in a perpetual state of idiocy after all.

And for small business owners across the state, utility companies must map out a debt payment plan that doesn’t have payments exceeding 10 percent of their normal bill.

yay for …..uuummm

wait what the oh i see

Businesses in low-income neighborhoods will pay no more than 5 percent of their average bill per debt payment.

here we go ….

now everything has to be about race and projected equity of race and the lack of race and or plethora of race or non associated race

why why why

if a business is open and running

any business than it seems that business is profitable enough to stay open

so why the pat on the head for subjected and hand picked equity
so called areas that have no official boundaries or certifications other than how and when a dem delegate designates said boundaries as needed

i applaud any small business making the dream happen and building a foundation for their children its not easy and long hours

but to subject them to bias and race equity
telling them its ok no you dont measure up to other businesses
…but its ok we will subsidize you and treat you as not achieving your goals or dreams
unless we the demorats help you along and provide you ballots to keep us around
to boost you up and maintain your reduced status for you and your children
for many years to come

so much for equality and freedom

nope your labeled as needy and below others by demorats

the fact yes fact that your treated this way is not right at all

so the demorats are saying that if you live and own a thriving business in a so called by demorats …. an equity corridor
you are not afforded the appreciation or success or accolade’s or acceptance or self respect
as an area deemed better than yours

there by being bias against you and your business and your success

success of a business is not associated with a equity corridor

its supply and demand and economics

you charge what the people will pay and find the best prices on items to provide so your customers are happy and you can profit and continue to provide service

it has nothing to do with oh your considered lower standards by racist dems

so here is your stipend and lowered expectations quota
so remember vote dem or lose all your support and bias

sickening that dems call everyone else racist
yet go out of their way to create racism everywhere its not

all business was slammed and hit with state gov fake lockdowns
yet even that is now racist based

recall the racist governor
and lets push for a equal and happy state where we all are american citizens and afforded the respect and accolades

small business is the backbone of society and is needed more than big business

all small businesses support each other and respect each other

the state is trying to separate and divide them
yet again to push their racist agendas and tax schemes

shame on you
treat all business with respect towards your fake lockdown fiasco damage

across the board help is appreciated
when you segregate it
you politicians are wrong and should be treated as such

small business equals america

not more dem racist division and political fodder


Slackers and bums continue to get free stuff. No incentive to work. Those who pay their bills will pick up the slack.

When I was young and broke, I paid a partial water bill – within about 3 weeks, I had an EBMUD representative at my home. He insisted on a check right then and there (about $110) and the next month I had an extra fee on my bill for a service visit.



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