The California Department of Public Health (CDPH) announced a new partnership under its Vaccinate ALL 58 effort with McDonald’s Franchisees to set up pop-up clinics at more than 70 locations across the state.
Some McDonald’s will hold one-day clinics while others will offer multiple clinic dates starting today.
“We know convenience is key to driving up vaccination rates, and the State has worked closely with employers to ensure COVID-19 vaccines are easy for people to access,” said California State Epidemiologist Dr. Erica Pan. “This new partnership is an exciting opportunity to not only make vaccination sites more accessible for the thousands of McDonald’s employees in California, it also supports the surrounding communities they serve.”
All clinics are open to McDonald’s employees, their family members and the general public. Walk-up vaccinations will be available at all sites, and some sites may allow for booking an appointment ahead of time.
People who receive a vaccine at McDonald’s will also get a coupon for any one item on the menu.
I’m waiting for them to set up a clinic at the French Laundry with a coupon for a complete dinner of my choice, dessert, and a bottle of Dom Perignon 2005.
Sorry no choices
The specially at the French Laundry is stuffed shirts, with newscum on the side. The house whine is A.B.W. “always be woke”
It looks like you’ll have to settle for a Big Mac and freedom from a case of Covid-19.
Notice that they never set up their “pop up clinics” at any Vegan establishments……because those people Do Not believe in contaminating their temple.
These lazy fools however…..want to continue their unhealthy diets and lifestyle and think that an injection is going to solve any problems. Time to Wake up!
Since when do vegans inject foreign substances in their body. Isn’t that why they became vegan?
To be honest, it would appear they’re called “vegans” because they exist in a simplistic, vegetative state. If they were truly serious about their love for living things, they wouldn’t be decimating the plant population the way they are.
I agree. The true pandemic obesity, poor nutrition, lack of exercise, and stress. Also, blaming other people and not taking responsibility for why they are failures in life. Like lefties and their voters want to do. Play the victim and teaching children that will only set them up for failure in life. They do the same thing with the flu shot. “The best way to protect yourself from the flu is get your vaccine.”A complete lie. Keeping yourself healthy is the holistic and best way to prevent disease. Sometimes we are just dealt crappy genetics but following the above lifestyle guidelines can only help.
hmmm how do dems force kids to get experimental vaccinations?
oh yeah hook up with the kids favorite place
oooh look kids happy meal and a trial vaccine shot
oh if you get your shot you can have a milk shake with your meal
so i guess now its ok for the government to prey on kids
through sell out business models
well at least binbiden is happy
way to sell out your customers
in my opinion of course
no animals were hurt while making this statement
this statement is vegan and completely non binary or parental family structure or non family structure or foster or guardian
or affiliated with any gov organization or anti burger or incredimeat or bias against non burgers establishments
…insert any letters you deem fit or needed for approval of this message
I think I’ll wait until the mandatory jail time begins.
I am with you. People don’t realize these are only EA approved,
Emergency Authorization and are human trials.
I’m waiting for the firing squad.
These are the results of Newsom’s study of the “root cause” of vaccine avoidance. They came to the conclusion that people who are picky about what they put in their bodies eat at McDonalds. We’re dealing with some sharp minds here……..
I’m surprised the study didn’t conclude that the root cause was climate change or white supremacy.
I guess you could say the give away here is better than the “gift of public funds” done by NewScum and his cronies of taxpayer dollars foolishly paid out…
So who gives you the shot? The hamburger wrapper or the one that puts the mustard on?
…. you want fries with that? …. can I supersize it? 🙂
Fast Foods For a Fat Future.
Vaccines for vulnerable vegans.
Sounds very cheesy
Another Gavin production
What a creepy state of the world we are in right now.
It’s like living in a science fiction movie or TV series. I can think of some it reminds me of such as both the BBC and Amazon versions of the TV series “Utopia”. Another indie sci-fi movie called “Arcadia” (2019) on Tubi deals with a pandemic and “vaccine”. These were supposed to be warnings but it’s like some folks thought they would be a blueprint.
But WHO advises not to vax children now, so this is about as clear as mud
https://www.who.int/emergencies/ diseases/novel-coronavirus-2019/covid-19-vaccines/advice
Doesn’t matter now what WHO says…..
the Vaccine Cult is full steam ahead with their Agenda.
And yes, it Is a Cult. Just look at The Temple of Vaccinia.
Nuremberg 2.0 for All of them.
follow the money
always a rich white man behind every money grab
especially a government vaccine trial
rich white all over it
I could say they are the only ones smart enough to do it but actually that isn’t true. You just are not looking all around you.
It’s nefarious and downright scary what is happening…when have we EVER seen MSM, Big Pharma, Big Tech, corporations, military, politicians, public officials, billionaires, etc. as zealous and in single-minded lockstep as they are about these f*****g vaccines?
And then you’ve got the vax zombies who make their tiktok videos celebrating “getting the jab”, for the most part these are the same damn people who just a few years ago claimed they HATED Big Pharma, corporations, Big Media, and supposedly loved “free speech,” but now they cheer when someone gets censored/canceled for even DARING to ask questions.
Look at VAERS, latest numbers just released show over 300K injuries and SIX THOUSAND deaths from the vaccines, yet all these freaks immediately discount those stats as if hundreds of thousands of people—including doctors who file reports—are just lying. Furthermore they attempt to silence those who mention these numbers. None of these people ever took issue with VAERS in the previous ~30 years it’s been a valuable tool in the study of vaccines, but oh NOW it’s nothing more than BS and misinformation. Something very wrong and evil is going on.
Drive to McDonalds. Our food will kill you or the vaccine with kill you. But both are free. LOL
Now, for a limited time, the McJab.
How quickly we forget the past.
Dangerous Swine Flu vaccine from 1976 caused neural damage in some people. CDC lied. Tested one version, but actually distributed an untested version. But you could sue for damages in 1976. Not this time.
1976 CDC Swine Flu vaccine promotion TV ad on YT
1976 60 Minutes story on disabilities caused by vaccine PART 1 on YT
1976 60 Minutes story on disabilities caused by vaccine PART 2 on YT
Vaccine triggered Guillain-Barré syndrome (GBS) in some patients.
Well, I know that’s not true cuz the government would never lie.