Home » UPDATE: Shooting In Downtown Walnut Creek – Victim Has Gunshot Wound To The Head

UPDATE: Shooting In Downtown Walnut Creek – Victim Has Gunshot Wound To The Head


A shooting has been reported in downtown Walnut Creek, near Target.

The victim has a gunshot wound to the head, according to authorities.

The shooting appears to have been from one car to another. It was reported just after 11 p.m.

No other information is currently available.


UPDATE: The gunshot victim has passed away.

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gun violence must end 😡
Best of luck with the investigation Walnut Creek Police!

Don’t blame the gun, blame the individual.

Switzerland has almost universal gun ownership, yet an extremely low murder rate.

What about them is different than the US? Ponder that, Babs.

There is no such thing as “gun violence”

That is a misdirection

A person decided to kill someone else.

The gun did nothing wrong.

The misdirection needs to end.

Outlawing guns will get us all killed.

If you don’t get that, you have a mental disorder.

Using a tragedy for your misdirection is also shameful.

Why specifically gun violence and not just all violence? Do you have something personal against guns but other weapons or tools of violence are acceptable?

“Gun” violence. It’s violence. Banning an object used to perpetrate the violence won’t stop violence. California has very restrictive gun and ammunition laws. They don’t stop criminals and gang members from being violence. They get their guns illegally. Maybe deal with the perpetrators rather than try to control an object. It can’t be done.

Murder is illegal. Is it worse if the victim is shot to death or bludgeoned or stabbed or run over by a car, or anything of a zillion other ways to commit murder?

Many drugs are illegal and banned. Yet we still have a huge junkie problem.

California has ILLEGAL very restrictive gun and ammunition laws. We must fight back against this tyranny.

“Gun” violence? But no comments about “car”violence? “Knife “ violence? “Rock” violence?

It’s cheap and easy to blame the tool – that’s why politicians pass more laws. But heaven forbid holding people accountable for their actions. They might get “offended.@

Guns are no more a cause of violence than are pencils for causing misspelling- or spoons for making people fat. You want to cut down on obesity? Blame the fork… then they’ll use a spoon. Get the idea?

And don’t even go near the comment that nobody “needs” xxxx.

If some people could read, they would see it said gun VIOLENCE MUST END.
It’s obvious who owns a gun. I said nothing about banning your guns.
Do you use your guns for violent acts?
I seriously can’t think of anything good that comes our of owning a gun, because it usually ends in death of someone or something either self inflicted or otherwise.
Read the news of late? Shootings are out of control and most that carry guns are mentally unstable.

Gun violence is a leading cause of premature death in the U.S. Guns kill more than 38,000 people and cause nearly 85,000 injuries each year

No rebuttal needed

@Aunt Barbara, atement

You state “most that carry guns are mentally unstable.” Do you have any facts to back up that statement? No, you don’t because it’s a ridiculous assertion. Here’s the truth….you don’t hear anything about all the millions of people carrying legal guns because they aren’t criminals, aren’t mentally unstable, and don’t commit any crimes. If guns are banned, those are the ONLY people who would give them up. All the people you hear about in the news with all the shootings? They will still have guns (even if they are banned) because they are criminals.

If you can show me a reputable source that shows that the majority of gun owners are mentally unstable then we can talk.

“most that carry guns are mentally unstable”

Horse hockey, Aunt Barb. Take your blatant projection somewhere else.

The vast majority of gun owners in this country own them legally and do not commit violence against other people with them.

Everything Babs said is complete fiction, but it does fit a mentally unstable agenda.

@Aunt Barbara….”mentally unstable”….Just like those guys with their leaf blowers “blowing carbon everywhere”. What we have here is the pot calling the kettle black.

You all just proved my point. thanks for the laugh!

The real problem is single mothers and absent fathers, and all their Democrat enablers.

Aunt Barbara

What exactly do you mean by “leading cause of premature death”?

According to the CDC the leading cause of Death in the United States, excluding disease is unintentional injuries which are automobile accidents, drug poisonings, overdoses and falls.

According the the FBI’s Uniform Crime Reporting in 2019 there were 13,927 murder victims. 73% were by firearms or 10,167.

So where exactly do you 38,000 people were killed by firearms?

Oh I know. You are being disingenuous. Instead of saying homicide, something that could be dangerous to me, you are saying premature death so you can inflate the numbers with suicide and accidents.

According Johns Hopkins University, medical malpractice accounts for an estimated 250,000 and maybe as high as 440,000 deaths annually and is actually the 3rd leading cause of death in the United States behind heart disease and cancer.

It would seem to me that the leading cause of premature death in the United States is malpractice and not firearms.

“most that carry guns are mentally unstable”

Ive been reading your posts for a while now and I truly feel you actually believe the stuff you type. Now its just pure entertainment to see what spews out next.

20 million concealed carry licenses in US ( at the very least) and all passed multiple competency tests and background checks.

I think the line should read” most that toss out made up statistics are mentally unstable and shouldnt be allowed to use guns.”

Call the social workers!!!

At least two of them.

Violence and hate needs to end Guns are just a tool.


Has of the left’s lawlessness reached one of it’s own enclaves?

The liberal left loves to ruin communities! That’s their specialty! Then they spread their success to other good communities coming in with all the usual mantra of diversity, inclusion, tolerance, equity, blah blah blah … They set out to do this to Walnut Creek about 10 years ago and they’ve now fully succeeded. They’re not trying to push into Danville and Clayton with their rhetoric. I think they may not succeed in those two towns because this staunch patriotic Americans that live in them.

violence is societies issue, please stop blaming guns. you might as well blame cars for traffic and traffic accidents by the same logic or fast food for making people fat.

Even ritzy enclaves like Walnut Creek are going down the tubes as California embarks on the great experiment of releasing violent felons and not prosecuting criminals. Good luck folks.

Somebody must have seen it happen-please step forward to WCPD to report
what you saw.

here we go
its the guns fault

not the criminal using it

release all the criminals per the newcum and take away the guns from hard working legal americans violating their constitutional rights

that will keep criminals from shooting people right

another statement from isolated barb

i guess the media blackout is working dem voter lemmings dont know what cities are dealing with

crime waves and unmasked bums
people just looting stores in broad daylight with not a cop or ANY hindrance …no citizens arrest …..just plain old theft is now legal and approved by the newscum and city councils and boards and DA and anyone in this state

blaming the one thing that can potentially save your life and your families is just adolescent primitive thinking that will one day probably bite you in the rear

Is this where everyone jumps in a says their moving out of WC due to the violence? Or does that only apply to Concord?


Well put!

Right? I’ve only had my car broken into in Walnut Creek, never in Concord. They’re closer to Oakland, too.

I work in Danville. Car break ins are up, especially in the last couple of weeks, in our parking lot.

Near target, near hwy 24 west, or 680 east. Will be interesting to know who the victim is. Hopefully the city has cameras up.

Of course they do it’s Walnut Creek haha cameras are everywhere my man

Welcome to Murica, the most violent of the western first world nations


America is not the most violent (although we’re pretty high up there). As the descendant of settlers, I have a few ideas:

1. The USA has TERRIBLE mental wellness care
2. The stigma associated with securing mental health care is HIGH
3. 230+ years of us battling for our freedom from King George and between ourselves for states rights and freeing slaves, makes us bleed gunpowder to stand up against WRONG.
4. Criminals, by definition, do NOT FOLLOW GUN LAWS.

So restricting free people who are mentally stable, from obtaining and using a firearm to protect their family is “crazy” to some, but in our long list of INALIENABLE RIGHTS, WHICH SHALL NOT BE INFRINGED.

‘Murica, Baby 🇺🇸

City council maybe rethinking those recently approved 220 Section 8 vouchers.

In their own minds their polices never cause bad outcomes.

Mental state of thinking is a true trait of certain type of young and stupid individuals who were brought up to be thugs. watch some more gangster rap boyzzzz! censor that crap Hollywood.

Stay Classy Walnut Creek

The people involved were from Martinez and Vallejo…. not Walnut Creek. Probably coming from Bourbon Highway, where the gun-toters hang out. Wish they would close that eye sore down.

Walnut Creek is just a more expensive version of Martinez. Otherwise, they are nearly identical other than one has a quaint dwntwn vs the mini
wannabe Rodeo Dr that is dwntwn WC.

You build it and they will come. And they have…

We need witnesses, camera footage and Target to put a reward.

The only solution is to replace the district attorney, the mayor and the city council of Walnut Creek and the surrounding communities. They have decriminalized much criminal behavior. Elect leaders that support the law abiding tax payers.


Are we ever going to get an update or will it just fade away? What’s the secret?

Anon: That is so very very true what you said!
Most liberals & Democrats would never admit it as it discredits the entire theory they’ve been operating under. And that’s the same they will never admit it. Who knows, maybe if the crime starts affecting them personally a light might come on in their head, but I bet more likely they’ll just blame it on something else.

First, my condolences go out to the family of the victim regardless of whatever transpired to cause this tragic death.
second, I would hope that the W/C PD is actively pulling all surrounding camera and video footage from businesses and street cameras. Someone mentioned it could have been a road rage incident since Target is close to the 24 off-ramp that is a strong possibility. Hopefully, there were witnesses that are just afraid right now to get involved but will come forward on the hotline with information. Violence and hate of any kind is on the rise

Walnut creek is polluted. As are al ot of places in California

If you are reading these comments and you are complaining about the increase in crime and you voted for Prop. 47. You have no right to complain, you get what you vote for.

You guys are right. The problem are the individuals who pull the triggers, overwhelmingly male. Probably we need man corntrol, not gun control.

Defund the police, eliminate bail and free all the criminals……
What could possibly go wrong?

California is a Liberal Paradise.

Let’s use Aunt Barbara’s logic and start blaming cars and their manufacture for Drunk driving because without cars there wouldn’t be drunk driving.

Cop kills a person, they blame the cop.

Criminal kills a person, they blame the gun.



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