Home » Get Them Out – Act Fast If You See A Child Alone In A Hot Vehicle

Get Them Out – Act Fast If You See A Child Alone In A Hot Vehicle


If you see a child alone in a vehicle, act fast.

If the child is not responsive or in distress call 911 immediately, and then get the child out of the car and spray them with cool water.

Read more from the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration.


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I’d do it for a child, and I’d do it for an animal. The only thing I would do differently is, I’d be breaking the window and getting to the child as I’m on the phone to 911.
California not only has the Good Samaritan Law, we have the Right to Rescue Act, which allows a person to break a car window in order to rescue an animal in a hot car without legal consequence.

Break the window farthest from the child and extricate them immediately. Do not hesitate or attempt to locate the irresponsible, sorry excuse for a parent. Call 911 and have Fire/Paramedics and PD respond. Anything other actions are unacceptable.

30 year Oakland Paramedic here.

Good advice and information from both of you. I have a tool in my car that can break glass and cut car seats. I hope to never have to use it for any reason.

Just a half hour ago there were two dogs barking frantically inside an SUV parked in direct sunlight in front of CVS. The windows were only open an inch or so. I was about to head inside and ask the CVS people to call for the owner over their PA. Fortunately the owner came out. I said “It’s hotter inside that car than you think”. She just ignored me.

…she needs to be locked in the SUV on a day like today to help her understand the conditions. I wouldn’t break the window to get her out though…for the dogs, Yes I would!

That’s animal cruelty.

Sad you need to inform people not to leave a child unattended in a car in this day and age. Even more sad in relation to hot days. Fortunately, this is a rare occurrence, though still more than should be.

Watch for elderly/disabled people left in the passenger seat, while their caretaker or family shop. They may not be able to get out of the hot car..

Just verify the vehicle first. If it is a Tesla check the screen to see if the owner left it in Dog mode which keeps the car air conditioned.

Outside temperature should be irrelevant in the cases of children, seniors, and the disabled.

If they’re alone, I’m taking action.

Sue me.

@American Citizen
30 years in Oakland…WOW! I bet you have seen it all. You should write a book.
Thank you for your service and dedication

The BS filter is full. I am transferring to Central CoCo County for the twilight of my career. Seems bad here too. I appreciate the kind words.

Sounds like a good way to get shot. The kind of person who would leave a child in their car on a hot day is the kind of person who will shoot you if you grab their child, even to save it.

I’d call 911 but I’m not breaking any windows unless it’s clearly a life and death situation.

@ Anon, really? How’d you figure that one out?
I’ve always figured any person who’d lock kids in the car on a hot day would be more likely to force a window smashing good Samaritan to go up in a hot air balloon and bungee jump over a patch of cactus….but never to shoot you! JMHO

1) Call the police and tell them what you are about to do,
2) Smash the window

A child in a car on a hot day is a life or death situation. You do not understand the gravity of how children cope with heat. Especially in a virtual oven. If you locked your keys in the car and it was your child, I know you’d be breaking that glass. When seconds count, the police are moments away……

I am a survivor. It was a horrible experience that has stayed with me my whole life. I am lucky to be alive. Please bash out that window. It is a sickening, helpless way to die.



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