Home » Statewide Flex Alert Issued For Thursday Evening – Residents Encouraged To Conserve Energy

Statewide Flex Alert Issued For Thursday Evening – Residents Encouraged To Conserve Energy


California’s power grid operator issued a flex alert to encourage state residents to conserve energy Thursday as temperatures on the west coast hit triple digits.

The California Independent System Operator encouraged residents across the state to reduce their energy use between 5 and 10 p.m. Thursday by setting thermostats to 78 degrees or higher, cooling rooms with fans or by closing curtains, turning off unneeded lights and avoiding using large appliances.

Officials said Wednesday that they are not currently forecasting rolling blackouts similar to the ones the state saw during heat waves last August and September.

“The current forecast for shortage is relatively modest,” said system operator CEO Elliot Mainzer during a briefing on the flex alert, adding that the alert was issued out of a “preponderance of caution.”


The Bay Area will also be under a Spare the Air Alert after the Bay Area Air Quality Management District said Wednesday that high temperatures are expected to combine with vehicle exhaust to create an excessive amount of smog.

Mainzer and other system operator officials noted that energy levels may become more stressed this summer, but the state should have ample energy for now as long as residents reduce their usage this week.

“We’re optimistic that if we just stay really focused and folks lean in with us that we can minimize the probability of rotating outages.

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will gavin be conserving too, at his mansion?


Also to conserve, no charging of electric cars.

My electric car needs a charge time.

Sure would be nice to have generating capacity now, but we have no hydro-electric capacity, no coal capacity, no nuclear capacity, and no coal fire capacity. Thanks environmental wackos

We are already having electric shortages ? What is it going to be like when we are forced into buying electric cars ? Where is the power going to come from on a hot summer day and millions of people have to plug in and charge their car so they can go to work the next day .


Some politician will say this someday about the magical origins of electricity:

“Sheesh, the wall! Everybody knows thaaat.”

Followed be nervous, inappropriate laughter.

Why the power will come from Rainbows and Unicorns of course.

They will call that a no-drive day.

I always thought a flex alert was what I issued to my wife when I was done working out.

The energy crisis in Kleptofornica shares the same cause as the water crisis. Liberalism. You can’t increase the population of a state by 20 million without building more water storage capacity and energy production capacity.

How many nuclear and natural gas fueled power plants, and hydro-electric dams have been taken off-line in the past 20 years?

Well heck, those running this state (DEMS) did away with small peaker power plants specifically built to handle high peak loads during hot weather back in 2017.

Vacuous politicians become upset when peaker plants are mentioned.
BUT, But, but, we have solar and wind turbines. Tonight, preparing dinner between 5 and 7pm, AC gets cranked up and what’s wind and solar doing ? ?

Solar production has already peaked for the day and is tapering off.
An what always happens on these really hot days, wind speeds drop often to zero.

So as you sit in your hot residence with no electricity, ya might want to reconsider and reflect what your past voting record has gotten you.
Those with a (D) after their name wrecked an electrical supply system, so they could prove and have bragging rights of how “green” they are.
Power supply problem during hot days are of their creation.

Latest fantasy is wind, solar and “batteries” for electricity storage are the answer. I’d like to hear, are politicians or a political party receiving campaign contributions from those involved in manufacture or sales of these batteries and if relatives or family members of politicians were given jobs.

Always keep this in mind,
To understand any problem in America,
Focus on who profits from the problem.
NOT who suffers from the problem.

Nice story OG never let the facts get in the way of the story.

Here is a Report from deep red Texas




lefties can’t stand being wrong, so why not posts lies from the msm claiming it is the truth

Texas appears to have their own set of unique problems.
URL is appreciated for general power generation and distribution info.
Hope your power stays on and you’re able to be cool.

My post referred to what has transpired here in CA.
DEMs whacked peaker plants before they had equivalent capacity in place, tested, functioning and available for use. Working in electrical field for many years, number of connections required for such a large number of batteries that will be needed is problematic. Then there is risk of hybrid battery cell failure causing thermal runaway and burn down, which will have to be addressed.

Unfortunately for citizens of CA DEM Fire, Ready, Aim approach in implementing their not logically thought thru as to possible consequences, happens far too often. In real world their incomplete thought processes and resultant failures would get them unemployed repeatedly.

But their “public” servants and after all, why should they care if they screw up, it’s not like it’s their money that gets wasted.

I sure hope its a windy day so all those wind turbines are producing at max capacity. At least the funny-looking solar panels on many homes in Concord will provide a little extra power to PG&E. I can always count on another tax increase for some green boondoggle project.

Whenever Gavin says something about the 5th largest economy in the world or some other non-sense while beating his chest. We should all yell, “Hey Dummy, why don’t you have enough power capacity!”

I was down in Baja (pre-pandemic) during a Cat II Hurricane and the lights didn’t so much as flicker.

We’re making sure our generator is ready to go. Doing the maintainence like changing the oil and making sure it starts. It’s important to keep our refrigerator and chest freezer going. Food is too expensive to let it spoil.


i have heard the numbers are 30+ million nationwide, so even more help if they all left, and took their anchor babies with them


If you’re not native you’re an illegal immigrant yourself! Eww

Fortunately I carry a rolled up solar panel for just such occasions.

No maniacal laughter however.

Mr. Look: I am aware of laws that the illegals violated. Could you please provide a link to the laws that you claim Mr. Trip violated? Thanks.

Climate Lockdowns Next.
You all tossed out your Freedoms so fast like a fast food wrapper that your servants have delegated themselves as your overlords and You Will Comply.

Remember, it’s all just “conspiracy theory”……Until the self appointed ‘fact checkers’ are Exposed as the nobodys that they are.

next it will be water limits


it is coming…



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